Carletonville Herald 15 Februarie 2013

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Carletonville Herald 15 Februarie 2013

Transcript of Carletonville Herald 15 Februarie 2013


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15 Februarie 2013

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Kleuters sterfna vlamme

Messrs. Aaron Fihla and Nico Those show some of the cracks in a wall in Those'shouse. These cracks have been growing worse for years without him being assisted.

Die merke van die handjies van 'n seuntjie (5) en sy sussie (2) teen die verbrande murevan hul Greenspark-huis soos wat hulle die afgelope naweek van vlamme probeer ont-snap het, ongelukkig sonder sukses. Foto: Cerise du Plooy

2 Carletonville Herald 15 Februarie 2013

Senior bestuurder:Thys FoordRedakteur:

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Lesers kon oor ‘n verskeidenheidnuusgebeure in die Carletonville He-rald van 20 jaar gelede lees.‘n Intensiewe aksie van die Suid-Afri-

kaanse Polisie en sekere eenhede vandie Suid-Afrikaanse Weermag in dieFochville-omgewing was baie geslaagden wye positiewe reaksie is ook vanplaasboere van die omgewing ontvang.Padversperrings, berede-, voet- en

voertuigpatrollies en deursoekingswas deel van die gesamentlike optredewat nog ‘n onbepaalde tyd sou duur.Volgens die skakeloffisier van die Poli-sie in die Wes-Transvaal, lt-kol. Benvan Heerden, was daar reeds 95 perse-le besoek, 518 voertuie deursoek, eenpersoon in hegtenis geneem vir handelen een vir die besit van dagga, tien ver-bode immigrante aangekeer, sewemense vir betreding en een motorbe-stuurder sonder ‘n lisensie in hegtenis

geneem.‘n Pioniersvrou van Blyvooruitzicht

wat diep spore in die gemeenskap ge-laat het, is op 80-jarige ouderdom oor-lede. Mev. Anna Rautenbach, eggenootvan een van Carletonville se voorstestadsvaders, Oom Cicero, het na ‘nkort siekbed in Pretoria gesterf.. Methaar aanvanklike aankoms op Bly-vooruitzicht het sy as vrywillger in diemyn se biblioteek gewerk.Sy is later as ontvangsdame by die

hospitaal op Blyvoor aangestel en is naagt jaar verplaas na die myn se perso-neelkantoor. Sywasookondermeer lidvan die skoolkomitee van die parallel-mediumskool op Blyvoor en het haarman tydens sy verskeie jare as raadslidvan Blyvoor en ook later as onderbur-gemeester ondersteun.‘n Veertigjare vragmotorbestuurder

het ‘n noue ontkoming gehad toe daar

drie skote vanuit ‘n motor op hom ge-vuur is. Volgens die polisie was mnr.MacksonMasihele omstreeks 04:15naPotchefstroomonderweg toe ‘n rooi To-yota Corolla skielik by die Blyvooruit-sig T-aansluiting langs hom inbeweegen op hom begin skiet het.Masihele moes alles in sy vermoë

doen om die vragmotor op die pad tehou toe eers die regter voorwiel en toedie regter voordeur getref is. Hy is egternie beseer nie en die vragmotor se vragis ook nie geroof nie.Na afloop van ‘n versoek van inwo-

ners van Wedela, het die Direkteur-Ge-neraal van die Transvaalse ProvinsialeAdministrasie ‘n administrateur vir diédorp aangewys. Mnr. Neels Möller isaangestel om die dag vir dag admini-strasie van dié dorp oor te neem in dieplek van die plaaslike dorpsraad,waarvan net drie lede steeds gewerk

het.Indien daar nie binnekort goeie reën-

neerslae sou val nie, kon boere in dieFochville en Carletonville-omgewingtotale misoeste hê.Volgens mnr. Botha Herbst, voorsit-

ter van die Transvaalse Landbou-unie(TLU) in die omgewing, was die toe-stand wel nog vloeibaar in die omge-wing. Daar was egter boere wat reedsoesskade van tussen 40 en 50 % gehadhet.Intussen het President Hyper groot-

maat-skaapvleis teen R7,99 per kg,750 ml Epic kookolie teen R2,69 en750 g Ricoffy teen R8,99 elk verkoop.

Spesiale aksie, Wedela nuut bestuur

Adele Louw

Die Carletonville-tak van die Suid-Afrikaanse Kankervereniging (Kan-sa) is reeds volstoom in die nuwejaar aan die gang.Volgens dié tak se administrateur,

me. Carin vanden Bergh, is die jaar-likse ‘Shaveathon’ waartydens inwo-ners hul hare kan laat skeer of kleurom geld vir kankerbewustheid in tesamel, weer om die draai.Aktiwiteite gaan op 1Maart met ‘n

Shaveathon by Carletonville Hoër-skool afskop.Inwoners kan ook op 2 Maart vir

Kansa se stalletjies by Pick n Pay,007 Kwik Spar en Checkers in Car-letonville. Hulle sal ook by die Presi-dentHyper in Fochville op die uitkykwees.Kansa sal ookop1 en2Maart stal-

letjies by die Randfontein Skou hê.Volgens Van den Bergh het Kansa

ook onlangs groot ondersteuningvan die publiek met ’n plakkerpro-jek op Wêreld-kankerdag op 4 Fe-bruarie gehad.“Baie dankie aan almal wat ons

ondersteun het, dis was 'n reuse-sukses,” sê Van den Bergh.Intussen is die organisasie ook

reeds hard aan die gangmet beplan-ning vir vanjaar se Relay For Life,wat op 22 Maart by Hoërskool Won-derfontein gehou word.Volgens Van den Bergh is daar

steeds baie stalletjies vir die Relaybeskikbaar.Mense wat meer inligting oor dié

besondere aksie wil hê, kan me.Zandri Schickerling by 078 4607337 of die Kansa-kantoor by 018787 4319 skakel.

Kansa volstoom aan die gang

Adele Louw

Inwoners van die De Pan-hoewes kan‘n sug van verligting slaak na die muni-sipaliteit uiteindelik begin het om hulpaaie te skraap.Volgens ‘n raadslid van die Mera-

fong-munisipaliteit wat self in dié areawoon, me. Judy Rossouw, het sy reedsin 2011 by die munisipaliteit oor dietoestand van die grondpaaie in dié areabegin kla.“Ons moet belasting aan die munisi-

paliteit betaal ondanks die feit dat onsgeen dienste van hulle ontvang nie. Indié area is die inwoners vir hul eie rioolen vullisverwydering verantwoordelik.Dit was dus net reg dat hulle tenminstedie paaie vir ons moes regmaak,” hetRossouw aan die Herald vertel.Volgens Rossouw is van die paaie in

die De Pan-area só sleg dat inwonersvierwielaangedrewe voertuie nodig hetom daarop te ry. Heelwat van die inwo-ners het egter nie geld om sulke duurvoertuie te bekostig nie. Verskeie klag-tes, asook ‘n petisiebrief wat deurmeeras 100 inwoners onderteken is, is aandie Merafong-munisipaliteit deurgegeeomhul te vra omaandie probleemaan-

dag te gee. Hoewel die munisipaliteitaanvanklik volgehou het dat die pro-vinsiale paaie-departement vir die in-standhouding van die hoewe-paaie ver-antwoordelik is, was hulle later almeerbereidwillig om te help.Volgens Rossouw was sy oorstelp

van vreugte toe sy sowat drie weke gele-de van die Merafong-munisipaliteit seSpeaker, mnr. Ramothobi Letheya, ge-hoor het dat dat die munisipaliteit weldie padsouskraap.Sover vasgestel kanword, help ‘n besigheid in die area met

sand vir die projek.“Ek wil graag namens die inwoners

die munispaliteit bedank dat hulle diepaaie regmaak,” het Rossouw gesê.

Hoewe-paaie na talle klagtes uiteindelik geskraap

Munisipale werkers was verlede Vrydagog-gend reeds hard besig om van die paaie indie De Pan-area te skraap. Die skraper wasnaby die hoek van Kort- en Clusterstraat be-drywig.

Attie Lategan1953/7/22 - 2013/2/9

So skielike weggevat, maar ons berus ons by God sebesluit. So goed het God gedink om Pa vir ons vir dietydperk te spaar, en ons dank hom vir die geleentheid

saam pa. Baie dankie vir almal se bystand, blomme, sms,en goeie woorde in die tyd, dit word opreg waardeer. Vankinders, skoonkinders, kleinkinders, familie en vriende.

In Liefdevolle Herinnering

15 Februarie 2013 Carletonville Herald 3

Cerise du Plooy

Vinger-merke teen ‘n roet-bedekdemuur, vier uitgebrande hout-stoele, ‘nuitgebrande brood en baie verwarringen aantygings.Dit is al wat oor is van ‘n gesin se huis

en bestaan in Robertsonstraat,Greenspark, nadat die gelag en gespeelvan kindertjies stil gemaak is na tweevan hulle Saterdagaand, 9 Februarie,doodgebrand het.Aantygingswordheen enweer geslin-

ger tussen ‘n man, mnr. Joseph Mar-shall, wat ook ernstig gebrand het, setwee vroue oor wie die vuur begin het.Volgens Marshall se een vrou en ma

van die kleintjies wat oorlede is, me.Given Jonah, het sy ander vrou, me.Rachel (Meitjie) Vorster, die vuur beginwat haar kinders, BafanaJamesJonah(wat op 15 Februarie ses sou word) enGena Olivia Jonah (2) se lewens geëishet.“Jy gaan sien wat gaan ek maak va-

naand.” Dit is ‘n dreigement wat Jonahsê Vorster Saterdagmiddag gemaakhet. Eers ontkenVorster dit en sê sydatsy en Jonah nooit praat nie, maar wan-neer ‘n familielid sê dat sy dit self ge-hoor het, erken Vorster dat hulle welSaterdag gestry het.Vorster het self ook drie kinders wat

saammet haar, Jonah, Marshall en dietwee oorlede kleintjies in hierdie vier-vertrek huis woon.“Die huis se deur is oopgeskop en ek

het eers die een kleintjie wat erg ge-brand en by die deur gelê het ambulanstoe gedra, en toe die ander enetjie gaanhaal,” vertel me. Eunice Madonsela, ‘nbuurvrou.“Joseph het ook erg gebrand en het

op een van die gebrande banke gesit.”Sy vertel dat, nadatMarshall ook uit-

gedra is, hulle vir Vorster, skaars tweemeter van waar die twee kleintjiesdoodgebrand het, gevind het. “Sy enhaar kinders het op die bank gesit, sywas in gewoneklere, en nie een vanhul-le het gebrand nie,” vertel Madonsela.‘n Polisiebeampte op die toneel het

aan Vorster gevra of sy nie die kinder-tjies kon hoor skree en hulle probeerred het nie, veral omdat hulle in hul ka-mer was, wat nóg nader is aan die bankwaarop sy gesit het, en glad nie deur dievlamme geskend is nie.“Mykinders het ook geskree,” is haar

enigste antwoord terwyl sy afkyk entwee kinders terselfder tyd borsvoed.“Die kleintjies was ernstig gebrand,”

vertel Madonsela hartseer.“Hulle gesiggies was onidentifiseer-

baar gebrand, en hul handjies was om-gekrul en teen hul lyfies getrek.” Sy ver-tel dat nooddienspersoneel die gesig-gies onmiddellik met verbandetoegedraai het op die toneel.Vorster se weergawe is egter anders.

Hoewel sy verskriklik sag en deurme-kaar praat, vertel sy dat Marshall selfdie vuur begin het. Haar storie komdaarop neer dat Marshall met sy broerbaklei het oor ‘n hond.Sy sê dat die twee baie kwaad was vir

mekaar, en dat hulle mekaar met on-der meer ‘n panga aangerand het. In ‘nstadium beweer sy dat haar man diehuis binnegegaan het met ‘n blik verf-verwyderaar. “Ek het hom gevra wat hydoen en of ek kan help,” vertel sy.“F*kof hier,” het hy na bewering gesê enhaar glo weggestamp. Hierdie is dieenigste tyd wat Vorster enige emosietoon en trane in haar oë het gedurende

die onderhoud.“Hy het die blik oopgekap met die

panga en die goed het ooral gespat, enso het die vuur begin,” vertel Vorster.Symaak egter geenmelding vanhoedievlamme onstaan het en wat Marshallgebruik het om dit aan die brand testeek nie.“Het jy, as ‘n ma van kinders, nie

daaraan gedink om dalk net die tweekleintjies te red nie,” vra klein Gena se

tannie, wat anoniem wou bly, vir Vor-ster. “Ek kon nie by hulle uitkom nie,”vertel sy. “Jy gaan tronk toe gaan,”drei‘n ander tannie haar.Hoewel die polisie nog nie teen druk-

tyd die ondersoek begin het nie, is daardeur die brandweer vasgestel dat daar‘nbaie sterk vermoede is dat brandstig-ting, en nie enige tegniese of elektriesefoute nie, die rede vir die ontstaan vandie vuur was.

Kleuters glo in vlammevermoortydensGreenspark-treurspel

'n Hartseer me. Given Jonah staan in die gedeelte van die huis wat gebrand het. Skaarstweemeter agter haar is die bankwaarop Vorster gevind is, sonder enige beserings of brand-wonde. Foto: Cerise du Plooy

Cerise du Plooy

Daar was die afgelope week ‘n baie in-drukwekkende teenwoordigheid vandie burgemeester en ander lede van dieANC by die huis in Greenspark waardie kinders gebrand het.Een raadslid het egter haar kommer

uitgespreek oor die polisie se optredebydie toneelwaardie tweekleintjies ge-brand het. Mnr. Joseph Marshall enme. Eunice Madonsela, ‘n buurvrou.het vertel hoe die polisiebeamptes din-ge hanteer het.“Die polisiebeamptes het nie eers uit

hul voertuig geklimnie,” sêMadonsela.“Hulle het in die voertuig gesit en dievrouens daarheen geroep.”“Die polisie was pap-dronk,” beweer

Jonah. “Hulle het ons stasie toe ge-neem, waar hulle my en Meitjie onder-vra het.” me. Given Jonah huil terwylsy vertel dat sy net na 01:00 Sondagog-gend vir die eerste keer gehoor het dathaar huis aan die brand was.“Ek het huistoe gehardloop, en ge-

vind dat my man en albei my kindersweggeneem is hospitaal toe weens hulerge brandwonde.” “Maar by die stasiehet een konstabel vinger gewys na my,en gesê ’Jy gaan tronk toe, jy het joukinders doodgemaak.’“Ek het heeltyd myself probeer ver-

duidelik aan die polisie, en gesê dat eknie naby die huis was toe dit gebeur hetnie, huil sy. “Sal ek nou my eie kindersdoodmaak?” Sy sê dat die polisiemanso erg op haar geskree het dat ‘n anderbeampte haar en Vorster kom weg-neem het.Daar was teen Maandag nog glad nie

ondersoek deur die polisie ingestel of‘n ondersoekbeampte aangestel nie.Aantygings oor lede van die stasie watonder die invloedwas, is onder die aan-dag van kol. Hennie Maas, stasiekom-missaris van die Fochville SAPD, ge-

bring. “Mense met sulke klagtes moetverklarings gee, sodat ekdit kanonder-soek,” vertelMaass.Hyhet ook gesêdathy verklarings sou laat kry by Jonah enander wat ongelukkig was, en dit salondersoek.Die beweede swak dienslewering van

die staat het egter nie daar geëindig nie.‘n Baie ontstoke personeellid van die

Carletonville-hospitaal, wat anoniemwou bly, het met die Herald gedeel oordie absolute trauma waardeur hy en sykollegas die 15 ure was voor die tweedekind gesterf het. Die verpleër het verteldat die kinders en hul pa 02:20 by diehospitaal aangebring is deur FochvilleNooddienste. “Daar was volgens hullegeen ALS (Advanced Life Support) pa-ramedikus aan diens nie, en daarom isdie pasiënte na ons hospitaal, wat nienamensemet vyftig persent brandwon-de se behoeftes kan omsien nie, ge-bring,” sê hy.Sou daar ‘n ALS aan diens gewees

het, sou altwee kleuters heel moontlikonmiddellik van Greenspark af na ‘ngroter, meer toegeruste hospitaal ge-neem gewees het.“Ons het onmiddellik begin rondbel

vir plek by ander hospitale en vir ‘n am-bulans om die kleintjies dringend oorte plaas,” vertel hy. “Johannesburg Ge-neral was so goed gewees, en het onsteruggebel met bed-nommers vir dietwee kindertjies en hul pa.“Die pa was nie so ernstig gebrand

nie, en kon daarom oorgeplaas word in‘n normale ambulans”, sê hy. Die am-bulans wat vir Marshall gaan haal het,het 10:00 opgedaag en hy is daar weg-gevat.“Ons het aanhoudend gesmeek vir

ambulanse,” sê die verpleër, “Maar dieMetro-kontrolekamer, waarvandaandie ambulanse gestuurword, het dood-eenvoudig net gesê dat daar nie ambu-lanse is nie.”

“Van ons personeellede het selfs virmnr. Dominic Shabangu, hoof van dieGauteng Nooddienste, gekontak om ‘nambulans te reël,maar ons is net verteldat daar nie ‘n P1 (Prioriteit 1) ambu-lans bekikbaar isnie. Sowat 13 urelater is die eerstekleintjie aan haarwonde oorlede.Teen daardie tydhet daar steedsnie ‘n ambulansgekom nie. Netnadat die tweedekleintjie 15 ure la-ter dood is, hetdaar ‘n ambulansgestop, maar toewas dit te laat.“Dit was vir ons

baie erg, selfs vanons groot manne,het gehuil,” vertelhy. “Ons moesstaan en kyk hoegaan hulle doodvoor ons.”Mnr. Dominic

Shabangu is ge-kontak vir kom-mentaar, maarhet die Herald nadie kommunika-sie-afdeling ver-wys.Dit blyk egter

dat die grootstefout by die Metrokontrole-kamerin Midrand gelêhet, maar nikskon teen druktydvasgestel wordnie.Daar sal beslis

opgevolg word, en

antwoorde vereis word oor hoekomdiekinders steeds, 13 en 15 ure nadat hul-le gebrand het, nie na ‘n hospitaal metbeter brand-fasiliteite, oorgeplaas isnie.

Beweerde swak diens van staatsdepartemente

4 Carletonville Herald 15 Februarie 2013

FOCHVILLE VERVOEROns vervoer alle vragte.Meubels – Toe TrokAllerlei – 8 Ton TrokGratis Kwotasie

Johan Sel: 073-755-4001Thinus Sel: 082-879-5439

Adele Louw

People staying in the area of Hlangana-ni Primary School in Khutsong heaveda sigh of relief as the municipality hasdecided to fix a pipeline across fromthe school that has led to various pro-blems.The Herald reported in 2011 that re-

sidents of Khutsong Extension 3, whe-re the school is situated, started noti-cing sewage leaking from various man-holes on the sewerage pipeline situatedacross from the school. As far as couldbe determined, the pipeline was onlybuilt the year before and it was suspec-ted that the problems stemmed frompossible problems with the previouswork done at the site.Except for the leaks, the ground on

top of the pipeline started to sag in anda large sinkhole formed at one of themanholes situated only meters fromthe school’s main gate.When the sinkhole first started ca-

ving in, pupils and children from thearea did not realise the danger andtried to play in it. The hole was only clo-sed by the municipality later the yearbut continued to be a problem as thebarrier tape around the hole was conti-nually being removed.The Herald recently heard that the

municipality had attracted a new con-tractor to fix the problems. When thenewspaper visited the site last weekFriday, the building site was cordoned

off and workers with heavy machinerywas already busy digging up the pipeli-ne.“The contractor is replacing the pipe-

line to correct diameter and gradienterrors,” themunicipality’s spokesmantold the newspaper on Tuesday after-noon.“The pipeline became solidly bloc-

ked late last year. Specialised highpressure jetting equipment wasbrought in but the blockage could notbe opened. Upon investigation it trans-pired that the uPVC sewer piping origi-nally specified was replaced with conti-nuously welded HDPE piping (HDPE isthe accepted norm for dolomitic condi-tions) of the same diameter.“Due to the much thicker wall thic-

kness of the HDPE piping, the nominalinternal diameter became reduced lea-ving the minimum design gradient pa-rameters inadvertently compromised.The area is a dolomitic area and due

to its sensitivity and the continuous se-werage overflow in the area the situati-on was an emergency and the contrac-tor was appointed through a shortenedprocurement process as provided forin governing procurement legislation.It is planned that the work will be com-pleted towards mid-March,” says thespokesman.Readers can also view the video of the

workers busy at the site at the Carle-tonville Herald’s website at

Newcontractors dig upproblempipes

Children can now safely walk past Hlanganani Primary School in Khutsong as a problempipeline that has led to sinkholes is now being repaired.

jou mening/your opinion 45517 SMS’e kos R1,50SMSAan die Smurfies,pasop diewrongtur-ner wag vir jou. Jy kan my nie sien nie,maar ek sien jou, ek staan agter dieboom.

Sandra, ek wens jou ‘n lekker dag toevandag. Love you for ever. Van jougrootste bewonderaar.

Bekommerde inwoner van Welver-diend, wat die ergste is, die stoptekenis reg voor die polisiestasie. Hulle wilen sal nooit niks doen nie my vriend,en die Verkeersafdeling, ag shame, jylaat my lag!

Regstelling! Mnr. Mcleod, my seunhet ‘n hele rugbyseisoen ge”bench”omdat hy sy atletiekseisoen voltooihet! Judi Kotze. verbruikersheld ek hetklagtes op die web aangemeld en dissuksesvol afgehandel, doen dit gerusdalk werk dit ook vir julle, groete v w.

