CAPE CORAL CHARTER SCHOOL’s November focus Gregory and Diane’s Monumental Mistake Grade K-5 By:...

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Transcript of CAPE CORAL CHARTER SCHOOL’s November focus Gregory and Diane’s Monumental Mistake Grade K-5 By:...


Gregory and Diane’s Monumental Mistake

Grade K-5By: Kelly Scagliotti

Hi! My name is Gregory and it was MY special GGGGG day! I went grocery shopping in class, and when I went to green table, they had real food!

A big bully was bothering Diane and trying to take her snack away. I took my grocery cart right over to that big bully and told him to stop bothering Diane. He was bigger than me, and I was a little bit afraid, but I told him that I was going to tell my teacher. That stopped him very fast! Diane laughed, and I was so proud that I was able to help her. She said that I showed moral courage.

The big bully said that he was very sorry and just wanted some of her cheese! He admitted his mistake. I told him not to ever do that again. Now, I had to stay focused on collecting our groceries.

Well, this is how Diane and I made our monumental mistake.

You see, while everyone in class was watching the big bully, Diane gave me some of the gummy bears that were supposed to go in the grocery cart, and I put them in my pocket for us to eat later. Then Diane and I rolled the cart over to unload all the groceries. We had a new skill to learn which was checking the groceries off the list before putting them on the shelf.

The gummy bear’s amount was not correct on the check off list. Diane and I felt really guilty. We went to our teacher and told her what we did, that we were very sorry, and gave her the gummy bears. She said, “It’s never too late to correct a mistake.” The problem was, she could not pass out the gummy bears because we touched them with dirty fingers, and strings off my pocket were attached to them.

Our teacher explained to the class that we ALL make mistakes, but must say we are sorry, learn from our mistakes, and keep persevering. It just so happened that my teacher had another bag of gummy bears, so we all had some. YIPEE!


In our STRIVE kickoff Gingerbread and Alphabet Song play, I was M for Magnificent and Diane was G for Great. I think I was pretty magnificent for helping Diane with the bully, and we were great for admitting our monumental gummy bear mistake. We learned from our mistake and will not do that again. The class almost did not get gummy bears.

I just have to keep trying my hardest, stay focused, and practice every new skill I learn until I get it right! My buddy and I earned Star Student, so perseverance really pays off. How will you show moral courage and perseverance?

Disclaimer: This is a fictional story using real classroom pictures! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!

ENJOY YOUR FAMILIES AND FRIENDS! Gregory and Diane signing off! Let’s go eat!