CAP Veterans Association - 3 Oct 1945

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Transcript of CAP Veterans Association - 3 Oct 1945











OCTOBER 3, 1945

Printed for the use of the Committee on Military Affairs




78623 WASHINGTON : 1945



ANDREW J. MAY, Kentucky, Chairman




JuLIA WAnEasoN, Clerk


Mr. DURHAM, North Carolina, Chairman

MR. THOMASON, Texas MR. ANDREWS, New YorkMR. DAVIS, Tennessee MR. THOMAS, New JerseyMR. SHERIDAN, Pennsylvania MR. MARTIN, IowaMR. SIKES, Florida MR. HARNESS, IndianaYIR. WINSTEAD, Mississippi MRS. LUCE, Connecticut

MR. ROE, New YorkMR. PRICE, Illinois



Statement of- PageHon. A. L. Bulwinkle, Representative in Congress from North Carolina- 2Hon. Joe W. Ervin, Representative in Congress from North Carolina- - 2-5Hon. Angier L. Goodwin, Representative in Congress from Massachu-

setts ............ 5-6Lt. Col. Frank E. Dawson, president of the Association of Civil Air

Patrol Veterans- 6-7Elbert C. Isom, second national vice commander, Association of CAP

Veterans - 7-14Dan F. Ritchie, national treasurer, CAP Veterans Association --- 14-17Maj. Ralph Earle, ex-base commander, Suffolk Airport and Falmouth- 18-21G. C. Moreland, representing CAP Association ------------------ 21-22George W. Witney, representing CAP organization 22-32Hon. Graham A. Barden, Representative in Congress from North

Carolina ----------------------------------------------- 32-41I




Washington, D. C.The subcommittee met at 10:30 a. m., Hon. Carl T. Durham

presiding.Mr. DURHAM. The committee will be in order. This is the hearing

called for consideration of H. R. 1941, introduced by Mr. Goodwinand H. R. 2149, by Mr. Ervin. We are glad to have with us thismorning some Members of Congress, among them Mr. Bulwinkle.If you have a statement to make at the present time, Mr. Bulwinkle,we will be glad to hear you.

(The bills are as follows:)

[H. R. 1941, 79th Cong., 1st sess.]

A BILL To provide for recognition of active-duty members of the Civil Air Patrol as veterans of WorldWar II

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States ofAmerica in Congress assembled, That in the administration of the pension lawsor any laws conferring rights, privileges, or benefits upon persons honorablydischarged from the armed forces of the United States, or upon the widows,children, or dependent relatives of such persons, members of the Civil Air Patrol(an auxiliary of the Army Air Forces) who served -on active duty as such afterDecember 7, 1941, and prior to the termination of the present war, and who havebeen separated from such service under other than dishonorable conditions, shallbe held and considered to have served as members of the armed forces and tohave been honorably discharged from such service.

SEc. 2. No pension, pay, bounty, or other benefit shall be held to have accruedby reason of this Act prior to the date of its enactment.

[11. R. 2149, 79th Cong., 1st sess.l

A BILL To provide for recognition of active-duty members of the Civil Air Patrol as veterans of WorldWar II

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States ofAmerica in Congress assembled, That in the administration of the pension laws orany laws conferring rights, privileges, or benefits upon persons honorably dis-charged from the armed forces of the United States, or upon the widows, children,or dependent relatives of such persons, members of the Civil Air Patrol (anauxiliary of the Army Air Forces) who served on active duty as such after Decem-ber 7, 1941, and prior to the termination of the present war, and who shall havebeen separated from such service under other than dishonorable conditions, shall beheld bnd considered to have served as members of the armed forces and to havebeen honorably discharged from such service.

SEc. 2. No pension, pay, bounty, or other benefit shall be held to have accruedby reason of this Act prior to the date of its enactment.




Mr. BULWINKLE. Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of the committee,I have known something about the Air Patrol-just a little-but twomen from my county were killed in the service, which brought it veryforcibly to my attention, and I had great difficulty in obtaining forthe widows and children of these men any insurance or compensationor whatever you might call it.

There were about 4,600 men, is my understanding, in the Civil AirPatrol in the United States; 1,200, approximately, of those went intothe military or naval services, leaving about 3,400 in the Patrol.

I do not know so much about it outside of North Carolina, but Ido know that in my immediate community in North Carolina thesemen were called who owned planes or who could fly planes, to theservice along the coast, and they did a tremendously good job. Ithink probably from my immediate district there must have been 15or 20 or more who were in active service, who were at the beck andcall of the War Department, who went wherever they were needed,who flew old planes out over the ocean, and did a great job, first inprotecting the tankers and then protecting the shipping along theAtlantic seaboard. There were about 40 or 50-I don't remember theexact number-men killed in active duty. These men gave up theirjobs in many instances because they felt they were doing a patrioticservice, and some of them could ill afford to do it. There are personshere today, Mr. Ervin, the author of the bill, and others, who know thefull facts and can give them to you. The only thing that I am herefor is to simply ask you to give favorable consideration to the matterof taking care of these men who served their Government just as wellas anybody else did in the military service, and for that reason I amturning it over to Mr. Ervin.

Mr. DURHAM. Thank you very much, Major, for coming before us.Mr. Ervin, as the author of H. R. 2149, if you have a statement we

would like to hear you at this time.


Mr ERVIN. Mr Chairman and gentlemen, I wish to thank you foryour timely consideration of the Civil Air Patrol bill and for your kindinvitation to me to testify at this time

This bill, if passed and approved, would give military status toactive-duty members of the Civil Air Patrol.

The Civil Air Patrol was a valiant fighting unit of this war, filling agap which could not be filled by the regular military forces.

The patriots who saw active duty with the Civil Air Patrol duringthis war participated principally in the antisubmarine campaign.They were assigned to duty under the supervision and orders of theWar Department. The active-duty members of the Civil Air Patrolwere under orders of the War Department to "seek out the enemy andengage him in combat." These orders were carried out patrioticallyand effectively. The active duty members of the Civil Air Patrolwere subjected to all of the rules and regulations of Army life and haddefective equipment. There were 4,612 members of the Civil Air


Patrol who saw active duty in connection with the CAP coastal patrol,CAP tow-target units, CAP liaison patrol and the CAP CourierExpress. Thirty-seven of them lost their lives at sea, while engaged inactual combat. Approximately 1,200 other members later joined theArmy, Navy, and Marine Corps. The active service of the Civil AirPatrol lasted for about 24 months.

I heard one person say that this bill should not pass, for the reasonthat the-passage of this bill would encourage other persons who were inclose proximity to the war to seek military status for their groups.However, there is one feature about this question which distinguishesthe active-duty members of the Civil Air Patrol from any other group.That distinction arises from the fact that the Civil Air Patrol was theonly group, not enjoying military status, which was under orders to"seek out the enemy and engage him in combat."

In complying with this order, the active-duty members of thisvaliant organization customarily operated their planes as far as 100miles from shore, carried bombs weighing from 250 to 350 pounds,released these bombs on enemy submarines, destroyed many subma-rines, and suffered all of the perils of being in the armed forces in actualcombat.

I understand that some man in the Pentagon Building objects tothis bill. I wonder- what he would think about the bill if he hadaccompanied one of the 37 Civil Air Patrol members who was killedby the enemy far out at sea.

One of the men in this committee room is Col. Frank Dawson, ofCharlotte, N. C., who is commander of the North Carolina wing of theCivil Air Patrol. Colonel Dawson saw active service with the CivilAir Patrol and has the distinction of having been arrested by an NIP,deprived of his liberty and threatened with court martial for violatingArmy rules and regulations, even though he did not have militarystatus. I will be glad for him to tell you about that. There was

nothing dishonorable about it. He was trying to save manpower.All together, there were approximately 125,000 members of the

Civil Air Patrol. It is contemplated that only 4,612 of them, who

were engaged in the more active duties, would be benefited by this

bill. In order that there may be no doubt as to the number who would

be benefited by the passage of this bill, it has been suggested, and Inow suggest, that the bill be amended by adding, after the figures

"1941" in line 9, a comma and the following language:

in connection with Civil Air Patrol coastal patrol, Civil Air Patrol tow-target

units, Civil Air Patrol liaison patrol, and Civil Air Patrol Courier Express,

I might say that I have a copy of the bill with that interlined, and

for your convenience I attach hereto a copy of the bill in question

with the suggested amendment written in with a typewriter.In the consideration of this bill, I trust you will keep in mind that

some of the widows and orphans of the 37 members of the Civil Air

Patrol who died in the service of their country are in want and that

the husbands and fathers of those widows and orphans were engaged

in actual combat as fully, and to all intents and purposes, and made

the supreme sacrifice, as if they had died on Anzio beachhead or

Okinawa. I hope you will keep in mind that the surviving active-

duty members of the Civil Air Patrol exposed themselves to the fire

of the enemy as fully as if they had landed on the beaches of France

or had crossed the Rhine River.


To date, they and their widows and orphans have received all ofthe burdens and none of the benefits of military service, except thebenefit of a gallant service well performed for the freedom of theirNation. You cannot forget the crucial days when our merchantships and oil tankers were being sunk in large numbers in our coastalwaters, to the dismay of our people. The Civil Air Patrol saved theday. There have been very few times when so many in this countryowed so much to so few.

These sacrifices were made willingly in the defense of their countryand I cannot believe that our great Nation would order these men to"seek out the enemy and engage him in combat" and then denythem the military status which they have patriotically and valiantlywon.

I will submit herewith a copy of the amended bill.

[H. R. 2149, 79th Cong., 1st Sess.]

[Insert the part printed in italic]

A BILL To provide for recognition of active-duty members of the Civil Air Patrol as veterans ofWorld War II

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States ofAmerica in Congress assembled, That in the administration of the pension lawsor any laws conferring rights, privileges, or benefits upon persons honorably dis-charged from the armed forces of the United States, or upon the widows, children,or dependent relatives of such persons, members of the Civil Air Patrol (an auxil-iary of the Army Air Forces) who served on active duty as such after December7, 1941, in connection with Civil Air Patrol coastal patrol, Civil Air Patrol tow-targelunits, Civil Air Patrol liaison patrol, and Civil Air Patrol courier express, and priorto the termination of the present war, and who shall have been separated fromsuch service under other than dishonorable conditions, shall be held and consid-ered to have -served'as members of the armed forces 9nd to have been honorablydischarged from such service.

