capstone project DocumentATION OUTLINE AND Format file · Web viewcapstone project...

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Transcript of capstone project DocumentATION OUTLINE AND Format file · Web viewcapstone project...


Capstone project documentation must adhere to the following standards

Title Page

Advisers’ Acceptance Sheet

Panel’s Approval Sheet (For Final Capstone Project Documentation only)



From 150 to 200 words of short, direct and complete sentences, the abstract should be

informative enough to serve as a substitute for reading the thesis itself. It states the rationale and

the objectives of the research. Do not put citations or quotes in this section. Avoid beginning the

abstract with *This paper/ document / thesis/ study / project/..."

Table of Contents

List of Tables

List of Figures

Table of Contents

1.0 Research Description

1.1. Overview of the Current State of Technology

1.2. Research Objectives

1.2.1.General Objectives

1.2.2.Specific Objectives

1.3. Scope and Limitations of the Research

1.4. Significance of the Research

1.5 Research Methodology1.5.1 Descriptive Method of Research

Define descriptive method Research in a paragraphExplain in a paragraph why you are going to use descriptive method in the capstone project

1.5.2 Data Gathering Procedure1.5.2.1 Interview

Define it in a paragraphExplain why you are going to use this in a paragraph Observation

Define it in a paragraphExplain why you are going to use this in a paragraph QuestionnaireDefine it in a paragraphExplain why you are going to use this in a paragraph Documentary AnalysisDefine it in a paragraphExplain why you are going to use this in a paragraph

1.5.3 Sources of DataUse separate paragraphs to describe and explain your sources of data

1.5.4 Statistical Treatment of Data1.5.4.1 Percentage

Define it in a paragraphState its formulaExplain why you are going to use this in a paragraph Weighted mean formulaDefine it in a paragraphState its formulaExplain why you are going to use this in a paragraph

1.6 Software Development ModelIllustrate the software Development Model to UseDescribe each steps or phases that are included in your software development model

1.7 Analysis and Design Tool1.7.1 Data Flow Diagram

Define it in a paragraphExplain why you are going to use this in a paragraph

1.7.2 Flow Chart.Define it in a paragraph

Explain why you are going to use this in a paragraph1.7.2 Entity-Relationship Diagram.

Define it in a paragraphExplain why you are going to use this in a paragraph

1.7.3 Visual Table of Contents.Define it in a paragraph

Explain why you are going to use this in a paragraph1.7.4 IPO Chart

Define it in a paragraphExplain why you are going to use this in a paragraph

1.8 Software Development Tools.List and describe briefly and individually your software development tools:

Describe and define each tool in a paragraphExplain why you are going to use this in a paragraph

1.9 Context Diagram of the StudyIllustrate the Context Diagram of your studyDescribe the context diagram of your project

2.0 Review of Related Literature and Studies

This section presents the written works and studies that exhibit importance and similarity with

the proposed study. It also discusses the capabilities and limitations of existing researches,

theories and paradigms that are related to the study. A brief introduction should preview the

type of literature that will be reviewed, identifying the main literature that made a great

impact on the study. This part must include primary research articles. Subsets of the literature

are organized under sub-headings. Each subset is concluded with a summary statement

relating that section to your problem. At the end of the chapter, a concluding paragraph

summarizes the main findings that will lead to the research questions.

1. Related literature includes research findings, published or unpublished theories and

principles formulated by experts or authorities in some field or discipline; and ideas or

opinions of experts contained in books, pamphlets magazines and periodicals.

2. It should be written in terms of the purpose of the study.

3. It should give more weight to studies considered more authoritative as evaluated and

should give reference to primary rather than secondary sources.

4. It should be organized thematically to conform to specific problems.

5. It should be synthesized such that evidence from all the studies reviewed would get an

overall understanding of the state of knowledge in the problem area.

3.0 Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

This section discusses the theories and concepts to be used in the course of designing or

developing the thesis. Include only those concepts that you feel will be needed. Do not copy the

whole source material.

Include in this part your (IPO) Paradigm… and a detailed discussion of the paradigm.

4.0 The <XY> System

This section gives the overall specifications and functional requirements of the software to be


4.1 System Overview

This part should give an overall view of the main features and capabilities of the

software to be developed.

4.2 System Objectives

This section should state the specific requirements that must be met by the system. It

should coincide with the Objectives of the capstone project. It should be more specific

as this will become your basis in evaluating the system.

