Cardinal Cordes

Post on 12-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Cardinal Cordes



Cardinal Cordes’ Stats

Born on September 5, 1934, in Germany.

Ordained a priest on December 21, 1961.

Ordained Auxiliary Bishop of Paderborn on February 1, 1976.

Cardinal Cordes’ Stats

Appointed Vice President of the Pont. Council for the Laity on March 11, 1980.

Appointed President of “Cor Unum” on December 2, 1995.

Created cardinal on November 24, 2007.

Cardinal Cordes’ Facts

Retired on October 7, 2010.

Worked with the Charismatic Movementand helped plan the first World Youth Days.

His parents owned a movie theater, restaurant, & hotel.

Special papal envoy to Latin America following Hurricane Mitch (1998).

Attended seven Synods of Bishops.

Motto: Deus fidelis: “God is faithful.”

College of CardinalsWith the 80thbirthday ofCardinal Cordes,the College ofCardinals nowhas 210 members,114 of which are under the age of 80 and thus eligible to vote in a papal conclave.

Cardinal Cordes voted in the 2013conclave that elected Pope Francis.