SEc. 2. No pension, pay, bounty, or other benefit shall be held to have accruedby reason of this Act prior to the date of its enactment.

Mr. Chairman, I do not know that there is anything else I desire toadd. I should say that Col. Frank Dawson, who is here, and someother gentlemen in the room could give you more detailed informationabout the nature of the service performed by this valiant organiza-tion.

Mr. HARNESS. I would like to ask you a question or two, Mr. Ervin.How can you take the position that only a few of these 125,000 wouldbe benefited by the bill?

Mr. ERVIN. The language is "who served on active duty," and theproposed amendment which I suggest would describe in detail thosewho would be considered active-duty members.

Mr. HARNESS. Well, all of these people who were part of the CivilAir Patrol throughout the country were on active duty from time totime, were they not?

Mr. ERVIN. I think, strictly speaking, if one of them put on hisuniform and attended a mass meeting in his home town of other CivilAir Patrol members for the purpose of considering the performance ofthe duties generally, that would have been active duty, but I don'tthink a man who merely put on his uniform and went to some confer-ence about it should be considered an active duty member for the pur-pose of being given military status.

Mr. HARNESS. You have no idea of the percentage of the 125,000 inthe Civil Air Patrol that were actually on active duty, have you?

CIVIL AIR PATROLS 5Mr. ERVIN. Yes; I do have. J have obtained the information from

the War Department. I asked them that specific question, howmany were engaged in these four types of service, and the War De-partment told me 4,612, and I am sure that any representative of theWar Department who testifies will confirm that information.

Mr. HARNESS. You mean out of 125,000, dnly 4,612 saw activeduty?

Mr. ERVIN. Active duty of the type described in the proposedarffendment, coastal patrol, tow target units, liaison patrol, andcourier express. They are the ones who exposed themselves to thefire of the enemy and who did seek out the enemy and engaged himin combat.

Mr. HARNESS. Wouldn't that open the door to all these others ofthe 125,000, to get the same rights and benefits that we grant tothese?

Mr. ERVIN. I don't think so, and I think the Civil Air Patrol,which is a right closely knit organization, has fully considered thatentire question, and it is the unanimous opinion, as I understand it,of the entire organization, that only those who served in these fourcapacities should have the benefits.

Mr. HARNESS. I do not mean to minimize the service of some ofthese men by my questions. I am simply seeking information.

Mr. EAVIN. I am sure of that, but I think that some of thesegentlemen who are officially connected with the organization canassure you on that point, and the thing that I want the committeeto remember when you go into executive session is this one fact:there were many people who were in close proximity to the war, butthis is the only group not having military status who were orderedby the War Department to seek out the enemy and engage him incombat, and that is the thing that distinguishes this group, the menperforming these four types of service, from any other civilian inAmerica, the fact that they had explicit orders to seek out the enemyand engage him in combat, and they complied with those orders veryvaliantly.

Mr. DURHAM. Are there any questions? Thank you very much,Mr. Ervin.

Congressman Goodwin, if you would like to make a statement, wewill be glad to hear you at this time.


Mr. GOODWIN. My statement will be very brief, Mr. Chairman.My name is Angier L. Goodwin. I represent the Eighth Massachu-setts District. I introduced H. R. 1941 on the 1st day of Februaryof this year. Subsequently, I believe, although I have not seen it,Congressman Ervin also introduced a similar bill, or the same bill.I have no pride of authorship. I am not interested particularly orsolely in my bill. I am interested in the principle involved in thebill, and Congressman Ervin has certainly covered the ground veryfully. I agree that the amendment which he has suggested is adesirable one, because it narrows the bill to that body of 4,612 who

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did actual active service. I believe that these individuals who hadactive service, actual active-service in the three or four units men-tioned in his amendment, and actually served with the armed forces,certainly deserve recognition, and I trust that the committee in itswisdom may see fit to report either one of these bills.

Mr. DURHAM. Thank you very much, Mr. Goodwin. Our nextwitness is Lt. Col. Frank E. Dawson. Will you proceed, Colonel?


Colonel DAWSON. Mr. Chairman, I know that the time is movingalong, and I would simply like to say that as president of the Associa-tion of Civil Air Patrol Veterans, Inc., who are sponsoring this bill inthe interest of our widows and orphans and members of the Civil AirPatrol who served on the active duty unit on coast patrol, tow target,liaison, and Army air express, we have not only taken up the matterof our bill with the various 48 wing commanders throughout theUnited States, and the members of Civil Air Patrol, but in order toanswer the questions of one member of the committee, I wish to saythat the Civil Air Patrol is wholeheartedly supporting our bill, eventhough they were not on active duty with these units.

I would like to hurry along, and one reason that I am particularlyinterested-and I might say I had the pleasure not only of being awing commander, but also of organizing two coast patrol bases in myState-I am interested from the standpoint that one of my men cameto me one day when he was fixing to take off over the ocean on somemission 50 or 60 miles out to sea, to convoy some merchant ships, andhe said to me: "Major, you know I have a wife and four children.I understand we have been taken into the Army now." We were toldby the Army Air Force officers whose command we were under, thatwhen the War Department took over they took us over for tworeasons:

1. That they needed us because the Army and Navy did not havethe ships or the pilots-I refer to airplanes-at that time to combatthe submarine menace, and

2. So they could give us the proper life-saving equipment to do thework.

Mr. DURHAM. What date was that?Colonel DAWSON. I will give you that in just a few minutes. It is

in our booklet that has just been given you-and I told him thatI felt that our country and the Army and the Army Air Force wouldsee that these widows and orphans of any bf our men who were killedwere properly taken care of. At this time, Mr. Chairman, I wouldlike for Mr. Isom from the State of New York to outline to you inthe saving of time just exactly what we have done and what we areasking for and why. I want to thank you for this audience.

Mr. DURHAM. Thank you very much, Colonel Dawson. We willbe glad to hear Mr. Isom. Will you state your name and position,whom you represent?



Mr. IsoM. Mr. Chairman, my name is Elbert C. Isom, and I amsecond national vice commander of the Association of Civil AirPatrol Veterans. I am here in that capacity, and I am going to tryto give you, as briefly as possible, the bare facts in this matter.

The Supreme Court of the United States in the case of Storey v.Perkins defined an army as a body of men whose business is war.We will show that members of the Civil Air Patrol who, accordingto the ruling of the Judge Advocate General, were serving in the fieldwith the Army of the United Stagtes did in fact compose such a bodyor unit thereof; that they were employed by the United States forthe business of war; that they were sworn into that service by abinding oath of enlistment, were subject to military discipline andthe jurisdiction of court martial, wore Army uniforms with certaindistinctive insignia, were armed by the United States Government,and ordered by the Army into combat with an armed enemy beyondthe territorial limits of the United States.

Mr. DURHAM. Have you got a copy of that order?Mr. ISOM. Yes, sir.Mr. DURHAM. Will you submit it for the record?Mr. ISOM. It is in some of the documents that are being submittep

here. In short, the- members of the Civil Air Patrol were lawfulbelligerents, a unit of the United States armed forces and are there-fore entitled to recognition as veterans of World War II in accordancewith the provisions of House bill 2149.

Early in the spring of 1942, when enemy submarines were taking afrightful toll of our shipping in plain sight of our own coast, the Armyand Navy were pitifully short of equipment and skilled-pilot personnelwith which to combat this paralyzing menace. The Army thereforeturned to the newly organized Civil Air Patrol, with its wealth -offlying skill and equipment, to take to the air against the enemy.Immediately German-submarine activities in American waters beganto decline, until early in the following year when, except in rareinstances, they ceased altogether. The Civil Air Patrol flew small,single-engine land planes, ideal for the purpose, but hazardous to flya hundred miles or more from shore. They were equipped by theArmy with bomb sights, and bombs and depth charges lethal to thelargest submarine. For security reasons, such strict secrecy sur-rounded this action that the full story has never been told and probablynever will be. All we can do here is to give you a few pertinent factsbearing upon the bill now under your consideration.

When the Civil Air Patrol was established in the Office of CivilianDefense, pursuant to Executive Order 8757 of May 20, 1941, asamended by Executive Order 9134 of April 15, 1942, the active dutymembers of the Civil Air Patrol set up 21 bases along the Atlanticseaboard, pursuant to letter of instructions No. 1, headquarters,Army Air Force Antisubmarine Command, dated November 27, 1942.This letter charged these units with the following mission:

To patrol coastal shipping lanes as directed during daylight hours for thepurpose of protecting friendly shipping and of locating and reporting enemysubmarines, enemy warships, or suspicious craft, and to take action as equipment


permits in destruction of enemy submarines; to conduct such special antisub-marine missions as are directed by headquarters, Army Air Force AntisubmarineCommand.

Pursuant to like direction of the Army Air Force AntisubmarineCommand, the aircraft of the Civil Air Patrol were equipped with100-pound fragmentation bombs and/or 250-pound or- 325-1-ounddepth charges. The patrols flew some 24,000,000 miles over theocean and -are credited with spotting 173 eneiny submarines and ofattacking 57 submarines. Civil Air Patrol is officially credited withsinking or damaging two enemy submarines in addition to those sunkby the Army or Navy called to the scene by the Civil Air Patrolaircraft. There is a long story in connection with that.

These activities, in view of the. civilian status of the Civil AirPatrol, created an anomaly. Until April 29, 1943, the pilots andcopilots of the Civil Air Patrol were civilians, in brief, armed guerillas,since they were engaged in offensive action against the enemy, pursuantto orders of the Army Air Force Antisubmarine Command. OnMay 8, 1942, the Judge Advocate General handed down an opinion(SPJGW 373.1), which held that coastal patrol units of the CivilAir Patrol-Iare accompanying or serving with the Army of the United States in the field, andthat under the provisions of article of war 2 (d) they are amenable to militarydiscipline and subject to the- jurisdiction of military courts.

