Cardboard Citizens brochure

Post on 31-Jul-2016

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Find out more about Cardboard Citizens and the work we do.

Transcript of Cardboard Citizens brochure


“If you’d asked me where I’d be at 18 months ago, having a job was a distant dream, doing something to help others, when I couldn’t even help myself, unimaginable. But here I am, a ward visitor in a mental health hospital, helping people put their lives back together. I have a lot of life experiences to share, stories that have haunted me, stories which Cardboard Citizens encouraged me to address and come to terms with. We all have our own story, some more fortunate than others, but everyone should be given a chance to reinvent themselves. Thank you Cardboard Citizens for giving me this chance – it’s been life-changing in so many ways.”


Cardboard Citizens is a theatre company that makes transformative work effecting change in the lives of homeless and marginalised people and in society’s perceptions of them.

We create theatre that makes a real and positive difference to our society and those living on its margins. Our performances encourage communities to come together, telling stories, raising awareness, and finding solutions to the challenges we face in our lives.

Our programme of workshops, training and performances helps to develop the skills, qualifications and confidence of hundreds of homeless people each year.

We are the UK’s leading practitioner of the Theatre of the Oppressed methodology. We deliver an in-depth training programme in this area, teaching others to use this inclusive practice to reach and engage with varied and diverse marginalised communities.

By sharing untold stories, our theatre challenges perceptions and encourages people to look at change in their own lives.

life changing theatre

left: Richard performing in Cathy Come Home for our fundraising dinner in May 2015.

“Life for me before Cardboard Citizens was a rollercoaster, and not in a good way. I had been out of rehab for three months when I first came across them and what sticks in my mind was the sense of community - warm, welcoming and accepting. Over time this new extended family helped me with my low self-esteem, confidence and general bewilderment at life.

As well as attending Forum Theatre, Acting for Stage and Acting for Life workshops, I’ve performed in numerous public performances and also run Crisis workshops.

I have recently been employed as a Trainee Facilitator with the Company, using my experiences and learning the skills to help others, as well as begin to make a living. There are still challenges to overcome but I’m thinking more positively, and with good support it’s now a fun rollercoaster ride!”


Cardboard Citizens has been creating socially engaged theatre for a quarter of a century. We believe in the transformative power of participatory arts, using theatre to open a dialogue with the hardest to reach in society.

Our longevity and experience in the field has led us to many fruitful collaborations with organisations including Royal Shakespeare Company, Crisis, English National Opera and our commissioned play from award-winning spoken word artist, Kate Tempest. Our young people’s programme has recently worked with the likes of international DJ GoldieRocks and Mercury-nominated Eska and we have had sold-out shows at the Roundhouse, Rich Mix and The Albany in London.

Our productions address the issues that matter and are a physical embodiment of our philosophy of inclusion and excellence, frequently employing people with experience of homelessness (our Members) on a professional basis. This visible testament of the authenticity and skills of Members who have travelled a

journey with the Company rarely fails to impress, and is also a living proof of how the arts can turn people’s lives around.

Cardboard Citizens started life in the ‘Cardboard City’ which sprang up by Waterloo Station in London in 1991 where our founder, Adrian Jackson, worked with some of the 200 strong community of street-homeless people that had formed there. This founding group of participants gave Cardboard Citizens the name and focus it has retained ever since. The random and dangerous atmosphere of that collection of temporary cardboard structures in a concrete underpass has been replaced by the positivity and safety of the Cardboard Citizens ‘community’, a word frequently referenced by our Members when they speak of the benefits of being part of the Company’s work.

turning livesaround

left: Kerry performing for a conference at the Shepherds Bush Housing Association.

“The genuine kindness, sense of belonging and consistent emotional and financial support from the Cardboard Citizens staff has helped me maintain my recovery. It has nurtured my confidence, creative voice and self esteem.

Since joining I have achieved things I never thought I could.From surviving the depths of anorexia and putting on my own art exhibition exploring the world of eating disorders to writing and performing a play about my recovery. I’ve also secured professional acting roles inside and outside of Cardboard Citizens.

Embracing homelessness and my recovery from anorexia has been the best thing I’ve ever done. Ellé Payne is back, and I’ve been given a family; and for that I cannot thank Cardboard Citizens enough.”


Being homeless is not just about lacking a roof over your head. The people we work with may be living on the street, or in hostels or temporary accommodation. They may be at risk of homelessness and find themselves in this situation for a wide variety of reasons, stretching far beyond expected social, economic or health factors.

