Career Coaching Services Ajay Vishwanath Certified Career Coach Master Spirit Life Coach .

Post on 19-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Career Coaching Services Ajay Vishwanath Certified Career Coach Master Spirit Life Coach .

Career Coaching Services

Ajay Vishwanath

Certified Career Coach

Master Spirit Life Coach


• Introduction to Life Coaching• Importance of Career Coaching• About the Coach• My offering • Value proposition• Credibility as a Coach

Introduction to Life Coaching

• Life Coaching is a profession that is profoundly different from consulting, mentoring, advice, therapy, or counseling

• The coaching process addresses specific personal projects, business successes, general conditions and transitions in the client's personal life, relationships or profession by examining what is going on right now, discovering what your obstacles or challenges might be, and choosing a course of action to make your life be what you want it to be.

Introduction to Life Coaching…. Contd.

• Coaching typically takes place on one to one basis, and occurs either face to face or can also be successfully accomplished through telephone and email contact. However coaching can also be done in a group

• To help people attain results they want, life coaches use a variety of tools.

• Life Coach will ask powerful questions that will help one focus on what is most important for that person

• A Coach often acts as a partner, providing clients with tools, support and structure to achieve more than they might be able to do by themselves

• Life Coach typically assists clients to discover their inner resources and other alternatives which can reduce or eliminate such barriers

Importance of Career Coaching

Some problems or situations with employees… These may be their negative trends that can affect their career in an organization !!

• Someone who has a job that they don't like• A boss that they are having difficulty with• Employees not looking for career progression within an organization • Climbing corporate ladder quickly(not realistic thinking)• A co-worker they cannot get along with• They can't take the politics anymore • They want to make more money

..and so on… problems are the same around the globe. ….

Importance of Career Coaching… Contd.

• A career coach can help their clients find what they may have lost in their work

• The career coaching process helps clients, both define and achieve career goals faster and with more ease than would be possible otherwise

• Career coaching with an appropriate blend of metaphysical or spiritual coaching can help employees recognize and drop negative trends that they may be carrying from the past that could be hindering them from moving forward in their lives!

• Through Coaching, it is possible to work a win-win approach for both Employer and Employee that can help reduce the cost for the company while at the same time maintaining highly motivated employees.

• Coaching ensures holistic development of a

About the Coach – Ajay Vishwanath

• Has 12 years of IT industry experience and an Entrepreneur since 5 years

• Worked with various people across the verticals and across the industries and also in the public domain

• ICF (International Coach Federation) certified with identified niche in and as

“Certified Career Coach” and “Master Spirit Life Coach”

• Coaching since May 2014

My offering

MML Coaching Framework – This framework is used by me with my clients for their holistic development as coaching is a holistic development process

Note: In this file, please read Clients as Employees to better connect with the framework. This is only a high level framework to give you an idea about the coaching structure I follow.


Value Proposition

• This coaching framework focuses on long term employee development or career coaching aligned with organizational vision, so that organization also can in turn benefit from adaptable employees.

• Coaching by an ICF Certified Professional would bring to the table best coaching practices appropriate to the situation

• An external coach acts as a neutral thinker that can benefit both the organization and its employees.

• Your Career Coach brings with him a good blend of technical expertise, spiritual context and coaching principles combined as a package to deliver a purposeful and meaningful coaching for you

Thank You