Ek kan nie verstaan dat almal kla oorkrag wat so duur is nie en nog ver-hoog gaan word maar met die buite-ligte wat so heeldag brand, lyk asofhulle krag verniet kry.

Karel, baie dankie vir jou liefde en by-stand, ek waardeer dit opreg en ek isen sal altyd lief wees vir jou. Liefde Ni-colene.

As die hele storie die waarheid was,sou ons saamgestem het. Die heledam is onder die eend se gat uit ge-

ruk. Vind eers die waarheid uit vooraantygings gemaak word.

Snaaks,onderwysers het altyd tyd omte skryf “huiswerk nie gedoen nie”maar nooit tyd om “mooi” te skryf nie.

Hoop die man wat sy worshond skopse voet val af.Worshonde iswonderli-ke sensitiewe troeteldiere. Ons dorpis vol verwaarloosde diere, my hartwil breek.

To all the staff at Mr Price Clothing...You are all amazing, friendly and help-ful an absolute pleasure to shop there!Lesley.

As jy klere wil skenk aan enige wel-synorganisasie, baiedankiemaar asbkyk of dit skoon en heel is, ons is noumoeg om jou kinders se papklere ofbloedbevlekte klere te was. Ons isarmmaar probeer nogtans onsmens-waardigheid behou. Hoekom moetons kinders stukkende klere dra asjoukinders dit nie sal dranie dankie.M.

The young girl that came racing pastme on her scooter in Kaolin Str onWedwith a little boy about 5 years old withno helmet! You are stupid and very ir-responsible! Accidents happen soquick.How will you feel if he suffers brain da-mage or even death due to your stupidi-ty?I wanted to give you a piece of my mind

but couldn’t catch up to you and I wasdriving a bakkie! I’m watching you! Les

Tony Engelbregt, baie geluk met jouverjaardag op die 9de, mag jy ‘n ge-sondegelukkige jaarhêenvoorspoedou maat, dit kom van al die mensevan Eureka Park en sê nogmaals,dankbaar om vriende soos jy en Ma-riaan te hê.

Aan D. Happy V-day.Jy moet ‘n lekkedag hê. Van jou bewonderaar.

Vrouens soos jy skep die presedentdat sulke dade aanvaarbaar is. Ekskaammy vir jou. Hoeveel keer wil jynou nog ‘n ‘slagoffer’ wees.Wordwakker.Wanneer die haas weeruit die hoeduit spring, gaanniemandjou jammer kry nie. Ek stem saam, jygaan nooit leer nie.

Hi, ek soek Gert Labuschagne, hy hetin Blyvoor gebly en by die poskantoorgewerk en toe na die myn toe. BroersNols, Bennie en suster Annetjie, sussieen Meisie en Skalk. Hier is my nr 072519 0283. Lisa dankie.

Inwoner vanWatersEdge.Dankie disgaaf om te weet daar is iemand watheeldag in die straat is en tel hoeveelkeer op ‘ndagmenseverby jou ry.On-gelukkig kan ek niks aan die hoeveel-heid doen nie. Dalk moet jy in jouhuis bly dan sal dit jou minder irri-teer.Met diemaniak-gedeelte kan ekhelp.Probleem aangespreek.

Ons vra die inwoners van Eerstestraatom asb. iets te doen aan die onophou-delike getjank van julle honde wat jullein die motorhuis toemaak as julle niedaar is nie, en dis omtrent elke dag.Dit grens aan erge rusversteuring. Asjulle nie iets doen, sal iemand anders.Bure.

Ekwil net graag diemanen sydogter-tjie bedank wat my gehelp het toe ekvoor SASSA kantore van die trappeafgeval het. Ek waardeer jul hulp envriendelikheid.

Ekhet ‘n kind! Ek is baie lief vir hierdiekind! Omdat die kind verkeerde be-sluite geneem het, het die kind baiedeurgemaak en baie verloor! Dit isnooit te laat om die Here te vind in joulewe nie! My kind! Dit is net Hy wat joukan help. Ek bid baie vir jou! Beweegaan met jou lewe ek pleit by jou! Doendit vandag! more mag te laat wees!Daar is vir ons almal ‘n plekkie in dieson.Moetmynie verstoot, dat dinge nieuitgewerk het vir jou my kind. Ek isdaar vir jou. Die keuse is joune, hart-seer ouer.

Thank you Dr Jeremiah at C/ville cli-nic for your kindness shown to meOuma.

Wil net President Hyper bedank vir wathulle vir Losberg-naskoolsentrum ge-doen het, ons waardeer dit opreg. Julleis tops. Van Annetjie, die naskoolper-soneel en al die kinders.

15 Februarie 2013 Carletonville Herald 5

Carlos Rebelo, DA kandidaat in die Munisipale Tussen-verkiesing in Merafong, Wyk 28, op 6 Maart 2013,saam met DA Koukusleier in Merafong, Johan Jooste, tydens ‘n buurt inspeksie

Tussenverkiesing in Wyk 28 Merafong

Op 6 Maart 2013 vind ‘n tussenverkiesing plaas in wyk 28 (Uitbreidings 8 & 9 Carle-tonville) van die Merafong Stadsraad. Mev. Val Janse van Vuuren het onlangs bedankas munisipale raadslid in Wyk 28 na bykans 8 jaar diens as DA raadslid en Mnr CarlosRebelo is die DA kandidaat in die wyk.Kiesers sal op stemdag vanaf 07:00 tot 21:00 kan stem by twee stemlokale, HoërskoolWonderfontein en Laerskool Jongspan, na gelang van by welke lokaal kiesers geregis-treer is.Tydens ‘n vergadering aan huis van Rebelo op 6 Februarie 2013 het Menere Niekie vanden Berg (DA Parlementslid vir Merafong) en Roy Harris (Voorsitter van die WesrandseDA) Janse van Vuuren lof toegeswaai vir haar onbaatsugtige diens in wyk 28 waar sydiep in kiesers se harte ingekruip het.Van den Berg het gewys op landwye swak dienslewering deur die regerende ANC enbeklemtoon dat dit gebolwerk kan word slegs deur kiesers wat registreer en stem. Ombloot buite stemming te bly is gewoon nie meer ‘n opsie in ons land nie.Die DA is, o.a., besorg oor die hoë werkloosheidsyfer en dit terwyl die ANC voete sleepmet in werking stelling van die voorgestelde jeugloonsubsidieskema bloot omdat Cosatudit nie ondersteun nie .Van den Berg het beklemtoon dat DA raadslede in Merafong hul bes doen om diens-lewering te verbeter maar dat die kieser en raadslid eintlik vennote is : Die kieser sebydrae is om te registreer en te stem ! Dit gaan oor die meerderheid stemme in die wyken die DA se visie om Gauteng in 2014 te verower en Van den Berg het mense aangemo-edig om hul kruisie agter die naam van die DA se Rebelo te trek en terselfdertyd die jeugversoek om betrokke te raak – hulle is immers ons en ons land se toekoms.Mev. Annett Ackerman, DA veldtogbestuurder vir die verkiesing in wyk 28, het teen-woordiges aangepor om die DA se naam ook op Facebook uit te dra. Die DA mobiliseervir 6 Maart 2013 en vrywilligers, veral op stemdag, is uiters welkom om betrokke teraak.Roy Harris het ook die jeug uitgenooi om by die DA aan te sluit, die Grondwet toe-nemend te gebruik om mense- en moedertaalregte af te dwing. Die jeug kan ‘n nuwedimensie by die politiek voeg en Gauteng ook help om die Weskaap pad te loop.Rebelo, die DA kandidaat in wyk 28, het hom verbind tot dienslewering aan die wyk.Hy woon self in die wyk en ervaar die probleme in die wyk eerstehands. Swak vullis-verwydering (sekere erwe is te groot om met slegs een vullishouer oor die weg te kom),slaggate in die pad, straatligte wat buite werking is, inwoners wat vullis langs strate stort,swak watertoevoer en -druk, kragonderbrekings, ongemerkte spoedbulte wat oornagverskyn en talle ander diensgebreke.Mnr Johan Jooste, DA koukusleier in Merafong en Onder-Voorsitter van die WesrandseDA, het Rebelo se kandidatuur onderskryf en die vergadering verdaag met ‘n versoekdat die DA op 6 Maart 2013 spiere sal bult!

geskryf Deur gerHarD ToXoPeus

Cerise du Plooy

Daar is die afgelope ruk weer ‘n toena-me van huisrowe in Merafong.

VerledeweekhetdieHeraldberig oortwee bejaarde vroue wat in hul huise inWelverdiend en Carletonville aange-rand is. Hoewel polisie nog nie veel in-ligting van die vroue kon kry nie, moe-dig adjudant-offissiere SoonTheron enJenny Muller van die Carletonville

SAPD,mense steeds aan omdie polisiete skakel indien hulle enige inligtingoor die voorvalle het. Bulle kanTheronby 082 854 1017 en Muller by 082 4531262 skakel.

Intussen het daar ook oor die na-week ‘n huisroof in Fochville plaasge-vind. “Mense moet ten alle tye deure enhekke gesluit hou,” vertel konst. ElsieTshonte, woordvoerder van Fochvillese SAPD.

‘Hou hekke en deure gesluit’

This little boy, Te-bogo Nzimande,went missingfrom his parents'home in StationStreet last year.Still, there is notrace of him.Anyone with in-formation withregards to thischild's wherea-bouts must con-tactWarrantOffi-cer Morgan Teny-ane at 082 8507941

Cerise du Plooy

A toddler lost his life on the Welver-diend Road recently.

It is alleged that the little boy (5) wascrossing the Welverdiend Road (R559)where it passes the new Extension 5 ofKhutsong on 3 February.

He was crossing the road, holdingthe one hand of his 10 year-old sibling,while a three year-old was holding the10 year-old’s other hand.

“It is alleged that the children werebuying sweets from a stall across theroad,” said Sgt. Busi Menoe, spokes-

person of the Carletonville SAPS.While crossing the road back to the

other side, the little boy let go of the 10year-old’s hand, and ran in front of anoncoming vehicle, a Toyota Corolla.

“The driver of the vehicle was verytraumatised, as the little boy died onimpact,” Menoe said.

Members of the community, whosaw the deceased little boy’s body, ga-thered at the scene, and at some stage

thewomanhad to leave, as the commu-nity wanted to turn on her for allegedlykilling their child.

This road has been a problem sincethe developing of the new Extension 5,and the Herald has written various re-ports about it, and specifically aboutthe problems regarding the crossing ofthe road, especially by small children.

According to the MerafongMunici-pality, all changes to the road howeverneed to be done by the Gauteng RoadsDepartment.

Compensation has, however, beenmade by Merafong in the form of a pe-

destrian bridge to be erected over theroad, thus preventing people fromwal-king over the road in front of vehiclestravelling at quite a speed.

According to the Spokesman of Me-rafongMunicipality, thedesign and ten-der processes of Merafong City LocalMunicipality to complete a pedestrianbridge were completed in October2012. “A letter of appointment was is-sued to the contractor on 27 November

2012, a site handover was completedon 11 December 2012 and constructi-on is expected to commence shortly,”Spies said.

The construction period for the pe-destrian bridge is estimated at 68weeks or in other words a period justlonger than a year.

He confirms that the road betweenCarletonville andWelverdiend is a Pro-vincial road. “Themunicipality cannottake any action regarding alterations tothis road on its own,” he explains. “Theprovincewill do a full traffic survey anddetermine what action should be takenon this road.” He says that the munici-pality requested the province to takeaction and an in-loco inspection was

done.“TheMerafong Public Safety officers

are dispersed to this area to controltraffic during peak hours every weekday,” he added. “Despite the restricti-ons Merafong Public Safety installed10 pedestrian ahead signs to serve astraffic calming measures at the mainareaswhere people cross the road,” thespokesman said.

“Mothers must start supervisingand stop leaving their children to wan-der off with other children,” Menoewarned. “Children are the responsibi-lity of their parents who should knowwhere they are at all times.”

A case of culpable homicide hasbeen openedby theCarletonville SAPS.

Toddler killed by car onWelverdiend road

Children cross the road in this same manner, risking their lives every day. Foto: Adele Louw


6 Carletonville Herald 15 Februarie 2013

Valerie Jansen van Vuuren skryf:

To all the voters in Ward 28 I have resigned as award councillor.My thanks to all of the wonderful people out therewho voted me in. It was never my intention to leave,

but the past year has been a very difficult one, closingthe shop Antonica Foto’s and losing our son Jason sotragically. I did consider staying on but after December2012decided that formyself andmyhusband, resigningwas the only option.My maatjies in Wyk 28, julle liefde en ondersteuning

het so baie vir onsbeteken. JohanJooste, dankie viral jou hulp en on-dersteuning deurhierdie jaar. Lau-ra, Kate, Petrus,Vusi, Philomonen Thomas, “goget them”. BlackieenAlme,mag julleliefde groei, diebystand van julletwee word baiewaardeur.Roy and Shan-

non, thanks forall you did for me,Paul and I greatlyappreciate yourcaring at a verydifficult time inour lives.I am appealing

to all voters inWard 28, CarlosRebelo is the newcandidate. I wor-ked hard for youand I know he willdo the same.

Former councillor says goodbye

Die afgelope naweek, terwyl baie kinders rus-tig saam met hul gesinne van die skoolweekontspan het, is twee kleuters op ‘n grusamewyse in hul huis dood.Die kleingoed, wat onderskeidelik twee en

vyf jaar oud was, is dood na die huis waarinhulle was op een of ander wyse aan die brandgeraak het,Misdade soos dié vul ander inwoners met

afgryse. Baie mense wonder wat in iemandwat so-iets doen, se kop aangaan.Die ongelukkige feit is dat ons nie almal die-

selfde is nie. Hoewel die meestemense wat saldoen om hul kinders te beskerm en hul helelewe rondom die toekoms van hul kindersbou, is daar ander vir wie ‘n kleuter se lewenie veel beteken nie.Dit beteken dat hulp van vreemdes dikwels

die redding is vir kleingoed wie se naasbe-staandes nie behoorlik na hul omsien nie.‘n Mens sien dikwels klein kindertjies op

hul eie in strate ronddrentel. Intussen hoormens al meer in die nuus watter gruwelikemisdade teen kinders gepleeg word. Hoewelinmenging van ander besorgde volwassenes telaat is om nou iets aan lot van die kinders watdie afgelope naweek in Greens-park dood is,te doen, kan groter besorgdheid en bewust-heid dalk ander kinders se lewens red.Alle kinders, maak nie saak waar hul van-

daan komnie, is weerloos en behoort deur diehele gemeenskap beskerm te word. Dit is ookdie gemeenskap se plig om, indien hulle werk-lik oor die toekoms van ons kinders bekom-merd is, ‘n stadpunt oormisdade teenkindersin te neem.Die feit dat die polisie glo twee dae na die

kinders die afgelope naweek dood is nog niebegin het om die saak te ondersoek nie, be-hoort ook almal dwars in die krop te steek.

Kinders ons almal s’n

Daphne van Heerden

The Holy Spirit labours ceas-elessly to establish intimacy be-tween ourselves and the LordJesus.Someone once said that inti-

macy means “into-me-see.” Inti-macymeans secrets shared. TheFather sees us in secret and esta-blishes within us the “secret pla-ce of [His] presence” (Ps. 31:20),where those who fear Him canalways find Him (Ps. 27:5).The mystery that had been

hidden has now been revealed tous. It is this: The one who is thevisible image of the invisibleGod, in whom all the fullness ofthe Godhead dwells, in whometernity lives and breathes, theone who rose from the dead,Creator, Saviour, Redeemer,who holds all creation together

in Himself, the Head over all au-thority, the one who holds thefirst place in all things, the Sonof the Father’s love … who is vic-torious, radiant, magnificent,mighty and matchless …Has chosen to place all of His

fullness inside of us. He lives inus!That is why I can personally

say that His glory far outweighsour suffering. In our sufferingswe die to ourselves and we cometo a transparent place where Hecan reveal to us all He is in us.He said of His suffering anddeath not that He will be cruci-fied, but that He will be glorified.Christ in us is this hope of glo-

ry! Christ is our life.We are invited to share life

with Him. He is all-sufficient. Hewill break every chain that keepsus from intimacy. He triumphs

over death. When we sink our-selves deep into Him and startwalking with Him, seekHim andchase after wisdom and truth,we will find it and we wil findstrength and love.Walking with Him means res-

ponding to Him and it meansturning adeaf ear to all the philo-sophies of the world, a distracti-on to hearing Him. Christ is ourrest, our fulfilment, everythingelse is a shadow to this reality.All of His fullness in us …He crucified the Law, He also

crucifieduswho cannot keep thelaw. In Him I am complete. Hedesires to bepresent in our lives,in all we do.His very presence in us can-

cels what waswritten against us.Jesus Christ is all we now need,He died to the law and was rai-sed as a living person and came

to live in us byHis Spirit. Hefills our emptiness now, forever.Pray: Lord Jesus, in the dee-

pest way possible I desire toknow You, even at the depth thatYou have known me.Fill my emptiness with Your

presence and my darkness withYour light. Draw me into mo-ment by moment intimacy withYou …Do you experience Him as

stunning, amazing, limitless,glorious – triumphant andmatchless?We are invited to share this life

with our Maker. We have beenmade utterly full and completein Him. He is enough.The wonder is that He is in us

and we are in Him. Respond toHim and let His intimate Presen-ce increasingly fill you.

His presence fills our emptiness

Wysneus hoor inwoners van Southstraat in Carle-tonville het onlangs ‘n paar harige vriendjies byge-kry.Mense wat in dié omgewing woon, vertel vir Wys-

neus dat probleme met munisipale vullisverwyde-ring tot almeer kopsere lei. Blykbaar hetmunisipa-le werkers iewers in die oujaar besluit dat hulle vir'n week of wat nie vullis in dié area gaan verwydernie.Van die inwoners, wat om een of ander rede ge-

dink het dis te veel moeite om self hul rommel nadie vullisgate te ry, het dit natuurlik netso op diesypaadjie gegooi. Hoewel diemunisipalemanne toelater weer begin werk het, is daar nie ‘n manier wathulle hul hande sal bemors om die sakke vullis opte tel nie.MetWysneus se kollega se besoek aan die betrok-

ke sypaadjie was van die sakke al so verslete datdit vir alle praktiese redes begin disintegreer het.Die groot probleem, se besorgde inwoners, is eg-

ter dat die gemors groot rotte na die area begin lokhet.Dié knaagdiere word blykbaar ook al meer ge-

reeld in dele van die dorp waar rommel gestrooiword, gesien. ‘n Inwoner het selfs vertel dat sy verle-de week ‘n lekker grote naby Carleton Jones hoër-skool doodgery het. Indien dinge so voortgaan,gaan die DBVbinnekort hul hande volhê omdie on-welkome ‘troeteldiere’

aan te keer. Op ‘n ern-stiger noot wens Wys-neus die munisipalemanne en vroue moetdalk vir ’n geskiedenisles of twee gaan om te kykwatter skade dié knaagdiere en die siektes wat huloordra al aan die mensdom aangerig het.

Hoewel sommige dinge met die geskie-denis verband hou, is die moderne tegno-logie ook met ons.Wysneus hoor by van sy kollegas dat in-

woners van die omgewing al meer van so-siale media soos Facebook en Twitter ge-bruik maak om hul misnoë met diensle-wering te kenne te gee.Blykbaar het ‘n wakker Twitter-man van

Fochville die afgelope week munisipaleverkeerslui op heterdaad betrap dat hulle dubbelparkeer het om gou ‘n wegneemete te gaan koop.Hy het die foto op die sosiale netwerk geplaas viralmal om te sien en kommentaar te lewer.Hoewel slimmighede soos Facebook en Twitter

wel vir talle inwoners redelik nuut is, het dit egterreeds hul plek in die geskiedenis verwerf as diemiddele waarmee verskeie regerings sowat ‘n jaargelede in van die Arabiese lande tot ‘n val gebringis. Wysneus hoop ons munisipaliteit neem kennisdat ongelukkige inwoners nou nie meer tot by hulvriende moet ry om hul klagtes te deel nie.

Onwelkome besoekers

Die gemors in Southsttraatwat volgens inwoners aakli-ge knaagdiere na die sy-paadjie lok.