4.3 System Functions

This section provides listings of all the functions that must be performed or delivered by

the system, and a description of each. Screen designs may be included to help visualize

the function being discussed. Usually, the functions are based on the Menu and Toolbar

options. If a function generates reports, the report format must be included in this


4.4 System Scope and Limitations

This section discusses the scope and limitations (i.e., the level of capability or extent of

power) of each major function listed in 4.2 and 4.3. This means that operations, which

are beyond the identified limit, will simply be invalidated / ignored, and will not cause

the system to malfunction but to instead cause the system to respond with error


Justifications for the identified limitations and assumptions must be included here.

Assumptions are the conditions that must be satisfied or things that must be

existing/available/followed in order for the system to function properly. Ignoring such

assumptions might result in system malfunction, which will not be the responsibility of

the proponents.

4.5. Physical Environment and Specifications

This section discusses the hardware and software resources needed to implement and

execute the system. If the system has a special set of target users, this section may also

include the user specification (e.g. educational level, experience, and technical expertise).

For certain uncommon resources, a discussion of why such resources are necessary must

also be included.

4.6. Architectural Design

This section presents the initial internal design of the system, by discussing the major

components and their interactions. These components include the software components

(e.g. modules, database systems, etc.). The components and their interactions are

graphically represented using design tools, such as hierarchical charts, structure charts

or object models. Data flow diagrams may also be included to show how information

passes among processes. In addition, discussions on why certain alternative and

tradeoffs were chosen must be included. (e.g. issues on software decomposition, cost of


5 Design and Implementation Issues

This section discusses the design and implementation of the major data structures and

algorithms used in the software. It includes a discussion on the major issues and problems

encountered, and the corresponding solutions and alternatives employed by the proponents.

Parts of the design tools in the technical manual maybe lifted as a figure in this section.

6 Results and Discussion

This section presents the analysis, interpretation and implications of the summarized test

results as well as the observations on the limits of the systems capabilities. It also discusses the

types of testing performed on the system, the test data used and the results of the test.

7 Conclusion and Recommendation

This chapter gives an assessment of what happened in this project. It presents the explanations

and justifications on how the objectives of the thesis were met, to what to expect and why some

objectives were not met.

This part also includes a discussion of possible improvements that can be made on the software,

as well as the future directions of the thesis topic in general. This serves as a springboard for

projects that may be done by future thesis proponents.


Cover LetterSample QuestionnaireCertifications

- Certificate of Interview- Certificate to Use company’s Data/ Information

Raw DataDFDERDDatabase DesignVisual Table of Content (VTOC)Project Schedule (Gantt Char)

The study involves different types of activities that together make up a project.

Project planning has tremendous value. A project without a plan is similar to a ship

without a compass. Project scheduling provides the mechanism for achieving the

objectives and deliverables of the project. The following is a list of deliverables that

are generated during project planning;

Project Organization Chart

Project Milestones

Solution-Oriented Deliverables

Transcript of Interview (of each Resource Persons)Screen DesignSource Code Listing

Resource Persons

<For each Resource Persons>

Complete Name:Job Title / Description:Company:Address:Contact Number:Email:

Curriculum Vitae



Capstone Project Main Documentation should adhere to the following standards and format:


Left; 1.5”Right, Top, Bottom: 1.0”

Line Spacing

Line Spacing: Double line spacing


Paragraph Alignment: Justify


Heading: Cambria, Size 12, Bold, ALL CAPS

Sub Heading: Cambria, Size 12, Bold, Title Case

Content: Cambria, Size 12

Note: Italics can be used to emphasized some important terminology in the content of the

capstone project document


The capstone project document footer must contain the text “Wesleyan University-Philippines” on

the left side and the page number on the right side and a border as illustrated below:

Wesleyan University-Philippines -1-

Title page up to the List of Figures should use the Roman numeral type of pagination


The capstone project must be given a title that clearly describes its scope and concept.

Adviser’s Recommendation Sheet

No final capstone project report will be accepted unless all copies are duly signed by the capstone

project adviser. This section provides space for the signature of the proponent’s adviser indicating

that he has examined and recommended the capstone project for acceptance and approval.

Panel’s Approval Sheet

No final capstone project report will be accepted unless all copies are duly signed by all the

members of the defense panel. The approval sheet provides space for the signatures of the

members of the panel indicating their acceptance of the work.


This section contains the author’s statement expressing appreciation and gratitude to those who

have assisted in the preparation and conceptualization of the project. Acknowledgements should

be expressed briefly that it fits in a single page.


After a successful capstone project defense, the students must prepare the capstone project

abstract. Capstone project abstract is used to briefly and concisely summarize the content of the

capstone project. The abstract should be specific enough that its reader can identify what you did

in the capstone project only reading your abstract. It should be written in a paragraph form

between 150 - 200 words.

The capstone project abstract should contain the following:

1. the purpose of the research

2. the methods used for analyzing the problem, collecting and synthesizing data, developing a

solution, testing your solution, etc.