The personnel of the Civil Air Patrol were thereupon directed, inorder to constitute them lawful belligerents, to obey their officers,wear Army uniforms with certain distinctive insignia, carry openlysuch arms as may be required, and conduct operations according tothe laws and usages of war.

Thus it was sought to give the personnel of the Civil Air Patrolsemimilitary status and to make them lawful belligerents under theRules of Land Warfare. The anomaly, however, continued, andgrave doubts existed whether upon capture such personnel of the CivilAir Patrol would be considered lawful belligerents by the enemy.

In a further effort to clarify the status of the Civil Air Patrol thePresident, by Executive Order 9339, dated May 29, 1943, caused theCivil Air Patrol to be-transferred to the Department of War, to be administered under the directionor supervision of the Secretary of War by such officers, commands, agencies, orpersons under his jurisdiction as he might designate.

Thereupon the Civil Air Patrol became an auxiliary of the UnitedStates Army Air Forces, and it was thus vested with lawful status,according to the Rules of Land Warfare as a member of the armedforces, and entitled to all the honors of war. The personnel onactive duty was required to enlist and to take the same oath as wasadministered to enlisted personnel of the Army, which concludedwith the following paragraph:

I do solemnly swear I will bear true faith and allegiance to the United States ofAmerica; that I will serve them honestly and faithfully against all their enemieswhomsoever; that I will fully and faithfully perform all duties assigned to me andobey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officersappointed over me subject to the Rules and Articles of War.

The active-duty members were also required to sign affidavits underthe Hatch Act like any other employee of the Federal Government.

As early as March 12, 1942, Harry H. Blee, colonel, Air Corps,training and operations office of Civil Air Patrol by command of


Major General Curry, issued an operations directive No. 7, Rules ofLand Warfare, to the Civil Air Patrol coastal patrols. Each memberof the Civil Air Patrol on active duty was ordered to active dutystatus by orders of the Army Air Forces. These orders undoubtedlyestablished an enlistment, voluntarily undertaken, and is tantamountto a mustering in to the Federal service. Each flight made by thepersonnel of the Civil Air Patrol was likewise made pursuant to defi-nite orders of duly constituted officers of the Army Air Forces or CivilAir Patrol, who were vested with authority by direction of the ArmyAir Forces. Thus the ill-starred flights .on which lives were lost werein the course of such enlistment and in line of duty.

It is thus seen that the active-duty members of the Civil Air Patrol,although at first civilians, placed at the disposal of the United States awealth of pilot training and air equipment at a time when it wassorely needed in the war effort. The United States utilized such skilland equipment in offensive action against the enemy and made theCivil Air Patrol a military organization and later an auxiliary oragency of the Army Air Forces. This transition took place at thebehest of the Army Air Forces and for the more effective utilization ofsuch flying skill and equipment in the exigencies of war. There is nodoubt that the relationship of employer and employee existed underan enlistment oath as complete and broad as the enlistment oath ofany enlisted personnel of the Army Air Forces.

You will note that the bill was intended to affect members of theCivil Air Patrol only who saw active service on the antisubmarinepatrol, the border patrol, the courier service, tracking and other officialmissions ordered by the Army Air Forces. This group totals about4,500 members out of a total of non-active-duty members of more than100,000. A considerable portion of the 4,500 members who were onactive-duty assignments later went in the Army, Navy, or Marines,and automaticall r became veterans of the war. From informationwhich I deem accurate, I estimate this figure at about 25 percent, orabout 1,100 members, leaving approximately 3,500. individualsaffected by the proposed legislation.

Of-this number about 37 pilots and copilots were killed on anti-submarine patrol and an approximate equal number in other activeduties ordered by the Army, such as border patrol, tow target andtracking missions, and courier express. No accurate information ofthe number of dependents of such personnel is available at the moment,but the number of widows and children, based upon information at ourdisposal and believed to be accurate, does not exceed 100. The num-ber of personnel suffering from service-connected disabilities, from likeinformation, does not exceed 50.

From these figures it will be seen that those affected by the proposedlegislation are comparatively small in number, and that no long-rangecommitment of doubtful cost is undertaken by the proposed legislation.

In making provision for the disabled and the dependents of thosewho died in the service of the United States, Congress has legislatedtwo comprehensive programs (a) the Veterans' Administration and(b) the United States Employees Compensation Commission.

It would seem that under the liberal construction of Veterans Regu-lation No. 1 (a), members of the Civil Air Patrol on active duty, pur-suant to orders of the Army Air Forces, are protected without addi-tional legislation.


Application for relief under that regulation has been denied.(Letter of Frank T. Hines, Administrator, Veterans' Administration,to Senator Walter T. George, June 26, 1945, to that effect.) Thebasis of the denial would seem to be the rather insubstantial one thatthe members of the Civil Air Patrol on active duty were volunteers,and neither enlisted nor employed by the military service. That is.not the case.

The other source of compensation, the United States EmployeesCompensation Commission, has likewise denied relief. That Commis-sion recognizes that the members of the Civil Air Patrol on active dutywere employed by the United States, and that the relationship of em-ployer and employee did in fact exist. They decline to award com-pensation for the reason that such active duty members of the CivilAir Patrol were not paid a monthly salary. This objection relates tothe mechanical computation of the sums to which the disabled anddependents might be entitled. In this connection, it should be saidthat the personnel on active duty were paid by check of the Treasurerof the United States for living expenses and personal services in ac-cordance with per diem Operations Directive No. 13 (d) issued byHeadquarters United States Army Air Forces and signed by HarryII. Blee, Colonel, Air Corps operations officer.

Mr. HARNESS. Right there, it would appear that you have not ex-hausted your remedy yet against the Veterans' Administration or theUnemployment Administration Board. You have made application.They have made rulings which you say are not in accordance with thefacts or based upon facts. Could you not pursue that further and tryto get legal action?

Mr. IsoM. I did not present the facts to them myself, btit I under-stand they were presented with facts and felt that additional legis-lation was necessary to clarify the issue.

Mr. HARNESS. But I understand you take the position that underexisting law there is a remedy?

Mr. IsoM. We say it would seem that under existing law suchshould be the case, but we took it up with these agencies and theyruled against us. They say they have to have further clarification bylegislation. The United States Employees' Compensation Commis-sion is unable to determine what part of the per diem was for servicesand what part was for living expenses. That is where the catch comesin with them. In other words, the Commission feels itself unable toapply the percentages because it is unable to determine the denomi-.nator of the fraction, to wit, the monthly compensation.

Thus you will see, that congressional regard for the disabled anddependents of those who died has already been expressed. Presentlegislation would appear to be adequate to include the active dutymembers of the Civil Air Patrol, yet both the agencies administeringthe benefits feel that additional legislation is necessary to make thematter quite clear.

We have presented the bare facts, gentlemen, and in view of thescfacts, the Association of Civil Air Patrol Veterans asks your approvalof House bill 2149, in order that proper care may be provided for theinjured, and the widows and orphans of those who died in the serviceof their country and that the living may be justly recognized asveterans of World War II. I thank you, gentlemen.

Mr. DURHAM. Does that complete your statement?


Mr. ISoM. Yes, sir.Mr. MARTIN. Have any of your members been discharged from the

service?Mr. IsoM. From the Army?Mr. MARTIN. Yes. They took on oath on entering the service.

Have any of them terminated their service by any formal discharge?Mr. ISOM. That was only for the duration and 6 months. Those

not on active duty with the armed forces have the privilege of resigningfrom the Civil Air Patrol or being placed on inactive status. Some ofthem have taken advantage of that privilege.

Mr. MARTIN. What mechanics have you gone through in separatingthem from the service?

Mr. IsoM. On August 31, 1943, the Army Air Forces officiallypulled out the coastal patrol, leaving it to the Navy, and we were putout with them on that date. We were given then a little typewrittenslip which said we were hereby relieved from active duty with coastalpatrol number so and so-whatever it was. Later we were presentedwith a certificate by the Civil Air Patrol, which said that we, the indi-vidual, had served in the antisubmarine patrol with rank such andsuch. That was all. Does that answer your question?

Mr. MARTIN. Yes; that is what I had in mind.Mr. HARNESS. Mr. Chairman, the thing that bothers me all the

way through this thing-I wonder if you or the witness could give ushis reaction to the statement of the Secretary of War that this legisla-tion would establish a precedent for granting veterans benefits toother groups of civilians? He points out, among others, contractors'crews, civilian contractors' crews who probably worked on some ofthe islands in the Pacific or in the Atlantic or the Caribbean; civiliansserving on Army transports, civilian pilots of the Air Transport.Command.

Mr. Isom1. May I refer to my notes a moment?Mr. HARNESS. Further he points out civilian instructors of the

Air Forces, war correspondents, personnel of the Army SpecialistCorps-a corps that was formed originally, I believe, about the time

the war started-the merchant marine, various State guards, the

women's auxiliary service pilots, and certain personnel of the RedCross who were serving with the combat units.

Mr. IsoM. I cannot answer all of those because I do not have the

information covering all of those points, but I can give you the story

on a good many of them. You mentioned civilians serving on Army

transports. Civilians while serving on Army transports are employees

of the United States and receive compensation under title 5, section

751-791 and 793, United States Code Annotated.Mr. HARNESS. In other words, they are covered?Mr. IsoM. They are covered. Civilian pilots of the Air Transport

Command and civilian instructors, Air Forces. Such of these per-

sonnel as were paid monthly compensation by check of the Treasurer

of the United States are entitled to compensation provided by title 5,

751-793 supra.Merchant marine: All members of the merchant marine while serv-

ing as members of the crew of a ship operated by the United States

Shipping Board are likewise entitled to compensation under title 5

mentioned above. If they were serving on a ship operated by a pri-

vate contractor, such crew members are entitled to compensation pro-


vided by the operator of the ship, and in many cases this compensationexceeds that provided by the United States.

