Cape physics 2007

Post on 11-Sep-2015

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Transcript of Cape physics 2007

  • L.\ ,, ,{ l-Lrst' gr 3I{:s-IcAI- ggNSrANrs

    Universai gravitational constant

    r\cceleration due to gravir.v

    Radius of the Earth

    h{ass of lhe Earth-t

    Mass of the Moon

    I Atrncsphere

    Boltsmann's constalrt

    Density of water

    Specific heat capacitY of water

    Specitrc latent beat off,rsion of ice

    Speclfic latent heat of vaporization of waler

    Avogadrr:'s nrlmber

    Molar gas constant

    Stefa!-Boltzmant cofl slffi t

    Speed of iight in vacuufil











    6.6f x 10-1i N mr kg':

    9"81 m s-2

    6380 km

    5-98 x t0:{ kg?.35 x l0?2 kg


    I C0 x 103 kgrn-3

    4200 J kg'1 K-t



    6-02 v- 1C3 per mole

    8.31 J Kr rr:o1'1

    5-67 x lo-8 W m-2 K'a


    GO ON r{) THE NL.X-I I1\I .I

  • --l

    Wlrtirlr 5.1. unit could be used to express thetrilwrr \)l-u light buib?

    lA l kg mr s'l{Fr kg m'r 5 lIt') kg m: s-r(llt kgt-'

    iiem 2 refers to rhe follrr* .,.-


    Coplanar iorces with magnitudqs? N,24Nand Xare ineQuilibrium- What is&evalueofX?




    3. Which of the foliowing graphs applies tc a[ndy in motion butwithzeroacceleration?



  • {A)'.8)(ci(lJ)

    ,{ bodv c.fconstiint mass rviii have unirlr racceleration if the resu ilant fbrce actine on it

    '\ btrtil of ?.5

  • 10

    Two parallel forces act on a rigid body asslrown in the diagram apove. 'lhe size on the body by these forces is

    iAi Fd(E) Fxtc) 2FdtD)

    A parachutist af mass 80 kg descendsverrically at a cottstanr velocity of3-0 m s-r, What is the resultant downwardforce acting on her?

    (A) 800N{B) 56i}N(c) 240'l{(D) 0N


    /t\/ \,.A-A stone is throrvn lroqr A'ro D. Tlre stonefollov;s a parairoiic pat! such that the highestpointreached is B. C is a porntjust before itlands ar D"

    The verticai cornponent ofacce{eration ofthestone is

    {A) the least at B.t;B) the same at C and B{C) maxirnunr atA{D} greatest at D

    A slingshot is a chiid's toy &at conve*s thestrain energy of the stretched materia! intothe moving energy c.ftre propelled objtcr Aboy pullson hissiings'hotwith a forceof2tlNand it extends by 7 cm. At what velocitvdoes the 20 g stone flY ofil



    iA) 8.4 rn s'l{B) 70ms'(C) i6.7 m sr(D) ?.6 m s'r*.'rs /1-,,'i,., '

    \-t11 ,\, \. i

  • tr-

    !5l{ Th true value of a quanriry is x" Thisquantit-v is measured a iarge number oftimesand the number n. of particularvalues ofx. is*l-*^J^-:--.-.lJ.ves dtalt A.

    Which grqph below represenls measurenrenlsofpoor accuracy but high precision?


    Tiro sph*res. one olrnass nr and the other olil

    rnass:t are moving towards each orher w ith

    velociry'. v

    1----.-,Gr '-m\I i (':l\

    -' \.",/"lhe spheres have an ela.-"tir: collision. Whichone ofthe foilo'* ing statemcnts is correct?

    {A) The totai kinetic encrgy atter impactis |imvr.

    tB) the spheres srick together on impact.(Ci The toralkinetic energy atter irnpact

    is zero,,

    iD) Themagninrdecfihetdalmomentumbef'ore impact is r7rmv.

    ileni 16 refbr: to the following graph showinEtwo oscillations.