H. Marais

Graag reageer ek, Hein Marais van Fochville, op brav.d Berg van “sê niemand en niks faam” se brief.Siestog, dat ‘nmens nou so ‘n krater van jouself kan

maak deur absoluut oningelig te reageer op die taal-problem in Fochville se skole.Duidelik het jy die klokkie net êrens hoor lui. Die

rede hiervoor is natuurlik die “ou broers” en onder-steuningsgroepies wat jou net die helfte van die waar-heid vertel het wat werklik in Fochville skole aan diegang is.Vanaf 2000 poog die “ou broers” om Laerskool Los-

berg toe te maak, maar het tot dusver misluk. Godslaap nie.Vanhierdie slim “broers”wou gehadhet dat die twee

skole moes saamsmelt. Wat hierdie selfsugtige mensebesef, maar dit skeel hul min, is dat sou dit gebeurhet, Laerskool Losberg se leerlinge nie almal na dieander skool kon gaan nie a.g.v. ruimte.Van die onderwysers en personeel sou hulle werk

verloor het. Die oortollige kinders sou dan ten duurstena buurskole moes gaan.Van hierdie agterbakse onderhandelaars, met hulle

vroom gesigte, sit Sondae voor in NG Noord, NG Los-berg en ander kerke, maar in die week is hulle methulle plannetjies besig. Skande!Ek het wel, soos voorheen berig, met een van die

predikante gaan gesels dat hy met sy gemeenteledemoet praat, maar sonder sukses. Die predikante sit

ook maar lekker in gemaksones en het nie ‘n idée watwerklik in die lewe aangaan nie.Niekie, kry vir ons een aand jou informante op ‘n

openbare verhoog, sodat die gemeenskap hulle kansien en ons met hulle kan beraadslaag. Dan kan ekjou sommer vertel van die regte “politiek”, snobisme,valsheid, en agterbaksheid in hierdie klein dorpie vanons. Kom ons praat dan oor die sogenaamde hoog-moedige en vals Christene in Fochville wat gate vir hulmedemens grawe. Van hulle is ook verhewe bo ander.Vincent de Paul het die volgende gesê: “Die rede waar-omGod so ‘n groot liefde vir nederigheid het, is omdatHy diewaarheid liefhet. Nederigheid is inderdaadniksanders as die waarheid nie, terwyl hoogmoed niks an-ders as leuens is nie.”Ten laaste laat jy my dink aan die twee snotneus,

nat agter die ore laaities in die politiek, naamlik RoelfMeyer en Leon Wessels, wat ons eertydse selfaange-stelde SP FW de Klerk, aangestel het om ‘n grondwette beding. Hulle het ook êrens ‘n klokkie hoor lui. Dathulle goed gekwalifiseer is, is al wat mens goed oorhulle kan sê.Nou ja, Annette Ackerman en Jooste, geniet julle sa-

larisse per maand. Annette, wanneer doen jy jou “par-ty”, Jooste en Niekie iets in Fochville vir arm blankes?Niekie, jy verdien seker heelwat meer as Annette enJooste? Kom wys ons!Mybra, joudemokratiese partytjie; almalwat “ja”ge-

stem het; al die ou skynheilige broers en die hele nuweSA stink op ys.

Oningeligte Niekie van ‘Sê niemand en niks faam’

Lesers sê hul sê Readers have their say

Nog briewe op bladsy 8 te sien.

15 Februarie 2013 Carletonville Herald 7

Adele Louw

A group of neighbours in Khutsong areliving in fear because their houses arecracking, suspectedly as a result ofground movement.

When the Herald visited the house ofMr Nico Those in Khutsong’s Rest inPeace area on 1 February, he made itclear that he was currently not feelingsafe in the house.

He explained that large cracks hadstarted to develop in the walls of thehouse in 2007.

“We first noti-ced it on the out-side of the house.It later started toget worse until adeep crack wasrunning throughour floor,” Thosetold the Herald.

He also indica-ted that two otherhouses in theblock, includingthat of hisneighbours, crac-ked to such an ex-tent that they hadto be demolishedand the owners gi-ven emergencyshelter.

At the time, mu-nicipal disastermanagement offi-cials visited himand his late mo-ther to look into the problem and, ac-cording to Those, promised to returnwith feedback.

“They never came back and until to-day I am not sure whether the house

is safe or not,” Those told the Herald.He is very concerned, as the house

has been cracking the time of the offici-als’ last inspection.

When the Herald visited his house,cracks so large that it can swallow agrown man’s hand could be seen in se-veral of the rooms in his house as wellas his kitchen floor.

“I cannot even paint the walls becau-se the ceiling has shifted. I don’t under-stand why no-one is coming back tome. I do not have somewhere else to goif this house should fall down,” Those

said.In the meanti-

me, just acrossthe street fromThose, Ms Wilhe-mina Malefo andher family are alsotrying to keeptheir house in onepiece.

Although not aswide as those inThose’s house,deep cracks couldalso be seen inthis family’s neathome.

The walls of thebedroom, sittingroom, toilet andcorridor werecracked andcracks could alsobe seen in thefloor of the mainbedroom.

“I do not know when last I could openmy bedroom’s window,” Malefo said,and added that most of the house’sother windows are also stuck in theirframes as they have been pulled skew

because of the moving walls.The Malefo family also fear that they

would not be able to get out of the houseif a fire breaks out.

Both Malefo and Those said that thecracks in their houses usually becomeworse after it had rained.

As far as the Herald could determine,another house in the same area was al-so cracking.

Although the newspaper contactedthe Merafong City Local Municipalityabout the problems, the municipalspokesman said that that it is not res-ponsible for disaster management any-more as the West Rand District Munici-pality has taken over this function.

When the Herald contacted the dis-trict municipality’s Disaster Manage-ment and Community Safety Manager,Mr Peter Mokoto, he said that a local

disaster management official would besent to the houses as soon as possible.

He also told the Herald that 100 vo-lunteers from the community were trai-ned last year to assist with disaster ma-nagement in the area.

People with ground stability pro-blems, can get in contact with these vo-lunteers through their ward commit-tees or ward councillors, who will inturn contact disaster management offi-cials if they become aware of such pro-blems.

Although this will take longer, peoplecan also call 107 from public phonesor 011 951 3000 from cellphones to re-port such matters. These calls, howe-ver, are first relayed through a call cen-tre in Cape Town and could take sever-al days before reaching local disastermanagement officials.

Mr Aaron Fihla showing some of the cracks in the wall of his friend, Mr Those's, livingroom wall.

Messrs.NicoThose andAaronFihla showingthe cracks in one of the rooms.

8 Carletonville Herald 15 Februarie 2013

about the problem.“We are afraid that the granny, or

even children trying to pass by in thestreet, might fall down and get injuredin the dammed-up water,’ says Tshaka.She added that the onlyway bywhich

Dlamini can escape from her floodedyard is by climbing over the fence bet-ween her yard and that of the Tshakafamily.According to residents of the area the

storm water drainage pipe in front ofDlamini’s house has been blocked foryears. Except for flooding her house,the large amount of water that dams upbecause of this also makes it impossi-ble for pedestrians and sometimes

even vehicles topass in the streetafter her house af-ter it rained.

‘Problem neverreported,’ saysmunicipality“No official re-

port of this pro-blemwas receivedby the Roads andStormwater Sec-tion,” the munici-pality’s spokes-man told the He-rald this weekafter questionswere sent to themunicipalityabout the pro-blem.“It is therefore

not certain whereMs Dlamini re-

ported the problem. The stormwatersystem inKhutsonghas a large numberof blockages all over the area. This ispartly due to the fact that the systemitself is inadequately designed in someareas, but also due to the fact that someroad surfaces in the area are still graveland further due to the fact that resi-dents throw or dump solid objects intothe stormwater system.“To address this problem an evalua-

tion of the stormwater system was do-ne and the high problemareaswere ad-ded to a project list, currently in theprocess of being addressed. Whereproblems are reported it gets added tothe said running project, mentioned

above, in order toaddress theseproblems. Themunicipality is al-so in the processof procuring theservices of a spe-cialised companyto bring in machi-nery to expeditethe project. Thisis only one of anumber of instan-

The area in front of Ms Amelia Dlamini's house was still a mudbath when the Herald visitedthe scene even though it last rained two days before.

H. Snyman:

I was at Carletonville hospital andwould like to complain about the treat-ment I received on several occasions.From the ‘help desk’ they wwill not

let you get your file to see the doctor.You first have to go to the clinic to geta reference letter.There you have to sit and wait the

whole day for the letter. Only then canyou go back to the hospital to see a doc-tor, but the next day.You go to the hospital and even if you

got to Casualty the same applies.Why do you visit the doctor in the

first place? Obviously you are not fee-lingwell. Just remember, not everyonehas transport, in other words you haveto walk back and forth for two days.Why do they have to have ±6 nurses

where you have to take your bloodpressure?They just stand around, theydon’t even help people in wheel chairsto see the doctor!It is very degrading as a pensioner

not to be treated with respect.‘Problem never reported’,

says municipality’Carletonville Hospital responds:As an institution we acknowledge

receipt of the complaint. The Depart-ment of Health is encouraging use ofPrimary Health Care Services (Cli-

nics)wherebyclients/patients are en-couraged to make use of clinics. Incases whereby clients bypass Prima-ry Health Care Services, down-refer-ral is used to redirect clients to pri-mary health care.

The practice is to strengthen theuse of these services in an effort tosupport Primary Health Care re-engi-neering in preparation of the imple-mentation of National Health CareInsurance. There are doctors alloca-ted in clinics to look after patients atthat level. Patients who start at Pri-mary Health Care Services will be as-sessed at a PHC clinic to check if thepatient requires secondary or tertia-ry hospital level of care and if the pa-tient is appropriately and specifical-ly referred to the next level of care.

With regard to the issue of six nur-ses in a room where blood pressuremeasurements are taken, the writer-probably refers to the Outpatient De-partment.

The Carletonville Hospital is also ateaching site for two nursing colleges(Mfundzo Ndenzhe and ExcelsiusNursing Colleges)whose student nur-ses rotate through various units anddepartments to do their practicalsand are at times required to observeand learn practically how nursingprocedures and activities are perfor-

med.These students

are not employ-ees of the hospi-tal. The hospitalendeavours totreat all patientswith respect anddignity.

Where there isany exception,there is a com-plaint mecha-nism in place andvisibly placed inall waiting areasand clients areencouraged toutilize it as theircomplaints arespeedily resolvedon site. -MataboLetsoalo, Com-munication Offi-cer CarletonvilleHospital respon-ded on behalf ofthe hospital.

Long wait at



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Day 1

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Lesers sê hul sê Readers have their say

Adele Louw

For a pensioner from Khutsong rainusually means disaster as it floods herhome.Last week 74-year-old Ms Amelia

Dlamini was kept busy for days clea-ning her house in Khutsong Extension3 after it had again been flooded by rainon Tuesday, 5 February. The rain flus-hes into the house because the stormwater drainage pipe right in front of theproperty is blocked.When the Herald visited Dlamini’s

house two days after the storm, thestreet in front of her house was still somuddy from the previous dammed uprain that it was almostimpossible for pedes-trians to pass. Dlaminialso showed the news-paper how almostknee-high water hadflushed through herhouse as well as theshacks behind herhouse.Ms Anna Kgomo,

who stays in one of therooms behind Dlami-ni’s house, also sho-wed thenewspaperherown bruised kneewhich she sustainedafter falling when thewater flooded herroom.The fact that sheis currently sevenmonths pregnant alsoslowed Kgomo so thatshe could not get out ofthe water fast.During theHerald’s visit, Kgomowas

still trying to dry some of her personalbelongings, including a Bible, in thesun after they got wet during the flood-ing of her room.Dlamini also showed the newspaper

that another room behind her housewas so flooded that she had to moveelectrical equipment from it to makesure that it was not damaged.“We feel so sorry for the granny be-

cause this happens every time when itrains,” Dlamini’s neighbour,Mrs Eliza-beth Tshaka, told the Herald.According to Tshaka, several of Dla-

mini’s neighbours have tried to contactthe Merafong City Local Municipality

ces where residents claim to reportproblems, but where the record clearlyshows that such reporting has not beendone,” the municipal spokesman said.“By giving prominence to issues

which have not been reported previ-ously, in the Herald, the Herald is now

functioning as a municipal complaintsoffice. The said area was inspected

and found to be one of the problem are-as not previously identified.This area will be added to the project

list for priority attention,” the spokes-man concluded.

Ms Anna Kgomo was also still dryingher personal belongings at her shack atthe back of the house.

15 Februarie 2013 Carletonville Herald 9

Cerise du Plooy

Painting the face of an attorney had se-rious consequences for a local policeofficer.

Col. Tommy Thomson, of the Carle-tonville SAPD was found guilty of as-sault and sentenced on 5 February.

The Herald spoke to the complai-nant who laid the charge, Mr MohapeSepeesa, a local practising attorney,about the incident which took place on18 July 2011.

“I went to consult with a client ofmine who had been arrested and keptin police custody at the holding cells atthe Khutsong Police Station,” Sepeesatold.

“I had two gentlemen and a ladywithme, who my client asked me to bringalong for financial aid and the likes,”Sepeesa tells.

He also says He had a plastic bagwith him that contained food.

Sepeesa says that they were grantedpermission from a Constable in theCSC (Client Service Centre) to proceedto the holding cells and go see hisclient.

After entering the first door to thecells, there is another door to the right,which is the radio room. “Col. Thom-son was in the radio room, painting thewalls of the room in civilian clothing,”Sepeesa tells. “As we walked past theradio room, he stepped out and askedus where we were going to in his stati-on,” Sepeesa explains.

“Where are you going to with a plas-tic bag in my station?”Thomson allegedly wanted to know.

Sepeesa explained that he knows it isagainst the law to take a bag of any sortto holding cells,

but that he sometimes takes clothesto his clients. The officers on duty thenalways search the bag and everythingin it before they let him through.”

Sepeesa says that Thomsonwas notinterested in what was in the bag or se-arching it. He wanted to knowwho theywere en where they were going.

“I made a joke and asked why hedoesn’t finish his job,” Sepeesa said.

“What are you doing in my policestation,” Thomson allegedly asked Se-peesa. He responded, saying, “We aregoing to the holding cells.”

“This ismy f***ing station, you can’tgo anywhere,” Thomson allegedly saidand then continued to askwho theywe-re.

Sepeesa says that he responded, as-kingThomsonwhyhehad to swear andsay these things. A Constable from theCSC also called to Col. Thomson fromthere and said that Sepeesa is an attor-ney who is there to see a client.

Thomson pulled out his identificati-

on card and said, “I am a policeman,if you really are a lawyer, showme yourLawSocietymembership card,” Thom-son said.

Sepeesa produced his Law Societymembership card and his ID. “Thom-son grabbed both fromme and he thenthrew my ID on the floor.”

“I told him that I had persmissionto go to the holding cells and I askedhim why he was doing this.” says Se-peesa.

Sepeesa says that the next thing heknew was that a fist hit him in the jaw.“I wanted to hit him back but one of thegentlemen with me stopped me.

“When I asked him why he was as-saulting me, he just kept saying that hewas going to arrest me for trespassing.

“How are you going to do that whenI’m in apublic place and especiallywithregards to the fact that I got permissionto be here?” Sepeesa asked.

Thomson allegedly just kept sayingthat they should leave his station.

Sepeesa says that Thomson saidmany other things too that he doesn’teven want to repeat.

“I collectedmy stuff and told Thom-son that I was going to lay an assaultcharge against him.

“Thomson turned back into the ra-dio room to where a paint tray andpaint rollers were,” Sepeesa explains,“I was still asking for my card whenThomson turned around, paint rollerin the hand, and painted a line downthe one side of my face,” Sepeesa says.He then allegedly handed him his cardback.

“While I was giving my statement inthe CSC Thomson walked in andasked me if I was an admitted attorneyand I said, ‘Yes, you saw my card.’”Thomson then said that hewas going

to report Sepeesa to the South AfricanLaw Society for misconduct, and hedid.

“The law society decided, however,to first deal with the criminal case befo-re an internal investigation was star-ted.”

“I reported the entire matter, as wellas the fact that Thomson had openedcases of assault and trespassingagainst me, to the SAPS Head Office. ACaptain from head office came to seeme and asked what I would like to seehappen with the case. I just said thatmy wish is that they carry on with theinvestigation and disciplinary hearing.“I am not someone who holds grud-

ges against anyone because I realise Ialso make mistakes, but if Thomsonjust came in and spoke to me, or at-tempted to sort things out, I probablywould have dropped the charges.”

Unfortunately the case went on, andon 5 February, Thomson was found

guilty of assault in the Oberholzer Ma-gistrates Court. He was sentenced toa fine of R 12 000 or 24 months impri-

sonment.He has also been declared unfit to

possess a firearm.

This man is wanted by the SAPS for rape.He is of dark complexion, aged around23, is about 1.68m tall and of slenderbuild. He was last seen wearing a cream-white tracksuit and black Allstar tekkies.Call Warrant Officer Morgan Tenyane at082 850 7941 with information.

This man is wanted for a hijacking. He isof dark complexion, estimated to bearound 50 years of age and 1.9 m tall. Hedrives an Audi A4, is armed with 9mm.Anyone with information must pleasecontact Detective Constable AndrewPhakedi at 076 759 4987.

PoliceColonel paintsattorney’s face

Mr Mohape Sepeesa, an attorney from Carletonville, shows a photo taken after he had beenpainted in the face with a paint roller by a police Colonel. Photo: Cerise du Plooy

10 Carletonville Herald 15 Februarie 2013

Adele Louw

TheMerafong City LocalMunicipali-ty investigated the sewerage pro-blems that residents of the newKhutsong Extension 5 have experi-enced during the past week.The Herald reported last week

that various residents of this new re-sidential area, situatedbetweenCar-letonville and Welverdiend, are suf-fering because of severe sewage lea-kages at their new houses. In somecases sewage is leaking out of resi-dents’ yards. Many people of thisareawere also forced to close thewa-ter supply to their houses when theyare at work during the day to stopthe leakages.The newspaper asked the munici-

pality to respond on the matter anda full response from the municipalspokesman was received just afterthe newspaper went to print lastweek.“As a result of complaints by the

consultant, on 21 January 2013 thePortfolio Head for Water, Sanitationand Electricity, Councillor JomoMogale, the Clerk of Works from theconsultant on the project, Mr Groppandofficials of the section, includingtheManager:Water Services and theSuperintendent inspected the area,”the spokesman indicated.“The project community liaison

officer was on site and she was advi-sed that if the community com-plains, they must phone the Water

and Sanitation Offices so that thissection will be able to follow up ontheir complaints.‘She indicated that community

members normally phone the priva-te contractor that works for the con-sultant and lodge their complaintwith them,” he added.According to the spokesman it

was determined that the blockagesthat led to sewage overflowing at re-sidents' houses are caused by un-wanted objects like garden refuse,sanitary pads and baby nappiesfound in the sewer pipes. Someti-mes even construction debris, likefor example when the owner is plas-tering the house outside withoutprotecting the gulley, can lead to pro-blems. In such cases sand and con-crete mixes and then enter the sy-stem which also causes blockages.“Another possible reason for these

blockages is when amanhole is ope-ned if lids are stolen or removed,”the spokesman said.“Council is now aware of the com-

plaints received from the specifichouses and it has been forwarded tothe contractor working for the con-sultant. It will be followed up to seeif the problems have been rectified.The community can report com-plaints on thenumber0187889783or 018 788 9778 office hours and011 951 3000 after hours. All leaka-ges or blockages can also be repor-ted via the respective ward council-lors,” the spokesman concluded.

Municipality investigatessewerage problems

Adele Louw

Residents of Khutsong complains thatnot much is being done to stop othersfrom dumping their rubbish whereverthey want to.A resident of Khutsong Extension 2,

Mr Solomon Ramantsi, complained tothe Herald recently that other people’s

dumping is causing him misery.“They even dump their dead dogs on

the open ground across from my yard.The place is smelly and it is difficult tolive like this. I try to keep my own yardclean and neat but other people do notcare,” Ramantsi told the Herald.During the newspaper’s visit to his

yard on 1 February, a variety of rub-

bish, including garden refuse and hou-sehold rubbish, was lying across fromRamantsi’s yard.According to Ramantsi, he has com-

plained several times to councillors inhis area about the problem but nothinghas so far been done to assist him.In the meantime, a resident of the

new Khutsong Extension 5, Ms Eliza-beth Sumana, also complains that lit-terbugs are giving her a headache.“I moved into my new house in Sep-

tember last year and have been tryingto make my yard as neat and pretty aspossible. Many people however dumptheir rubbish in the open yard across

from my home,” she told the Heraldthis week.“A programme of clearing illegal

dumping is currently running in Khut-song and these complaints will also beaddressed,” the municipal spokesmantold the Herald last week.He added that residents themselves

also have a responsibility to try andstop people from throwing rubbish ne-ar their yards. They must also reportsuch culprits to the municipality,The spokesman also said that the

municipality had no record of the resi-dents in question previously reporting-their problems.

Rubbish headache for Khutsong residentsUpset Khutsong resident Mr Solomon Ramantsi and a neighbour who wanted to stay anonymous at the heap of rubbish across from their homes.

EiendomsGIDSProperty GUIDEHeraldHerald



0828079954CEA NQF




Kontak: Thinus072 482 6523




079 512 21092 Slaapkamers1 Badkamer2 Afdakke700m vanaf die Puk

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Kontak: Marlene082 859 7915



Kontak: Liza083 256 9799


3 2 2Pragtige huis met ongelooflikekuierarea.


GROOTSTE WINSKOOP IN V/D HOFFPARKLuukse voltitel meenthuis, baie

3slaapkamers en studeerkamer of vierdeslaapkamer, patio met braai,dubbel ekstra-ruim motorhuis.

privaattuin, 2 vol badkamers met gaste toilet,


2 2 2


Kontak: Hanlie082 784 0204


Voltitel meenthuis3 Slaapkamers

2 BadkamersDubbel motorhuisGroot agtertuin

Netjies en lae onderhoudOopplan kombuis en leefarea

2 Afdakke.Netjiese meenthuis met

pragtige tuin in goeie area.




NUUT:2 x 2 Bachelors @ R 3,100 pm in Wilgenstraat8 x 2 Slaapkamer @ R 4,800 pm in Wilgenstraat5 x Groot 1 slaapkamers in Hoffmanstraat @ R 3,780pm1 x 2 Slaapkamer in Goudstraat met wasmasjien asook nuweyskas @ R 5,800pm1 Slaapkamer tuinwoonstel @ R 3,000 pm1 x 1 Slaapkamer in Malherbe straat @ R 3,900 pm2 x 1 Saapkamers by Kareelaan R 4,450 pm

Kontak: Rita076 080 2800


5 Hektaar grond in goeie gedeelte.Uitstekende geleentheid vir ontwikkeling.R 3,700,000

2 Hektaar grond in besigheids gedeelte.Nuwe uitbreiding in Wilkoppies.Met Besigheidsregte.R 3,700,000

Carly Juliana

0726737248 0740365783


3 Slaapkamers3 Badkamers

Dubbel motorhuisNuwe ontwikkeling

Ooplan sit-en-eetkamerkombuis met aparte opwas

R 1,295,000R 425,000

1 Slaapkamer1 Badkamer1 AfdakSit/eetkamer


R 1,6 MiljoenJA, JY HET REG GELEES!!




