CAPE Information Technology Unit 1 - Sample SBA

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Transcript of CAPE Information Technology Unit 1 - Sample SBA

P a g e | 1


Name: Raheme Matthie

School: Oberlin High

Teacher: Miss. A. Gray

Centre #: 100086

Candidate #: 100086___

Date: April 1, 2014

Territory: Jamaica

School Based Assessment

Table of Content

Title Page Number

Acknowledgement 1

Problem Definition 2

Problem Description 2-3

Schedule of Activities 4

Gantt Chart 5

Analysis of Problem 6

Questionnaire 7

Observation 8

Interview 9

Identification of Possible Solution 10

Evaluation of Possible Solution 11

Installation a computerized camera system 11-12

Implementing a fully functioning metal detection system 13-14

Solution 15

Justification of Solution 16-17

Bibliography 18


Questionnaire for Students 19-20

Questionnaire for Teachers 21

Presentation of data 22-27


My appreciation goes out to the almighty God for strength and knowledge needed for me to toil

through the nights in the effort to complete this research. I want to express my sincere appreciation

to my mother Geraldine Johnson for her assistance which was needed for me to print and compile

this research. My appreciation goes out to Miss. Smith who also helped me in getting this research

on hardcopy. Thank you very much for your assistance.

Problem Definition

Problem – Tighter security measures should be taken in schools to decrease the number of

violent attacks occurring furthermore to prevent unauthorized persons from gaining access to the


Problem Description

The number of altercations which occur on the campus has increased over the years may

be as a result of students taking weapons and or because of the increased violence observed in

society on a daily basis. Some of the altercations between students involve the use of prohibited

weapons and/or resulting in injuries sustained.

Some of the incidents occurring at schools are the results of an out-dated level of

security. Some schools have no security, in terms of man-power and technology, so these

schools are prone to the acts of criminal activity and weapons being carried there by students and


In addition the issue of gangs in schools is also an issue because it has caused the

disturbances of class sessions, resulting in teachers stopping their classes in an effort to resolve

and deal with disputes between gangs and individuals. Teachers should be allowed the

opportunity to focus their attention on imparting knowledge for students to acquire and not to

place their attention on grappling with indiscipline and disruptive behaviour inside and out of the


Thus, since Information technology has captivated the world at such an extent, we should

take advantage of this technology, to improve the security measures in the public schools and

ensure overall safety and well-being of students and staff. In an effort to step up security

measures in the public schools, electronic instruments such as metal detectors, installing security

cameras and burglar alarms can be introduced in the school system.

A good reason to install and implement these measures is because of the introduction of

the E-Learning program within schools, which involves the distribution of many IT related

devices; computers, tablets, smart boards and more. Due to the introduction of this programme,

criminal minds may find this as an opportunity to take advantage and exploit this resource. So

therefore the introduction of technology into the schools would help deter criminals from gaining

access to school equipment.

In particular, relating to students carrying prohibited weapons to school, increasing the

level of security at main entrances to schools is a good investment. There was an instance where

a student carried a dangerous weapon, raped up in cartridge paper; walking through security as if

nothing was wrong, easily getting away.

The introduction of Information Technology can help to stamp out prohibited weapons

from the campus and limit student’s altercation. So in conclusion, with the introduction of more

technological devices in the public schools, it will surely aid to decrease and put an end to the

level of weapons students take to school.

Activity Schedule

Name of Task Start Date Duration

Identification of Problem 11/4/2013 5

Construction of Questionnaire 11/10/2013 2

Execution of Observation 11/13/2013 14

Construction of Interview 11/28/2013 9

Processing of returned

Questionnaires 12/8/2013


Processing of Observation

results 12/12/2013


Processing of Interview

results 12/16/2013


Identification of possible

solutions 12/20/2013


Evaluation of possible

solutions 12/27/2013


Selection of most appropriate

solution 1/7/2014


Justification of selected

solution 1/10/2014


Implementation of solution 1/22/2014 15

Gantt Chart

Analysis of the Problem

In order for the researcher to analyze the problem that the Oberlin High school faces, the

use of several facts finding techniques would have to be utilized in the attempt to collect and

compile data on the problem faced. These techniques are the techniques used entails:





A Questionnaire can be defined as a list of questions, usually printed, submitted to a

select number of people for replies in order to collect statistical information. A questionnaire is

inexpensive, guarantees anonymity and can be applicable over a large number of people.

