carol vernallis music video theory

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Transcript of carol vernallis music video theory

Carol vernallis mentioned that close ups are often used in music videos to draw attention to something such as an artist or object, in these two examples from rizzlekicks-Lost generation music video and katy perry’s dark horse,it is obvious that they follow this routine.

A close up of the artist shows his fatigue Close ups of the two artists to show they are the main stars.

The continuous use of close ups of katy perrys face draw attention to her beauty furthermore it shows her status as the leading artist and main character in the video as she get most time on the camera, finally the use of close ups are also necessary seeing as she is a powerful queen in the music video

During the chorus of the song lost generation the shot of the artists singing and dancing in and around the chair is continuously used combined with the breakdancing extras outdoors in a skate park, this reinforces the urban feel and texture of the song, it also targets a specific audience

During the chorus of dark horse a shot of katy perry sitting on a throne is continuously used, this may be so to convey her power and reign as a beautiful queen

The song Lost generation is about the youth being attached to their electronic devices (mobiles,computers) and social media making,them seem ‘lost’ in a world that is artificial and the invasion of privacy, so its no surprise that many obvious edits were used that include the use of technology

The song starts with the artist taking a picture of fellow artist and sharing it on social media(flash of cam is the special effect

A grey filter of a shot from above indicates CCTV of artist this implies an invasion of privacy as he is in his own home

edit which shows a youtubevideo of the artist’s reinforce the social media vibe

The artist is watching a video on his phone of people on their phone

The artists are being recorded by mobile

A crack in the screen done by the artist show frustration

The video of dark horse is mostly dominated by bright visuals that are a majority of special effects which make perry seem like a divine being with extra-ordinary powers

Perry’s victim is struck by lighting and melts into red sand

Perrys powers are conveyed by her being at the peak of a pyramid(high level=high status)

Powerful perry strikes a man with lightning perrys throne comes to life and sings

The singing begins as soon as the artist dives in slow motion onto the sofa at 00:41 seconds

The artists play fight with children in slow motion over many match cuts at 2:57

The song is concluded and bought to an end after the last chorus with a slow motion breakdance at 3:22

A jump cut is seen right at the beginning of the lost generation video as the artist opens the door to enter the house

Jump cut