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Ruim 2 slaapkamers met ingeboude kaste.Kombuis met netjiese ingeboude kaste. Sitkamer,badkamer (stort, toilet, wasbak en plek vir was-masjien) Heffing R 360.00 afstandbeheerde

motorveiligheidshek voor kompleks BAIE GOEDGEPRYS VIR SLEGS !!! R 490 000 !!!

1 Slaapkamer met ingeboude kaste. Oop-plan sitkamer, kombuis met ingeboudekaste. Badkamer (Stort, toilet, wasbak)Afdak vir motor, Braai-area, swembad,lapa, waskamer in kompleks. Afstand-

beheerde motorhekke voor kompleks met24 uur sekuriteitswagte.



TE KOOP:1 SLAAPKAMERWOONSTELLEBarrish Place (Sentraal) R 313 000Campus @ Home (Bult) R 370 000Caruso (Bult) R 399 000Tramonto (Sentraal) R 425 000Varsity Lodge (K/park) R 450 000Onder die Randjie (Das/r) R 475 000Villa Renea (Bult) R 490 000Janitahof (Miederpark) R 530 000


Potch Towers (Sentraal) R 405 000Villa de Bell (Das/rand) R 420 000Willemien (Sentraal) R 425 000Villa Perez (Sentraal) R 450 000Majuba (Sentraal) R 480 000Barrish Place (Sentraal) R 483 000Campus @ Home R 490 000Tramonto (Sentraal) R 580 000Caruso (Bult) R 595 000Daisy’s (Dassierand) R 620 000Cambridge (Bult) R 620 000Inni Hartjie R 640 000Lanquedoc 103 R 700 000

Skakel Gert 082 377 1313 Vir meer inligting besoek ons web nl:


2013Beyers Naudestr (Kamers) R 1 550Vyfhoek plot (Bachelor) R 1 800Eleaserstr 46 (kamer) R 1 800Campus @ Home (s/k) R 1 870Nottinghill (seunskamer) R 2 000Campus @ Home (1 Slpk.) R 3 025Beukeslaan (Bachelor) R 3 700Villably (2 Slpk) R 4 950Villa Renea (3 Slpk.) R 5 280Majories Place (3 Slpk.) R 5 5002 SLPK WOONSTELLE TE HUURBarrish Place (Onmiddelik) R 3 705Bailliepark (1 Maart 2013) R 4 125


1 Slpk. met ingeboude kaste. Kombuisnetjiese ingeboude kaste en plek vir

wasmasjien. Sitk. Badkamer (Stort, toilet,wasbak) Afdak, braaiarea. Afstandbe-

heerde hekke voor kompleks.KYK NA DIE PRYS EN BESLUIT GOU !!!

R 370 000

12 Carletonville Herald Eiendomsgids/Property Guide 15 Februarie 2013


Besturende agente

Kantoor Tel: (018) 293-1845,Faks: (018) 293-3163,


Ruim 2 slaapkamer, 1 badkamer, gastetoilet,netjiese kombuis. Prys R435 000

2 MEENTHUIS TE KOOP - BAILLIEPARK2 Slaapkamers, dubbelgeriewe, toesluit-motorhuis. Prys R690 0002 Slaapkamer, enkelgeriewe, nuut gebou,baie mooi kombuis R630 000

3 PRYS VERLAAG – VAN DER HOFFPARKRus en vrede in pragbuurt. Pragtigegesinswoning, 3 slaapkamer, dubbel-motorhuis, groot tuin met swembad enbraai-area. R1 790 000

4 SPOGAREAPragtige 3 slaap-kamer huis metswembad.Rooshoutkombuis,dubbelgeriewe,pragtige tuin. Prys R2,3 miljoen.

5 STILFONTEIN4 Slaapkamer, dubbel-geriewe, 3 motorhuis,pragtige tuin.Prys R895 000

Annatjie 082 320 3847Petro 083 694 1864TE HUUR – WOONSTEL SENTRAAL1 Slaapkamer, 24 uur sekuriteit prys R3 750Bachelor Prys R29502 Slaapkamer, enkelgeriewe sekuriteitskompleksPrys R4 200 per maandWOONSTEL BULT1 Slaapkamer loopafstand van universiteitR3 850-per maand1 Slaapkamer, naby universiteit R3650 per maand2 Slaapkamer, loft, dubbelgeriewe, R5 060 permaandSantie 0823648076

FREDDIE DE BEER EIENDOMME 018 786 2524082 739 5901

R1,68 milj. Moderne 4 slpk woning, 2½ badk, studeerk, 3 motorhuise, wask,

bediendekwartiere, swembad, besproeiing, alarm. C/ville.

R1,85 milj. 4 slpk huis, 2 badk, luuks, siersteen, ruim, netjiese tuin, besproeiing,

boorgat ±11000 l/u, sementdam, aangeplante weiding, vrugteboord, store, 8,5 ha.

Haaskraal Potch.

R6,3 milj. Goeie beesplaas, 520 ha, 2 netjiese woonhuise, plaas ten volle

ontwikkel vir ±120 koeie, ‘n “geel meel plaas”, vleiweiding, store, ens. Potch.

R2,94 milj. 205 ha - heuwelagtig, goeie beesplaas,10 ha lande-kampe, 50 ha

aangeplante weiding, 35 ha Bonnox omhein - boerbokke, netjiese huis en store

ens. Plaas ten volle ontwikkel vir ±60 koeie. Potch.

R328 000. “Bachelor”, 30 m²

R383 000. 1 Slpk, 37 m

R438 000. 2 Slpk, 44 m²

TE HUUR:R6 500. ±9 ha plot op Mooibank, 2 x 3 slpk huise, netjies, ruim, melkstal, stoor,

lapa, lande, werkershuise, ens. Potch.



TE HUURR3800 2 slpk woonstel Suid.


Groot deel aangeplant weidingsterk boorgate vleiwieding. 2

Groot sinkstore.

VYFHOEK 1 HA R1050 000


4 Slpk huis, 3 afdakke grootwerkswinkel 3 boorgate.

Van der Hoffpark R1950 000. 3 Slpk, 2badk en 2 motorhuise + swembad. Hout


UITSTEKENDE KOOP!!Erf R315 000. Bailliepark nuwe woon-

buurt 727m². Gewilde area


Pragtige gerestoureerde 3 slpkhuis. 2 Mooi badk. Pragtige

komb. Motorh, Afdakke groot erf.

R7500 SENTRAALMooi 3 slpk huis 2 badk.

Motorhuis afdakke groot erf.

15 Februarie 2013 Carletonville Herald Eiendomsgids/Property Guide 13

14 Carletonville Herald Eiendomsgids/Property Guide 15 Februarie 2013

Irma-082 347 5555

• Lukestraat 9, Potchefstroom, 2520 • Tel: (018) 293-2883• Posbus 20606, Noordbrug 2520•

Johnny-082 562 8156 Irma - 082 347 5555

Van der Hofpark:Baie netjiese 4 slpk woonhuis, 2 lee-fareas lapa/braai swembad, bediendekwartiere, dubbelm/huis. R 2 100 000Van der Hofpark:Netjiese 3 slpk, 2 badk, sitk, TV-kamer,eetkamer dubbel m/h enswemb. R 1 880 000Miederpark:Ruim 4 slpk, 3 badk, 2 leefareas, lapa,swemb met baie parkering.R1 390 000Sentraal:3 slaapkamer woning met sit, eet, 1badkamer en enkel m/huis plus afdakop groot erf.R 740 000

Noord SentraalNetjies en ruim. 3 slpk woningop 2200m² erf. Ideaal vir verdereontwikkeling / meenthuise of kan-tore. R 1 800 000Hoewe/N12:3 ha hoewe teen die hoofweg.Goeie woonhuis met groot woon-stel.Stoor met huur inkomste vanR 18 000.00 p/m, R 3 200 000Hoewe Kromdraai:11ha hoewe met 100m Vaalrivier-front. Hengelparadys.R 1 380 000 OHB

Noord Sentraal;4 slk woning met dubbel m/huis be-diendekamer en groot afdak vir dienutsman. Naby NWU Stil omgew-ing. R 950 000Hoewe:Puik eiendom! 8.5 ha hoewe metnetjiese woonhuis pragtige tuin enstore. R 1 850 000 OHBSentraal/Besigheid:Karaktervolle ou woning. Genoeg-same parkeerplek. Idiaal vir kantoreR 850 000

Wilgeboom Hoewe7 Ha met 5 slk woning, perde stalle,store en baie meer.Puik eiendom watselde in mark kom. R 3 800 000Wilgeboom Hoewe:9.7 Ha hoewe met baie goeie 3slaapkamer woonhuis, asook 1 slaapkwoonstel met stoor en buite geboue.R 1.3 MiljMiederpark:Netjiese 3 slaapkamer woonstel mettoesluit m/huis met tuintjie in veilig-heids kompleks.R 650 000 OHBMiederpark:4 slpk huis met 2 badk, 2 leefareasswembad boorgat, nuut geverf.R 1 260 000

Tel: (018) 293-3235/7/9 • Fax: 086 567 436117 Goetz Street, Potchefstroom


1 Slaapkamer:Le Quartier

R4 600Kareelaan

R4 400Waterberry Heights

R3 600Carmen

R3 960

ROSEMARY 082 8670 188CHIMONÉ 079 4949 655TERSIA 084-408-9877MELINDA 072-023-7759

Tramonto BachR2 950


Pragtige nuut geboude voltitelm/huis met puik moderne

afwerkings. Oopplan kombuis,klein tuintjie. Naby Pukke enGimmies. Geen hereregte.

Pragtigesplinternuwewoonhuis in

baie gewilde areateen billike prys.

2 BED • 2 BATH • 2 GAR



geleë in stilarea.

Naby allesgeleë ensy geldwerd.

Pragtige familiehuis,uitstekende ligging.

Boomryk, ruimkamers met

gastekamer eiebadkamer.

Toegeboude kuierlapa& swembad. Ekstra 3vertrek wendy huis intuin. Lae onderhoud.




R1,350 mil

R2,160 mil R626 000

R1,1 milR2,030 mil


2 Slaapkamer:Kareelaan

R5 900Willow Manor

R4 200Tamboti

R5 000Urban Living

R5 600

R450 000





Pragtige vol titel hoekerf. Spring nou. Fase1 het geen klip nie.


BRENNON 082-568-7713

Netjiese voltitel woning in baieveilige sekuriteits kompleks.

Moderne styl gebou in gewildearea + toegeboude braai. Tuin

uitgelê met besproeiing.

4 BED • 2 BATH • 2 GAR

4 BED • 3 BATH • 2 GAR 2 BED • 1 BATH • 1 GAR








REFNO. 3064010














. 302




ANNATJIE 082-654-5999

R1,285 mil

3 BED • 2 + 2 x ½ BATH • 1 GAR 3 BED • 2½ BATH • 2 GAR


TERSIA 084-408-9877BRENNON 083-794-2619

SHOW15H00-17H00Little Swift 8


2Ruim 2 slpk 70m

studentewoonstel. Nabyopvoedkundige

NWU hek.Woonstel op hoekvan kompleksmet balkon.


R735 0002 BED








15 Februarie 2013 Carletonville Herald Eiendomsgids/Property Guide 15

Jy leef net een keer . . . kom ons wys jou waar

90 Eiendommein een maand verkoop

Laat die professionele span van Engel & Völkers Potchefstroom

omsien na al u eiendomsbehoeftes




Potchefstroom· Tel. +27(0)18 297 5777 · · Real Estate Agency

16 Carletonville Herald Eiendomsgids/Property Guide 15 Februarie 2013

15 Februarie 2013 Carletonville Herald 17

Die V en Media24 het ooreengekom dat die adverteerder volle verantwoordelik aanvaar vir die nakoming van relevante wetge-wing in dieplasing van korrekte inligting ten opsigte van sy advertensie hierin geplaas. Derhalwe, aanvaar Media 24 geen aanspreeklikheid vir enige

skade opgeloop voortspruitend uit die plasing van enige advertensie hierin nie

It has been agreed between the Advertiser and Media 24 that the Advertiser is solely responsible for the correctness off all details concer-ning its advertisement placed herein, including compliance with all relevant legislation. Therefore, Media 24 does not

accept any liability for any damage resulting from any advertisement placed herein.

Nazalene Struben

Blindings / Blinds25

Matte / Carpets28

Lenings / Loans43

Algemene Dienste /General Services


Onderrig / Education15

Berading / Counselling01

Plaagbeheer / Pest Control37

KennisgewingDit is die verantwoordelikheid van die Adverteerder om seker te maak dat syadvertensie korrek is op die eerste dag van publikasie en geplaas is volgenssy/haar instruksies en dat alle foute gekorrigeer is voor die volgende uitgawe.MooiVaal Media neem geen verantwoordelikheid vir meer as een foutiewe

plasing nie. (018) 293 0750 / (018) 788 6693

Tuinmengsel, Tuingrond, Bousand,Riviersand, “Filling”, Crushersand, Buildersmix


TEL: (018) 291-1048/9SEL: 082-453-0195.Potchefstroom

VERHURINGS,TLB’s, Laaigrawe en


Landlyne weerin werking

(018) 294-8546

Attention allSocial workers, Educationa-lists, Occupational Therapists& Pshycologists. Enrol for theever popular Level 1 and Level 2courses in PLAY THERAPY pre-sented by Dr. Hannie Schoemanof the Centre for Play Therapyand Training. CPD accredited.

Venue: PotchefstroomDates:

Level 1: 4 - 7 March 2013Level 2: 8, 11 and12 March 2013

For more info:Tel: (028) 388-0348Fax: 086 648 1038



This is a 50 hour (6 days) professional training course formediators, attorneys, advocates, social workers,

psychologists, and allied professionals who providedispute resolution services to families before and after


The course includes the legal, cultural, psychological andfinancial implications of divorce as well as mediation skills,

and conflict resolution.

20 CPD points will be obtained.

WHEN:Wednesday – Friday 27-28 February and1 March 2013

Wednesday – Friday 6 – 8 March 2013VENUE: FAMSA Potchefstroom – 3 Singer Street,


COURSE LEADER: Melindi van Rooyen – Mediator(BA (Social Work); Hons BA (Psych); LLB)

Registration forms are to be received before22 February 2013


(018) 293-2272/3Faks / Fax: (018)2971316 or 086 531 9574


Skakel vir Kwotasies079 499 9930

Diepreiniging van: Matte en Meubels Pest enTermite Control en Weed Control

MOEG GESKROP?OnS Sal dit viR jOu dOEn:

- Matte. - Teëls. - Voertuie.- Leerbekleedsel. - Woonwaens en

matrasse. - Scotchguard.SKaKEl: KOEKiEMat WaSSERS (081) 370 9114(018) 784-4705 Of 083 541 9983 Of 082 939 3899

expandablesecurity products!

slamlock/std. lock & key alike features

cell: 082 7755 754fax: 018 293





Benodig u ‘n treklorrie en stoorgerieweteen billike pryse?

Skakel Droogte vir ‘ngratis kwotasie!082-553-8226.


SKAKEL: ELIZE.072 187 2754




BESKIKBAAR!!!Tot en met R 120 000.


*3 Maande Bankstate*Bewys van adres

WYE REEKS MOTORS ENBAKKIES OOK BESKIKBAAR!!!Konsolideer jou skuld deur neteen paaiement te betaal, Onskan jou help om ‘n voertuig te

besit! Die beste gehalte diens entevredenheid word gewaarborg!

SKAKEL dAdELIK:Connie 083 699 4485Rina 083 940 2649

Johannes 072 7000 989

NalediOns koop:

Breekgoed, meubelsyskaste ens. Wat het u?

Skakel gerus(018)-297-7755

Centraal troeteldierartsretiefstraat 22, sentraal 018 297 1846

Weeksdae: 08:00 – 12:00 en 16:00 – 18:00Saterdae: 10:00 – 12:00 en 17:00 – 17:30Sondae: 10:00 – 12:00 en 17:00 – 17:30

Pet health foodretiefstraat 22, sentraal

PotChefstroom. 018 297 1846Weeksdae: 08:00 – 18:00

Saterdae: 09:00 – 13:00 en 17:00 – 17:30Sondae: 10:00 – 12:30 en 17:00 – 17:30

foChville Pet vet2 disa ave, foChville

emergenCies: (018) 771-4554Weekdays: 16:00 – 18:00

Saturdays: 08:00 – 8:15 and 15:00 -15:15Sundays: 08:00 – 8:15 and 15:00 – 15:15

Vervoer & Berging39


Algemeen te koop52

Diere & Pluimvee64

18 Carletonville Herald 15 Februarie 2013


Algemeen te huur / To let72

Huise te huur /Houses to let


Eiendomme benodig /Properties wanted


Onderrig /Education



into a“Maid-in-Heaven”GOEIE NUUS! MarvelousMaids kom Potch toe!CLASSY COOKINGDIVINE DOMESTICSNURTURING NANNYWHEN: Mon 4 – Fri

8 March 2013WHERE: NG Kerk GrimbeeckPRICE: R1650 ~ a Massivesaving of R950 on thenormal price in Bloem!

Marna Greyling079 891 7436

See my web site for more

Opsoek naiemand watekstra


kan gee virGr 1 tot

Gr 12. teenvergoeding.skakel myvir meer in-ligting. nico082 3777 490

Onthale & Konfe-rensies / Functions

& Conferences



Skakel:Willie 076 5135 660

Maureen083 6020 834




Aandag alle bruide.Eksklusiewe en stylvolletafeldekor te huur. Ooktafels, stoele, tafeldoekeen lycra-stoelrokke.Events House by TheRoots Lifestyle Centre.( (018) 285-1222.

M U L T I S T Y LEksklusiewe onthaaltoe-rusting vir troues & funk-sies.( Lynette (018)

COOLTECH SUMMERSpecials, 3 years guarantee

on compressor. Bestprices. Free quotation.SABS APPROVED( 082-306-3974 /072-289-8756

Houtwerk /Carpentry


Houtwerk ingeboudekaste, kombuis, TV &studeerkamer eenhede.( Kobus 072-192-4059

Matte /Carpets


Clean carpets orLounge suites

Cleaner,drier, better.


084-462-8259Skakel Johan


Quickdrying and improved


Skakel Riaan083-654-7481


Skakel Cilda ViviersTel: 082-772-7130

Faks: (018) 293-0785

Skakel Piet ofJohanita ViVierSby Modern autotriMMerS & uPh.


Tel: (018) 294-7459fax: (018) 293-0785

Bouwerk /Building



MAXI STENEGelewer in:


FOCHVille, PArYS enOMGewinG.

SKAKEl ElAINE(018) 292

VOOrwAArdeS Geld.

Paving, tiling, palissades,lapas, precast walls &general construction.STONE-AGE




kwOtaSiES VannUwEwOOn-hUiSE, aan-

BOUiingS, kan-tOOR Of BESig-hEidSpERSElE;SkakEl JOhan

083 236 548430 jar in die

boubedryf nhBRCgeregistreer.

VIR ENIGE EN ALLEherstelwerk in en om diehuis. Reeds 18 jaar in diebedryf. Geen werk teklein. NHBRC geregi-streer.( 083-229-2978.


Renovation,Walls, Paving,Tiling.( 078-413-6812

Klei-pleisterstene,klei-sierstene en klei

plaveiselstene.Minimum vragte inPotchefstroom:500 bakstene.

Carletonville/Fochville enomgewing

2 000 bakstene.SKAKEL ELAINE(018) 292-1615.

Kleibakstene is beter!!!!Bert’s Bricks




Kruger Afdakke. Skadu-netafdakke, 4 jaar waar-borg. Gratis kwotasie. 16Jaar diens. Potch omge-wing.( 083-493-5876.

Beton &Palissades /

Concrete & Palisades



(018) 294-5169082-335-0118.

Precast, Palissade-mure, plaveisel,

lapa’s.Gratis kwotasies.

Skadunette &betonmure

(018) 294-5169082 335 0118

Elektriese dienste &Herstelwerk/ Electrical

Services & Repairs


Yskasman herstel vanafR350. Aankoop van

stukkende ys / vrieskaste.( 079-132-5151

Loodgieters /Plumbing



(018) 294-4024a/u of

082 448 2824

Persoonlik /Personal1. Berading / Counselling2. Kerke / Churches3. Gelukwensings /Congratulations

4. Dankbetuigings/ Thank you5.Memoriam/Grafstene /Tombstones

6. Egskeidings / Divorce

7. Speurdienste /Private Detectives

8.Verlore / Gevind /Lost / Found

9. Saamrygeleenthede / Lifts10. Vriendskaplik / Friendship11.Persoonlikekennisgewings/Personal Notices

Dienste / services12. Dagsorg / Daycare13. Kleuterskole /

Pre-Primary Schools14.Naskoolsorg /

Afterschool care15.Onderrig / Education

16. Video&Fotografie /Video&Photography

17.Musiek /Music18.Onthale&Konferensies

Functions &Conferences19. Spyseniering / Catering

20.Wegneemetes&Restaurante / TakeAways&Restaurants

21. Lugversorgers / Aircons25. Blindings / Blinds26. Springkastele /

Jumping Castle27. Houtwerk / Carpentry28.Matte / Carpets29. Plaveisel / Paving30. Bouwerk / Building31. Beton&Palisade /

Concrete&Palisades32. Elektriese dienste&

Herstelwerk / ElectricalServices&Repairs

33. Loodgieters / Plumbing34.AlgemeneDienste /

General Services35. Rommelverwydering

Refuse Removal

36. Sekuriteit / Security37. Plaagbeheer /

Pest Control38. Tuindienste /

Garden Services39.Vervoer&Berging /

Transport&Storage40. Boorgate / Boreholes41. Swembaddens /

Swimming Pools42.Grasdakke / Thatch roofs43. Lenings / Loans44. Finansiele Dienste /

Financial Services45.Naaldwerk /Needlework46. Skoonheid&Gesondheid /

Beauty&Health48. Jaggeleenthede /Hunting49. Sweis&Staalwerke /

Welding&Steelworks50.Massering /Massages

EiENDOMME/PROPERTiES72. Algemeen te huur / To let80. Losies / Boarding81. EiendommeBenodig /

PropertiesWanted82. Besigheidsgeleenthede /

BusinessOpportunities83. Persele / Premises84.Woonstelle te huur /

Flats to let85.Woonstelle te koop /

Flats for sale86.Meenthuise te huur /

Townhouses to let87.Meenthuise te koop /

Townhouses for sale88.Huise te huur /

Houses to let89.Huise te koop /

Houses for sale.