In order to gather information on both parties, 2 questionnaires were made. The first

comprising of 11 questions in total, 10 closed-ended questions with short answers and 1 open-

ended question; intended for students. The second questionnaire comprises of 4 closed-ended

questions; intended for teachers. These questionnaires were issued to teachers and students; they

were fully completed and collected few days after issue. The sample questionnaires can be

viewed at figure 1 & 2 in the appendix.


An Observation can be defined as the active acquisition of information from a primary source. It

entails a process of closely monitoring a specific chosen sample for data collection. Advantages

of an observation include:

It provides direct access for collection of primary data in natural setting

Applicable in a wide range of contexts; it is diverse, and flexible.

An observation was carried out the Oberlin High school over a one month period. On observing

students in the early mornings many didn’t show signs of carrying weapons, thus they weren’t

searched by the security guards. By observing students on a Friday many entered the school with

weapons, as Friday was believed to be ‘the day of violence.’ There was one instance in which a

young man walked through the gate with a large knife wrapped between cartridge paper, and he

told the guard that it was his assignment. Another observation that was recorded was, many young

men before entering school, would give a lower school student their weapon, (as lower school

students weren’t searched as often by the guards). By doing this observation, it clearly states that

the guards aren’t enough to prevent weapons from entering the school and different measures need

to be implemented.


An interview can be defined as a conversation in which the interviewer extracts information from

the interviewee through a series of questions. The benefits of using an interview to analyze the

problem are:

The interviewee may feel more comfortable in seeing the interviewer who can explain

difficult questions.

It allows for greater interaction between the interviewer and the interviewee. Thus

allowing the researcher to obtain detailed information about personal feelings,

perceptions and opinions.

Interviewees are not influenced by others in the group.

On conducting an interview with a security guard, he stated that most weapons brought into the

school occurred on Fridays, the persons or owners of these weapons would give a younger

student to carry into the school for them, as for some reason they know they wouldn’t be

searched. He also stated that the implementation of a metal detection system would significantly

help them, as they can’t possible search every student that comes through the gate manually.

Identification of Possible Solutions

After using the various fact finding techniques in the effort to evaluate and correct the issue

identified, certain tools must be implemented. These tools include:

1. Installing a computerized video surveillance system.

2. Implementing a fully functioning metal detection system.

3. Installing an alarm system

Evaluation of Possible Solutions

Installing a computerized camera system

The school system has been plagued by non-stop violence for years, and many of these acts

are a result of the necessary authority not knowing what is happen at particular times, especially

when these disputes happen. A properly installed system of school security cameras is an important

tool for ensuring safety on school grounds. Therefore, the implementation of this camera system

would significantly benefit the school as a means to improve school security and enhance

operations, whilst alleviating the occurrence of students seriously injuring each other in a fight.

Security cameras would collect and store visual records of the day-to-day activities in the

school. In addition security cameras can also reduce the number of break-ins at the school, as

burglars would not want to break into a building with cameras watching all over, resulting in them

getting caught very easily.

Advantages of a video surveillance system include:

The ability to monitor every activity that is happening at particular locations in real-time.

The ability to record and store digital images and video, to be accessed later.

It adds the ability to awareness, which further improves the response time of the necessary

authority to intervene in situations that pose to be dangerous.

Serves as a deterrent for wrong doings. The presence of security cameras is enough to stop a

fight from occurring, vandals from destroying property and a burglar in their tracks.