Women's Auxiliary Service Pilots: These pilots' status is very clear.They were civil-service employees paid a monthly salary and are en-titled to all the benefits as civil-service employees of the United StatesGovernment. There is no question about them. Their status is veryclear-cut, and they were very well provided for. And, as CongressmanErvin pointed out to you earlier, the distinction between our groupand all of these is that we engaged in offensive warfare. We werearmed by the United States, by the Army. We were armed and weresent out under orders beyond the territorial limits of the United States,to seek out an armed enemy, engage him in combat, and destroy him.Gentlemen, we did just that.

Mr. DURHAM. These groups did not take any oath, did they?Mr. IsOM. Yes, sir.Mr. DURHAM. I mean these groups that you just covered. Did they

take an oath?Mr. IsoM. I can't tell you about that.Mr. HARNESS. They were under civil service.Mr. ISOM. I don't know that they did.Mr. MARTIN. I wonder if any of those groups that Mr. Harness

named there were given an oath similar to the oath that the Civil AirPatrol took?

Mr. ISOM. I don't know. All I know is about our own group. Thegentleman mentioned some others, the Army Specialist Corps, the

tate Guards, certain personnel of the Red Cross. I have no infor-mation concerning them, but I have no doubt that any members in-jured or killed, members of these various branches of civilian defensework, are provided for by their organization.

Mr. HARNESS. The difference between the treatment accorded thosegroups that you have mentioned there and your proposal here is thatthose serving in the CAP on active service would be considered ashaving served in the armed forces of the United States and would beveterans of the war.

Mr. ISOM. Yes, sir.Mr. HARNESS. The same as a man who is drafted into the service

and sent over to Germany or Japan.Mr. ISOM. That is right. Or one that volunteered for the service.Mr. HARNESS. And this would take into that group as World War

II veterans all of those who saw active service in these three branchesthat are mentioned in the bill?

TAXfr. ISOM. Yes, sir.Mr. HARNESS. Some 4,600 of them, and leave the door open for the

rest of the 125,000 who wore a uniform and took the oath-leave thedoor open to say that they want the same benefits, the same privilegesas World War veterans, would it not?

Mr. ISOM. I hardly think they could justly claim that, and infact, I am certain there is no intention on the part of the Civil AirPatrol to accomplish any such thing. Only those who actuallyserved with the Army in the field are entitled to be considered veteransof World War II.

Mr. HARNESS. We have men who served here in the United States,wore the uniform, were inducted into the service by the draft boards,were accepted by the Army and the Navy, and assigned to supervisory


jobs in defense plants. They did not fight the enemy, yet they havethe privileges, the same privileges as the man who went into actionin Germany. That is through no fault of their own, because theywere assigned to do that job, so wouldn't the same argument prevailwith respect to those CAP men who did nothing, perhaps, more tharmassist the Red Cross in certain communities?

Mr. Isom. I can answer you that, if you will pardon my using'myown personal experience, but in the last World War I was an officerin the United States Navy assigned to the Transport Force. Wemade 18 trips across in convoy. We saw very little action, had avery nice cruise back and forth across the ocean. I saw a great dealmore active duty in the Civil Air Patrol in this war than I saw inWorld War I, yet I am a veteran of World War I with all the veterans'privileges, but not of World War II at the present time.

Mr. HARNESS. I don't want you to misunderstand me as under-taking to indicate that these men did not do a good job and did notrender a service that I think should be recognized. I am thinking ofthe precedent that might be established by such legislation. I thinkthat what you say is true about the Veterans' Administration and theUnemployment Compensation Board. I think they have misinter-preted the law. I can't see any reason why the dependents of thesemen who were killed in these jobs should not be recognized by one orthe other. This proposal here might, as indicated by both the Warand Navy Departments, establish a precedent that you would notwant yourself.

Mr. IsoM. Don't you see, sir, that the line can be very clearlydrawn in this case between those who were serving under the oathwith the Army, and those who served in active duty under commandby Army officers and in Army organized units, and actually servedon active duty? The line can be very distinctly drawn betweenthem and the others who were in training service in their own hometown and wore the uniform two nights a week. They did not seekout the enemy and engage him in combat.

Mr. HARNESS. I know a lot of them. A lot of- my friends were init.

Mr. DURHAM. Were you permitted to take out insurance under theLife Insurance Act?

Mr. ISOM. No, sir.Mr. MARTIN. It seems to me that this question about your status

as distinguished from the other groups there could be based on thismatter of taking the oath and entering into active duty or actualservice under that oath. That was the line, as I recall it, that wefollowed in determining what groups might be qualified as veteransof World War I. We had that very question up in the matter of theSATC, and those who took the oath, although they were in trainingonly, were, I believe, given that status as veterans; whereas, those whodid not take the oath, although they were in the same training, werenot considered veterans. I believe that was the distinguishing pointin that field following World War I. If we have a clear-cut line ofdemarcation as between this group and these others named in the reportMr. Harness read, we may have some basis on which to proceed with-out setting a dangerous precedent.

Mr. IsoM. Only the 4,600 who served in active duty took the oath,and so those are the only ones that we ourselves feel are entitled tothis recognition.


Mr. MARTIN. But we must also examine these other groups as tohow wide the gate is opened. That is what I have in mind. Weshould have more information about those other groups and all otherpossible groups. Only the ones that went on active duty took thisoath? Is that correct?

Mr. IsoM. Yes, sir; those that reported for active duty.Mr. Harness. Have you given any consideration to legislation

that might grant some relief to these folks without making themveterans of the war, without bringing them in as having served ih thearmed forces?

Mr. IsoM. That, of course, would be helpful, but it works an in-justice on the others. They gave up their jobs. Many of them soldtheir businesses to rush to the defense of their country in time of need,and now they come back and try to get their jobs back and the veteransare given the preference, put in ahead of them. They have no statusin their communities as veterans of the war. It is the old storyabout the little boy that said, "Daddy, what did you do in the war?"You know the answer to that one. I think that in fairness and justicethen they should have the same privileges as any other veterans.

Mr. DURHAM. What percentage of these men are World War Iveterans? Do you know?

Mr. IsoM. A large percentage of them. I started to go into thatat one time but never did complete the figures, but on our base alone,out of a flying personnel of 40 I think 7 of us were World War I vet-erans. They facetiously called us "The old man's Air Corps." Agreat many of them were World War I veterans. That is why we werein the Civil Air Patrol, we were too old to get into active duty withthe Army in any other way.

Mr. WINSTEAD. Although you took the oath and went into activeduty?

Mr. Isom. We took the oath when we went into active duty.Mr. DURHAM. Are there any further questions? Thank you very

much, Mr. Isom.Our next witness is Lt. Dan F. Ritchie. Will you give your full

name and position for the record, please?


Mr. RITCHIE. My name is Dan F. Ritchie, national treasurer ofthe Civil Air Patrol Veterans Association, China Grove, N. C. I wasa pilot at one of the bases. I flew something over 100 missions. Isaw something of what went on. Prior to going down there I was areserve officer in the ORC, having been such since 1926, having therating of-I am not even sure about that. I had a rating of captain,that I unfortunately dropped 2 years previously, and I don't knowwhat my status would have been. However, at the time I was offereda majorship by the Army engineers to go over with the Army engi-neers, but the plea at that time was: "We need experienced fliers of200 hours or better. For God's sake, come and help us." That isjust the language they used. We answered that call.

Mr. DURHAM. Whom did that appeal come from?Mr. RITCHIE. That appeal came from the Civil Air Patrol head-

quarters, wing headquarters in North Carolina. At the same time,


the officers' procurement office, which was then located in Atlanta,was also inquiring if I would not go back into the service. I wasover age, consequently, although being a former officer, I had reachedmy thirty-seventh birthday without having kept my commission onan active status, having let it expire in approximately 1935, due tonot attending sufirmer -camps or having sufficient points to do so.That is the background, gentlemen.

The first thing I, want -to say is in answer to a question that youjust raised about where the line of demarcation might be. If I maybe permitted to do so I would suggest this line of demarcation: Weare the only organization in the history of the United States, so faras the records disclose that we have been permitted to find-not evencounting the minute men of 1776-who were ordered by constitutedauthority to proceed against a common enemy, find him, and engagehim in offensive, mortal combat. That is in essential terms, youmight say, the basis on which we ask what we are coming to you for.

I don't think we could be by international law considered in butone of two categories; we were either soldiers or armed guerillas. Idon't think there is any middle ground.

Now, in regard to the oath, my serial number was 4486-450 backin the early days when we were civilians and were doing civilian work,training, and so forth. At that time we took one oath, which was aschool-children's oath. We were investigated by the FBI to see if wewere citizens, loyal citizens, and those of us that had no birth certifi-cates had to prove that we were born, which sometimes was not sobad. But we did have to do that, and produce birth certificates.But upon being appointed to active duty we were then-not untilthen were we required to subscribe fully to the military oath of alle-giance, the same oath I took when I received my shavetail commissionfor the URC, except some stronger. Those things might seem a littlestrange to you, but those are the things that actually happened.

Now the colonel-we call him colonel, he is now Mr. Dawson-aman came to him before he was going out on a mission and asked himif he should be killed to look after his wife and children. The manwas killed, and the colonel is attempting to fulfill that obligation.

Mr. MARTIN. How was he killed?Mr. RITCHIE. He was killed in the performance of his duty under

authority of the colonel, under the command issued to him by theWar Department.

Mr. MARTIN. I mean was he shot down?Mr. RITCHIE. He was killed by aircraft failure, not by being shot

down. In fact, the majority of our men, who were killed, were notshot down. In other words, the enemy shootiAg at us was almost likeshooting at a fly on the wall. We were most too small for him to hit,unless we got in range of his machine guns. So we were not so afraidof his weapons as we were the inadequacy of the equipment that wehad to fly. When a man is killed as a result of a mechanical deficiencyin his plane, he is just as dead as if he was shot through the head withan enemy bullet. I can't see that there is any difference, gentlemen.

