Capital Courier May Edition

Post on 22-Jul-2016

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Transcript of Capital Courier May Edition

Table Of Contents

Vol 54 Issue 1


Meet the board


Leadership Academy

Eliminate Project

Around the District

Outstanding Member

Member of the Month

Teen Nick Halo Award










Meet The Board


Matthew Johnson

Happy Summer, Capital Crabs!

I’m Matthew Johnson, your Capital District Governor, and I’ll be working to oversee the rest of the district board and to help you all reach your clubs’ goals and potentials this year. In the past, I’ve served as the Capital District’s Club Building and Revitalization Committee Chairperson, building seven new clubs, and as your Foothills Division Lt. Governor, when we only had three chartered clubs in the division. In the past three years of service, fellowship, and leadership, I’ve seen immense growth throughout our district, and I hope that we can work together to reach new heights this year.

I’d like to see this growth continue and increase exponentially, as we set the groundwork for increased growth in the next several years. At District Convention, I established a focus on membership development, education, and recognition, dur-ing this service year, in an effort to grow our membership by focusing on our members. We’re providing monthly educa-tion topics, informative emails, and various recognition programs. If there’s a membership recognition program that works well for your club, let us know, and we’ll share it with other clubs and incorporate your ideas into our district recog-nition programs.

Finally, as we begin a new year and look towards recruiting new members in the fall, I encourage all of our clubs to think about encouraging leadership. As one of our three tenets, I find it to be the most neglected by our membership. There are immense opportunities within our organization to lead: at the club, district, or international level, as officers, committee chairs or members, or project leaders. The opportunities are out there. Are you ready to lead?

Yours in Service and Sunshine,

Matthew W. Johnson


Lieutenant Governor

Joe Zongolowicz




My name is Joe Zongolowicz and I am the 2015-2016 Tidewater Lt. Governor. I grew up in Chesapeake and now attend Old Dominion Univer-sity in Norfolk Virginia. I just finished my junior year in the mechanical en-gineering program. Once I earn my Bachelor’s degree I plan on getting my Masters in Mechanical Engineering. In my spare time I enjoy a wide assort-ment of activities ranging from practicing archery to playing videogames to kayaking. I am always up to try something new but at the same time I don’t mind just relaxing either. One thing I have always enjoyed doing was volun-teering, which is how I found Kiwanis.

I have been involved with the Kiwanis Family since sophomore year of high school. I was a part of a pretty active Key Club that was well supported by its sponsoring Kiwanis Club. Because of my experience in high school, once I got to ODU I helped co-found/reactivate the CKI club there. After the chartering process, and then my term as Club President, I decided I was ready to get more involved with CKI at a level higher than just my home club. Now here I am and I look forward to this coming year as I believe that I can help my division and the rest of Capital District CKI, be the best they can be.




Lieutenant Governor

Kristy Vo

My name is Kristy Vo and I’ll be serving as the Battlefield Lieu-tenant Governor for the 2015-2016 service year. I’ll be starting my senior year at the University of Maryland, College Park as a Cellular Biology and Molecular Genetics major and Applied Mathematics minor. I plan on heading straight for medical school after graduating and joining the Kiwa-nis Club, of course! :) I’ve been in the Kiwanis family for 7 years starting with my freshmen year in high school. I absolutely love volunteering and helping my community anyway I can! My favorite service event of all time would have to be the LSSP that UMD hosted for Homelessness and Hunger Awareness month. We bagged over 400 meals and had the op-portunity to deliver them ourselves and talk with those we were serving. We also had speakers to bring awareness to the epidemic of homelessness right in our community. It was truly the most humbling and honoring experience I’ve had in my time with Kiwanis and I’m so grateful I could be a part of it! My favorite type of music is reggae, I play volleyball, and I love to hike whenever I have spare time! Other organizations I’m a part of on campus are Best Buddies, Terps for Animal Welfare, Habitat for Humanity, and the American Medical Student Association. Please feel free to contact me, I’d absolutely love to get to know you!


