Caput Undecimum Derivatives

Post on 27-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Caput Undecimum Derivatives


2. Arc: a bowlike curved line
Arcade:a line of arches and their supporting columns.
Arch:a curved structure used as a support over an open space.
Archery:the practice or art of shooting with a bow and arrow.
Archway:a passage under an arch, or
the arch itself.
Arcus: arch, bow
3. Domain:territory under one government or ruler.
Domestic:of the home or family.
Domicile:a home; residence.
Dominion:rule or power to rule.
Domus: home, house
4. Dilapidated:falling to pieces (literally, to throw stones at).
Lapis: stone
5. Temple:a building for the worship of God or gods.
Contemplate:to think about intently.
Templum: temple
6. Thermos:a bottle or just designed to keep the contents at a desired temperature.
Thermometer:an instrument for measuring temperatures.
Thermal: having to do with heat; material for insulation.
Thermostat:an apparatus for
regulating temperature.
Thermodynamics:the science
dealing with the reversible
transformation of heat into
mechanical energy.
Thermae: bath complex
7. Via:by way of.
Trivia:little-known facts.
Viaduct:a bridge consisting of short spans, supported on piers or towers.
Via: road, way
8. Grave:important, serious; a hole in which to bury a dead body.
Gravity:seriousness; the pull on all bodies toward the earths center.
Grief:intense emotional suffering caused by a loss.
Gravis: heavy, serious
9. Vast:very great in size, number, or degree.
Vastly: largely.
Devastate:to lay waste; destroy.
Vastness: the state of being great in size.
Vastus: vast, enormous, empty
10. Reign:royal power.
Regal:of, like, or fit for a king; royal
Regicide:the killing of a king.
Rego: to guide, direct, rule
11. Extol:to praise highly; to lift up with praise.
Tollo: to lift, raise
12. Abstract
Traho: to drag or draw