62. Juweliersware /Jewelery

63.Veevoer / Animal Feeds64.Diere&Pluimvee

Animals&Poultry65. Plaastoerusting /

FarmEquipment66.Motors67. Bakkies68.Vragmotors / Trucks69.Motorfietse /

Motorbikes70.Woonwaens / Caravans71. Bote / Boats

te kooP / For sale52.Algemeen te koop /

General for sale53. Te koop gevra /

Wanted to buy55. Rekenaars / Computers56. Kantoortoerusting /

Office supplies57. Selfone/Cell phones58. Pandwinkels /

Pawn shops59. TV / Elektriese

toebehore/TV / Electrical Appliances

60. Boeke/VersamelitemsBooks / Collectors items

61. Kuns /Oudhede/Artwork/Antiques

90.Hoewes&Plase te huur /SmallHoldings&Farmstolet

91. Hoewes&Plase te koop /Small Holdings&Farms for sale

92. Besighede te koop /Business for sale

93. Kamers te huur /Rooms to let

94.Gastehuise / Guest-Houses95.Vakansie Akkomodasie /

Holiday Accommodation96. Bestuurskole /

Driving Schools97. Betrekkings gevra /

VacanciesWanted98. Betrekkings / Vacancies99.VolwasseVermaak /

Adult Entertainment


VIRKONTANTR10 000 - R80 000



3 Joe Slovo, Klerksdorp, 2571, Tel: 018 462 1738, Fax: 018 462 5124

Terms and conditions apply.Installments include a 2 years mechanical

warranty.Contact Johan Botha

083 400 8009 Auto World

2011 Toyota HiLux 3.0D-4D R/B.......................R5 990 pm 72 months.2008 Ford Bantam 1.3i canopy........................R1 650 pm 72 months.2006 Renault Clio III 1.4 Expression ...............R1 830 pm 60 months.2006 Opel Zafira 1.9 CDTi Elegance................R3 250 pm 72 months2010 Nissan NP200 1.6S A/c............................R2 790 pm 72 months.2003 BMW 318i R8000.00dep...........................R2 990 pm 60 months.1974 Mercedes 240D ........................................R29 9002010 Toyota HiLux 2.5D-4D SRX R/B..............R4 250 pm 72 months.2001 Isuzu KB250D LE D/C..............................R69 9002006 Ford Territory 4.0i Ghia AWD..................R4 190 pm 60 months.2005 Renault Kangoo 1.4 Multix AuthentiqueR1 680 pm 60 months.2009 Toyota HiLux 2.5 D-4D SRX 4x4 .............R4 500 pm 72 months.2009 Volkswagen Polo 1.6 Trendline A/c........R2 400 pm 72 months.2010 Nissan Qashqai 1.6 Acenta.....................R4 760 pm 72months2005 Nissan Almera 1.8 Elegance ...................R1 960 pm 60 months.


Dringend opsoek na meenthuiseen huurhuise vir goedgekeurde

huurders. Ons het PUIKstudente verblyf vir JOU!

Skakel Oeschger by082 821 2401 of (018) 294-3385





018 785 5440

Persele / Premises83

CommerCial SpaCefor Hire

Storage, factory shops,workshops.

Various sizes to suit your needs:150m², 225m² and 750m²

R22/m² - R28/m²Contact agent

Craig: 083 255

WOONSTELLE TE HUUR>Wingerd : 1 Slaapkamer R3 850 P/M>Le Quartier: 1 Slaapkamer R4 150 P/M>Urban Living : 1 Slaapkamer R3 900 P/M

>Stables: 1 Slaapkamer R3 700 P/M>Mont Serrat: 2 Slaapkamer R5 000 P/M>Abacus: 2 Slaapkamer R4 950 P/M>President Park: 1 & 2 Slaapkamer virR4600. en R6 500 P/M onderskeidelik>Roseleah : 2 Slaapkamer R5 200 P/M

Skakel Oeschger by082 821 2401 / (018) 294-3385

Woonstelle te huur84

Berading /Counselling


Janice croftattorneysand debt

counsellorsdebt ProbleMs?Get immediate

relief from debtstress &

leGal action!avoid black


call or sMs071 893 0014 /(018) 294-6951

Egskeidings /Divorce



bEttiE roosproKurEurs082 415 6502

• Boedels• Transporte• Huurkontrakte• Testamente• Huweliks-


• MaatskappyRegistrasies(CIPC agente)

• Invorderings• Egskeidings

Tel: (018) 297 1217







PersoonlikeKennisgewings /Personal Notices


P A D O N G E L U K -F O N D S E I S E .Het u ernstige beseringsin 'n motorongeluk

opgedoen? Is 'n geliefde/ broodwinner dood in 'nongeluk? Vir professioneleadvies oor 'n moontlikeeis,( Adele Marais083-233-9454.

KennisgewingDit is die verantwoordelikheidvan die Adverteerder om sekerte maak dat sy advertensiekorrek is op die eerste dagvan publikasie en geplaas isvolgens sy/haar instruksiesen dat alle foute gekorrigeeris voor die volgende uitgawe.MooiVaal Media neem geenverantwoordelikheid vir meeras een foutiewe plasing nie.

(018) 293 0750 /(018) 788 6693

Wil u inhierdie spasieadverteer?

Skakel Carolina(Potchef-stroom) by

(018) 293-0750of Liz (Carle-tonville) by

(018) 788-6693

15 Februarie 2013 Carletonville Herald 19



083 328 0292Kantoor

018 294 8242VIR



Vir alle loodgie-tersprobleme &gratis kwotasies Pieter

(‘n ten vollegekwalifiseerde


Sel: 082-496-8622.of: 082-346-0066.

24 UUR DIENS.Alle loodgieterspro-bleme, installering vangeisers, skoonmaak vangeute en alle "handy man"werkies.( Jaco, 'n ge-kwalifiseerde loodgieterby 083-462-2560.

ALLE LOODGIETERherstelwerk en installe-ring, geisers.( Gerhard


Plumber Potchbekostigbaar - betroubaar.Gratis kwotasie. Call outs.( Pierre 083-229-3858

AlgemeneDienste /

General Services


Vir die bestepryse op:

bande, batterye,uitlaatstelsels,skokbrekers,

skakelSupa Quick

Potchefstroom(018) 294 - 3297/8

ELEKTRISIëNS.Geregistreer ECA nr.of SNC 1539. Vir alleelektriese herstelwerk,

noem dit en ons doen dit!!Uitreik van Certificateof Compliance (COC).

( 076-111-1334.

Aandag: Speed QueenServices. Diens en herstelalle Speed Queens, tuimel-droërs, mikrogolfoonde.( Gert Botha (018) 294-8479 /082-967-8267.

A A N D A G !!!Whirlpool services, herstel& diens alle outomatieseTop Loader, mikrogolf-oonde en tuimeldroërs.( Nick 082-825-0727.

A1 Ceilings & Roofrepairs. Vir alle opknap-en verfwerk.( Jaco 079-


ALLE HERSTELWERKin & om die huis. Boor-gate, besproeiing, druk-pompe, loodgieterswerk,geisers.Geen werk te

klein.Gerhard( 083-283-5700.

FF HoutwerkKombuise, kaste, deurealgemene nutsman. Gratiskwotasies.( Francois



Yskasdienste. Kantoor ure

8:00am tot 17:00am.( 082-821-7592 /079-572-9458

NUTSMAN - DIENSTEInstandhouding in en om

die huis, afdakkegordynkappe. Potch. (Duimpie 082-334-3760

RE-ENAMEL EXPERT.Heremalje van ou staal-baddens. Egte emalje.Werk gewaarborg.( 071-196-2953 /

Rommel-verwydering /

Refuse Removal


1. Algemene vervoer.Bourommel, huisvullis entuinvullis.( Pieter082-950-8934 (Potch)

Tuindienste /Garden Services


AFSAAG ENUITHAALVAN BOME• Afsaag en uit-haal van bome.• Skoonmaak

van industriële-en woonerwe.• Aanplant van

gras.VOERKRAALMIS• Gesiftemis vir“top dressing”beskikbaarR15 per sak

Skakel JohanALLE URE





TEL: (018) 294


Afsaag, uithaal enwegry van bome en

takke. Installering van:Elektriese OmheiningSKAKEL CAREL:083 785 0333

Vir verwydering vantuinafval, skoonmaak

van erwe en geute,afsaag van takke

en bome, algemeneopknap van tuine en

ligte vervoerwerk.Skakel Lappies(018) 290-6906 of082-684-8982.


Vervoer &Berging /

Transport & Storage


EMPIMeubelvervoerVir alle vervoer o.a.meubelvervoer. Het

ook jare ondervinding.Pak self, en houvolle toesig.Pieter

073-525-6536.076 814-6100 (W)(018) 484-1725 (H)

1 Jps meubelvervoerpersoonlike toesig +bestuur, beste diens

gewaarborg stoor.( 084-597-3434/ 083-498-3309

4-TON TOE TROK.Doen enige vervoer en

klein trekke. Billike pryse.( 082-455-5329.

J & H Meubel Vervoer.Profesionele vervoer en

stoor.( (018) 290-6755

Meubelvervoer- Lokaalen landswyd. Verhuisings.kantoorverskuiwings.Kommersiële goedere.Verpakking. Versekering.18 Jaar ondervinding.Eagle Arms Trans cc.(sel 076-472-3356. Faks086-561-5820.

Minitrek + Transport.Stoorplek, rommel envullis. Beste pryse.(082-332-7554.

Swembaddens /Swimming Pools



We specialize inSwimming Pools

New PoolsFibreglass Shells

MarbeliteAll RepairsFibreglassRepairs

Solar HeatingCONTACT:

076 940 6688for free Quotation

Jeffs Pools5mx3m pool+ 5mx3m lapaR36 000 6m x4m+5m x3m lapa R42 000 8 mx4mpool + 6mx4m lapa R56000 10m x 4 m pool + 7mx 4m lapa R64 000 12m x6 m pool + 9m x 5m lapaR72 000( Jeff 072-864-


* Nuweswembaddens

* Steppingstones* Sonpanele* Herstel van


(018) 294-5833of 082-928-5774.

Tel: (018) 297-1973Cell: 082-771-6333


Stepping Stones/Paving


Grasdakke /Thatch Roofs


BeaverThaTchersWe specialize in:

• Lapas• Build of new Lapas

• Re-Thatching• Revamp of Lapas• Fix of defaultconstruction• Harvey TheThatching

• Paving & SmartStone

cONTacT:076 940 6688

for free Quotation

Lenings /Loans



while waitingfor


Payout(lumpsum only)(011) 394-6937

WILLIE JORDAANDEBT COUNSELLORWe can assist you toreschedule your debtswithout running the riskof losing your assets.Your monthly paymentwill be reduced to aaffordable level.



FinansiëleDienste /

Financial Services



YOUR DEBT?Contact us for expertadvice on: DEBT




Tel 018 297 7580/ 083 271 9345(Heinricha)


Lê u in die aandewakker oor skuld?Beskerm u bates envermy administrasie

en insolvensie met dienuwe kredietwet. Onsis geregistreer en aan-gestel deur die NCRom jou te beskerm.Skakel Jean by082 550 7494 ofCherlene by018 297 8286

vir ‘n gratis konsul-tasie en word ingelig.U kan ons ook by onskantoor te Mareestraat10, Potchefstroom ofons webtuiste besoek.STRENG


Sweis &Staalwerke /

Welding & Steelworks


ManieSweiswerkeStaalkonstruksie enstore. Voorsieneren installeerder vanveiligheidshekke enafdakke. Optrek van

enige planne.Skakel ManieLabuschagne by

(018) 297-6316 (k/u)of 082-335-9761

Afrikaanssprekendedame in alle areas beskik-baar. 24/7(Zani 079-


EXCLUSIVE VIPOnly 40 years plus!Professional, private,secure.( 079-666-0431/073-927-9858 Potch

"INDIAN JERUSHA"Has finally arrived, tall and

slim, elegant lady.( 073-388-2114

Massage Therapist verysensual full body massageprivate Carletonville. Forapp(Demi 082-735-

2646. 9-6

Potch. Topklas sport ensensueel. Pvt, TLC. 07:30- 18:00 VIP.( 073-900-0435 Of 082-210-6230

AlgemeenTe Koop /

General For Sale


Koninggrootte bed tekoop. " Kingsize" R900en enkelbed met kopstukR850.( (018) 293-0700

GELDVeiling, Vlooi, motor,promosie-mark elke

saterdag om 09:00 by dieboeremark,potchindustria

Kontant in u handby die huis:ons KooP

meubels, gereedskap,kombuisware,

sleepwaens en alleoortollige items.

NIKS te groot of te klein.Kwotasies gratis en

vertroulik.skakel die afslaer:Piet 082 800 7321aankoper Potch:083 629 3449

aankoper Klerksdorp:072 181 2360


Ons verkoop2de handseCanopys viralle bakkies


083 447 6176 /018-264 4969



TO YOU072 760 9489



Grootverskeidenheidtweedehandsebande. In baiegoeie toestand.HARRY’S BANDE(018) 293-0432/3 (K/U)

Ons betaal

kOntantvir u OOrtOllige


(018) 294-5503 / 5Vinnige, vriendelikediens. Transaksies



h/v Kerk &du Plooystr. Potch

Lounge Suite 4 sale.6 Seater modern beige incolour. Brand new R5 500.

( 073-220-7444 of 084-581-1514

P A N D M A RVerskaffers van an-

trasiet, steenkool, hout.Ons koop & verkoop2de handse huisraaden boumateriale. Ons

sloop ook huise. Nou ookbousand, riviersand,crucher mix en sement.KLEIN MAAT. 1/4, 1/2,3/4 + 1 m³. Chris Hani-straat 78.( (018) 293-3234 of 082-920-0871.

Te koop Trojan,Marathon 200. TreadmillR3000 min gebruik.(


TV / ElektrieseToebehore / TV /

Electrical Appliances


MULTI CHOICEAccredited installer any,DSTV Services and LCD /


SHACK.( (018) 294-4868 / 084-631-0500


Winkel 46,Du Plooyst.

tiptoptvsa@gmail.com38 jAAr



(018) 293-0277082 8921 315Andrè Vlok


’s envy, owner’s



Gespesialiseerdeherstelwerk, 7 dae perweek aan alle Whirl-pool, Speed Queen,LG, Defy, Samsung,KIC en Kelvinator

wasmasjiene, yskaste,vrieskaste, skottelgoed-wassers, tuimeldroërs,stowe, koelkamers en

lugversorgers.Alle installasies en

foute. 10% afslag aanpersioenarisse. On-derdele, vakmanskapen diens gewaarborg.Gratis kilometers enkwotasies in die PotchCarletonville asookFochville area.WE ArE OPEN


Mobiele werkswinkel:- 078 905 7274 / 072

132 3672Appliancecare@live.

co.za10% Discount for


TV BUDDIESInstallering van

DSTVHerstelwerk:TV’s, Hi-fi’s,DVD spelers

en Naaldwerk-masjiene.

082 302 7995

Mr Satellite tVFrancois

072 434 2790DSTV Special

R599Extra viewReparasiesKlanksisteme

HibridTV Reparasies15/02/2013Gesluit tot16/02/2013

24 uur beskikbaarWe HOlD tHe


Juweliersware /Jewellery



Ons koop alle gouemunte, Kruger-rande en goue

diamant juwelliers-ware vir kontant.

SkakelLeRoi Diamante:(018) 290 8334

Wil u inhierdie spasieadverteer?

Skakel Carolina(Potchef-stroom) by

(018) 293-0750of Liz (Carle-tonville) by

(018) 788-6693

20 Carletonville Herald 15 Februarie 2013

VenterJuweliersin west Acer Gebou,

winkel 32.

Ons doen her-stelwerk aan allegoue juweliers-ware, horlosiesasook batterye.Ons kOOp

OOk Ou GOud.Vir enige navrae

skakel ons(018) 294-3922

Diere &Pluimvee /

Animals & Poultry


2 pitbulltefies.6 wekeGereGi-

streer, r1 500082 494 3183

2 Maltese poedels te koopR1 500 ses weke oud dienaweek.( 073-427-2328

B O E R B O K K Ete koop. Stoet enkommersieël.

( 082-761-3975.

Buff Peken Bantonshoenders te koop.( 076-


Engelse Bulhonde -8 weke oud. Kusa -geregistreer. Mikro -

skyfie. Pa is internasionalekampioen, Janolla Passatoof Mervander. Pryse vanafR6000.( 072-571-9971

Gorna Altai Bokke 6 virR4 500 ohb. Fiat trekker650 special R30 000.( 074-620-5499

Handmak African GreysR1 500 elk.

( 084-619-6045

Windhondjies te koopR250.( 079-888-5634

YORKIES. 10 weke oud.2 Reuntjies en 1 tefie.Klein soort. R1 300 elk.

( Chris by 083-521-1864.


2007 Rooi Polo1.4, Trendlinemet 17” wiele.

R78 000.Skakel Ferdi072 122 8390of Michael

082 212 3892.

AANDAG!!Benodig u ‘nvoertuig ofbakkie!?

Finansiering?Geen probleem virons!! Groot verske-idenheid om van tekies professionele

diens!!I.T.C Kliëntewelkom!!

Skakel Welma081 805 0292

(F) 086 208 0282

Ek koop byna alle 2dehandse motors, bakkies,kombi's en dubbelkajuitvir kontant. Ek is bereidom op te tel.( Unis by

082-959-9120 of072-203-1614.

CASH FORVEHICLESBest cash prizespaid for your car

or bakkie.Tel: (018) 294 3754Call 082 558 8999.

KONTANTHoogste prysevir u gebruikteVOERTUIG OF

BAKKIE.Skakel Noshi by(018) 294-6169 of082-558-4000.

Koop voertuiein Lopende ofnie Lopende

toestand toten metr50 000.

sKaKeL Jan082 903 5741



BEST PRICES PAID.072-272-1988082-575-7531

WE BUY &SELL CARSFOR CASHCALL US AT:073 123 9269A A N D A G : Ek koopgraag u motor / bakkie virkontant.( RaymondReinecke 082-853-6752.


Ek koop graag u motorof bakkie kontant. Bestepryse.( 082-774-7962

GESOEK. Pensioenaris(dame) soek klein motor

in goeie toestand.Tot R40 000.

( 084-666-9889.

Mercedes E240, 2000.Puik toestand silwer 12cdshut.( 084-426-6885


Ons koopbakkies enmotors virKONTANT.Goeie pryse

word aangebied.Skakel:

072 126 7886

AlgemeenTe Huur /

General To Let


018 293 1858072 561 5715084 561 5703


verskeidenheid beskikbaar.


DE REITZ: Reits str. 2½ slkmet balkon. 300m vankampushek. R850 000HARVARD: 3 X bachelors.Grondvloer. Sekuriteits-kompleks. R299 000 elkVILLA DE BELL: 3 Slk. Uit-stekende prys. R380 000APPELLIEFIE: 1 en 2 slk.Malerbe straat. 800m vankampushek.vanaf R475000

SENTRAAL:MANDIEHOF: Ruim 2slk -lekker ruim. R380 000!!!!


AAN’T VLIET: 2 slk, 2badk, sek kompl.

R860 000 neg


ELANDSTR(Miedpr). 3 SLK.R1.02 mil.

HOFFSTR. 3slk metwoonstel. R950 000

KLINKENBERG VDHpark:3 slk, swemb. Mooionthaalarea R1.83 milMOHADIN:

OMAR STR. 3 bed. Niceintertainm area. Jacuzzi

SOOLIMAN STR.3 slk, beautiful finishes.

Lovely indoor garden withpond


Persele /Premises


KANTORETE HUUROctron gebouop eerste vloer.

H/v JamesMoroka enAutostraat.


018 292 1615Kantoor-ure

08:00 - 16:30


bOltOn arcade,bailliepark

082 567 7241

Bult sentraal: Kantoorpersele vanaf R4000 tot

R7 500 prysklas.( 083-704-1000

To Let- Carletonvillerental space immediatelyavailable in CBD area foroffices or admin business.

Enquiries UNA-TProperties( (018) 788-


W E R K S W I N K E L/ S T O O R : 1 450 vkm@ R12,50 / vkm. Helftevan stoor kan verhuurword. Rossstr., Potchef-stroom.( 072-873-9913.

Woonstelle TeHuur /

Flats To Let


1 slaapkamerwoonstelkoopkrag,r1 800

per maand,mooibank,beskikbaar1 september.

skakel Henk082 902 0405

Onmiddellikbeskikbaar in

Du Plooystraat:1slaapkamer w/stel

R2 800 p/m.skakel:

083 628 2329

Te huur1 slaapka-mer by die

bulThuur: r 3 500

per maandskakel

(012) 751-6410

1 Slpk w/s enkelpersoonR2 700 + dep, w & l ing

geen troeteldiere.Rivierstr 10 Potch.( Piet 082-648-6639

2 Slpk, Bult: R3 864 p/m.2 Slpk, Sentraal: R3 630p/m. 1 Grond w/stel, Bult:R3 630 p/m. Bach, Bult:R2 932 p/m.( Huize-mark by (018) 297-8338.