Lieutenant Governor

Sancho Jacinto

My name is Sancho Jacinto and I am your Potomac Lieutenant


I was born and raised in the Philippines. I moved to the United

States in 2009 when I was 17 years old. I started my CKI journey

at Northern Virginia Community College – Alexandria Campus in

the fall semester of 2011. I eventually graduated from NVCC on

fall 2013 with a degree on Paralegal Studies and Business Admin-

istration. I am currently a senior with major of Accounting at

George Mason University which is my CKI home club. I joined CKI

because of the people. I was never really involved in community

service until CKI where I had a lot of fun participating in service

projects as I was able to make a difference and have fun at the

same time.

I love sports, the Beatles, photography, and small things in life

such as enjoying the blue skies. I also love meeting new people

so feel free to talk to me at any CKI event!



Lieutenant Governor

Hello Capital District! My name is Brian Elliott, and I am very excited to be serving as your current Foothills Division Lieutenant Governor. I am a rising senior majoring in Electrical Engineering and Computer Engi-neering at Virginia Tech. I have been a member of Circle K for three years now, and I have enjoyed every minute of it. As a member of Circle K I have had the opportunity to meet so many amazing people, and I want to meet as many of your as I can. During my time in Circle K I have chaired many service projects for my home club. I have also served as my club’s Service Vice President as well as the webmaster for my club. I have also served the district as the Technology Chair this past year. My favorite part of Circle K is all the service projects that I have gotten to take part in. I enjoy going out and serving the local community in any way that I can. My favorite service projects that I have done are ReNew the New, a Christmas party for kids, helping at drunk bake sales, and volunteering at the local animal shelter. I look forward to the year ahead, and I can’t wait to see what everyone is able to accomplish with their clubs!

Brian Elliott





Lieutenant Governor

David Figueroa

Hello Capital District! My name is David Figueroa and I’m the Metro-Richmond Lieutenant Governor this year. I go to Virginia Common-wealth University and I’m majoring in Biology with a minor in Chemis-try on the pre-dental track. So a few things about me you should know, I love sports. I play tennis, soccer, and basketball. I’m also addicted to watching NBA basketball so if anyone wants to play sometime hit me up. I’m starting my third year in CKI and I absolutely love every part of it. I’m so hyped for this year and I hope everyone is too! CKI is family to me so feel free to ask me anything cause I’m here for you.






Lieutenant Governor

Hi Capital District, my name is Elizabeth Rodriguez and I am your lieutenant governor for the Susquehanna Division. I am an applied mathematics student entering my junior year at Towson Universi-ty. I come from an awesome Salvadorian family in Silver Spring MD. In my free time I enjoy going to music festivals, watching movies, and going on adventures with friends. My journey with the Kiwanis family started when I joined Key Club my freshman year of high school. After my first DCON my soph-omore year I started thinking about becoming more involved in my club. My senior year I was the Vice President of Service and enjoyed planning all of our service projects and further committing our mem-bers to serving the community.

When I came to Towson I explored many clubs and became a dedicated member of the Towson University Marching Band Cymbal Line. After spending an incredible year with them I decided to contin-ue exploring more organizations on campus when a friend recommended looking at our CKI club. Eve-ryone was so welcoming but they really won me over with their s’mores and ice cream. After volunteer-ing with them and organizations around Baltimore and attending FMR I again looked to get more in-volved. I am very excited to be working with all of you this year and to be part of your board of officers.

Elizabeth Rodriguez







Colin Welzenbach

My name is Colin Welzenbach Austin and I have the distinct honor of serving as

your 2015-2016 District Secretary-Treasurer. I currently attend Anne Arundel Com-

munity College with the intent of double majoring in Dance Performance and Busi-

ness. Right now, I am looking to transfer to Towson, University of Maryland,

George Mason, Virginia Commonwealth, and James Madison. Aside from Circle K,

I love to dance, drink coffee, and cuddle with my cat. That's really it... I'm not too

interesting. Be sure to reach out to me if you have any questions or just want to chat!