Disadvantages of a video surveillance system include:

A hard disk failure can result in precious video footage getting lost.

Costly to implement and useless in a power outage

System components, such as cameras and recorders, are subject to damage and theft if they

are not hidden from view.

May affect privacy issues/rights of students, teachers and staff workers alike; they may feel

less comfortable because of the invasion of privacy.

Need people to be viewing them constantly.

The installation of this system will require the following hardware tools; over 100 yards of cable,

10 security cameras, a DVR to store the footage and a monitor. The installation of these hardware

tools would be done by hired Professionals, from the company that the security cameras are

ordered from; of whom will be payed each a sum of ($15,000). The installation would take place

on a public holiday away from the hustle and bustle of school children buzzing around. Therefore

the total cost of implementing this system will be approximately ($86,000). The cameras would

be positioned at strategic locations, such as the administrative office, main gate/ main entrance

(which can record each visitor as they enter and exit the school), the cafeteria, school yard; the

school farm and other open locations where students congregate that have caused problems.

To have the system fully functioning, select staff members such as the Dean of Discip line

Security guards and the Principal would only be allowed to have monitors to view the cameras.

They will be trained in how to use and manage the system; whereas the system will be solely

managed and monitored by the security guards on a daily basis.

Implementing a fully functioning metal detection system

The safety of students is of paramount importance at the Oberlin High school and that is

why the need for the integration of fully functioning metal detectors within the school. Many

persons, according to the questionnaires collected feel that students would be more secured and

safe if there are functioning metal detectors in the schools. Thus a metal detection system would

be of a significant help to the school.

Metal detectors would be useful within the school system for finding metal objects which

may be hidden by students, as they would pass through the main entrance. In the research done, it

was found that many violent attacks that occur within the school involved the use of a metal object.

Hence metal detectors can pave the way for a preventative approach of violent attacks in the


Advantages of metal detectors include:

Increased/ enhanced security and safety

Saves time and energy compared to manually searching

Detect weapons (detect weapons on students and visitors as they enter the school)

Deter weapons (may naturally deter students, staff and guests from considering bringing a

weapon to school)

Disadvantages include:

May provide false readings/alarms (may detect potentially harmless items such as belt

buckles or metal filling in teeth)

False Security as outsiders may attach a stigma that the school is a violence prone area.

This may result in a bad reputation for the school.

The electromagnetic field that a metal detector creates (particularly walk-through

detectors) may cause loss of data on a pen drive (USB) or CDs, as these medias rely on


Costly to purchase and install

In considering installing metal detectors, there are two types that would be most suitable within

the school environment; these are the hand held (wand) and the walk-through metal detectors. The

installation of the walk-through detector would require AC power and an outdoor shelter. The set-

up would be conducted by a trained technician on a public holiday; this would cost a mere

($100,000 – $300,000) depending on the sensitivity of the detector. While the hand held detector

would cost approximately ($20,000). Following installation, to have the system fully functioning,

the technician will train and instruct the security guards, as to how to go about using these devices.

The walkthrough detector would be positioned at the main entrance; also the hand-held detector

would be used at the main entrance to search everyone that enters the school grounds.

The detection system will be used every morning before school in the attempt to detect and deter

the carrying of weapons to school.


In the problem identified above, the most possible solution to solving this problem would be to

implement the solution of increasing security, in terms of introducing a fully functioning metal

detection system. If implemented, this system can prove to reduce the incidents of violent attacks

happening on the school grounds, as it enhances security, safety and serves as a deterrent for minds

who might be thinking of carrying weapons into schools. This system might be costly at first to

put into action; but overtime will prove to be a very good investment, as it isn’t costly to mainta in,

relative to a security camera system.

Preventing a crime right before it happens is a good means of ensuring that students, as-

well-as workers are well-protected while carrying out their academic aspirations and duties. The

metal detection system serves as the solution to the problem faced, at it is best suited for the

problem and would most likely detect weapons right at the source (entrance of the school), rather

than a surveillance system which would allow for one to monitor activities at the school, but not

for one to eliminate the problem at the root.