    What is ths phase difterence between theoscillations?

    {A) tt rad(B) nt+ rad({') !"o n rad{D) ntz rad





  • item l7 iefers lo the vibrator belc.t whichprodrrces stationarl. waves on a strelchedcable.

    the ftequency ofihe vibrcror is 50 Hz Wharrs the speed ofthe wave?

    {A) 250 m rt{F) 500 m s-t{C.! 75Om s-r{!rl 330 rn s-t\\&ich of dre foilowing observations indicaresthat s{rund waves are longitudinal?

    tA) Sound waves are diffractedaround. corners-(E) Sound waves carmot be prlarised"

    iC) Sound waves obey the laws ofreflection.(D) Sound waves are refuacted as rhcypass f,rom cool airta warrn air.

    For a particle oscillating with simplehannonic rnotiqn in a vertical, which ofthe following statements is NOTtrue?

    {A} The velocity of the particle ismiminurn at the centre ofmotio(rofthe particle.(Ei The total energy is condanr-{C} 'llre acceleration of,the particle isdirected towards a fi xed point.{f}) }he restoring force is maximum at

    ' the extremities of the rnotion.

    A. Young-s double-siit expcr r,..-pertbrmd wirh white light incident on thecli:- -T.ha1i*ri.;-1-+ i::-*^

    -4^-iL, -irrc !vrrudimax'mum isa

    (A) , green tnnie(B) orange fringe(Cj whiie fringe(D) blue ilinge-Which of t-he fbllswing can cofrecrthecondition knor-r,n as lolg sight?

    {A) Plan+concave lens{S) Cylindrical lens{Ci Divergingnnrriscuslens{Di Convergingmeniscuslens


  • t
  • -!

    \ panicie sscillat*; so Lhal its drsp{acemcnts iicn'r a fixcrl noirit is reiated to tinle t by thjquai;on

    r = lqin5'rt

    lf x is measured in cm and t is mcasured ilt s'rve can deduce that thc Psrticie

    !. moveswrdr Simple Harrnonic Motionll" irasa f'requencYo{2"5 IIzlll. has an amPlitude of I 5 irtr

    tAl I and ll onlY{t}i I, lt and ItI{f} it and lll onlY '(Di itloflly

    A rrencir.rlum swings fteely with a period on the earth's surface whereecceiciar.i'-rr tlue to gravity is g- If thependultm were to swing in anctier ptacei'here bcceleration rlue to gravit-v is t'' what'.vixrid be the value of its new period?

    r-;-1,-') 4gt8(Bi ^tr\ r

    (c) s/s'(D) {tcWhich c}f the following statements itreTRU F, about resoaance?

    I. It occu$ atthe highest fieqtency ofthe oscillating sYstem'

    II " lt causcsasignificant increase inthearnPlitude of oscillatiort'

    i ll It cccurs when the driver f-requencyis close to the rratural lreqrrency of*ie oscillating sYstem'

    (A) i and II onlY(li) l. ll and lll((l) i rurd lIIonlY(lly tl and lll onlY

    )(-, is a remperature filliasur1ll::: \ -a subsmnce" X" and X,o, rvere determinedat the ice poin'i and steam point' TheIcfr r\Fr.r q ra ln'rhe'::nI i-::':d* :Cll;' i l: :C hcorresponds to ;: ralue X. is given b1

    A_ '11-'':- 11gq

    Which ol the lbtlorv;ng graphs BFS-ftlescribes the relaticnship between 0" andxr:?






    i/t,,i/l,/\/l_l -- >o 'rt











  • .1 (rlf A spherical biackbcdy ofsurtlce arca A. 's

    al.u absolute iemperatuie 1 ,. lt is suspendedai lhe centre oia container,*\,hose rvails areat ternperatur T1.

    f he NET rate of loss of heat bv 'radiationttom the body:s given by

    (A) P *o AT,'(Bl P=oAT.+(.Ct P:oA(T.-1',)*(tJ) -cP:c AiT,'-T.t)

    What is the unit of heat capaciry?

