Caring for Photo: Chema Moya/EFE sub-Saharan immigrants.

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Transcript of Caring for Photo: Chema Moya/EFE sub-Saharan immigrants.

Caring for









Photo: Rafael Marchante/REUTERS

“Every year thousands of undocumented immigrants and asylum seekers, mostly from Africa, enter Morocco. They stop there before attempting to cross into the European Union. Undocumented immigrants in Morocco are extremely vulnerable and easy victims of abuse and human rights violations. Many suffer from poor health due to pandemic illnesses, such as AIDS or tuberculosis and have little access to treatment. Once in Morocco, they may be easily exploited or forced to make money through prostitution. Injuries caused by violence, inflicted at the hands of the police, other authorities and smugglers, is the most common reason for immigrants to be treated by the MSF team. While waiting to migrate, some are discovered by the authorities and sent back to their own countries.”

Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières MSF Activity Reports on Morocco 2005 – “News from  Morocco”

'sin papeles‘'sin papeles‘

used rudimentary stairs in an organized assault.

NGOs denounced violations of the Human Rights in the borderNGOs denounced violations of the Human Rights in the border

They have risked their lives on journeys which can last for months. Many arrive with nothing, having left their homes and family behind.

Some speak of escaping war and poverty and pay hundreds of

euros to organized dealers for the passage.

October 12, 2005 Nearly 1.000 sub-Saharan Immigrants Moved Away on Buses to Morocco's Southern Border by the Moroccan Government

Doctors Without Borders/Medécins Sans

Frontières (MSF) demands from Moroccan authorities free

access to provide care to around 1.000 immigrants,

gathered in the area of Bou-Izakarn, 30 km north from

Goulimine, located 1.500 km from Rabat. Some of them,

including pregnant women and children, were cast off to fend

for themselves in the desert area of Ain Chouater without

water or food.

Dr. Javier Gabaldon, MSF general coordinator in Morocco, underlines that the affected people "are extremely weak" and that "among this group there are people who are sick and injured, pregnant women and children in need of immediate medical care."

October 2005

Assistance and protection for refugees Assistance and protection for refugees in the border with Algeriain the border with Algeria


My name is Morgan, I'm 30 years old. I tried to get to the Canary Islands

once before but didn't make it, I'm on my way back to try a second time.

The boat I was on was intercepted by the Spanish police as we reached

land. I was put in detention and then deported back to Nigeria.

That journey was quite possibly the most frightening experience of my life

and had we not been picked up by the authorities, we would all have died.

Despite this, I am on my way back, to try again, a second time.

They come across the desert...They come across the desert...

Photo: Chema Moya/EFE

And they come across the sea…And they come across the sea…

Photo: Rafael Marchante/REUTERS

Photo: Chema Moya/EFE

The immigrants are escorted into the harbour by the coastguard and rounded up by the police.

They are given a health check by Red Cross officials - some are emaciated, while others are still in a good condition.

After being examined, the immigrants are placed on buses and taken to detention centres or courts.

The immigration waveThe immigration wave


Gran Canaria: 4.079Fuerteventura: 1.496Lanzarote: 201Tenerife: 13.078La Gomera: 2.660El Hierro: 1.679Total: 23.193


Las Raices: 3.076Hoya Fria: 1.320

Playa de las Americas police station: 800

TheThe immigration immigration


sin papeles - Irregular immigrants

Total Canary Islands2005 2006

92. 679 4.000 more than 20.000

La inmigración en España :

Routes from Africa to Europe:

The number of irregular immigrants deported to its countries, has increased 20% since 2005. Half of them have been rejected in the border.

Italy and Libya have been accused of abusing the human rights of African migrants

trying to enter the EU.

““The European Union is working with Libya The European Union is working with Libya to block these people from reaching Europe to block these people from reaching Europe rather than helping them to get the protection they need.”rather than helping them to get the protection they need.”     

Bill Frelick, director of the Refugee Policy Program for Human Rights Watch

Human Rights Watch report, “Stemming the Flow: Abuses Against Migrants, Asylum Seekers and Refugees,”

“I can’t count the number of times I was beaten up on the street by Libyans… The people in cars try to run you down. There are always insults on the street. You live in fear.

I just concentrated on getting home safely from work every day.”

Ahmad, a Sudanese asylum seeker in Italy, describing conditions he experienced in Libya from 1992-2003

Mauritania: 4 former Guardia Civil patrol boats, 1 Guardia Civil patrol boat, 1 Guardia Civil helicopter, 1 Customs patrolSenegal: 1 Italian ship, 1 Italian plane, 1 Guardia Civil patrol boat, 1 Spanish Police helicopter, 3 Senegalese boats, 1 Senegalese plane, 1 Finnish plane due Cape Verde: 1 Portuguese frigate

Stemming the immigration waveStemming the immigration wave

Europe has taken its fight to control the boatloads of African immigrants setting off for the Canary Islands to the coasts of western Africa.

Patrol boats, planes and helicopters from Spain, Italy, Portugal and Finland are operating off the shores of Mauritania, Senegal and Cape Verde in a bid to stop the immigration at source.

Operation Hera II is the first of its kind for the European agency FRONTEX, led by the Spanish Guardia Civil [Civil Guard].

Single issueSingle issue

The Guardia Civil patrols used to target drug dealers, illegal fishing and other crimes at sea,

but now they are solely dedicated to immigration.

"There isn't time for anything else!"

Ghanaian businessman Tomas Doe, 51

“Before the European Union countries created joint policies,

many African countries could rely on trade with former colonial powers.

Now that has ended, the local currency suffers and trade with Europe is expensive.

But television and events like the Paris-Dakar rally tempt young Africans to want to go to the West.

These are young guys, they see the bikes, the computers, the internet and they are attracted. When people talk about an immigration problem they only think of black men.

If two white men and one black man are selling things in the street, the black man will be asked for his papers. I'm not saying they are racist but they have to be fair.

I've been here 14 years but some people think I've just arrived and ask how did I come? Did I come by cayuco?

Now that it is on TV everywhere the children will see it and things will stick in their minds.

The EU does not respect Africa - and Africa's leaders just go there to beg.

The EU should deal more with the African Union and regional blocs

like Ecowas to help or put pressure on countries like Senegal.”

Photo: Ricardo Gutierrez/EFE

15 September, 2006 - illegal Senegalese migrants have been flown home from the Spanish Canary Islands amid tight security

Spain says it cannot cope with the influx of Africans - about 24.000 have made the often perilous sea crossing to the Canary Islands this year.

It is believed that half of them are Senegalese.

“You have tried an adventure, you've returned in difficult conditions but that's life, it's not the end of the world.”   

Ass Sougoufara, Senegalese regional governor

Photo: Manuel Lérida/Efe









Agência Europeia de Gestão da Cooperação Operacional nas Fronteiras Externas (FRONTEX)

Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos de Andalucía [ ]

BBC- News [ ]

Ciudad Redonda [ ]

Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières [ ]

El Mundo [ ]

El Pais [ ]

Fundació Lluis Espinal - Centro de Estudios Cristianisme i Justícia [ ]

Human Rights Watch [ ]



[Pictures CreditsPictures CreditsAFP [ ]

AP - Associated Press [ ]

EFE []


Chema Moya/EFEManuel Lérida/EFERicardo Gutierrez/EFE Rafael Marchante/REUTERS


WeWe care care!!M