3. the key results

4. your conclusions and recommendation

List of Tables

Format: Cambria, Font Size: 12, Title Case

Table<chapter#>-<table#> <Table Caption>

Example :

Table 6-1 Respondents Evaluation of the System in terms of Accuracy

List of Figures

Format: Bold, Font Size 12

Figure<chapter#>-<figure#> <figure Caption>

Example :

Figure 1-1: Paradigm of the Study


Include the following certifications:

- Certificate of Interview

- Certificate to Use company’s Data/ Information

Sample Survey Forms/Questionnaires

Survey forms and questionnaires are used to question persons involve in the study and record their

responses for analysis. Include the Software Evaluation Questionnaire in the appendices.

VTOC Diagram

There are three main types of diagrams in the HIPO. The VTOC is the structured diagram that

defines procedures and operations in a hierarchical manner. It provides a map that allows the

reader to locate a program module within the main system. The hierarchy chart in the VTOC

appears similar to a traditional organizational chart.

Data Flow Diagram

Process modeling involves graphically representing the functions, or processes, which capture,

manipulate, store and distribute data between a system and its environment and between

components within a system.

Data Flow Diagram is one of the techniques used in process modeling. It is used in order to better

understand the logical movement of data graphically throughout a business. It facilitates

understanding of the system and its subsystems visually as a set of interrelated data flows. Due to

time constraint to create a complete set of Data Flow Diagram, it is suggested that you begin to

work on new logical Data Flow Diagram.

Screen Shots

Please observe the following format for screen shots

Screen No. <screen#>

Screen Name: <name of the screen>

Narrative Overview: <brief description of the screen’s functions>

Screen Layout: <include the screen layout/ design>


Screen No. 1

Screen Name: Login Screen

Narrative Overview: Prompts the user to enter a password

Screen Layout:

Sample Results (Raw Data)

Sample outputs are required to determine the correct execution of the program. It may be more

appropriate to require the actual demonstration where the program is to be implemented. You

must include in the appendices all outputs that your system can generate.

User’s Manual

User’s manual is a detailed description and documentation of how the system can be used or

operated by its intended users.

It contains such information as command formats, description of menu options and dialogues

boxes, formats for preparing input data, interpretation of outputs produced and error messages,

time and memory requirements and samples of use. It also describes any components required for

using the system.

Source Code Listing

This contains a printed copy of all programs, modules, functions and procedures of the developed

system. The program is expected to conform to professional standards regarding structure, clarity,

modularity and documentation. The student may be required to submit the code listing in

hardcopy form, electronic form or both.

Resource Persons

For each resource person:

<Full name and Title> Prof. Grace Fabros-Tyler

<Profession> Dean

<Department> College of Information Technology Education

<Name of Institution> Systems Plus Computer College

<e-mail address.>

<business no.> (045) 322-1639

<telefax> (045) 322-5439


The personal vitae section is required to help determine the competency of the proponents in

conducting the study.


1.1 Name <First Name>, <Middle Initial, Last Name>

1.2 <Address 1>

<Address 2>

<Address 3>

1.3 Birth date <Month>, <Date>, <Year>

1.4 Mobile number

1.5 <e-mail address>

1.6 <facebook account>


2.1 Course

2.2 School

2.3 Year Completed



Important notice:

The college reserves the right at any time to delete, amend or alter any of the rules, guidelines and

requirements of the school pertaining the capstone project.


<Capstone Project Title>


<last-name, first-name, middle initial of the proponent,>

<Alphabetical order>

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

has been examined and is recommended for oral examination

<Project Adviser’s Signature>

<Capstone Project Adviser’s Name>

Capstone Project Adviser

<Month and Year of Submission>

WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY-PHILIPPINES Mabini Extension, Cabanatuan City Tel +63444632074 local 186 Fax: +63444630596 Email:



This capstone project entitled, <YOUR CAPSTONE PROJECT TITLE HERE>, prepared and submitted by <MEMBER 1 FULL NAME>, <MEMBER 2 FULL NAME>, <MEMBER 3 FULL NAME>, <MEMBER 4 FULL NAME> and <MEMBER N FULL NAME> in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY is hereby accepted.

FULL NAME OF PANEL1Member, Defense Panel

Date Signed: / /2012

FULL NAME OF PANEL 2Member, Defense Panel

Date Signed: / /2012


Date Signed: / /2013

Accepted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY.

RANDY Y. SANSAITOIC Dean, College off Computer Studies

Date Signed: / /2013




Month Year

WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY-PHILIPPINES Mabini Extension, Cabanatuan City Tel +63444632074 local 186 Fax:




WU-P Put your Full thesis Title HereUse more than one line if needed by your thesis


BSIT 2014