    (A) J kg"t |d-t(13) I ks"'tq .i K-'(D)


    I 6 x lO-rm-; of a gas at a press$re of 1750k-Fa is contained in a cylinder. The gas isexpanded at constant p.essure until thvolume becomes 140 x l0jmr. How mtrchr.vrrrk ;s done by,,hc ga-s?

    (A) ?i7kl "(B) 245w(c) 273kJ(D) 317kJ

    An adult at rest has a blood pressure ofi 30/85" This is rneasured in mm ofmercury"What would this reacling he in Pa? (llensity.ofmercury = lli600 kg mr.)(A) (tr.73i I :-:)x iff{B) 11.73l l.i_l}x lS{C} (i"73/ l.l3j r; 10"{r)) (i 73i l.l3}x i0i


    5'1 A doublc luycr glass wrtll ha:; rr layer ol ulrt,rappcrl bclwcert it tus shown irt thc tliagrrrnrbeltlu:


    Which filtithr)d of lrcat transfr:r isSICNIiTICAIII'I-Y redrr

  • \38 Which offie fsilo"ving isNOT an aa5umption

    used in *re Kinetic Theory of gases?

    iA) The volume of the rnolecules isnedigrble.

    {ts) The atuaction between ihemolecu{es is negligibie.(C) I'he molecules accelerate betwncollisions.(D) I'he duration of collision betweenmolecules is negligibte.

    -a _

    39- In which ofthe {ollowing graphs does theshaded area show dre energy lcst during theloading and unloading prccess ofa polymericrnateriai?

    The averaEle kinelic enere-,. ,

    sample ofargon gas is 8 r* lii','J. whur," ,.temperarure of the ger-r?

    (A) il3 K{E3) 386 K(c) 597 K(D) '870 K


    The above P-V diagrams represent ideal gascyctes. Which pair of diagrams corres5nndstoNET work being done by the gar;'l

    {A) I anct l} onlyiB) t anci iV onlytC) lt arrd lll only(D) II and iV only



    FAI {,(A) IlrI4Lf-.

  • 12

    ('aiculate the volume cccupied by one atomot'copper has a nrolar mass of0.0635 kgantl a density of 8920 kg mi.


    {,4) l.l8 x l0!t nrr i{tJi 7. l2 x [0{'rn](C) 2.33 x l0't nr)(D) q.4 1 x-10'r: nrl

    '['he diagram above shows a U-tubecontaining two immiscible liquids, Whichststement aboui the arraflgemont is TRUg?

    (A) The kerosene exerts a Brealorpressure at X than;tthe pre$sureexerted by the water at Y,(B) 'l'he lvater exerts a greatr pres$ureat Y than the pressure exerted bytlie water at X,

    i(') 'Ihe pressure at X and Y is eqtral to0tm ospheric pre$sLrr,

    tD) 'l'he,pressure at X is equal to ihepressure at Y.

    An all,ry is made of a mixture ofhlo mt6ls'Metql A has a density of 8900 lcg m"r andMetai B has a density of 7S00 kg mi' Whatis the dcnsity of the alloy if Metal A has threetimcs the volume o{'Metal B?

    (A) 8350 kg rnrJ(ll) 8625 kg rn'r(C) [i075 kg rn1(n) 7950 kg, m '

    A spring with spring constant t, hns rrtextension x, when a rnass rr, is aftached to itAnother spring identicai to the first is hungparallel to the fust and th.e same mass m ishung across hoth. Which option gives thecorrect vaiues of extensioll and spfillgmnstant ofthe combination?


    ;l -1


    [ -I-*-"-rt"; i sp".ts ""*,*tlt-*--l_---_+*- _.--- -ii'^'l il2 | " i

    l,u, I xt2 I to Iltcrl 2x | ,, I1,"1 "- l--1--l


    ():,, I ill() ltr( ':1(x)/