Those of us that served take great pride in the fact that we were ableto do so, and the satisfaction of having served has its own reward, butthat does not put bread in the mouths of our workers, nor does itlook after our dependents; neither does it look after the mother of


Mr. Cook, Lieutenant Cook he was then, whose body was not foundfor several months after he went down, and as a result thereof she isin the insane asylum. She used every authority she could to try andfind something of the boy. He went down on the 23d of December,and we found his body the second week of March, I believe-whatremained of it. It was found as the result of investigation of a floatingmine. His body happened to be floating near it and was picked up bythe Coast Guard.

It is a serious matter to us, gentlemen, and we realize that while wehave several strikes against us, we believe from sheer misunderstand-mng. The War Department and the Navy Department say we werecivilians, but there is nothing whatsoever that we can locate in Armylaw, we can find nothing whatsoever in the annals of history of ourcountry where anybody has been sent out by constituted authorityand armed to destroy an enemy and exposed to all the hazards ofcombat, knowing only one of you is going to come back, and yet saysafter all that, "You are civilians." Always in the past our Nationhas taken care of its own. We are coming to you asking- only thatyou permit our widows and children-we don't want benefits-in fact,our bill so states-we only want it from thereon.

Some of us go back to our civilian occupations and find our jobs aretaken by veterans who have never seen any action, never even fired agun, who have been in training and developed some physical disabilityin training. If we come to the Federal Government or the Stategovernment for employment, we have a 10 percent strike against us tobegin with, and a veteran is appointed, whether it is civil service oranything else. That is why we are asking for veteran's status. Wedon't want mustering-out pay. We are not asking for that. WhatI am trying to say in the best words that I can muster is that we areasking what we firmly believe we are entitled to, not for our individualselves necessarily, but for the group as a whole. We went out thereto discharge what we thought was our duty, our way of life, if you willpermit me to use what may be a rather worn phrase, but many of usstill believe in it. We did what we thought we were called to do, andbelieve it or not, we developed a peculiar psychology that I under-stand is shared by our brothers.

For instance, our Regular Army men who armed our planes withbombs set them for 700 feet, so they would detonate on contact at700 feet. There was that timing so the plane could get away beforethe bomb went off. Many of us pleaded with those boys to set themfor 200 feet-"if we catch a big boy out there, let's lay it on the deck.We know we can't get away, but so what? Suppose we don't getaway?" We were under the impression all the time that our depend-ents would be looked after. Our commanding officer told us so. Hewas under that impression, so we were just about as desperate asmany other brothers in arms. We saw every day survivors as a resultof enemy action, enemy torpedoes.

Mr. HARNESS. how many submarines were destroyed by the CivilAir Patrol?

Mr. RITcHIE. Officially we are credited with sinking unassisted'two submarines, with bombing 57 or 58. That is within 1 or 2 ofbeing correct. We were credited with sighting in excess of 170.


Now then, if I may let my hair down, so to speak, here is what theofficial sinking consisted of, as we understand it; if the submarine wasdestroyed and proof was submitted or proof was gotten by the con-stituted authorities that it was destroyed unassisted, and there was noother surface craft involved, then we were credited with it, but if thatsubmarine was sunk and there were other surface craft in the vicinity,we being subordinate to them, they received the credit, and frankly,gentlemen, we didn't receive a "much obliged." That hurt us inmany cases, but wejust thought, "Well, this is war."

Mr. HARNESS. Were your planes all equipped with radios?Mr. RITCHIE. Yes, sir, two-way radios, every one of them. We

were not permitted to take off at all without a two-way radio thatworked. We flew in pairs as another safeguard against radio failureand as mutual protection. We flew in pairs, two planes, each carry-ing a pilot and an observer. The observer served also as the bombar-dier and radio operator. Each plane was equipped with the arma-ment it could carry. Bear in mind, these planes were garnered fromthe airports of the country. Ninety-horsepower was the minimum;from there on up to whatever could be obtained, begged, borrowed orstolen, speaking figuratively. Those ships were armed with whateverarmament they would carry, the 100-pound bomb, the 275-pounddepth charge, and-the 300-pound depth charge. The larger shipswould carry the depth charge; the smaller ships could not carry any-thing over 100 pounds. That is why they were so armed, and thatwas determined and the weight balances run on those planes by theArmy Air Corps themselves, not by our personnel. The bomb wereput on by the regular servicemen of the Army. We were not per-mitted to arm our own planes. They were armed for us, because wewere told we were not sufficient technicians.

Mr. MARTIN. Of these 4,500 men involved here, what percentage ofthem were pilots and members of air crews?

Mr. RITCHIE. Well, sir, I can answer that, I believe, only as a fair

estimate. That can be obtained from the War Department, but we

had, ourselves, approximately 25 observers or pilots out of the 86

personnel.Mr. DURHAM. There is a very important bill on the floor of the

House now and a quorum call, so it is evident we cannot finish with

the witness now. We will adjourn until 2 o'clock this afternoon.

Colonel DAWSON. Mr. Chairman, we have only one more witness.

Mr. DURHAM. We can finish with him this afternoon. Probably

some of the members would like to question the present witness.We will come back at 2 o'clock.

(Whereupon, at 11:30 a. in., a recess was taken until 2 p. in. thisday.)


The hearing was resumed at 2 p. in., pursuant to recess.

Mr. DURHAM. The committee will come to order. This is a con-tinuation of the hearing this morning on the Civil Air Patrol bill.

Our next witness is Maj. Ralph Earle. Will you state your full name

and position for the record, please?



Major EARLE. Gentlemen, I am, or was, the ex-base commander atSuffolk Airport and Falmouth, which had the patrol from PointPleasant, N. J., to Boston, taking in New York Harbor and Boston,Harbor.

I will take only a few minutes of your time, because these othergentlemen will also have something to say. Most of them were notat the original base, and it might be helpful to give you a little inklingof how the thing started. Atlantic City and Rehoboth were the twooriginal bases. At that time the sinkings, as you know, were allalong the coast. Tankers were burning, oil was not getting through,and they called upon us for help. Robert Wilson, who was an oldArmy officer, called on ex-serN ice men, such as myself, who had beenin the Air Corps, to see what we could do. We immediately left forAtlantic City, where a base was opened. I was stationed in AtlanticCity. On our first day out, three ships were burning when we gotthere. The results there worked out so well that all bases wereopened from Maine, or from Canada, you might say, to the Gulf.There were 21 bases.

At Atlantic City there -was no way whatever to pay the men, toclothe them, or anything else, so we just wore arm bands in case wegot shot down. The pressure was so great and we had so few pilotsat that time that many of the pilots averaged 10 hours a day of flight.They were so stiff when they came in from the planes that we wouldhave to lift them out. Food ran very low. We raised money wher-ever we could. Gasoline ran low. It looked as though the thing wasclosing down, when the oil companies came to our rescue. We hadproven that we could stop the German submarine at these two bases,and they raised a fund called the tanker fund, and with that moneythey were able to keep the organization going until such time as wereceived real aid. But I have seen pilots get out of planes and faintfrom hunger. In fact, I went to Philadelphia one time to help raisemoney to keep the meals going until we got the thing under way.That was the Coast Patrol starting. The result from there on wasthat wherever we put in a base, if the submarines had been there theywould move on to another location. Finally we had the 21 bases in,and those 21 bases put an umbrella from Canada to the Gulf of Mexicoover all shipping. I can remember plainly when at one time we didn'tknow how far we could fly near the merchant ships. They were notarmed at that time. After they were armed, if you got within 1,500feet they were ordered to shoot at us, but up to that time we wouldfly right alongside, and many times the sailors, you would see themget down on the deck praying to us, they were so glad to see us. Wewere the only people out there. And from that this submarine CivilAir Patrol, CAP, Coastal Patrol, grew.

Now, I am not going to take your time on this because you reallyhave men here that know the legal end. I know that is what youwant, and I want to see if we can show you the way out. Here is anexample. Some of the men got up this little book of dedication toGordon Pyle, intelligence officer at base 718, who by his energy,efficiency, knowledge, and skill was instrumental in saving the livesof all of his comrades who crashed at sea, who was overtaken by the


-fate from which he saved so many, they and the other members ofthe base affectionally dedicate this book.

Gordon Pyle went out over New York Harbor, Sandy Hook, andwith him was an Army officer, and from the time they left the radarpicked them up for about an hour or so; after that all contact withthem was lost and neither the ship nor two men were ever heard ofagain.

Gordon Pyle left a wife and widow, and I don't know whether theArmy officer was married or not, but there were two men on the sameline of duty; the Army officer was covered by the GI bill of rights;Gordon Pyle left his wife and widow without anything. That is thesituation you find all along this coast, and that is what I am hopefulyou gentlemen can help us out with. We have carried this thingfrom one department to another. I believe every department wouldhave liked to help us out. They feel that we are sincere. Theyfeel that the boys did a good job. I also know that if we can't gethelp here you may say we should try somewhere else, and so forth,but for over a year we have all tried back and forth with differentheads, the veterans' organization, and we have gotten nowhere, andI just mention these two little things to show you the situation, howtwo men in the same line of duty, one is taken care of and the otheris not,

That is my story. I know that we got the tankers through. Ialso know that when the 21 bases were started, nothing more happenedexcept in a few cases, and the submarines moved out. At that timethe Army felt we were the real stuff, and we were, I think. To provethat, men who stayed in CAP, regular Army officers who were officersat national headquarters, moved from captain to major, to lieutenantcolonel and colonel, right on up through the ranks, and I think thatproves that the Army felt that this was a very important service.

I have nothing more to say, gentlemen.Mr. DURHAM. Are there any questions?'Mr. MARTIN. Did your CAP pilots have ratings and promotions

that you considered adequate for the work you were doing, that is,in comparison to the promotions you speak about in the Army?

Major EARLE. I will answer that in this way: I rose from the rankof captain to major, but there is no difference in pay. A pilot re-ceives the same pay whether he is a captain or a major. We got therank but no extra pay, and the pay that we received as major wasnot really pay, it was living expenses.

Mr. DURHAM. You got your per diem pay regardless of what yourrank was?