The implementation of this system would benefit the school significantly, as it would help to avoid

violence. Decrease the risk of criminal activity in the school. There is a saying that goes

“prevention is better than cure,” so in addition having a metal detector would prevent items from

entering the school premises. A lot of these items include dangerous weapons such as an

assortment of knives, and other different kinds of metals, (even guns) that a student might attempt

to take unto the premises.

Justification of Solution

In Justifying the selected solution a number of factors must be considered. These include:

the benefits of the system, the cost to implement the system, the impact it has on the school and

the advantages of the system.

The solution of implementing a fully functioning metal detection system was selected as

it is best suited for the problem faced; it can help to stop the intrusion of weapons directly before

it can even have a chance to enter the school’s premises. The cost of implementing the solution

of metal detectors will cost an estimate of $350,000, even though more expensive than security

cameras which has an estimate of $100,000 to implement. Although the installation of metal

detectors is more costly than security cameras, however in the long term this system will surely

benefit the school.

In addition metal detector are a preventative measure for weapons being taken into the

school, on the other hand a security camera system would not prevent a weapon from entering

the school unless the weapon is exposed, which in today’s society no one carrying a weapon

would want to be carrying it in plain sight.

Metal detectors offer an array of benefits these include; they enhance security and safety.

Any place where there is a metal detection system people tend to feel more comfortable,

knowing that security is well taken care of. It helps teachers, staff members and students alike to

develop a sense of safety, so they would not have to be worried about a person being seriously

injured in a fight due to the involvement of a weapon, enabling them to focus more on their

academic and work.

Another benefit of using metal detectors is that it saves time and energy from searching

through suspected weapon carriers, which may be a very frustrating task to do. Upon the

implementation of this solution security guards can have an easier time searching each and every

student and visitor as they enter the school premises. As mentioned, using a walk-through metal

detector at the entrance of the school, students can easily walk through the metal detector, and if

there is an instance of a metal object being detected the detector will sound an alert which the

security guards would respond to and proceed to search the student with the hand-held detector

to verify that there actually is some form of object on the student. This requires no energy on the

part of the security guards, as the metal detectors also serve as a deterrent for students who carry

weapons, hence the fact that they wouldn’t take a weapon to school knowing that it wouldn’t get

passed the main entrance.

Furthermore, the investment in a metal detection system will surely benefit the school

greatly and suppress the number of injuries occurring in the school on the result of prohibited



Fitzpatrick, M. (2014). Advantages & Disadvantages of Walk Through Metal Detectors | eHow . Retrieved

April 4, 2014, from eHow:


Jamaica Gleaner Ltd. (2008, January 1). Jamaica-gleaner/Metal detectors for schools. Retrieved April 4,

2014, from Jamaica-Gleaner:

Kokemuller, N. (2014). Pros & Cons of Metal Detectors in Schools|Everyday life - Global Post. Retrieved

April 4, 2014, from GlobalPost:


Newby, S. (2010, 7 22). articles/technology/benefits-of-metal-detectors-in-schools. Retrieved April 4,

2014, from Articlesfactory:


OCadiz, M. (2014). Pros & Cons of Metal Detectors in Schools | Education - Seattle PI. Retrieved April 4,

2014, from Seattle PI:

Thibodeaux, W. (2014). The Disadvantages of a Metal Detector System | eHow. Retrieved April 4, 2014,

from eHow:

Wikipedia. (2014, March 4). Metal detector - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved April 4, 2014,

from Wikipedia:


Questionnaire #1

The following questionnaire is used as a method of collecting data from students.

This Information is necessary as it aid in the survey that is being conducted as an assignment for

my CAPE Information Technology SBA.

Please place a tick in the box according to your answer.