The causes of homelessness are multiple and complex, the effects on mental health, on confidence and self-esteem are common and enduring. In addition to their lack of a stable housing situation, the homeless people we work with may be affected by anything from mental and physical health problems to abusive relationships.

When we start to work with people they are invited to become ‘Members’ of Cardboard Citizens and unlike some clubs, this

Membership status lasts as long as they need – it can be life. Membership starts with an induction process in which our trained professional staff can find out about the needs of the individual and how we can best support them. For some, just the act of being able to talk over a cup of coffee can make a difference; for others, engaging with our staff can be the start of a long process of rebuilding their lives, carried out in partnership with a range of other organisations.

building confidence

left: Ellé in the role of Cathy in Cathy Come Home.

We promote a strong sense of community at Cardboard Citizens, which stretches from our Members, to our staff, to anyone who comes into our building.

The offices and rehearsal space are always buzzing with creativity and activity. During office hours we have an open door policy to our Membership, who can come in and work on a computer or book an advice and guidance session with our staff.

Our Members are involved in every aspect of what we do, from having observer representation at Board meetings to promoting the Company as ambassadors in hostels, to delivering training with the Company in the social or corporate sectors.

our community

A training session in our rehearsal space



homeless and at risk people though

performances, workshops and


advice and guidance sessions for our

members each year

each year we reach around

we deliver

our performances reach on average

an audience of


1000people a year including

homeless and vulnerable people

“If I hadn’t met Cardboard Citizens I’d still be in a hostel, I wouldn’t be on my course. I wouldn’t have met the people I met, I wouldn’t have made the decisions I made. It’s changed my life.” Member of Cardboard Citizens

“There are so many different characters here from all different walks of life and when you talk to people it just makes it easier being you.”Member of Cardboard Citizens

“The most valuable thing here is the people that I met here because … without those people it wouldn’t be what it was. We all need each other – you need us, we need you.“ Act Now participant

do ithow we

We have a regular programme of performances touring UK hostels and theatres. Over the years we have performed everywhere from the V&A in London to the Barlinnie prison in Glasgow.

Our mission is to bring high quality theatre to as many people as possible regardless of setting.

Our work has been well received by audiences and critics alike, a highlight being winning an Evening Standard Theatre Award in 2009 for our immersive WW2 epic Mincemeat. Some of our performance work is grounded in the practice of Forum Theatre, a type of interactive theatre which empowers the audience, after showing the play, to revisit and change the action. This in turn leads audiences to debate and discuss the outcomes of participants’ interventions.

Codified by the great Brazilian theatre practitioner and theorist, Augusto Boal, this form of theatre is ever-more relevant to the landscape of modern performance. Increasingly audiences are looking to participate and engage with art forms and Forum Theatre offers a model of both self-expression and learning.

“I have never been in a play where we can change events, it was an amazing experience. I thought ‘We matter’.” Hostel resident and audience member, 2014


“Coming here has kind of made me see a side of me...that I kind of knew was there, but I didn’t think I could do anything with. So there is a whole new me to get to know which is good.” Cardboard Citizens Member

Our Workshop Programme is at the heart of what we do. Our inclusive and practical workshops provide a safe space for people affected by homelessness to build up their strength and confidence, to express themselves, to make friends, to learn new skills.

On average we reach 1,500 homeless and at-risk people aged 16 and above every year. In 2015, 500 went on to gain qualifications and/or to progress into employment, education, training or volunteer opportunities – as well as reporting improved mental wellbeing.

We run workshops in a variety of performance skills, including acting, comedy, spoken word, classical text and Forum Theatre.

In consultation with our Members we have expanded our Workshop Programme to include a more diverse range of activities such as creative writing and money management courses, and a film club.

Membership offers a range of benefits:▪ Personalised advice and guidance service run by experienced staff to support with issues related to housing, education, the welfare system and health.

▪ A Members’ newsletter, written and edited by Members – reinforced by text messages and emails to keep the community up to date with how they can stay involved.

▪ Our Workshop Programme is free to our Membership and we cover travel expenses to ensure that they are accessible to all.

workshops& member support

Act Now is our innovative performing arts programme for young people between 16 and 25, who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

Each year we run three terms of workshops focused around different aspects of performance and creativity, including acting, music, directing and writing. The workshops give the participants a safe space to make new friends, explore their creativity and try new things. We work with professionals in the industry, providing inspirational, yet accessible, role models as well as practical advice on how to build a career in the arts and other industries. These workshops build confidence, trust and positive social networks.

