Case Study: WorldCom Edinburgh Switch -...

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Case Study: WorldCom Edinburgh Switch


Project: Edinburgh Switch Site

Client: WorldCom

Location: Edinburgh, UK

Value: 69,000,000 AED

Programme: November 1997 to September 1998

One of the major switch sites for WorldCom’s UK Trident Network Rollout program.

25,000sq/m of telecoms space was created in order to host both WorldCom’s and a 3rd party’s telecoms equipment.

Via a fast-track, turnkey method, all elements of the project were procured and managed from design development to client occupation of the facility.

A major emphasis was placed upon enhanced M&E services with dual redundancy on power supplies, in the form of standby generators, uninterruptable power supplies, local and central air-conditioning systems so as to ensure constant, resilient power and climate control was provided to the telecoms spaces.

Strict adherence to WorldCom’s generic specification was required so as to create ‘intelligent’, non-manned spaces where automatic monitoring of room temperature and pressure was achieved and then relayed back to WorldCom’s UK control centre via their own Network system. Extremely high

security levels were introduced so as to ensure no intrusion or interruption was allowed to the function of the building and the service provided.

The works were subject to numerous milestone inspection dates set so as to facilitate the early occupation of technical areas by the client’s telecoms operatives. This enabled the commencement of the installation of the telecoms racks and fibre routing and connection. Strict criteria had to be met for this purpose so as to achieve the dust free, climate controlled environment suitable for the safe introduction of the highly technical telecoms equipment.

High levels of power supplies were required at these early stages even though the works to the remaining parts of the building were ongoing, these power supplies had to be fully secure, tested, constant and uninterruptable.

Edinburgh Switch Site was completed with all interim Inspections (IR’s) achieved, both the client’s and third party customer spaces were available, occupied and operational as per the Trident Project roll-out program.