Carnaval and its History

Post on 26-May-2015

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Transcript of Carnaval and its History

Major part of the Brazilian Culture, and often known as “The Biggest Party on Earth”, Carnaval has roots in the Catholicism. Some believe it started in the 12th century in Rome, marking the beginning of the period of Lent (40 days before Easter). The followers of the Roman Catholic Church would indulge in last day of dance, fun and alcohol , just before the start of the Lent.

The Italians changed the Latin name carnem-levare to Carnavale. The famous Carnavale di Venezia began in the 15th century and the festival spread to France, Spain and all the way to Brazil where is called Carnaval.

Carnaval in Brazil is a week long celebration that happen throughout the country, but every city has

its own way of celebrating it.

The major and most spectacular parades happen in Rio...