Matthew Czubek Nacionales

Hello everyone, My name is Matthew Czubek Nacion-

ales and I am your 2015-2016 District Editor. I go to

Hampden-Sydney college where I am an Economics

and Business Major with a minor in Law and Public

Policy. I joined Circle K in the fall where I fell in love

with service and decided to make the leap in from being

a club member to being in the district level. Outside of

Circle K I am a rugby player, and a fencer. Please feel

free to chat!


CKIx In case were not aware, this years Circle K inter-

national conference will be hosted in Indianapo-

lis. 2015 is the hundred year anniversary of the

Kiwanis organization.


Because it's the biggest event of the Circle K year! Imagine giving back to the convention host city by

doing service and celebrating the amazing things CKI does with members from across the United

States, Canada and the Caribbean.

If that isn't enough, you'll also have the opportunity to:

Listen to amazing speakers.

Elect the 2015-16 Circle K International Board.

Celebrate 100 years of Kiwanis and its clubs (including CKI!).

Attend a Hellogoodbye concert on Saturday night!

Have fun and make memories and friendships that last a lifetime.

And there's so much more! Learn more about CKIx by scrolling down or clicking on the "quick links" on

the right-hand side of this page. And don't forget to check out the CKI event sponsorship toolkit, which

has everything you need to get financial sponsorship to help cover the cost of attending convention.

JOIN US! The Circle K International Convention and Large Scale Service Project will take place June 24-27 at the

JW Marriott in Indianapolis, Indiana.

For More information please go to :


Leadership Academy

What is the leadership Academy?

CKI Leadership Academy is an investment in the members of CKI. The six-day event is in-tense and focuses leadership based on servant leadership, which requires leaders to put the needs of others first, and to realize that no matter whether or not you have a title, there is always a need for service to one another and to the world. This program takes members of CKI through an adventure, starting with the CKI amazing race and ending with a plan in place to serve. The most unique part of the program—and what sets it apart from others—is that students and facilitators have an opportunity to do a service project during the program.

Who Can Attend?

The 2015 Leadership Academy is open to any student from a CKI club. Leadership Academy focuses on personal growth and develop-ment which in turns makes you a better leader for you club. Leader-ship experience is not a prerequisite for attending Leadership Acade-my. In fact, emerging leaders in the club are highly encouraged to attend.

When is it?

Leadership Academy takes place Sunday, July 26, through Friday, July 31. Par-ticipants must arrive at the Indianapolis airport by 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, July 26, and may depart after 3:00 p.m. on Friday, July 31, if flying. If you are driving, you may depart after 12:30 p.m. Do not book return flights before 3:00 p.m.



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Scholarships are available to students who are interested in going to the academy. If you are interested you may want to ask your local Kiwanis as well as look at the available scholarships for fundraising.


Where? Waycross Camp & Conference Center in Morgan-town, Indiana. One of the best aspects of Leader-ship Academy is six days without social media in-teraction, but amazing human social interaction.

Be prepared to live without cell phone coverage and internet for the week—other than that, you will have access to modern conveniences and ex-cellent food.

What’s the experience? You will explore. Learn inspiration, self-awareness, build personal leadership abilities and skill sets, and identify a mission and leadership purpose

You will engage. Share ideas, develop interpersonal communication, build relationships, team-

You will evolve. Discuss social justice and diversity, civic engagement, develop a vision, become a

What’s the Cost?

There is a $195 registration fee per participant. This fee is non-refundable, but clubs or districts may

send substitutions to the Leadership Academy if the CKI staff is notified by Friday, July 10. After July 10,

no substitutions will be allowed and the registration fee will not be refunded.

Ok I’m sold, how do I apply? Apply online. Your application will be reviewed and you will be notified within 14 days if you have been accept-ed to attend this year’s event.