2 Slpk Granny w/sR2 200 w & l uit. 1 Slpkw/s R2 500 w & l inVyfhoek kleinhoewes.

( 074-620-5499

2 Slpk, sitk & eetk. 1½badk woonstel te huur inBailliepark. Huur R4 500,

dep R3000.( 072-181-8232

2 Slpk studente woonstelte huur: R4 000 p/m.1 Slaapkamer in NoordSentraaldorp: R3 600p/m. Ruim bachelor virstudente: R3 000 p/m.

Ruim 3 slaapkamer woon-stel te Bailliepark:

R4 400 p/m.( SuksesEiendomme by

(018) 294-8846 / 7.

2 Slpk tuinwoonstel nabyMiederpark Spar. 5 kmvanaf Puk geen kinders /

diere pre-paid stilomgewing, R3 400pm.

( 082-552-6189

2 SLPK VARSITYLodge @ R4 510 p/m.Marcorina, A Blok:2 slpk @ R3 800 p/m.Inanda: 2 slpk in Bail-liepark @ R3 800 p/m.Heidehof @ R3 600 p/m.( Potch Eiendomme by

(018) 297-5506.

2 Slpk woonstel te huur.Deposito plus huur vanaf1 Maart.( Loraine (018)


Bailliepark: 2 Slpk @R4 700. Bult: 1 Slpk @R3 600.( 072-433-2822

Bult: 1 Slpk @ R4 460.2 Slpk @ R4 460.( 084-961-6123

Bult: 1Slpk @ R3 350.Mooivallei: 1 Slpk @

R4 020.( 074-241-9577

Bult: 2 Slpk @ R4 800.Bult : Bachelor @ R3000.

( 074-162-9541

Bult: Bachelor loft @R3 570. 1 Slpk @ R3 900.

( 074-631-9976

Bult sentraal: Ruim 2-vertrek woonstel;

R4 300pm. Sms na:( 083-704-1010

BY PUK: gemeubileerdebach (stap afstand) @R2 900 p/m.( Huize-mark by (018) 297-8338.

CBD: Spacious 2bedroom flat to rent.

2 Covered parkings, R3500pm.( 083-376-8395

Fochville 1 Slk woonstelvir enkel persoon w/l ing.R2 200(Elize 072-187-


Groot 2 slaapkamer-woonstel te huur. 1 MaartSentraal, geen diere.( (018) 294-4431 /


Netjiese woonstel nabyUniversiteit onderdak-parkering, goeiesekuriteit.

( 082-413-4192

Potch; Bachelor, sentraalnaby Girls High.

Onmiddelik besk, R1500pm.( 074-368-2546

Potch; Mooi omgewingnaby Gimmies / Puk; Vir 2

studente te deel. Elk heteie slpk en sitkamer; deelslegs badk, kombuis.R3000pm per persoon.Krag, water, skoonmaakingesluit, 1 x per week.

Trek in 1 Maart.( 074-368-25456

S T U D E N T EW O O N S T E L L Ete huur. 1 Slpk, vooraf-betaalde krag. Seku-riteitsomheining. H/vEleazer en Reitzstraat.R3 000 p/m. 2 Slpk

beskikbaar 1 April 2013.R3 800 p/m.

( 083-652-7487.

Sentraal bachelor w/sR2000pm, pre-paid

onderdak parkering.(082-552-6189

Woonstel Potch Indust.Veilige plaas atmosfeer.Eenslaapkamer R3000,bachelors R2000 w/l ing.

( 083-996-0320

Woonstelle TeKoop /

Flats For Sale


Central: Spacious 2bedroom flat for sale.2 Covered parkings.Ideally situated.R380 000.

( 083-376-8395

WOONSTELLE TEKOOP (STUDENTE)Bach, Roodeberg 40:R380 000. 1 Slpk,Driscahof: R430 000.1 Slpk, luuks en splin-ternuut vanaf R650 000.2 Slpk, C@H: R460 100.2 Slpk, C@H: R486 000.2 Slpk, Kolgans: R515000.( Huizemark by(018) 297-8338.

Meenthuise TeHuur /

Townhouses To Let


2 Slpk, 1 ½ badkamer, 1mh tuin dupleks.

Bailliepark. R4 300 watering, krag uitgesluit, 1 Mrt.

( 082-800-7342

Fochville: 2 Slpkmeenthuis, 1 badk, 1motorhuis, eie tuin @R3 600, water ingesluit,

koopkrag.( 074-631-9976

Grimbeeckpark: 2 Slpk@ R5 680. Bailliepark: 3

Slpk @ R5 800.( 082-885-9319

MAROELAPARK.3 Slpk met dubbelgeriewe.Suiddorp @ R6 400 p/m.( Potch Eiendomme by

(018) 297- 5506.

Meenthuise TeKoop /

Townhouses For Sale


Ruim 155m². 2 Slaap,2 bad, opwas, garage. Erf255m², naby Spar. Mooi.( Zelna 082-768-9595

Huise Te Huur /Houses To Let


H U I S T E H U U R3 Slaapkamer met 1½badkamer met groot

woon-stel en swembad, lapa enboorgat. Koopkrag. R9

000p/m + sleuteldeposito.

( Loutjie (Potchefstroom)by 082-573-8741.

Nommer1 inVERHURINGSRetiefstraat018 297 5777Mooirivier Mall018 293 2237

Splinter-nuwe 3-bed,

2-bad Skakel-huiS te huur

in tuScanyridge.

Dubbelmotorhuis,tuin, ingeboude

braai en goeie af-werkings. Alarms-

telsel, veilig-heidskompleks met24-uur wagte enelektriese omhei-ning. R9,900 in-

gesluit water, rioolen vullisverwyde-ring, alarmdienste

en tuindienste.

SkakelSabrina by079 697 5047.


VERSKEIDENHEID.( JUST LETTING(018) 293-1858 OF(018) 468-8446.

Bult sentraal; Ruimoutydse huis. Geskik vir 4

werkendes / seniorstudente te deel of gesinwat nie motorhuisebenodig - R7 500pm.

(083-704-1000 /083-704-1010

HUISE TE HUUR:5 slpk, Dam area: R7 260p/m. 4 Slpk, Bailliepark:R11 550 p/m.( Huize-mark by (018) 297-8338.

Pragtige 3 slpk huis opplaas agter Oos-Drie R3500 W/L ingesluit( 076-


Huise Te Koop /Houses For Sale



• Suiddorp -3 wonings te

koop - 3 Slpk,met dubbel-


083 286 7873of

073 133 4544.Vir enigenavrae.

Aftree Oord 1 slpk. Volbadk, sit, eetk, kombuis.Privaat geen agente.

Navrae;( 082-254-1773


Ruim netjiese sier-steen woonhuis in ‘nstil gesogte straatmet 3 slaapka-

mers, 3½ badkamers,sitkamer, eetkamer,

woonkamer,ruim studeerkamermet brandkamer,

kroeg met wynkelder.Ruim kombuis metspens en waskamer,buitekamer met bad-kamer, 2 motorhuiseen 2 motorafdakke.Plus: 1 Slaapkamerwoonstel met bad-kamer en sitkamer.Swembad in ‘n

gevestigde tuin met‘n toegeruste boorgat.Prys: R2 950 000Meyer & Kie :(018) 294-5365

Theo van Niekerk:082 445 6750


VANAF PLANLae onderhoudTeëldak woning3 slaapkamers,2 badkamers,Skuifdeure nabuite braai


OmmuurR995 000 enR1 080 0000SKAKEL

083 625 7437

Hoewes & Plase TeKoop / Smalls Holdings

& Farms For Sale


35 Ha plaas 15km vanafPotchefstroom (Boskop).

2 Woonhuise baiebuite geboue R2,6 miljoen

(Btw uitg).( 073-089-6334

‘n pragtigerivier stand-plaas van1ha te kooplapa, boma,krag en waterasook 100mrivierfront metopsie om te bou,20 km buitekantpotchefstroomis koelwaterontwikellinggeleë teen dieoewers vandie vaalrivierSkakel Percy082 460 4885

of Tom076 569 4515

DWARSSTR. BY DIEPuk. Slegs mans student

@ R1 390 p/m.( Potch Eiendommeby (018) 297-5506.

Kamers te huur ten vollegemeubileerd swembad +Dstv. Ontbyt + aand eteenkel R3000pm dubbel

R5000pm.( Elize 082-300-2235

Vakansie Akkom-modasie / Vacation



Luukse kamers,ontbyt, M-Net,parkering +

swembad. Paryslaan37, Bailliepark,Potch. Tel:

(018) 290-7387/9082-559-8293 n/u


Marina Strand / Uvongo.Vanaf 10 nagte virR2 000, buite seisoen.( 082-920-4063

tussen 08:00 en 13:00.


KennisgewingDit is die verantwoordelikheidvan die Adverteerder om sekerte maak dat sy advertensiekorrek is op die eerste dagvan publikasie en geplaas isvolgens sy/haar instruksiesen dat alle foute gekorrigeeris voor die volgende uitgawe.MooiVaal Media neem geenverantwoordelikheid vir meeras een foutiewe plasing nie.

(018) 293 0750 /(018) 788 6693

Wil u inhierdie spasieadverteer?

Skakel Carolina(Potchef-stroom) by

(018) 293-0750of Liz (Carle-tonville) by

(018) 788-6693

15 Februarie 2013 Carletonville Herald 21


- Engineering company (Potchefstroom): Support Department- Remuneration package: available on request

Min. qualification/experience requirements: Matric (receptionist related qualification would be an

advantage). 1+ years’ experience in corporate environment.

Skills/competencies: Skilled communicator (verbal and written, Eng. & Afr.). Skilled in MS Office (MS Word, Excel, Outlook) Prepared to perform routine tasks.

M-Tech is committed to the achievement and maintenance ofdiversity and equity in employment.

For an application form, please contact Siphiwe Nobatana or (018) 297-0326.

Closing date: Tuesday 19 February 2013 @ 17h00






Reaksie OffisieR/ReactiOn OfficeR

• AfrikAAns / EngEls• PsirA gErEgistrEEr / PsirA rEgistEr• WAPEn BEvoEgdhEid sErtifikAAt /ComPEtEnCy CErtifiCAtE

• BEstuurslisEnsiE / drivErs liCEnsE• C grAAd En rEAksiE / grAdE C And rEACtion

fax: 086 500 0359EmAil: hr@PArsEk.Co.zA

AttEntion: mAgdAClosing dAtE: 22 mArCh 2013

PEoPlE on short list Will BE ContACtEd

RekenmeesteR /Admin Assistent –

hAlfdAg pos.Trellidor benodig diedienste van ‘n betrou-bare, akkurate persoonom so spoedig moontlik

diens te aanvaar.Toepaslike kwalifika-sies en deeglike prak-tiese kennis en ervaringvan Pastel ‘n vereiste.Vergoeding sal onder-handel word met aan-

stelling.epos CV’s:


CV to:018 – 771 2314

Ortec Labour urgentlyrequire the followingqualified persons:








Om Onmiddellik diens te aanvaarskakel 083 5211 864 Chris.

POtCherstrOOmaansOekvOrms te FOrsmanstr. 2

BetrekkingsGevra /

Vacancies Wanted


Domestic worker seeksany available work toclean, washing, iron etc.( Aletta 078-561-0868

Hardworking lady seeksdomestic work orwaitress work.

( Lydia 076-997-5120

Hardworking lady seeksHotel or any domesticwork available.(Bongiwe 0604-299-661

Hardworking lady seekswork; clean, washing, iron.

( Hester 073-440-4659

Hardworking lady seeksdomestic work. AvailableWednesday and Fridays.( Betty 073-952-4354

Hardworking lady seeksdomestic work.Clean, wash, iron.

( Maria 078-824-8276

Betrekkings /Vacancies


A little off the Top isopsoek na 'n haarkapster en

naeltegnikus.( Marli 072-821-4722.

AGENTE GESOEKvir gevestigde

verhuringsagentskap.Basiese salaris: R3 000p/m. Moet oor eie vervoeren selfoon beskik. Moetonmiddellik diens aan-vaar. E-pos CV

‘n Reken-meesteR-en Oudi-

teuRsfiRmain POtchef-stROOmbenodig

PeRsOneelmet minstensRekening-kunde enWiskunde

op matriekvlak.B. Commstudente

met Reken-ingkunde enInkomste-be-

lastingsal voorkeur

geniet.stuur u cVna

offaks u cV

(018) 290 7797

4 Poste beskikbaar tePotchefstroom. 2 VirPaneelkloppers & 2 vir

strip & fitter.Mededingende salaris.(Nico 083-639-6048 of faxCv na (018) 297-7646

Avon Representatives &Sales leaders needed.

Carletonville. Sms name &area to(083-389-1784

today ?

B E N O D I Gbemarkers en werwersvir eiendomme.Kommissiebasis.Deeltyds / voltyds.( Huizemark by(018) 297-8338.

"Bemarkers benodig"In SA vir winskopiedroom-vakansieswerêld wyd.

Opleiding + motoraangebied.

( 082-343-9349

Benodig meubelverkoopsdame vriendelike en goeiemenseverhoudinge.(

(018) 294-7053Potchefstroom

Betrekking aangebied:Just Residential Pot-chefstroom benodig diedienste van vriendelike,professionele en hard-werkende eiendoms-agente om by hulle aante sluit. Verdien goeiekommissie. Moet beskikoor eie vervoer. E-mailCV's na

Blokman benodig.( Pieter (018) 294-6530

IT TECHNICIAN (018)294-4664). Network, hard-ware, telephone systems,back up, software supp.

ORYX PERSONNEL(018) 294-4664. Regi-

streer by ons en word oor-weeg vir vele vakatures.

Kroegdame benodig inPotch 18 tot 30 ±R5000pm.( Chris

082-335-4767 tussen 10en 5.

LUTEA PARFUUM:146 geure om te bemark!Uitstekende kommissie!

( 083-655-0445 /madrigrobbelaar@ /

Montana Spur is opsoekna junior bestuurders,moet bereid wees om

skofte te werk.( Josef 082-776-1408

Security Company in Pot-chefstroom is looking for aGrade C Site Supervisorand a Vehicle Supervisorvalid drivers licence soberhabits(082-878-8805

Verdien ekstra inkomsteword 'n Acornkid's Agent.

Produkte ook te koop.(Martie 083-795-5721 ofwww.martie.acorndealer.

Young lady needed atMicro Lender fax cv to;

( 086-236-4225


Email: GBErasmus@AngloAshanti.comFax: 014 5926714VERY URGENT





Fax CV (max 4 pgs) to aboveemail/fax

Winkel assistantbenodig

vir Juwelierswinkelin Potchefstroom.

Vereistes: Verkoops-ondervinding, goeiekommunikasie,

afrikaans en engelsmagtig.

stuur CV nainvestmentdiamonds@

KennisgewingDit is die verantwoordelikheidvan die Adverteerder om sekerte maak dat sy advertensiekorrek is op die eerste dagvan publikasie en geplaas isvolgens sy/haar instruksiesen dat alle foute gekorrigeeris voor die volgende uitgawe.MooiVaal Media neem geenverantwoordelikheid vir meeras een foutiewe plasing nie.

(018) 293 0750 /(018) 788 6693

22 Carletonville Herald 15 Februarie 2013

Fochville hospitaal het ‘n vakaturevir ‘n Gevalle studie Bestuurder.

vorige ondervinding is ‘n vereiste.Geskikte kandidate moet ‘n verantwoordelike persoon wees wat oor eie vervoer beskik

en bereid is om bystand te doen en oortyd te werk indien nodig.Ten volle tweetalig. Salaris onderhandelbaar.

As u binne 2 weke nog niks van ons gehoor het nie, was u aansoek onsuksesvol.aansoekvorms is beskikbaar by:

Mev. J.M. krugerontvangs-

tel: 018 771 2021\2\3Faks: 018 771 2029

cv’ s kan na gestuur word.

oO o

Fochville hospital has a vacancy Fora case ManaGer.

previous experience is essential.Eligible candidates must be a responsible person with

own transport and able to do standby and do overtime when needed.Fully bilingual. Salary is negotiable.

If you are not contacted in two weeks’ time, your application was unsuccessful.application documents are available at:

Mrs. J.M. krugerreception-

tel: 018 771 2021/2/3Fax: 018 771 2029

cv’s can be faxed or emailed to

GTG FouriesPiGGery

Has a vacancy available for amature hardworking

lady.Required to work in the

maternity section of an intensivepig farm. She must have her

own transport, a love for animalsand will be required to work one

weekend a month.Training will be provided.

Management and good recordkeeping skills is required.

Fax CV: 018 291 1620 ore-mail:

GTG FouriesPiGGery

Beskik tans oor ‘n vakature vir ‘ngetroue

hardwerkende dametussen die ouderdom

30-45 om in die kraamafdelingvan ‘n intensiewe varkeenheidte werk. Moet eie vervoer hê en

lief wees vir diere. Moetbereid wees om een naweek permaand te werk. Opleiding sal

verskaf word.Bestuurs en akkurate

vaardighede is ‘n vereiste.Faks CV na 018 291 1620 ofe-pos:

HABiTATVerwe, Hardeware & ElektriesHabitat beskik tans oor die volgendevakatures vir hardwerkende individue:1. SEkuriTEiTSBEAmpTE

Werksure:Maandag – Vrydag: 07:30 – 17:15

Saterdae: 07:30 – 13:00

2. VErkoopSpErSoonWerksure:

Maandag – Vrydag: 07:30 – 17:15Saterdae: 07:30 – 13:00Vorige ondervinding sal as

aanbeveling dien.Handig u CV in te James Motokastraat

69-71, Potchefstroom.Sluitingsdatum: 18 Februarie 2013.

Aansoekers wat na 25 Februarie 2013nog nie terugvoering ontvang het nie,

se aansoeke was onsuksesvol.

Voldagpos VirontVangsdame

• Dinamiese persoon word benodig metgoeie mensekennis.• Puik telefoonetiket

• Rekenaarvaardig, bestuur van dagboekeop outlook en gmail.

• Algemene kantoor administrasie• Behartig van ontvangs en

skakelbord.• Moet onder druk kan werk.

• Vereiste persoon moet 33 en ouer weesen gevestig wees inPotchefstroom.

• Ondervinding in die versekerings bedryfkan tot voordeel wees.

CV moet per hand afgelewer wordte Totiusstraat 26

blok D, Potchefstroom.Sluitingsdatum

21 Februarie 2013.Indien u nie van ons hoornie was u aansoek nie

suksesvol nie.

RepResentatives neededto maRket ouR FuneRal& legal BeneFit plan in

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KennisgewingDit is die verantwoordelikheid van die Adverteerder om seker te maak dat syadvertensie korrek is op die eerste dag van publikasie en geplaas is volgenssy/haar instruksies en dat alle foute gekorrigeer is voor die volgende uitgawe.MooiVaal Media neem geen verantwoordelikheid vir meer as een foutiewe

plasing nie. (018) 293 0750 / (018) 788 6693

15 Februarie 2013 Carletonville Herald 23

Tenders word hiermee gevra ingevolgeArtikel 83 van dieWet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Stelsels 2000, (Wet 32 van 2000), vir“GEÏNTEGREERDE AANVRAAG-BESTUUR: STRAATLIGTE RETROFIT & GEBOUE BELIGTING RETROFIT VIR TLOK-WE STADSRAAD”.SLUITINGSTYD EN -DATUM: 12:00 OP 8 Maart 2013Verseëlde tenders wat duidelik gemerk is “Tender 58/2012: GEÏNTEGREERDE AANVRAAG-BESTUUR: STRAATLIGTE RET-ROFIT & GEBOUE BELIGTING RETROFIT VIR TLOKWE STADSRAAD” moet in die tenderbus in die Kantoor van die Speaker,Kamer 315, Derde Vloer, Dan Tloome Kompleks, h.v Sol Plaatjielaan en Wolmaransstraat, Potchefstroom, geplaas word of gestuurword aan: Die Munisipale Bestuurder, Posbus 113, Potchefstroom, 2520. Tenders sal tot op 12:00 op 8 Maart 2013 ontvang word ensal in die openbaar in die Komiteekamer, Derde Vloer, Dan Tloome Kompleks, h.v. Sol Plaatjielaan en Wolmaransstraat, Potchefst-room, oopgemaak word. Telegrafiese, faks of e-pos tenders sal nie aanvaar word nie.


Funksionaliteit Sub-kriteria(Bewyse tesame met Tender ingehandig word)

Maksimum Punte

Kern besigheid van organisasie – verwysing na soortgelyke projekte (1 Punt vir elke item terbevestiging van kern besigheid)

5 punte

Bewese rekord – verwysing na voltooiing van soortgelyke projekte (4 Punte vir elke soort-gelyke projek)

20 punte

Ondervinding en vaardigheid van kern personeel – verwysing na soortgelyke projekte(1 Punt vir elke jaar)

15 punte

Bekwaamheid/vermoë om werk te doen – verwysing na beskikbare hulpbronne(1 Punt vir elke 2 persone op personeel *maksimum 5 punte) (1 Punt virelke voertuig *maksimum 5 punte. Bewys van registrasie moet aangeheg word vir elke voertuig)

10 punte

Geen tender sal beskou word as aanvaarbaar as die tender nie die minimum kwalifiserende punte (70%) vir funksionaliteit,behaal nie.