Major EARLE. That is right. In other words, the base commanderreceived $10 a day. Eventually I took over two bases, and I stillreceived $10 a day.

Mr. DURHAM. Why did you have trouble securing food in theearly days?

Major EARLE. You see, nobody even guessed what we were, andwe were just called on to see what we could do, and in those two bases

we proved ourselves and then we spread out. It was something

that had never happened before, I guess, in the annals of this country.Mr. DURHAM. But we had plenty of food in this country. There

was no excuse for that. Somebody had authority to feed you.


Major EARLE. No, that was the trouble, we were not in any branchof the service at that time, -and each department was afraid to giveus anything for fear they might be criticized for it.

Mr. DURHAM. Where did Maj. Gil Robb Wilson, that you spokeof, where did he get his authority from?

Major EARLE. He received authority, I suppose, to go down thereand fly over the ocean. It must have been from the War Depart-ment, because at that time all civilian flying had been shut down.

Mr. DURHAM. He could not have flown unless somebody gave himauthority?

Major EARLE. That is correct.Colonel DAWSON. I would like to say along those lines, Mr. Chair-

man, as was brought out here this morning, we received our ordersfrom the War Department through the Twenty-fifth Wing of theArmy Air Force Anti-submarine Command, whose headquarters areat the Eastern Sea Frontier in New York City, to open up our basesand start flying over the ocean, destroying German submarines if welocated any of them, but we could not get the Army, even the Armyofficers, due to the shortage, so I understood, and the legal status, togive us Mae Wests, so we were down there on the North Atlanticcoast, and we used to stand on the beach and see the ships torpedoedand burned, and when some of the survivors were washed ashore, wecouldn't stand it any longer, and being real red-blooded Americans, wejust took some dead bodies and took the life vests off of them, andwent to work. It seemed like there was some legal status that theydidn't have. the authority to give us-they didn't give us Mae Westsuntil the time we were taken into the Army, the War Departmentorder. I think that was explained by Mr. Earle's statement.

Mr. MARTIN. When was this situation you have just describedcorrected?

Major EARLE. That was from the War Department, headquartersof the Army Air Force, Washington, May 25, 1943.

Mr. MARTIN. Up to that time you had had this trouble you havebeen describing?

Major EARLE. That is right.Mr. MARTIN. And from that date, May 25, 1943, you had no more

trouble?Major EARLE. Things began to improve immensely.Mr. DURHAM. How long did you work under those conditions?Major EARLE. Conditions at Rehoboth and Atlantic City, after

we had proven those two cases and the oil companies came to ourrescue and came down here and fought our battles to a certain extent,from that time on things began to improve right along, but for aboutthe first 3 months we didn't know just what would happen next.None of us did.

Mr. MARTIN. How long had you been operating at the time of thechange you mentioned, May 25?

Major EARLE. This is May 25, 1943, and the first base at Rehobothand Atlantic City started in the sDring of 1942.

Mr. DURHAM. Are there any further questions? Thank you verymuch, Mr. Earle.

Our next witness is G. C. Moreland, Washington, D. C. We willbe glad to hear you now, Mr. Moreland.



Mr. MORELAND. Mr. Chairman, and gentlemen, at the present-time I am representing the Civil Air Patrol as a veteran, of the Vet-erans' Association. My connection with the Civil Air Patrol beganin the early spring of 1942 with a group of men who formed what'was then known as the Civil Air Patrol at Home. Later on we weregiven an opportunity to enlist for active coastal patrol duties.

We were not told where this base would be located. The firstknowledge we had that we had been accepted for coastal patrol duty-came in the form of an order addressed to me under frank, with anenvelope 'from the War Department telling me to report for activecoastal patrol duty at Manteo, N. C., July 27, 1943.

Mr. DURHAM. What were you then, just a civilian?Mr. MORELAND. I was a civilian working as a public accountant.

So I reported to the base commander. The base was just in theprocess of being organized. We had the same financial difficultiesthat have been mentioned in the case of other bases. Popular sub-scriptions were taken up among the businessmen at home, andthrough those donations we were able to start our base operatingwith a capital of some $3,000. The Standard Oil Co. was kind enoughto extend credit to us for the necessay gasoline and oil that we needed-at the base.

As soon as the base was formed and started operating I was madeadministrative head of base 16. My duties principally were thoseof contact with outside suppliers organize the office and keepthe records.

All of the orders that we operated under, as has been stated before,came to us either by mail or through teletype connection, and we,considered ourselves at the time as a part of the armed forces of theUnited States under the headquarters at Mitchel Field, N. Y. Thatcondition existed throughout the term of my enlistment at the CivilAir Patrol base. That is a brief outline of my duties there.

In connection with several of the questions that have been askedhere, particularly with reference to the establishment of a precedent,I wonder if we are out of order or if a precedent is being establishedby our asking for approximately the same privileges that the Coast

Guard Auxiliary men enjoy, due to legislation that was passed in

September of 1944?Mr. DURHAM. It is always the privilege of a citizen to come in and

ask for anything you want.Mr. MORELAND. That will be all that I have to say with reference

to the situation as it now exists.Mr. SYKES. Has the Coast Guard Auxiliary been given military

status yet?Mr. MORELAND. To the extent that the members are given vet-

erans' preference by the Civil Service Commission.Mr. SYKES. I understood they were given civil-service status, but

not veterans' preference. What is the situation?Mr. MARTIN. That was my recollection of it, but I am not pre-

pared to make any final statement on that. Are you saying here

that there was more than that given to them?


Mr. MORELAND. No, although I could definitely make the state-ment from information that comes to me-came from them in myown office, from members of the Coast Guard Auxiliary.

Mr. SYKES. I think we should determine that point, because thisorganization, apparently, is more closely related to the services underwhich the Coast Guard Auxiliary operated than any other that Iknow of.

Mr. MORELAND. Well, there is ore point that I would like to makevery clear while we are speaking about the Coast Guard. We of theVeterans' Association of Civil Air Patrol do not intend or do not wantto create the impression that we are finding fault with anything thatany other organization may have.

Mr. DURHAM. We understand that.Mr. MORELAND, I want to make that point clear.Colonel DAWSON. You were told in your office that they were given

preference while Civil Air members were not?Mr. MORELAND. I applied to the Civil Service Commission for

veterans' preference, and that was denied me.Colonel DAWSON. But it was given to the Coast Guard, you were

told in your office?Mr. MORELAND. Yes, sir.Mr. DURHAM. Does that complete your statement?Mr. MORELAND. Yes, sir.Mr. DURHAM. Are there any questions? Thank you very much,

Mr. Moreland.Our next witness is Mr. George W. Witney, of Philadelphia.


Mr. WITNEY. Mr. Chairman and gentlemen, I am a member of thegeneral Civil Air Patrol organization that was connected with bases17 and 18 particularly, and the one base at Charleston, S. C.

My purpose here today is to give you if possible the legal back-ground on which these various operations were based, and to try tostraighten you out, if I can, in the questions that have been raised bythe various members of the committee on the differences between thestatus of the Civil Air Patrol active-duty group and other groups andother sections of that same organization.

The Civil Air Patrol was set up originally on May 20, 1941, about 7months before Pearl Harbor, and was set up by Executive Order No.8757, issued by the President when he set up the Office of CivilianDefense. Later on, by Executive order issued April 15, 1942, Execu-tive Order 9134, the functions were elaborated and the experiencesthat they had gained in the preliminary coastal patrol work were moreor less solidified and crystallized in the organization that had to dospecifically with protection of the coast.

Mr.,MARTIN. That was a little over a year later, a year afterPearl Harbor?

Mr. WITNEY. Not quite a year later, but about 4 months afterPearl Harbor. Major Earle and myself in the Pennsylvania area,and Lieutenant Newcomb here, and some of the other men, were inthe Civil Air Patrol before Pearl Harbor. The Government thoughtat that time it would be desirable to organize all civilian pilots for


purposes of defense of this country. At that time we were not en-gaged in any coastal patrol work. We were organizing units all over-the country for all sorts of purposes that had to do with local defense.They were going to use these older pilots and civilian planes in air-plane work in the general defense of the country. As you may know,in 1940 the country was engaged in defense activities, and the CivilAir Patrol was organized as a part of that work. Later on, as MajorEarle pointed out, the need for coastal patrol by airplane became verygreat because of the large number of merchant vessels which werebeing sunk off of our coast. Then Civil Air Patrol was given the jobof establishing coastal bases and patrolling the sea lanes with thecivilian planes that were generally available.

Mr. DURHAM. Did we have any other patrol work at that time?Mr. WITNEY. Yes; we had the Coast Guard work, but not by

airplane, and we had some airplane work, as I remember it, by thelimited number of planes that were available in the Army and Navy,.but they were usually required for other work, and that is why these,

men were put on duty, because there were no other resources available-for immediate use. As you may know, they used land planes going-out over the sea. It was a new venture for them and for the entire.organization. It was organized very carefully, and the patrol systemwas set up where they went out in pairs with two-way radio equip-ment. These bases were all set up as a complete team and unit,operating for the sole object of patrolling the sea lanes along the coast.As Colonel Dawson has pointed out to you, in some parts of his areait was necessary for them to go out 100 miles at sea before they gotinto the sea lanes. Further north the sea lanes were closer to theshore.

Mr. DURHAM. Did your group do all the repair work on the .planes?Mr. WITNEY. Every base was a complete unit in itself, did their

own repair work, took care of all their own feeding, did all of theirown service work. The planes in many cases were completely re-built, the engines were re-serviced and overhauled right on the base.It was necessary for the civilians to get together and group all of theirfacilities under one central base and operate these patrols and keepthem going. The Army did send the equipment for bombing and didtrain the men in bombing work and also in navigation work, as it waspossible to do so. Each base had its own teletype connection withthe proper officers in the air, the Coast Guard, Army and Navy officers,and there was a complete and very rapid liaison between the base andthe other defensive units. That was set up gradually through thecooperation of the Army, the Air Force, and the Navy, the CoastGuard and the Coastal patrol. These men later on, by directiveNo. 9339, Executive order dated April 29, 1943, which is a year later,became an integral part of the War Department. From that pointon all of the orders that came out were fundamentally based uponorders of the Army Air Force, and were transmitted to the office ofthe nationalcommander of the Civil Air Patrol, who was an Armyofficer, and he had his staff all Army officers.

