Cass's Letter

Post on 25-May-2015

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Transcript of Cass's Letter

1st Annual Time Out West Sports Pub

“Fight Against Lymphoma Cancer” Benefit

Greetings! We are proud to announce the “First Annual Time Out West Sports Pub Fight Against Lymphoma Cancer Benefit”. This event is being held to raise awareness and money for further research and to find a cure for cancer. This organized effort is being led by friends and family of John Cassidy. We ask for your support in making this inaugural event a memorable one. Our objective is easy… raise a lot of money to find a cure and aid those inflicted by cancer. The event will be held February 26, 2010. Together we can make a difference.

Do you or someone you know have cancer?

Sadly, statistics indicate you don’t have to search hard for a “yes”.

“Last October, I finally got past my stubbornness and went in to see the doctor about a growth in my neck. I was immediately sent in for a CAT scan, with needle biopsies, PET scans, and surgery to follow. Through the course of the next few weeks, the uncertainty in not knowing whether I had cancer or not was overwhelming. Not only for me but my family. I was diagnosed with Large Cell B Cell Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. I've learned a lot about cancer since my diagnosis. First and foremost, I learned this disease affects 1000s of families with no remorse. I now see first hand the effect this terrible disease has on everyone involved and the toll it takes on them both physically and mentally. I’ve gained a new found respect to those that have fought cancer. My heart goes out to those fighting and to those that will have to fight in the future.

As my battle with lymphoma continues, I truly believe this is a fight that I know I will win in time. I pull most, if not all, my strength to win from the continued love and support from my family and friends, my determination, and my faith. The support I've received from my family and friends has been a humbling experience in itself. I realize that lymphoma will now be a part of my life forever. With others continued help I would like to give the fight against cancer a different voice. I believe I owe it to myself, others battling lymphoma right now, and to all those that have fought it. I would like to play my part in being another voice in the battle against this terrible disease. The fight will be ongoing until we find the cure!” - John Cassidy

What can I do??? Help us by joining the fight against cancer now! Our goal is to have 400 people attending this special event. We are looking for individuals or companies interested in sponsoring a variety of items at the event. From sponsoring a table to taking out a small advertisement in our program to donating a special item for the auction, there is a real opportunity to make a difference. As a token of our appreciation we will be happy to add your company’s link to our website for the event and/or include your company’s information in the event program.

In closing, we would like to thank our new friends at the Alexian Brothers Foundation for all their time and support in making this event a reality. With the additional help of family, friends, fellow business owners and those with generous hearts everywhere we are confident we will make a difference in the fight against cancer. Please contact Nick Cosentino with any donations and/or items that can be donated to be part of the auction portions of the benefit. He can be reached at (630) 774-9722. May God bless all past victims, current survivors and future warriors faced with the similar path that is cancer.


Friends and family of John Cassidy and Time Out West Sports Pub

“But try if you can to support, whether it's AIDS or the cancer foundation, so that someone else might survive, might prosper, and might actually be cured of this dreaded disease.” – Jim Valvano

(For additional information, be sure to visit our website at