Om te verseker dat u tender nie aan ongeldigverklaring blootgestel word nie, moet dokumente voltooi word volgens die voorwaardesen tenderregulasies soos vervat in die tenderdokumente verkrygbaar van die Departement Infrastruktuur: Elektrisiteit, Luitinghstraat,Potchindustria, teen betaling van ‘n R300,00 nie-terugbetaalbare dokumentsfooi, betaalbaar aan die Stadstesourier, wat vooraf inbetaalmoet word by die belastingkantoor te Dan Tloome Kompleks, Wolmaransstraat, Potchefstroom.Die Stadsraad behou die reg voor om enige tender of tenders of gedeelte(s) daarvan te aanvaar of geen tender te aanvaar nie. Volgensdie diskresie van die Raad sal die laagste tender nie noodwendig aanvaar hoef te word nie.Tenderaars moet die nodige inligting verstrek ten einde te voldoen aan die bepalings vanArtikel 83 van dieWet op Plaaslike Regering:Munisipale Stelsels 2000, (Wet 32 van 2000) en onderworpe aan die bepalings van die Wet op die Raamwerk vir Voorkeurverkry-gings-beleid 2000, (Wet 5 van 2000) asook die Voorkeurverkrygingsregulasies, uitgevaardig kragtens die Wet op die Raamwerk virVoorkeurverkrygingsbeleid Raamwerke (soos gewysig). Daar moet ook aan die Voorsieningskanaalbestuursregulasies, afgekondigin Staatskoerant 27636 gedateer Mei 2009. Die Voorsieningskanaalbestuursverordeninge van die Stadsraad van Tlokwe sal ook vantoepassing wees.‘n Verpligte terrein inspeksie vergadering sal op 20 Februarie 2013 om 10:00 gehou word by Departement Infrastruktuur: Elektrisiteit,Luitinghstraat, Potchindustria.Navrae: Mnr Chris Lombard, Cell 079 694 5811.Kennisgewing no. 28/2013 B G MOUMAKWE


Tenders are hereby invited in terms of Section 83 of Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 2000, (Act 32 of 2000) forINTEGRATED DEMAND MANAGEMENT: STREET LIGHTING RETROFIT & BUILDING LIGHTING RETROFIT FORTLOKWE CITY COUNCIL.CLOSING TIMEAND DATE: 12:00 ON 8 March 2013Sealed tender, duly endorsed “TENDER 58/2012: INTEGRATED DEMAND MANAGEMENT: STREET LIGHTING RETRO-FIT & BUILDING LIGHTING RETROFIT FOR TLOKWE CITY COUNCIL” must be placed in the tender box at the Office ofthe Speaker, Room 315, Third Floor, Dan Tloome Complex, Corner of Sol Plaatjie Avenue and Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom,or addressed to: The Municipal Manager, P O Box 113, Potchefstroom, 2520. Tenders will be received until 12:00 on 8 March2013 and will be opened in public in the Committee Room, Third Floor, Dan Tloome Complex, corner of Sol Plaatjie Avenue andWolmarans Street, Potchefstroom. Telegraphic, facsimile or e-mail tenders will not be accepted.


Functionality Criteria(Proof is required to be submitted with tender)

Maximum number of points

Core business of organisation - reference to similar projects (1Point for each item confirming core business)

5 points

Proven track record - reference to the completion of similar projects (4Points for each comparable project)

20 points

Experience and expertise of key staff - reference to similar projects (1Point for each year)

15 points

Capacity to do the work - reference to the resources (1Point for every 2 persons on staff *maximum 5 points) (1Point for each vehicle *maximum 5 points. Proof of registration required to beattached for each vehicle)

10 points

Bidders that score less than 70% on the above criteria will be excluded from further participation in this bid.

To ensure that your tender is not exposed to invalidation, documents are to be completed in accordance with the conditions andtender rules contained in the tender documents obtainable from the Department Infrastructure, Electricity, Luitingh Street, Potchin-dustria, upon payment of a non-refundable, deposit of R300,00 document fee payable to the “City Treasurer” Tlokwe City Counciland paid in at the Rates Hall, Dan Tloome Complex, Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom.The City Council reserves the rights to accept any tender or tenders or part(s) thereof or not accept any tender or tenders at all. Atthe Council’s discretion, the lowest tender shall not necessarily be accepted.Tenderers must supply the necessary information in order to comply with the requirements of Section 83 of the Local Government:Municipal SystemsAct 2000, (Act 32 of 2000) and subject to the conditions of the Preferential Procurement Policy FrameworkAct2000, (Act 5 of 2000) as well as the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2001 pertaining to the Preferential Procurement PolicyFramework Act (as amended). It must also comply with the Supply Chain Management Regulations as published in GovernmentGazette 27636 of May 2009. The Council’s Supply Chain Management By-Law will also be applicable.A compulsory site inspection meeting will be held on 20 February 2013 at 10:00 in the Department Infrastructure, Electricity,Luitingh Street, Potchindustria.Enquiries: Mr Chris Lombard, Cell 079 694 5811.Notice No. 28/2013 B G MOUMAKWE






24 Carletonville Herald 15 Februarie 2013

Vir nadere besonderhede skakel:Afslaer/Anton Müller 083 627 0567

Kantoor 018 294


In opdrag van Adriaan van den Berg wie woonagtig is in Australië en finaal besluit het om te emigreer, verkoop ons

OP WOENSDAG, 27 FEBRUARIE 2013 om 11h00 te WEST ACRES SENTRUM (PICK ‘N PAY SENTRUM)h/v Retief Str & Walter Sisulu laan, Potchefstroom

Erf No. Verhuurbare m² Gebou & Straatadres in Potchefstroom Maandelikse Inkomste Vakante m²1. Erf 3056,

Potchefstroom10,853 West Acres, Pick ‘n Pay, Walter Sisululaan 57 R736,748 1,190

2. Erf 2981,Potchefstroom

7,611 Royal Gebou, James Marokalaan 42 R281,676 470

3. Ged 1 Erf 1587,Potchefstroom

713 JD Gebou, Walter Sisululaan 132 R27,326 0

4. Erf 354 vd Hoffpark 760 Adrina Gebou, Klinkenbergweg 34 R44,362 05. Erf 258 Baillie Park 260 Vyfhoek Gebou, Holtzhausenstr 32 R30,462 606. Erf 826 Baillie Park 4,972 Jatruka Woonstelle, Marlstr 4 R155,000 07. Plot 1021 Vyfhoek 1,2257 ha 2 woonhuise, woonstel, kantoorblok, store Geskik vir

ontwikkeling.Grens aan N12

08. Plot 1022 Vyfhoek 1,5777 ha Woonhuis en motorhuise

09. Erf 325

Leeudoringstad609 FNB Gebou, Georgestr 10, Leeudoringstad R11,851 0

Nota’s: 1. Besoek ons webtuiste: vir volledige besonderhede met betrekking tot die eiendomme2. Registrasie as ‘n koper is ‘n vereiste.

6. BTW is nie in berekening gebring by inkomste en uitgawes nie

7. Besoek ons webtuiste vir reëls van die veiling en regulasies in terme van die verbruikerswet8. Kopers moet bewys van identiteit en woonadres beskikbaar hê om te registreer as Koper9. Volledige brosjure beskikbaar op aanvraag en op die webtuiste

VOORWAARDES:1. Deposito van 10% is betaalbaar2. BTW is betaalbaar en lopende saak kan gekoop word3. Koperskommissie @ 5% plus BTW daarop is betaalbaar4. Waarborg vir balans koopprys 30 dae na bekragtiging5. Word verkoop sonder reserwe en slegs onderworpe aan bekragtiging

INSOLVENTE BOEDEL VEILINGIn opdrag van die Trustees in die Insolvente boedel Land Breez Trading 650 cc,met Meesterverwysingsnommer B97/2012 bied ons die volgende meenthuis op

die perseel per publieke veiling te koop aan opDINSDAG 19 FEBRUARIE 2013 om 11:00


* Die eenheid bestaan uit 1 slaapkamer, 1 badkamer en enkelparkering

Afslaersnota:Afskrif van ID asook adresbevestiging nodig vir registrasie10 % Deposito asook 7 % kommissie, plus BTW op die kommissie, met die valvan die hamer

Vir Besigtiging, navrae of volledige voorwaardes skakel kantoor056-515 1181 of Denise 082 416 7838

BOEDELKENNISGEWINGKennis geskied hiermee dat ingevolge Artikel 35(5) vanWet 66 van 1965, die Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- enDistribusierekening in die boedel van wyle, MIEMIERENEE BISSCHOFF met boedelnommer: 13865/2007en identiteitsnommer: 261223 0001 08 3, ‘n pensioenarisin lewe en woonagtig te Huis Eikelaan, Potchefstrooom,Noord-Wes Provinsie, ter insae sal lê by die kantoor vandie Landdros te Potchefstroom, en die kantoor van dieMeester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria vir ‘n tydperkvan 21dae vanaf datum van hierdie kennisgewing. Indienbinne genoemde tydperk geen besware daarteen by dieMeester van die Hooggeregshof ingedien is nie, gaan dieEksekuteur/Gevolmagtigde Agent oor tot uitbeta-ling en oordrag ingevolge die rekening. GETEKEN tePOTCHEFSTROOM op hierdie 31STE dag van JANU-ARIE 2013. Eksekuteur: Me. E Van der WaltP/a Danie van Vuuren & Kie Rekenmeesters, Posbus1725, POTCHEFSTROOM, 2520, Tel: (018) 294 3722Faks: (018) 297 8925------------------------------------------------------------P047 B




In die boedel van wyle Ismail Ebrahim (ldentiteitsnom-mer 280302 5063 08 7), wewenaar wie oorlede in op 19Januarie 2012 (Boedelnommer 8635/2012). Krediteure endebiteure word hiennee versoek om bulle eise in te dienen bulle skulde te betaal binne ‘n tydperk van 30 (DER-TIG) dae gereken van datum van verskyning van hierdieadvertensie. MARIUS DE VILLIERS INGEL YFPOSBUS 1673, POTCHEFSTROOM, 2520. TEL.: (018) 297-2090------------------------------------------------------------p050



BOEDELKENNISGEWINGIn die boedel van wyle DAYAROOPA(Identiteitsnommer241116 5075 08 3), wewenaar wie oorlede is op 10 Julie2008 (Boedelnommer 2815/2008). GELIEWE KENNISTE NEEM dat die Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- enDistribusierekening ter insae lê by die Meester van dieHooggeregshof te MAFIKENG, en die LanddroshoftePOTCHEFSTROOM, vir ‘n tydperk van 21 (Een-en-Twintig) dae gereken vanaf datum van publikasie.MARIUS DE VILLIERS INGELYF, POSBUS 1673POTCHEFSTROOM, 2520, TEL: (018) 297-2090------------------------------------------------------------p049



K E N N I S G E W I N GIN DIE BOEDEL VAN WYLE: ELLEN REYNOLDSIDENTITEITSNOMMER: 131026 0018 08 2. BOEDELNR:1337/2013. IN LEWE WOONAGTIG TE PLAASLEEUFONTEIN, DISTRIK, POTCHEF-STROOM. IN-GEVOLGE Artikel 29(1) van Wet nr 66 van 1965 wordalle Krediteure in bovermelde boedel hiermee versoek omhulle vorderings in te dien by die ondergetekende binne‘n tydperk van 30 dae gereken vanaf 15 FEBRUARIE2013. DATUM VAN PLASING: 15 FEBRUARIE 2013.CAREL ERASMUS-GAISFORDS, OCTRONGEBOU,Lombardstraat 62, Posbus 71, POTCHEFSTROOM,VERW: C ERASMUS------------------------------------------------------------p048



K E N N I S G E W I N GIn die Boedel van wyle KARL HERMANN DU PREEZ,(Identiteitsnommer 400331 5004 08 5), gebore op 31MAART 1940 en oorlede op 27 OKTOBER 2012, Ge-troud binne gemeenskap van goedere met, CORNELIAJOHANNADU PREEZ, (Identiteitsnommer 390110 007308 5) van Plot 15, Riastuine, POTCHEFSTROOM, 2531.BOEDEL NR 000585/2013. Skuldeisers in bogemeldeBoedel word versoek om hulle vorderinge in te lewer enskuldenare om hulle skulde te betaal by die ondergetek-ende binne ‘n tydperk van 30 (DERTIG) dae vanaf 15FEBRUARIE 2013. GEDATEER te PARYS op hierdie4de dag van FEBRUARIE 2013. COETZEESIN GP rokureurs vir Eksekutrise/EksekuteurBuitenstraat 25 Posbus 5 PARYS 9585(VERW. J P COETZEE/adt/P1840)------------------------------------------------------------p047A



NOTICEIn the estate of the late THAMSANQA ELIAS MAKHO-BA, ID No. 650904 5593 08 8 who died on 14 February2010 and who in life resided at POTCHEFSTROOM.ESTATE NUMBER 3447/2011. Notice is hereby givenin terms of Section 29 of Act 68 of 1965 to all Debtorsand Creditors to lodge their claims against and in favourof this estate, within 30 (THIRTY) days of publicationhereof at the address hereunder. LEGAL AID SOUTHAFRICA, POTCHEFSTROOM JUSTICE CENTRE,P.O. Box 1447, Potchefstroom, 2520. Tel: (018) 2930045, Fax: (018) 297 7425. Ref S VAN WYK.------------------------------------------------------------P052



15 Februarie 2013 Carletonville Herald 25



In the matter between:-THE STANDARD BANK OF SA LIMITED(1962/000738/06) PlaintiffandLOT PUNA MASILO Defendant

In pursuance of a judgment and a Writ of Execution of theabovementioned Court, a sale in execution of theundermentioned property is to be held without reserve atthe MAGISTRATES OFFICE,VAN ZYLSMITSTREET,OBERHOLZER on FRIDAY, 1 MARCH 2013 at 10:00.Full conditions of sale can be inspected at the Sheriff ofCARLETONVILLE, AGNEW STREET,CARLETONVILLE and will also be read out prior to thesale.

No warranties are given with regard to the descriptionand/or improvements.




Zone : Residential

IMPROVEMENTS:Dwelling consisting of : 1 x lounge, 1 x kitchen, 3 x bed-rooms, 1 x bathroom with separate toilet, 1 x garage, 1 xback room

Take note of the following requirements for all prospec-tive buyers:

1. As required by the specific Sheriff, a refundable regis-tration fee is payable on date of auction.

2. Presentation to the Sheriff of the following FICA docu-ments:

2.1 Copy of Identity Document.2.2 Proof of residential address.


HAASBROEK & BOEZAART INCATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFFHB FORUM13 STAMVRUG STREETVAL DE GRACE, PRETORIATEL NO: (012) 481 3626FAX NO: 086 673 2394(REF: BVDMERWE/SAG/S1234/3890)------------------------------------------------------------c396



KENNISGEWINGIn die boedel van WYLE JOHANNES LODEWICKUSMEINTJES, Identiteitsnommer 501122 5155 08 6, ‘npensionaris in lewe, gewoonlik woonagtig te6 Oranjestraat, Carletonville en wat oorlede is op 9 Ok-tober 2012 te Carletonville, met Boedelnommer 17302 /2012. GELIEWE KENNIS TE NEEM dat die Eerste- enFinale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening in bogemeldeboedel ter insae sal lê in die kantoor van die Meester vandie Hooggeregshof, Pretoria en te die LanddroskantoorOberholzer vir ‘n tydperk van 21 (een en twintig) daevanaf datum van publikasie hiervan. GEDATEER teOberholzer op hierdie 15de dag van Februarie 2013. PIETVAN STADEN PROKUREURS, EGGO JANSTRAAT62, POSBUS 6013, OBERHOLZER, VERW:PVS/jh/BOE65/0001, TEL NO.: (018) 7886528/9------------------------------------------------------------c397



KENNISGEWINGINGEVOLGE Artikel 35(5) van Wet 66 van 1965 wordhierby kennis gegee dat die EERSTE EN FINALE Lik-widasie- en Distribusierekening in die Boedel van WyleCOENRAAD FREDERIK STOLTYZ (Identiteitsnom-mer: 180217 5007 08 5] in lewe van ARENDSTRAAT 1,POTCHEFSTROOM, BOEDELNOMMER: 3886/2012),ter insae sal lê vir ‘n periode van 21 dae vanaf 15 FEB-RUARIE 2013 by die Landdroskantoor te POTCHEF-STROOM en die Meesterskantoor te MMABATHO.INDIEN gedurende genoemde tydperk geen beswaardaarteen by die Meester ingedien word nie, gaan dieEksekuteur oor tot uitbetaling ingevolge die gemelderekening. GEDATEER te WELKOM hierdie 5E dag vanFEBRUARIE 2013. (get) A STYGER, NEUMANN VANROOYEN ING, NEUMANN VAN ROOYEN GEBOU,HEERENSTRAAT II, POSBUS 4, WELKOM, 9460[AS/ch/BI5549]------------------------------------------------------------p051



NOTICEIn the estate of the late NDABAYITETWA DAVIDDAMOYI, ID No. 671203 5765 08 4 who died on 10 Jan-uary 2011 and who in life resided at POTCHEFSTROOM.ESTATE NUMBER 2017/2011. Notice is hereby givenin terms of Section 29 of Act 68 of 1965 to all Debtorsand Creditors to lodge their claims against and in favourof this estate, within 30 (THIRTY) days of publicationhereof at the address hereunder. LEGAL AID SOUTHAFRICA, POTCHEFSTROOM JUSTICE CENTRE,P.O. Box 1447, Potchefstroom, 2520. Tel: (018) 2930045, Fax: (018) 297 7425. Ref S VAN WYK.------------------------------------------------------------P053




Helene Kluge

Melting heartsBiscuits: Cream together 50g each

margarine and sugar until pale andcreamy. Beat in 2ml vanilla, 125mlflour, a pinch of salt and enough coldwater to form a soft dough. Cover withclingwrap and chill for 15 mi-nutes.Roll dough out to 5mm-thickness andcut into 12 hearts using a template orbiscuit cutter. Bake at 180° C for 10minutes on a greased baking tray andallow to cool on a wire rack.Chocolate hearts: Coat heart-

shaped silicon moulds (same size as

biscuits) with chocolate and allow toset. Repeat process until moulds arefilled and allow to set overnight. Nutscan be added - delicious!!To complete: Coat both sides of bis-

cuits with chocolate and sandwich bis-cuits and chocolate hearts together;

allow to set on wire rack.

Sweet heartsBake heart-shaped biscuits (see rec-

ipe above) and store in an airtight con-tainer until required and top with oneof the following for this special day.Ideas for toppings: (Kids love to help

with this part!)

* Royal icing toppedwith glacé fruit* Melted chocolate* Chocolate spread* Peanut butter and strawberry

jam* Lemon curd and cream

Toffee BrowniesMelt 125ml butter in a saucepan;

remove from heat and stir in 140 mlcocoa powder. Beat 2 large eggs untillight, add 230ml castor sugar andbeat well. Stir in the chocolate mix-ture.Sift 275ml self-raising flour over

this mixture and fold in 60g caramelsweets (cut into chunks). Pour into agreased, lined 20cm-square tin.Bake in preheated oven for 30 – 35minuted until cooked through, butstill moist.Cool and cut into squares. Cut a

heart-shape out of cardboard; placeon a brownie square and dust with ic-ing sugar; remove cardboard to showhearts. Repeat with remaining brown-ies and serve on their own or with ice

cream/cream for dessert.Strawberry cheese cakeBuy a pie crust and pour the follow-

ing filling into it; allow to set and deco-rate with cream and strawberries.Filling: Dissolve 1 packet lemon jelly

in 150ml boiling water; cool slightlybut do not allow to chill; add juice of1 lemon and beat in 1 – 2 cartons cot-tage cheese until smooth. Add1 cartonwhipped cream and stir thoroughly;pour into pie shell and allow to set.Decorate with cream and strawber-ries.

Valentynsdag -wanneeralle verliefdes se harte smelt...

Melting hearts.

Sweet hearts.

Toffee Brownies.

Strawberry cheese cake.

28 Carletonville Herald 15 Februarie 2013

Mining Operator (Beltsman)The successful candidate will maintain and replace belt conveyor systems and components inorder to ensure the availability of the conveyor systems to continuously deliver production.This will include removing and replacing safety guards, reporting faulty pulley bearings, andmonitoring gearboxes, motors, belt arrestors, coupling rubbers, trip switches and V-belts.

Candidates must have a C2 level Trade Certificate (Section 13 Boilermaker or Fitter), a Grade10/N1 and at least 3 years’ relevant experience in an incline shaft. Possession of a BeltsmanCertificate is essential, while 1 year’s supervisory experience would be advantageous. Ref.No. SAM17623

Maintenance Artisan (Fitter)The incumbent will maintain, install and repair mechanical equipment according to workplacerequirements as well as take ownership of mechanical equipment, implement and managesystems in order to ensure maintenance and legal requirements are met and adhere to SHEQrequirements. Further areas of focus include performing jobs as outlined in the work order,generating notifications from inspections, applying fault finding techniques and conductingregular plant inspections.

The ideal candidate will have a Grade 12/N3 qualification coupled with a Mechanical TradeCertificate (Section 13) and at least 2 years’ experience in conveyors, pumps, chairlifts andgeneral fitting work. Belt and trackless experience as well as experience in the installation ofconveyor belts will also be necessary. Ref. No. SAM17624

Maintenance Artisan (Boilermaker)The incumbent will perform maintenance, construction activities and inspections in line withdocumented work instructions as well as adhere to SHEQ requirements and perform jobs asoutlined in the work order. Further areas of focus include providing feedback to the relevantmanagement, recording all work done on machinery and equipment, applying fault findingtechniques and conducting regular plant inspections.