We were fundamentally set up through these Executive orders, firstas a civilian defense set-up, then on the coastal patrol work exclusively,then as part of the War Department. Those are generally the threebasic Executive orders for control. Based on those general orders


this coastal patrol work, under instructions No. 1, headquarters,Army Air Force Antisubmarine Comniand, dated November 27,1942, which was after the second directive order, charged these unitswith this particular duty-and I have here communications from thenational headquarters of the Civil Air Patrol, in which those ordersas transmitted by the Antisubmarine Command were transmitted tothe base commander. This is, of course, a confidential communication,but as I understand, those restrictions are no longer binding, and forthat reason I am taking the liberty of giving this information to thecommittee. Those orders are very explicit and they state in here thatthis coastal patrol work is to consist of patrolling coastal shippinglanes, as directed, during daylight hours for the purpose of protectingfriendly shipping and of locating and reporting enemy submarines,enemy warships, or suspicious craft, and to take such action as equip-ment permits in destruction of any submarine, for conducting suchspecial antisubmarine missions as are directed by the headquartersof the Army Air Force Antisubmarine Command.

Now, the Judge Advocate General, based upon an opinion givenunder date of May 8, 1942, preceding these orders, has stated that thepersonnel on duty in these Civil Air Coastal Patrol bases-are accompanying or serving with the Army of the United States in the field, andthat under the provisions of Articlse of War 2-B, they are amenable to militarydiscipline and subject to the jurisdiction of military courts.

We feel that these men were actually in the Army in the field, work-ing under specific instructions given by a unit of the Army. I wouldlike to submit this as part of the record in this case. Here is theoriginal, and I have a typed copy of it which I would like to leave, ifit is agreeable, or I can get you a photostat of it.

Mr. DURHAM. Without objection this will be made a part of therecord.

(The paper referred to follows:)





Subject: Military status of CAP coastal patrols.

To: All CAP coastal patrol commanders.1. The following is in response to requests for a statement as to the military

status of CAP coastal patrols received by this headquarters from several coastalpatrol commanders.

2. The coastal patrol units of Civil Air Patrol are operating under authoritycontained in letter of instruction No. 1, headquarters, Army Air Force Antisub-marine Command, November 27, 1942, which charges these units with the follow-ing mission:

"To patrol coastal shipping lanes as directed during daylight hours for thepurpose of protecting friendly shipping and of locating and reporting enemysubmarines, enemy warships, Or suspicious craft and to take such action asequipment permits in destruction of enemy submarines; to conduct such specialantisubmarine missions as are directed by headquarters, Army Air Force Anti-submarine Conbmand."

3. In the opinion of the Judge Advocate General, as expressed in SPJG 373.1,May 8, 1942, the personnel on duty with CAP coastal patrol units "are accom-panying or serving with the Army of the United States in the field and thatunder the provisions of Articles of War 2 (d) they are amenable to military dis-cipline and subject to the jurisdiction of military courts."


4. Attention is invited to the fact that this document is classified on con-fidential military information and is required to be safeguarded as such.

By direction of National Commander Johnson:(Signed) HARRY H. BLEE,

Colonel, Air Corps,Operations Officer.

Mr. WITNEY. Subsequently, after the third directive had come out,under date of May 25, 1943, the War Department, headquarters,Army Air Forces, issued AAF Regulation No. 20-18, which gives theorganization of the Civil Air Patrol, and this particular directivestates in paragraph 3 exactly what is stated in the previous directive,that the duties of the coastal patrol under the Army Air Forces actingfrom the War Department to these bases, are-

Coastal patrol units of the Civil Air Patrol are authorized, as directed by thecommanding general, Army Air Forces-

that shows they were under that command-to patrol coastal shipping lanes for the purpose of protecting friendly shippingand of locating and reporting enemy submarines, warships, or suspicious craftand to take such action as their equipment permits in the destruction of enemysubmarines.

That puts them directly on the offensive front in the war effort.I would like to have this identified for the record, and I would liketo have the privilege of sending a photostatic copy.

Mr. DURHAM. Without objection, that may be done.At that time were you people issued uniforms?Mr. WITNEY. Yes, they were always in Army uniform. The pur-

pose of that was this: Under the various operation directives thatwere issued from the national headquarters of the Civil Air Patrol,every man on active duty was instructed in the various Articles ofWar, was required-and among other things they were particularlywarned that they might be taken prisoner, for that reason it wasnecessary for them to be in uniform, and, also, they were directed howthey should act when they were taken prisoner.

I want to read to you from Operations Directive No. 7, dated March12, 1942, when they were still in the Office of Civilian Defense. Thetraining and operations officer directed all of these base commandersthat should an air patrol, Civil Air Patrol member, be captured byan enemy, the enemy intelligence officers would probably ask themquestions in an attempt to learn as much as possible about our Armyand Navy. Under the rules of land warfare it is not necessary toanswer these questions. Prisoners of war, under these rules, arerequired to give only the following information for the enemy: Name,grade, and serial number. I merely cite this as being typical of thekind of directives that were issued through national headquarters tothese base commanders in the training of their men.

In the handling of these operations, they were further directed tokeep everything strictly confidential. Operations directive No. 22,dated June 3, 1942, was particularly addressed to this particular sub-ject, and-it states as follows:

All information pertaining to Civil Air Patrol task force operations is hereby

classified as confidential military information, and will at all times be safeguarded

as such. All correspondence, reports, and other documents having to do with the

said operations will be handled in the manner prescribed in directive No. 14,

"Safeguarding military information."


Article 4 of that same directive says:Violations of the foregoing instructions will result in immediate dismissal from

-the Civil Air Patrol and such court proceedings under the Espionage Act as theGovernment of the United States may deem necessary and proper.

These men were thoroughly drilled in all of these particular Articles,of War, and the conduct that would be required of them as members ofthe military forces.

Under date of September 11, 1944, Army Air Force regulations,AAF No. 20-18, were further amended, amending those given out onMay 25, 1943, and this was after the coastal patrol bases were expandedand the national command of the Civil Air Patrol was given otheractivities which included the tow target and tracking missions, andsearch missions for lost Army aircraft, which some of these bases were-converted into after they finished their coastal patrol base. Theimportant thing about that is to show that there was an expansion oftheir duties. Officially the bases were terminated, the coastal patrolwork was terminated as of August 31, 1943, and at that time the follow-ing orders were issued by the national commander of Civil Air Patrol-under date of July 15, 1943. The first paragraph is important. I amquoting:

The Navy has ordered the discontinuance of CAP coastal patrol at sundown,Tuesday, August 31, 1943-

and this is the important part--since the Navy now has adequate equipment and personnel to carry on thisoperation.

That is the important fact. That was the order issued to end thebase work as of August 31, 1943. In the operations of the basesbetween-those two dates, when they started on August 31, 1943, everybase commander had teletype instructions almost hourly from theantisubmarine commander in the various headquarters of those anti--submarine commands, directing where they were to make their specialsearches, if any. We haven't any of those orders because they wereall in teletype and were supposed to have been destroyed every day,but in the book that I showed the chairman and some of the members-a few minutes ago, we do have a photograph of the briefing roomwherein the chief communications officers and the operations officerwould take the men who were going out on the next flight, and point,out on the map where the last submarine or last convoy, or where anyparticular point that had to be watched was located, and show themjust what they were to look out for, where they-were to look out forit, and what they were to report back on. Those instructions weregiven to these men through the commander of the base through his.executive officer, the operations officer, and this briefing officer wouldthen transmit to the men on a particular flight that was going out atthat particular time.

I would like to put into the record this picture of the briefing room,-showing how they briefed an antisubmarine mission, the same as youwill find in any Army base. I have marked this "Briefing an anti-s ubmarine mission, base 17."

Mr. DURHAM. If there is no objection, it will be submitted for therecord.


Mr. WITNiY. I might also point out that the other pictures on thepages show not only the kind of planes that were used-they were landplanes-the kind of uniforms that the men were wearing, which wereArmy uniforms with the Civil Air Patrol insignia on them, and thekind of lifesaving equipment they were equipped with when theywent out on these missions both in the summer and the winter. Inthe wintertime they had those lifesaving heavy suits with life raftsthat went along with them.

There is also a picture of the cafeteria where they were fed everyday, and the various groups of men discussing their various activities.

In the final orders that were given to the base commanders, ter-minating their services, this particular phrase appears, which wasgiven to one of the base commanders, who is present in the room heretoday, when his work as tow target operator was terminated onMay 31, 1944. He is t.lkipg now about this tow target:

Said unit has been on official active duty assignment serving with the Armyof the United States in the field.

When he was told to terminate that work, he was told that his unithad been on official active duty assignment serving with the Armyof the United States in the field.

After that work was finished these men were in every sense-Mr. DURHAM (interposing). Who signed that?Mr. WITNEY. This is signed by Col. Harry H. Blee, of the Air

Corps, operations officer, Civil Air Patrol. You may have this ifyou would like it. I would like to put this in as a final order, identi-fied as "Special Order No. 152," dated May 31, 1944, addressed to



the commanding officer, Lieutenant Dawson-Colonel Dawson now-who happens to be here today.

Mr. DURHAM. Very well.(The paper referred to follows:)




New York 18, N. Y., May 81, 4944.4. Authority Army Air Forces Regulation No. 20-18, "Organization-Civil

Air Patrol," May 25, 1943, effective 2400Q, May 31, 1944, Lt. Col. Frank F.Dawson (4-4--4), who has served continuously as commanding officer of CAPField Unit No. 21 from September 7, 1942, the date of activation of this unit ascoastal patrol No. 21, through May 31, 1944, the date of completion of its assign-ment as tow target. Unit No. 21; throughout which time said unit has been onofficial active duty assignment serving with the Army of the United States in thefield; is hereby relieved of appointment as commanding officer of said unit and ofactive duty assignment thereto, as said unit is this date officially inactivated. Inannouncing this action, this headquarters hereby expresses its sincere thanksand appreciation of the loyal, untiring, efficient, service rendered by ColonelDawson and congratulates him on the outstanding contribution he has made tothe war effort.

