Cardiovascular System (Organ Systems S7L2cde) 7 th Grade Life Science Camp Creek Middle School.

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Transcript of Cardiovascular System (Organ Systems S7L2cde) 7 th Grade Life Science Camp Creek Middle School.

What makes up this system?

The word cardio means heart and the word vascular means blood vessel. The Heart, Blood, and Blood Vessels make up the Cardiovascular System.

Two Main Functions • Helps main Homeostasis (Internal System balanced)• Carries hormones throughout

your body


The Heart is cardiac muscle that is separated into right and left side. The right side of the heart pumps oxygen-poor blood to the lungs. The left side of the heart pumps oxygen-rich blood to the body.

Each side of the heart has an upper chamber called the atrium and a lower chamber called the ventricle. Valves are located between the chambers and prevent blood from flowing backwards.

Your heart is about the size of

your fist.

Blood Vessels Blood travels through the body in tubes called blood vessels. There are three types of blood


Arteries – carries blood away from the heart to the body’s organs

Capillaries – a tiny blood vessel that allows an exchange between blood and cells in other tissue

Veins – carries blood to the heart

Two Types of Circulation

Pulmonary – the flow of blood from the heart to the lungs and back to the heart through the pulmonary arties, capillaries, and veins.

Systematic – the flow of blood from the heart to all parts of the body and back to the heart.

Cardiovascular Problem Issue 1

Atherosclerosis The buildup of cholesterol inside of blood vessels causing them to become narrower affecting the flow of blood.

Cardiovascular ProblemsIssue 2

High Blood Pressure

Hypertension is abnormally high blood pressure. The higher the blood pressure, the greater risk of a heart attack, heart failure, kidney disease, and stroke.

Cardiovascular ProblemsIssue 3

Heart Attack A Heart Attack occurs when heart muscle cells die and are partly damaged. Arteries that deliver oxygen to the heart may be blocked and without oxygen the muscle cells die. When enough heart muscle cells die, the heart may stop.

Cardiovascular Problems

Issue 4

Heart Failure Heart Failure is when the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs causing the organs to be damaged.

Cardiovascular Problems


Atherosclerosis The buildup of cholesterol inside of blood vessels causing them to become narrower affecting the flow of blood.

High Blood Pressure

Hypertension is abnormally high blood pressure. The higher the blood pressure, the greater risk of a heart attack, heart failure, kidney disease, and stroke.

Heart Attack A Heart Attack occurs when heart muscle cells die and are partly damaged. Arteries that deliver oxygen to the heart may be blocked and without oxygen the muscle cells die. When enough heart muscle cells die, the heart may stop.

Heart Failure Heart Failure is when the heart cannot pump enough book to meet the body’s needs

Heart Disease is the leading cause of death in the United States for African Americans.


• Blood is a part of the Cardiovascular System. It is a connective tissue made up of plasma, red blood cells, platelets, and white blood cells. Blood carries oxygen and nutrients to all parts of your body.

• Plasma – The fluid part of the blood made up of water, minerals, nutrients, sugars, proteins, and other substances.

• Red Blood Cells – take oxygen to the cells in your body• Platelets – help to repair cuts and stop bleeding • White Blood Cells – defend the body against bacteria,

viruses, an other microscopic particles that can make you sick

Trivia Question: How much blood is in an Adult Human body?

Answer: 5 L

Blood cont.

• Your blood does more than supply your cells with oxygen and nutrients. It also helps regulate your body temperature.

Blood Types Every person has one of four blood types: A, B, AB, or O.