The ideal candidate will have a Grade 12/N3 qualification coupled with a Trade Certificate(Section 13) and belt and trackless experience. Experience in the construction of conveyorbelts will also be required. Ref. No. SAM17625

Maintenance Artisan (Electrician)The incumbent will carry out preventative maintenance and repairs on MV reticulation plantand equipment, LV reticulation equipment, belt conveyors and pump stations as well asensure adherence to SHEQ requirements and isolate and lock out with relevant documents.Further areas of focus include performing the jobs outlined in the work order, capturinghistory, completing notifications, completing breakdown work orders and feedback on SAP,as well as executing work, applying fault finding techniques and conducting regular plantinspections.

The ideal candidate will have a Grade 12/N3 and Trade Test qualification coupled withElectrical MV competency and at least 3 years’ experience in a similar position in a heavyindustrial environment. Ref. No. SAM17626

In making the final selection, consideration will be given to achieving the SamancorChrome’s employment equity and the mining charter objectives.

The following opportunities have become available at Western ChromeMines in the North West Province.

All candidates may submit their CV, quoting the relevant Ref. email to or by fax to (014) 574-6131.

Closing date: 22 February 2013.

If you have not been contacted within 3 weeks after the closing date, please assumethat your application has been unsuccessful.

The Working Earth 2-17623

Vincent Mofokeng

Die atletiekseisoen loop nou seepgladmet al ons plaaslike skoolatlete watfiks en sterk is vir die seisoen.Die gasheerskool wat die afgelope

week vanjaar se Kring-atletiekbyeen-koms aangebied het, was HoërskoolCarletonville. Callies het 12 plaaslikehoërskole warm verwelkom om ‘n lek-ker en georganiseerde atletiek byeen-koms te hou.Met ten minste 600 atlete wat vir ‘n

plek kom kompeteer het, was dit grootvermaak om die plaaslike talent tesien. Daar was heelwat atlete wat ge-kom het om rekords te breek en hulleis beslis atlete om dop te hou vir die In-ter- atletiekbyeenkoms wat die komen-de naweek naweek by dieselfde skoolgaan plaasvind.

Verskeie atlete het hul staal tydensdie byeenkoms gewys. Janrich Meyervan Hoërskool Fochville het twee nuwerekords in die o/15 seuns gewigstoot-en skyfwerp-rekords opgestel. Mari-NischaMaree van Fochies het die vroueo/15 90meter hekkies rekord na 15.70sekondes verbeter, wat amper 2 sekon-des vinniger as die vorige rekord is. La-rochelle Dippenaar van Fochies het die3 000meter rekord met sowat 2 minu-te verbeter. Niri Fick van Fochies hetdie gewigstoot-rekordmet ‘nmeter ver-beter terwyl William Peterson van Fo-chies die 400 meter hekkiesrekord opsy naam gesit het. Handrè Meyer vanCallies het die o/17 seuns skyfwerpre-kord met ‘n hele 4 meter verbeter ter-wyl Janco White van Callies die o/17seuns spiesgooirekord met ‘n hele 6meter verbeter het.

Diè atlete is beslis atlete om indie oogte hou gedurende die Interskole byeen-koms.

Atlete omdop te houdié atletiekseisoen

Die atletewat gedurende die Kring-atletiekbyeenkoms rekords gebreek het. Voor is Larochel-le Dippenaar enMari- NischaMaree. In die middel is Niri Fick, JanrichMeyer en AncheMaas.Agter staan Handrè Meyer en Janco White. Foto: Vincent Mofokeng

Vincent Mofokeng

Verlede Donderdag het verskeie laer-skole van die omgewing Oos-Driefon-tein Laerskool se sportgronde oor-stroom om aan die jaarlikse laerskoleinter-atletiekbyeenkoms deel te neem.Die kranige jong atlete het kompete-

rend en met breë glimlagte by die baneaangemeld. Hul gees en talent asookdie goeie organisasie van die byeen-koms het dit iets gemaak vir almal omte geniet.Die byeenkoms se sterre is na afloop

vandie verrigtinge aangekondig.Die ju-

nior Victrix Ludorum was Ngema Si-phesihle van Westfields Primary en diejunior Victor Ludorum was MongeziNdovela van Laerskool Danie Theron.Die seniors het ook hul staal gewys. Indié ouderdomsgroep was Megan Paichvan Laerskool Dagbreek die Victrix Lu-dorum en Lungisane Nofemele vanLaerskool Blyvoor die Victor Ludo-rum. Die beste baanatleet vir die jaarse Inter-byeenkoms is Kagiso Nyaman-de van Westfields Primary terwyl dietrofee as beste veldatleet aan Zanè vanDeventer van Laerskool Dagbreek toe-geken is.

Laerskole-inter ‘n fees

Dié hoogspringatleet het almal iets gegee om na te kyk nadat sy telkemale haar eie rekordgebreek het. Foto: Vincent Mofokeng

Wes Wits rugbyklub wil graag al die be-langstellende rugbyspelers in ons om-

gewing uitnooi na hul proewe.Die proewe sal op 1 Maart gehou

word op die sportgronde vanWesWits.Die registrasie begin18:00 en alle spelers vandie o/21 ouderdomsgroepaf is welkom.Lesley Venton, die klub

se voorsitter, nooi ook aldie vroue uit om die dagsaam te geniet terwyl hulledie manne ondersteunomdat daar na die proewe'n geleentheid aangebiedgaan word om saam tebraai. Belangstellendeskan verder net hul eie eet-en drinkgoed saambringen die klub sal die vuur enhout vir die diegene watsaammet die klubwil kui-er, beskikbaar maak.

WesWits hou proewe

15 Februarie 2013 Carletonville Herald 29

Op julle merke, gereed en daar gaan die langafstandatlete gedurende die vriendskaplike by-eenkoms by Wonderfontein.

Human Communications 95248

Draft IntegratedDevelopment

Plan (IDP) 2013/14Notice is hereby given of the IDP/PublicRepresentative Forum meeting for West RandDistrict Municipality to be held on Wednesday,27 February 2013 at 10h00 in the ImbizoChamber, West Rand District Municipality(Randfontein) to table/discuss the Draft

2013/14 IDP

MD Mokoena - Municipal Manager

Human Communications 95479

The West Rand District Municipality, with its seat authority in Randfontein,invites suitably qualified candidates to apply for the following vacant position for

a fixed period of five years:

Executive Manager:Corporate ServicesRemuneration: Negotiable

(all-inclusive remuneration package)Requirements: • Appropriate B degree or equivalent (Management) • 5 years’experience in municipal administration and local government legislation in amanagerial position • Valid driver’s licence.Key performance areas: • Give strategic guidance regarding the key performanceareas of: * Legal and Logistical Services (eg Council Committees, Archive andPrintshop, etc) * Human Resources and Development * Being responsible in terms ofthe Promotion of Access to Information Act (Act 2 of 2000) • Develop and implementa departmental vision and strategy to ensure the productive execution thereof, in linewith the vision and strategy of the WRDM • Identify and define the immediate, short-and long-term objectives/plans in order to ensure the key responsibility areas areidentified, objectives aligned and appropriate procedures developed and implementedto guide and direct administrative compliance • Plan and manage activities of thedepartment to ensure strategic development and performance management • Manageperformance of employees in the department to ensure effective and efficientexecution of duties • Plan and manage utilisation of resources in order to performactivities • Perform human resources and administrative activities to enhance servicedelivery • Be responsible for the monitoring of contracts for Logistical Services andHuman Resources and Development activities to ensure the effective and efficientcontrol thereof • Perform client, public and information service functions to ensureproper communication • Manage the implementation of procedures and systemsassociated with controlling document flow and quality systems/statutory and auditrequirements regulating record keeping, in order to ensure that administrationrequirements are effectively addressed through the implementation of policies andprocedures that support efficient circulation, storage and retrieval of information anddocumentation • Render support to the Speaker in order to ensure that Councilmeetings are conducted in line with policy and legislation • Be responsible forapplicable reporting and interaction with all relevant stakeholders to ensure theexecution of the post’s responsibilities • Perform any other related duties as instructedby the Municipal Manager.Closing date: 21 February 2013 at 12:00Note: • Fraudulent qualifications or documents will immediately disqualify anyapplication • Applicants who are not invited for any interviews should regard theirapplications as unsuccessful • West Rand District Municipality is an EmploymentEquity Employer and applications of female candidates and people with disabilitieswill receive preference • The WRDM reserves the right not to make an appointment.Applications for the above post must be accompanied by a comprehensive CV withcertified copies of qualifications and an application form that is available on theWRDM website at Applications must be posted for the attentionof the Manager: Human Resources & Development, West Rand District Municipality,

cnr Sixth and Park Streets, Randfontein 1760. A container for hand-delivered applications will be placed at the HR section Monday toFriday between 07:30 and 16:00 daily, up to the closing date.Enquiries: Dr D Pretorius, on (011) 411-5095MD Mokoena - Municipal Manager Reference: 11/2013

Vincent Mofokeng

Verlede Vrydag het verskeie skole byHoërskool Wonderfontein kragte ge-meet.HoërskoolWonderfontein, Hoër Teg-

niese Skool Potchefstroom, HoërskoolWestonarea, Hoër Tegniese Skool Rus-tenburg enGoudwesHoërskool het hulbeste atlete uitgedaag om tydens diévriendskaplike byeenkoms hul staal tewys.

Die atlete het alles uitgehaal enmenskon van die skare hoor dat die skolemet ernstige kompetisie opgedaag het.Wonnies het die skole met groot ver-maak verwelkom en by die goed geor-ganiseerde byeenkoms het ouers entoeskouers hul atletemet trots komon-dersteun. Die gees was ongelooflik opdie bane en so ook onder die skare.Wonderfontein het tog die gaste ge-

wys dat hulle nie maklik op hulle tuis-veld kwesbaar is nie.

Wonnies-atlete skittergedurendebyeenkoms

Dié atlete het gedurende die 100 m item gewys hoe die wenstreep nou eintlik genader moetword.

Dié spiesgooiatleet van Wonnies het net virgoue medaljes gemik.

Dié atleet van Won-nies het tydens haaritemoor die dwarslatgevlieg.

Hierdie Wonnies-driespongatleet hettydens sy item metmening deur die luggevlieg.

Dié Wonnies-atleet het ook teenstanders indie stof laat byt.

DiéWonnies-atleet het ander meisies gewyshoe ‘n mens nou eintlik moet nael.

30 Carletonville Herald 15 Februarie 2013

Tender documents shall be available from the Revenue Department at Merafong City Local Municipal Offices, 3 Halite Street Carletonvilleon 18TH February 2013 upon the payment of a non-refundable document fee as stated next to tender during office hours from 08h30 -15h00 weekdays. Only cash or bank guaranteed cheques made payable to the Merafong City Local Municipality will be accepted. Com-pleted tenders in Black ink, in a sealed envelope and clearly marked “Tender No:… must be placed in the Tender Box 1, situated at theReception desk of the Main Building situated next to Security Personnel of the Merafong City Local Municipal Offices, C/O Halite and GoldStreets, Carletonville, at which hour and date tenders will be opened in public at the main Building, New or Old Council Chambers at HeadOffice.

Tenders shall remain valid for a period of 90 days from closing date and No late, faxed, e-mailed or other form of tender will be accepted.

Tenders will be evaluated in terms of the PPPFAAct 5, 2000; Supply Chain Management Policy of the Merafong Municipality where thecombination of Functionality, Price and Preferential Point System will be applied as per B-BBEE Act, 53 of 2003-Status Level ContributorVerifications (Certificate). A valid original Tax Certificate (or in case of joint Venture, of all partners in the Joint Venture) must be submittedwith tender document.

Merafong City Local Municipality fully reserves the right not to accept the lowest tender or accept the whole or part of any tender or not toconsider any tender submitted.

Acting-Municipal ManagerMerafong City Local Municipality

Vincent Mofokeng

Verlede Vrydag het Hoërskool Fochville‘n vyfhoekige atletiekbyeenkoms gehouwaar die Fochies-atlete hul besoekersmet hul sterte tussen hul bene laat loophet.

Die pawiljoene was vol toeskouers endie goed georganiseerde byeenkomswas ‘n dag vol vermaak en goeie atle-tiek. Atlete van Ferdinand Postma, JanViljoen, Carel de Wet en HoërskoolLeeuwenhof het die bane volgepak en

was slaggereed vir die byeenkoms.Carel de Wet het die derde plek ge-

neem met 465 punte op die bord metHoërskool Leeuwenhof wat die tweedeplek met 585 punte ingepalm het. Fo-chies het egter die dag oudergewoontemet ‘n blou golf en ‘n puntestand van‘n 1 000 punte oorweldig. Een van diehoogtepunte van die dag was o/17hoogspringer Reubun Munz van Hoër-skool Fochville wat ‘n hoogte van tweemeter gespring het. Dis beslis ‘n atleetom dop te hou in die toekoms.

Blou golf oorweldigteenstanders

Hierdie Fochie wys sy staal teen die ander atlete en wys hoe die resies tot die eindstreepgehardloop word.Hou bene hou. Dié Fochie-atleet het met haar stamina gespog.

Larochelle Dippenaar het haar teenstandershaar rug gewys in een van die hekkies-itemswat die byeenkoms gehou is.

Tegniek is baas, het dié Fochie-atleet gedu-rende die vyfhoek byeenkoms, waarin Foch-ville goed presteer het, gewys.

15 Februarie 2013 Carletonville Herald 31

Gerrie Grovè spog met nog medaljes in sy kassie na sy tiende Midmar Myl.Foto:VincentMofokeng

Vincent Mofokeng

Duisende swemmers het die afgelopenaweek die waters in KwaZulu-Nataloorgeneem om die 40 jaar herdenkingvan die Midmar Myl oopwater-swem-kompetisie te vier.Een van hierdie kranige oopwater-

swemmers wat die waters van die Mid-mardam naby Howick aangedurf het,was Carletonville se eie Gerrie Grovè.Dit was Grovè se sesde jaar wat hy

aan die Midmar myl-byeenkoms deel-neem endit was Sondag die tiende keerdat hy ‘nmyl tydensdie byeenkoms vol-tooi.Die jaarlikseMidmarMyl bestaan uit

agt afsonderlike swemkompetisies virdeelnemers van verskeie ouderdoms-kategorieë. Dit is die grootse oopwater-swemkompetisie in die wêreld.Grovè het ‘n swaar myl, wat sowat

1,6 kilometer is, geswemomdat hymet‘n verstuite knie die kompetisie moesklaarmaak.Dit is egter nie maklik om Grovè se

gees te demp nie en hy het sy items vol-tooi ondanks die feit dat hy net met syhande kon swem.Grovè het verduidelik hoe wonderlik

die gees van die Midmar is en dat ditsoos ‘n familieding is omdat al die deel-nemers mekaar met ‘n goeie gesind-

heid verwelkom.“Die Midmar bly die grootste belewe-

nis van al die byeenkomste,” het hy aandie Herald gesê.Vanjaar se Midmar Myl se bedrywige

program het afgeskop met van Suid-Afrika se swemsterre soosTerencePar-kin enGraeme Pope-Ellis, en ander be-kende teenstanders wat mekaar in diewater aangevat het.‘n Amerikaner, Craig Dietz ,wat gebo-

re is sonder arms of bene, was een vandiè dag se ongelooflike wonderwerkewat na Suid-Afrika gekom het om aandie wêrelsbekende swemkompetisiedeel te neem.Met die hoop omdie wed-ren onder 36minute klaar temaakwasDietz ‘n bietjie teleurgesteld met sy tydwat net oor die 37 minute was.Op 89 jaar is Lorna Cochran reeds

die titelhouer vir die oudste vrou watdie myl al klaar geswem het.Olimpiese gouemedaljehouer Came-

ron van der Burgh was ook een van diesterre wat die swemkompetisie op dieSaterdag kom geniet het.Intussen groei Grovè se swemklub

danksy baie talent uit die gemeenskap.Hy het aan die Herald vertel dat hygraag in Maart ten minste 20 swem-mers aan die Highland-oopwaterswemkompetisie by die Hartbees-poortdam wil inskryf.

Yes it’s that time of themonth where allthe lovebirds will be celebrating Valen-tines Day and I thought I should speakon the topic of love.I come across a lot of people giving

very different definitions of love. A fewgive crazy definitions others give defini-tions that are rather strange. I’ve dis-covered that all the answers have to dif-fer simply because we are loved differ-ently and we definitely responddifferently to love.This topic of love can be easily con-

cluded with a bible verse from 1Cor13but I rather want to talk on what lovehas to with everyday life.Let’s find a greater adjective for Love

and the best one I can find is passion.You see when you are passionate aboutsomething you go out of your way to getit and you would want to live life doingwhat you are passionate about. So nowthe question is what does passion haveto do with it? Yes, when you do some-thing with passion you put your wholebeing into it, you are patient with it andyou certainly do it with so much prideand it brings a greater joy to you thananything in the world.I could speak on passion a whole

page full but I would make it short sothat we can all positively be passionateabout what we do everyday. And if youare not in a place you are passionateabout, perhaps you should break thosewalls and get out of that very depress-ing box. Stop suffocating yourself be-cause you can blame your circum-stances.You see, passion even changes your

attitude, your walk and talk. It changesthe way you look at the world and defi-nitely how the world looks at you.It is time we become passionate

about our community, our neighbours,our country and passionate about eachother. For it will change not just thiscommunity but our whole nation be-cause we will have leaders that love us,are patient with us and who want totake pride on our growth and develop-ment. So really what does love have todo with it? Love has everything to dowith it because love changes our per-ception and definitely our view. Let usstart with themonth of love and spreada love amongst each other that canbuild us and help us prosper as a com-munity. A loving and passionate com-munity is what we should be.

What’s love got to dowith it?

Vincent Mofokeng

On the 6 February two of CarletonJones High School’s athletes tookpart in the ACNW tournament thatis held at the McArthur Stadium atPotchefstroom.Lesego Mhlongo and Lungi Khu-

malo took part against athletes fromNWU (NorthWest University) as wellas various high schools from Pot-

chefstroom.Lesego took part in the 400meter

and 110 meter hurdles were he res-pectively ended fourth and third.Khumalo ran the 100 meter itemand earned a third position afterthundering past his opponents.“This was a great start for the sea-

son. They are very talented and theexposure can only do them good,”said coach Vincent Mofokeng.

Athletes on the risingLungi Khumalo and Lesego Mhlongo after at the McArthur stadium after their greatperformances. Foto:

15 Februarie 2013

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Gedruk namens die eienaar en uitgewer

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Vincent Mofokeng

Nege plaaslike stoeiers het verlede Sa-terdag as deel van die Fochville Ama-teur Stoeiklub hul staal by die eerstestoeikampioenskap van die jaar, die‘Tuks Challenge’ wat by die LC de Vil-liers-saal in Pretoria aangebied is, ge-wys.

‘n Totaal van meer as 450 stoeiershet aan die byeenkoms deelgeneem.Vanjaar se Tuks Challenge was ‘n be-sondere kragmeting aangesien dieplaaslike stoeiers die Turkse internasi-onale juniorspan kon sien deelneem.

Volgens die klub se voorsitter enhoof-afrigter, Jurgens Bence, het diestoeiers van die klub baie goed gevaaras mens in ag neem dat dit vir van die

stoeiers hulle eerste kampioenskapwas waaraan hulle deelgeneem het.

Lede van Fochville Amateur Stoei-klub het talle ander stoeiers in die matlaat hoes en verskeie wenplekke be-haal. Marcelle Strydom het met ‘n goudweggestap in die seuns o/11 jaar afde-ling vir stoeiers onder 55 kg. Willie Ja-cobs het ook ‘n goud in die seuns o/13jaar se onder 63 kg afdeling ingepalmen Kay-Lee Robertse het ‘n goud in dieklas vir meisies bo 11 jaar o/46 kg huis-toe gebring.

Duncan McLeod het ondanks ‘nskouerbesering wat hy tydens sy eerstegeveg opgedoen het ‘n bronsmedalje indie afdeling vir o/15 seuns onder 76 kgingepalm.

Jurgens Bence (jnr.) en Brandon

Beukes was onderskeidelik vierde envyfde in die seuns o/17jaar o/76 kg af-deling.

Verskeie van die klub se jong stoeiershet ook tydens ‘n LTOP (lang-termynontwikkelingsprogram) toernooi viro/6 tot o/11 jaar stoeiers presteer.

Brendon Burger, Christo Joubert enSkalla Jacobs het almal goue medaljestydens dié byeenkoms ingepalm.

Volgens Gert Strydom, ‘n lid van dieSentraal-Gauteng uitvoerende bestuuren afrigters-komitee, is stoei ‘n goeiesport vir alle jong sportlui om hul krag,spoed, koördinasie en uithouvermoë teverbeter.

Verder kan stoei gebruik word virselfverdediging en ook om ander sport-soorte soos rugby en skopboks mee

aan te vul.Die Fochville Amateur Stoeiklub oe-

fen Dinsdae en Donderdae van 18:00by die Gert van Rensburg-sportsen-trum in Fochville onder die wakende oëvan die afrigters Jurgens Bence, GertStrydom en Johney Rudolph.

Die klub is geregistreer by die Sen-traal-Gauteng Stoeivereniging asookby die Suid-Afrikaanse Stoeifederasie.

Stoeiers wat presteer by die klub kandus amptelike provinsiale en nasionalekleure verower en later selfs aan inter-nasionale kompetisies deelneem.

Alle ou en nuwe stoeiers van ses tot60 jaar oud word genooi om by die klubaan te sluit. Mense wat meer inligtingwil hê, kan Jurgens Bence by 083 2865485 vir meer inligting kontak.

Fochville-stoeierswyshul staal

Jurgens Bence (jnr.), in rooi, in aksie gedurende 'n onlangse kompetisie waarin Fochville Amateur Stoeiklub ook goed presteer het.