1. Gender

Male Female

2. Grade

1st form 2nd form 3rd form 4th form 5th form 6th from

3. Have you been in any fights?

Yes No

4. If yes, what caused it?


5. Did the fight escalate to any physical contact?

Yes No

6. If no, please state why

Teacher(s) got involved Security got involved

Other reasons

7. If the fight escalated to physical contact, were weapons involved?

Yes No

8. If weapons were involved, please state the type of weapon

Small Knife Large Knife Scissor Metal sticks Chain

Other weapons:

9. Was any one seriously injured?

Yes No

10. What time of the school day did the fight occur?

Morning Class time Lunch break Dismissal

11. What are some measures that can be put in place to stop students from carrying weapons

into the school?

Introduce fully functioning metal detectors Security Cameras

Increased security (man-power) Conduct a presentation on the negative

effects of carrying weapons to school

Other measures

12. Do you think that the integration of a computerized system (security cameras and metal

detectors) will allow for fewer weapons to be brought in the school?

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

Questionnaire #2

The following questionnaire is used as a method of collecting data from teachers.

This Information is necessary as it aid in the survey that is being conducted as an assignment for

my CAPE Information Technology SBA.

Please place a tick in the box according to your answer.

1. Did any dispute between students disturb your class session?

Yes No

2. Was there any instance in which you had to leave your class, due to such dispute?

Yes No

3. If yes, how long did it take to resolve this dispute?

5-10mins 10-15mins 15-20mins 25-30mins

4. Were you able to get back to your class following such disputes?

Yes No Sometimes


Presentation of Data

A total of 50 questionnaires were distributed to the students and 10 to the teachers, in which all

were collected and returned. Of these respondents, 62% were males and 38% were females.

Figure3. It can be observed that 38% of respondents were females while 62% were males.




Males Females

Figure4. This diagram shows the percentage amount of fights that occur in each grade.30% of

fights occur in 5th form, which is grade 11, 28% occur in 3rd form which is grade 9, 16% occur in

4th form, which is grade 10. 1st form had 12% of fights occurring and 6th form, the more mature

group had 0% of fights occurring.







1st form

2nd form

3rd form

4th form

5th form

6th form

Figure5. This chart represents the percentage amount of fights that involved the use of weapons.

80% of fights involved the use of a dangerous weapon while 20% of fights didn’t involve a





Weapons (Y)

Weapons (N)

Figure6. This bar graph represents the percentage amount of the type of weapons most frequently

used in fights. As seen 35%, which is the major of fights involve the use of small knives, 25%

involved the use of a metal rod/stick, 20% used scissors while 15% used large knives. 5% which

is the least used other non-metal objects.










Small Knife Large Knife Scissor Metal stick Other non-metal





Number of teachers who left their class due to a dispute

Yes 80%

No 20%

Figure7. It can be seen that most teacher (80%) had to leave

their class due to a dispute

Time period taken to resolve a dispute









Figure8. This table represents the time period in which a fight was resolved

50% of respondents stated 5-10minutes, 30% said 10-15minutes, 10% said 15-

20minuts and another 10% said 25-30minutes

Were teachers able to get back to normal classes following a


No 10%

Yes 70%

Sometimes 20%

Figure9. 70% which represents the majority of teachers, stated that they were

able to get back to normal class, while 10% said no and 20% said sometimes

Figure10. This chart represents the most feasible solutions for solving the problem of weapons

being taken into schools. 30% respondents think that the introduction of metal detectors may

help solve the problem while 28% said that an increase in security may help. 20% of respondents

said that PTA meetings should be held to inform parents upon weapons being carried into the

school. 12% responded that security cameras can provide assistance in solving the problem. And

10% which is the least of respondents said that forums or presentations should be conducted, to

inform students about the negative effects of taking weapons to school.






Introduce security cameras

Introduce fully functioning metal detectors

Increased Security

Conduct presentations on the negative efects of

carrying weapons to school

Conduct PTA meetings to inform parents about

weapons being carried by their children