We also offer tailored advice and guidance to support our young people in areas of their lives where they may be experiencing difficulties.

Young people also get the opportunity to gain Arts Awards, peer mentoring and accredited qualifications through their engagement with us.

“I come in when I’m upset and someone will be smiling… and all the negativity that feels like an obstacle it just gets pushed out the way and it’s alright.” Act Now participant

young people’sprogramme

This three-year project aims to help individuals who are homeless and at risk of homelessness realise their potential and strengthen communities.

We will offer intensive month-long participatory programmes and training, engaging homeless and vulnerable communities outside London and training local housing association, social sector staff, and local artists in the art of Forum Theatre.

Participants will share their stories and barriers, develop pieces exploring how to overcome their issues, and share these amongst peers and staff. They will then create a piece of Forum Theatre presented to a wider audience, raising awareness about the issues faced by these communities.

These residencies will be self-sustaining, giving others the experience to continue working together using the performing arts as a means of engagement, personal and community development.

“The workshops and performance were brilliant… Cardboard Citizens’ staff were incredible. I never thought we would get so much engagement but it was amazing and it really did some great things for our customers, so thank you!!” Nicola Robinson, South Yorkshire Housing Association (SYHA)


our 25th yearIn 2016 we begin to celebrate our 25th year. As well as a time to reflect and celebrate past achievements, it encourages us to look ahead to understand our role in helping to tackle the UK’s housing crisis whilst broadening our scope as an arts organisation.

The creative output of the next couple of years will be centred on a season of work entitled Home Truths, which will focus on the history of housing in the UK from the Victorian era to the present day.

The season will include ten newly commissioned short plays on this subject by eminent and emerging writers, to be shown at first in a London theatre venue. Other highlights include a community re-staging of Ken Loach’s ground-breaking Cathy Come Home at the Barbican and a

national tour of a new play Cathy Moves Home by Ali Taylor, revisiting that subject matter through the lens of our time.

We will regularly be announcing new work, initiatives and projects with plenty of ways to get involved and show support. For more information and to keep up to date with the latest news visit our website or social media channels and sign up to our newsletter.

See opposite page for a small selection of our work over the last quarter of a century.

top left: Our production of Mincemeat (2009) won an Evening Standard Award. top right: Life Ain’t No Musical from our Act Now programme was performed at City Hall.

middle left: Our CEO and Artistic Director, Adrian Jackson with Augusto and Julian Boal at a workshop. middle right: Our production of a A Few Man Fridays (2012).

bottom left: Our production of Pericles (2003). bottom right: Our Ambassador, Kate Winslet at one of our young people’s programme workshops.

For 25 years Cardboard Citizens’ pioneering and creative approach has supported some of society’s most disadvantaged and neglected people. There are various ways you can support us, from core projects to seasons of work.

As a national charity we rely on the generosity and commitment of our friends and supporters for over 80% of our income - £1m every year. Without it, we simply wouldn’t be able to deliver our outreach, educational and artistic programme of work.

The demand for our work is increasing every day, with more referrals than ever and the risk of homelessness in London at its greatest. In the past five years alone rough sleeping has risen by 55% in England - affecting young people and adults from every conceivable background.

are you with us?

In England, rough sleeping has risen by 55% since 2010 (Crisis). Demand for our work has never been greater.

For every £1 invested in our fundraising activity we generate £6. This ensures that even more of your money is invested where it’s needed most.

Where does the money come from?

1770 rough sleepers in 2010

2744 rough sleepers in 2015

Trusts &

Foundations 31%

Statutory 29%

Corporate 8%

Individuals & events 18%



& training 10



er 4%

There are many ways you can support our ground-breaking and life-changing work – from a one-off gift, to a regular donation, to joining our friends scheme. The support and generosity we receive from friends is essential to our ongoing development and enables us to plan ahead with confidence and ambition. Your donation can be used to support a specific programme of work, such as our education, outreach or artistic programmes, or the development of a young person wanting to access our work.

Your support can and will have lasting impact. Call 020 7377 8948 or visit:


Cardboard Citizens is committed to providing an environment where people can come together to create great art, despite all the barriers society has thrown at them. Grant income enables us to plan ahead with confidence and make a commitment to those who so desperately need our support. With your help we can ensure that our doors will always be open.

trusts &foundations

Volunteering is a great way to develop your skills, meet new people and work as part of an enthusiastic and talented team. We also welcome pro-bono support, skilled volunteering and internships. If you are interested in volunteering for us, please complete our Volunteer Application Form on the ‘Support Us’ section of our website or call 020 7377 8948.