Once accepted to Leadership Academy, you will receive a separate registration form to provide payment and your travel information. Your credit card will be charged upon submitting this registration form to Leadership Academy. If your CKI club, sponsoring Kiwanis Club, or CKI District is paying your registration fee, they will need to reimburse you for the registration fee. You must submit a credit card for your Leadership for your registration fee.

Applications will be accepted for Leadership Academy through Monday, July 6. Registration closes for the Leadership Academy on Friday, July 10

Here is the link to apply


Kiwanis visit Lao PRD Lao People’s Democratic Republic, a landlocked country in Southeast Asia, is a

success story for The Eliminate Project. A Kiwanis International delegation re-

cently returned from Lao PDR, where they met with local volunteers and medical

experts, visited schools and observed health services, including UNICEF-led vac-

cination campaigns.

In December 2013, the World Health Organization announced that Lao PDR had successfully eliminated maternal and neonatal tetanus. Lao PDR has come a long way since 2001, when it had one of the world's highest neonatal tetanus rates. To-day, the socioeconomic conditions and the coverage of immunizations are improv-ing. Check out photos and read about the trip. You can help eliminate the disease in the 24 countries where it still threatens. Give today at


Around the District

Hello, Capital!

Radford Circle K held a Reactivation Night on April 18th, 2015. I am proud to say that we now have 23 active members and we are growing strong. During our Reactivation Night we inducted those members and our new club officers.

We luckily had Dr. Carol Clyde an alumni to Radford Universi-ty and CKI Past international President, as our guest speaker. During the event we had a silent auction which resulted in us saving 78 lives for the Eliminate Project! We also held a Miracle Minute that raised $156 toward Pro-ject Linus. We had a very successful night and we cannot wait to have an even better year this upcoming fall. Like us on Facebook!



Strike Out



April 18th was William and Mary’s 10th Strike Out ALS baseball game hosted by the William and

Mary CKI and Tribe Athletics. The tradition of winning every SOALS game continued as the

Tribe beat JMU 10-3. Before the game, CKI and Kiwanis had a fun tailgate with children from the

area. There was food, face painting, and bubbles! What more could you want? During the game,

there was a raffle with a variety of prizes like a free pizza, a free sundae, and SOALS t-shirts from

previous years. There was also some fun ALS trivia during the game which helped spread aware-

ness and an understanding of the disease. Through all of our fundraising efforts, we were able to

raise about $1700 for the regional ALS Association.

Several alumni came out to Plumeri Park to support the event, including Mary Ogburn (Class of

’07) who started SOALS her junior year as a CKI member. She was thrilled to see the event still

going strong years after she graduated from the College. Another guest at the event was the Tide-

water Lieutenant Governor from Old Dominion University, Joe Zongolowicz, who was a great

help and was very fun to get to know. The combined effort of CKI, Kiwanis, and Tribe Athletics

helped make the 10th SOALS a great success and this will only continue in the future.

-Andrew Burns

William and Mary

W&M CKI K-Family Vice President,

Marianna Stepniak, and Kiwanis

Advisor, Tom French hold Strike Out

ALS t-shirts from previous years.


University of Maryland

College Park

After School Mentoring Program

Every Tuesday/Wednesday at the Salvation Army of Prince George's County

The Prince George’s Kiwanis introduced UMDCKI to the local Salvation Army and since then we have been volunteering with their weekly after school mentoring program! The program gives children in the community a safe environment to be after school while their parents can tend to other responsibilities. It offers homework help, computer labs, gym time, and dinner services for the children. All the kids are always so energetic and loving – we have an absolutely amazing time volunteering each Tuesday and Wednesday! Many of our members enjoy ongoing service events because it gives us a chance to grow a bond with them and they look forward to seeing us each week

