Career Planning-7 points

Post on 14-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Career Planning-7 points

1 Sharing Knowledge is the Power…

Career Planning

(It is a Continues Process (

2 Sharing Knowledge is the Power…

Career Planning is not something that you would know in 30 minutes .It is a continues process, even after retirement. It is an answer for a continues question:

What is it I want to be/ to do ?

It is a Continues Process!!!

3 Sharing Knowledge is the Power…

You can always do whatever you want!!!

• When there is a well there is a way.

• There are many means that you can do to make sure you reach what you want.

• If you want to do it GO for it.

4 Sharing Knowledge is the Power…

7 steps in Career Planning Process

No.1 : Commitment:

An individual must make a commitment with himself to work hard towards the goal he/she puts for him/her self. It is just like a promise with your own self to do what is needed to achieve your desire.

5 Sharing Knowledge is the Power…

7 steps in Career Planning Process

No. 2: Dream / think out of the box.

You can do anything you want. Think big and seek all different means to support your achievement.

6 Sharing Knowledge is the Power…

7 steps in Career Planning Process

No. 3 : Know who you are.

What values you have!!! The work you are doing will be impacted very much by your values. Keep looking at yourself.

7 Sharing Knowledge is the Power…

7 steps in Career Planning Process

No.4 : Look at the careers around.

Careers that goes on line with your personality. What you are good at. Study the works around.

8 Sharing Knowledge is the Power…

7 steps in Career Planning Process

No. 5 : Plan

Start planning and if you can not plan… do get help from someone that can do a plan for you.

( if you fail to plan then YOU planed to fail).

9 Sharing Knowledge is the Power…

7 steps in Career Planning Process

No. 6 : Action

Star the action. And if you get difficulties starting get someone to help to act and follow through.

10 Sharing Knowledge is the Power…

7 steps in Career Planning Process

No. 7 : Find a job

Now you are ready to find/do the job you wanted.

Celebrate going through the process.

11 Sharing Knowledge is the Power…

Thank you…