By leaving a legacy to Cardboard Citizens you can make a lasting impact on the future of our work – a pledge to those we work with and a chance to improve the lives of many more people.

legacy giving

There are many ways your company can benefit from being a supporter of Cardboard Citizens. We are experienced in creating relationships that work – a partnership that offers mutual benefits, can clearly demonstrate impact, with regular opportunities to engage staff and clients, and the chance to be part of a fun, creative, exciting and empowering arts charity.


how you can help

artistic practitionertraining

On average we reach almost 200 professionals a year across the arts, health and social sectors to use our training to better engage excluded groups in their services. We present accessible theatre techniques and democratic learning tools to offer a training and consultancy programme that will help organisations to identify their common goals and their barriers to achieving these.

“Thank you to all of you for helping us to see things from a different perspective… I am sure it will help to change the way we think.”Consultant in Emergency Medicine, Whittington Health



“One of the most intense, stimulating, challenging and liberating experiences of my life.”Participant from Theatre of the Oppressed training course

As the leading practitioners of Theatre of the Oppressed methodology in the UK, we offer highly specialised training in this field. We offer courses in Forum Theatre, Writing for Forum, Jokering (facilitation skills) and the Rainbow of Desires, which overlaps with dramatherapy. We also participate in conferences and deliver tailor-made training across the world. We have courses for all levels, from experienced practitioners working in the field of participatory arts to those just starting to develop an interest in the area.

“I really liked the feel and the environment. A different approach to typical corporate training which was hugely refreshing.” Past participant

We offer a range of training products that use performance techniques (not Theatre of the Oppressed) to identify challenges and explore solutions in a wide variety of environments.

We can help with everything from presentation skills, to leadership, to assisting with organisational change. We can also deliver expertise on existing development training requirements such as health and safety.

Our training is delivered by facilitators with decades of experience and international reputations.

People we have worked with include Ashridge Business School, Lane 4, Cemex, i2i Events Group, NHS, Sony Music, Cambridge Assessment Board and Jaguar Land Rover.

Cardboard Citizens has a large in-house rehearsal room which is perfect for theatre rehearsals, workshops, training days, conferences, talks and readings.The space has natural light, black drapes, a cushioned vinyl floor and is highly adaptable for different types of events. All income from the space goes towards supporting Cardboard Citizens’ work with homeless and at-risk people.

For more information contact: call 020 7377 8948

For more information on all of our training and room hire, contact: call 020 7377 8948

corporate training– citz at work


“Kate Tempest and Cardboard Citizens team up to thrilling effect and a long

time since I’ve been in such a committed

audience.”Neil Darlison, ACE on Twitter Glasshouse (2013)

“Riveting, challenging, compassionate and thought provoking, with the potential to change attitudes and

make a difference.”Mark Snelson, Manager, Doncaster Food Bank

“I was a homeless alcoholic for 9 years on the streets of Nottingham. I know

from personal experience it is people like you, who not only change the perception

of how people perceive the homeless and people in difficult situations, you

empower them to climb out of it.”

Audience member, The Space, Sheffield

“It’s testament to Adrian Jackson for pushing me to

broaden my understanding of my role as the playwright.”

Kate Tempest in The Guardian, Glasshouse (2014)

“Thought-provoking and slick pop-up performances cleverly responded to a major V&A exhibition - the museum’s

most popular theatrical venture of 2013!” V&A Programme Manager, Property: A Viewing

“Thank You! Your work is vital in the empowerment of

unheard and unserved populations.”

Audience member, Brian Friel Theatre, Belfast

“...This is one of the best productions of Büchner’s classic unfinished play

I have ever seen... Company and play are so perfectly matched.”

The Guardian on Woyzeck

“Another reason why I keep coming here is because I feel that I fit in, because there are many

places where I feel that I don’t fit.”Member of Cardboard Citizens

“A bracing new vision

of the piece.” The Independent on Pericles


“I’ve been involved with Cardboard Citizens for nearly ten years now. During this time I’ve watched the charity

go from strength to strength, from securing a fit-for-purpose home, where Members can feel safe and part of a positive and creative community, to enabling the

organisation to begin to work nationally reaching more homeless people across the UK than ever before.

I love meeting the Members of Cardboard Citizens, who I always find to be such a joyful, exuberant and

engaging collection of people.”Kate Winslet, CBE, Cardboard Citizens’ Ambassasdor




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Jasper Fry

Printed on 100% post consumer recycled paper.

Charity number 1042457


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