Prince George's Kiwanis Dinner Meeting

We joined our local Kiwanis Club at their weekly dinner meeting to thank them for supporting us to attend DCON 2015. They helped us generously so we were able to split the cost among our members and as a result, we had 11 members go – the most in UMDCKI history! We brought the awards and certificates we won at DCON to show them as well as summarized the year of service we had. This was the start of the new service year so we had new and old officers present and introduced the transition to the new executive board. The best part of dinner was hearing the Kiwanians talk about their events and hopes for future connections between us! All of us are eternally grateful for having such a compassionate and pre-sent Kiwanis Club to support us


Jose Miguel Castro

University of Maryland, College Park

Jose just finished his junior year as an Astrophys-ics major at the University of Maryland. He joined Cir-cle K because he loves the feeling of selflessness while doing service which inspires him to help the community in any way he can. He found CKI during his freshmen year and has grown increasingly involved since then. He is currently the Public Relations committee chair and has done phenomenal work for the club. This past semester, Jose has demonstrated outstanding dedication to service by attending nearly every single service event and earn-ing the highest amount of service hours of any member in the club. On top of his astounding dedication, he has also played a key role on the board by helping to plan events and support any officer that needs assistance. Jo-se truly exemplifies all tenets of CKI; service, leadership, and fellowship.

Jose’s favorite service event has always been the Lucky Dog events. Volunteers help with a local dog adoption by being paired with a dog and doing their best to help it be adopted by a loving family – it’s one of the most popular service events that UMDCKI does! He has been more involved in the K-Family by attending a divisional potluck a Mardi Gras party that the Severna Park Kiwanis hosted. By putting countless hours helping to plan and finalize service events, attending almost eve-ry service event each weekend, and demonstrating his leadership skills; Jose is truly an outstanding member!


Christopher Newport University

Sydney Giroux

George Mason University

Taylor Wichtendahl

Hampden-Sydney College

Trevor Starnes

Hood College

Hannah Martinez

Howard University

Miles Nimmons

James Madison University

Heather Howell

Old Dominion University

Spencer Smith

Radford University

Miracle Davis

Randolph-Macon College

Kimmy Thorne

The College of William & Marry

Danielle Tassara

Towson University

Towson CKI Board of Officers

University of Delaware

Ashley Liss

University of Maryland: College Park

Samantha DeSilva

University of Virginia: Wise Campus

Meghan Davis

Virginia Tech

Marshall Rice

Virginia Western Community College

Brooke Walters



Hampden Sydney College

Harrison McNabb

James Madison University

Simona Lourekas

Radford University

Catie Kruger

Randolph-Macon College

Elizabeth Silvus

The College of William and Mary

Margaret James

Towson University

Maria Johnson

University of Mary Washington

Alex Gehringer

Virginia Commonwealth University

Katlyn Pierre

Virginia Tech

Jonathan Briganti

Virginia Western Community College

Erin Wynd



Teen Nick Halo Awards

Bestow a HALO when you nominate a deserving member of your club for a Teen Nick HALO

Award, presented by Kiwanis Vision Partner Nickelodeon. HALO Effect honorees Help And

Lead Others when they serve and motivate others to serve. They:

● Have unique personal stories that inspire them to make a community impact

● Perform service such as working with big organizations with global concerns and starting

their own groups to serve locally

Each month, TeenNick will name a HALO honoree and give a US$5,000 grant to the charitable organization of the winner’s choice.

Visit to nominate someone from your club today!



If you like service, helping others and are interested in working at the next

level, the Acting Presidential Lieutenant Governor position is still availa-

ble. If you are interested please contact Matthew Johnson at gover-




Contact Information:

Governor Matthew Johnson:

Editor Matthew Nacionales:

Secretary Treasurer Colin Welzenbach :

Lieutenant Governor’s

Battlefield Kristy Vo:

Potomac Sancho Jacinto:

Foothills Brian Elliott:

Susquehanna Elizabeth Rodriguez :

Metro-Richmond David Figueroa :

Tidewater Joe Zongolowicz :


Jen Wolff:

Derek Dupuis: