Case Study: Increased Canvassing E ciency...Case Study: Increased Canvassing E!ciency KEY STATS...

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Transcript of Case Study: Increased Canvassing E ciency...Case Study: Increased Canvassing E!ciency KEY STATS...

Case Study:Increased Canvassing Efficiency


50-100x more IDs/hour than phone/door

Over 50% emailopen rates

10-20% survey response rates


Cost effectiveEfficientReusable forfuture campaigns



Phone banking is getting harder.As cell phones are now omnipresent, fewer and fewer people are answering calls to their landlines.

Door knocking can be effective but takes an immense amount of time.While in-person contact can be effective, the time required to knock every door can be prohibitive for most campaigns.

Email is efficient, but most campaign emails go to SPAM. The allure of contacting hundreds or thousands of voters at once is appealing, but most campaign emails go unopened or get flagged as SPAM.

OutreachCircle’s friend-to-friend canvassing platform combines the efficiency of email with the personal touch of phone and door.OutreachCircle enables hundreds of your supporters to reach hundreds of their friends from the comfort of their home on their own schedule.

Benefits include:

• Increased turnout: 5-10 points or more• Improved productivity: 50-100x more IDs/hour• Effective outreach: 40-60% email open rates;• 10-20% survey response rates• Reduced costs: $0-0.10 per voter reached

OutreachCircle enables extremely efficient voter identification programs.As OutreachCircle relies on warm friend-to-friend outreach, recipients are more willing to open messages, complete surveys and recruit new volunteers. Well run OutreachCircle campaigns have been able to generate more than 100 IDs per hour.

OutreachCircle can dramatically improve phone banking yields.Campaigns that combine OutreachCircle with phone banking, have seen materially improved phone banking yields. By removing voters contacted through OutreachCircle from call lists, campaigns have found that the remaining voters are more likely to pick up their phones.

OutreachCircle takes a surprisingly simple concept and delivers incredibly powerful results. I will continue to happily recommend this exciting new product to my clients because I’ve seen firsthand how it can move the needle in local races. OutreachCircle worked well in tandem with traditional field strategies and played a critical role in the success of my clients.

Jeremy Hauser, TBWB Strategies