By direction of National Commander Johnson.HARRY H. BLEE,

Colonel, Air Corps,Operations Officer.

Official:(Signed) HOWARD S. STERNE,

Major, Air Corps.N Assistant Operations Offcer.

Mr. WITNEY. Immediately upon the issuance of the orders, thatterminated the operations of these coastal patrol bases, every one ofthe Government agencies with which they had been cooperating. werevery commendatory in their praise of the work that had been done.Here is a letter that I would be glad to put in the record if the chairmanthinks it is necessary-confidential also-written August 11, 1943,from Ernest J. King, commander in chief of the United States Fleetand Chief of Naval Operations, addressed to the Chief of Staff, UnitedStates Army, General Marshall.Subject: Civil Air Patrol coastal patrol.

1. On August 31, 1943, the subject organization will be relieved from theirduties with the Navy on the eastern and Gulf coasts of the United States.

2. I request you express to them a "well done" for their enthusiastic, loyal,and constant cooperation in combatting the submarine menace, patroling ourcoast line and assisting in the locating of survivors and ships in distress.

The Civil Air Patrol is very proud of that letter, and every basecommander received a copy from the national commander.

I submit a letter from Admiral Adolphus Andrews, commander ofthe Eastern Sea Frontier, headquarters, 90 Church Street, New

.York, N. Y.:AnonST 27, 1943.

To: Commanding officer, CAP coastal patrol No. 21.

Via: Commander, Twenty-fifth Wing, Army Air Forces Antisubmarine Command,Subj.: Services, appreciation of.

1. Your unit has rendered invaluable services to this command in fulfillment of.its war mission or protecting shipping and combatting the submarine menace.

2. The tasks performed by CAPCP have been many, including antisubmarinepatrols, escort missions, searches for known or suspected submarines, and assistingin rescues after marine and aerial casualties.


3. In the performance of these tasks there has been displayed a skill, energy,resourcefulness, and disregard for danger which are in the highest tradition of theAmerican armed forces.

4. Now on your departure fyom the Eastern Sea Frontier I extend to you andto your men my thanks for your cooperation and wish you all the greatest success'in your next assignments. Well done.

(Signed) ADOLPHUS ANDREWS, Admiral.

Here are two more short letters, one from Col. John G. Fowler,commanding the Air Corps, Twenty-fifth Antisubmarine Wing,90"Church Street, addressed to the commanding general, No. 1,former command:

It is a pleasure to add my commendations to that of the commander, EasternSea Frontier, and to have been associated with an organization as outstanding inthe performance of its mission as the Civil Air Patrol, coastal patrol.

That is dated August 21, 1943.This letter is dated September 11, 1943, addressed to the Command-

-ing General, Army Air Forces, Washington, D. C., from Col. G. A.McHenry, colonel, Air Corps, commanding the Bomber Command,90 Church Street, New York:

I am pleased to forward this commendation of the CAP Coastal Patrol UnitNo. 17, which has been operating in the area of the Eastern Sea Frontier, and toadd my commendation for the willing cooperation given the Twenty-fifth Anti-submarine Wing in carrying out all operational missions assigned.

Here are two more letters, one from Edward T. Osborn, commander,United States Coast Guard, who is now a captain in the United StatesCoast Guard, section Coast Guard officer, Long Island section, ad-dressed to Maj. Ralph Earle, commanding officer at base 17, whichcovers New York Harbor and later Boston Harbor:

UNITED STATES COAST GUARD,East Moriches, N. Y., September 14, 1948.

Maj. RALPH EARLE, CAP,Suffolk, Airport, Riverhead, N. Y.

DEAR MAJOR: When I first heard the reports that your organization was to betransferred from this vicinity I hoped against hope that such was not to be.However, since it is now an established fact, I am writing to tell you just how sorryI am that you and your splendid organization will not be with us during theremaining months of the war.

I particularly noted your manner of administration and the good work ac-complished thereby, and was greatly impressed with the thought that your workcarried many common elements with that of the Coast Guard. I have oftenthought how fine it would have been if your organization was actually a part of theCoast Guard. Naturally, these are my own personal views and cannot be givenany official emphasis, but I feel that there is logic in my reasoning.

In leaving us, I sincerely desire that you take with you the good wishes of theLong Island section, United States Coast Guard, and that you accept our appre-ciation for the cooperation extended by you to us during the entire time we havebeen working together. Please extend this to your officers and men.

Before you actually leave, if you find time, I would be very happy to have youand anyone else you care to bring along come over and have lunch with us.

With best personal. regards and wishes for the continued success of your organ-ization, r am,

Sincerely yours, E. T. OSBORN,

Commander, United States Coast Guard,Section Coast Guard Officer,

Long Island Section.


One final letter. This is addressed to Colonel Dawson, aft that timeMajor Dawson, commanding officer of Coastal Air Patrol No. 21,Beaufort, N. C.:


Norfolk 11, Va., August 28, 1948.From: Corn Five.To: CO CAPCP 21, Beaufort, N. C.-Maj. Frank E. Dawson.Subject: Civil Air Patrol coastal patrol, 5nd.

1. The three CAPCP units, operating in the naval district, have renderedsubstantial services in prosecution of the war.

2. These units have flown a total monthly average of 2,136 hours, representinga monthly average of 325 escort, 406 patrol, and 34 search flights. Thirteensubmarine sightings, 10 ship disasters, and 22 plane accidents at sea were reported.A close check was maintained on commercial fishing vessels operating in thisarea. A comprehensive survey of wrecks in these waters was conducted.-

3. CAPCP 21, Beaufort, has flown a monthly average of 917 hours, representinga monthly average of 153 escort, 164 patrol, and 15 search flights. This unitplayed an important role in the protection of merchant shipping along the ap-proaches to Lookout Bight.

4. The commandant is cognizant of the difficulties and dangers which haveattended your operations. For the energy, persistence, skill, resourcefulness, anddaring displayed, as well as for the fine patriotism manifested, you and themembers of your command are-commended.

5. The commandant also desires to express his thanks for the valuableassistance rendered by CAPCP 21, Beaufort, to him in the discharge of hisresponsibilities.


That is only to complete the record, showing the feeling that existedbetween the various members of the armed forces and this group, thefact that we were set up in a regular unit as a regular unit of theArmy in every respect.

Now, one more thing that I think proves that. Here is the applica-tion for active duty assignment. When I joined tha Civil Air PatrolI signed an application for membership and took a short oath, butthese men when they were assigned to their active duty assignmentshad to sign a special application for active duty assignment, whichwill answer the question raised by the member of the committee thismorning, and when they went on active duty, before they could per-form any mission at all at the base, they were compelled to take a newoath and sign this, and they had to be sent to Washington, a copy keptat the base. This oath is more comprehensive than any other oaththat was given to the members of the Civil Air Patrol, and starts off,the first paragraph like this:

I, a member of the Civil Air Patrol, an agency of the United States of Americahereby voluntarily enlist, subject to any and all orders of the national commanderof the Civil Air Patrol, to a specified term of continuous active service each yearas follows.

That had to be a full year tour of duty. Then he had to say further:This pledge is binding upon me for the duration of the war and for 6 months

after its termination.

When he went on active duty he was signed up for the duration plus6 months. Then it continues:

I hereby agree to be available for duty continuously and at all times during myassigned term of active service.

He then went on to take the regular oath that officers and men inthe enlisted service take, and he said further:


In the event that I shall not report or be available for active duty at any timeduring my assigned term of service, or if I.shall not faithfully and fully performduring said term of service all duties assigned to me, I hereby consent to the revo-

-cation and cancellation of my license to own, operate, and service any aviationand radio equipment, as a court martial may direct.

This man in every sense of the word was an active member of thearmed forces of the United States by taking that oath.

I would like to submit that as an exhibit. Some of these are theonly copies we have, and I would like to submit photostats of them.

Mr. MARTIN. Was he given a serial number?Mr. WITNEY. Yes.Mr. MARTIN. By the War Department?Mr. WITNEY. Not by the War Department; no, sir. He had his

serial number when he entered. He got no new serial number.Mr. MARTIN. That serial number that he had when be entered, is

that a special series for the Civil Air Patrol, or was it the numberissued by the War Department?

Mr. WITNEY. It was a special series, but they bad identificationcards which say on them-I have one here which I will show you-anidentification card to show that you were a member of the Army AirForce. Here is one. It says "Civil Air Patrol, Army." You see ithere indicatingg.

Mr. DURHAM. Who issued that?Mr. WITNEY. It was issued by the Army, National Air Patrol

Headquarters, which was the unit of the War Department at thattime.

Mr. DURHAM. Does that complete your statement?Mr. WITNEY. No, sir. These facts are being put in to draw a

distinction between the acti~e-duty men and other members of theCivil Air Patrol. In the first place there was a difference in theirapplication and in their oath. The second one was that no manever went on active duty unless he had an order a-signing him toactive duty.

I have here two specimen orders where men were assigned to activeduty. Here is one including a whole group, dated May 12, 1943,Special Orders No. 132, Authority LI-1, AAF, and the SubmarineCommand, dated November 27, 1942.

In other words, based upon the order of the Army Air Force,Antisubmarine Command, the following personnel are assigned toactive duty at Coastal Patrol Base No. 21, Beaufort, N. C., and thenames are listed. First there had to be that, order issued, and thenthe individual got his authority, L-1 AAF, Antisubmarine Command,November 27, 1942, Communications Officer So-and-So reassigned toactive duty, or assigned to active duty, as the case may be. Eachman got an order of that kind. When his duty ended he was relievedof duty in the same manner, but you have the distinguishing mark

for these men on active duty that they were given special assignmentfor active duty, and they were relieved from active duty and then

sent back to their normal wing, where they were kept in the Civil

Air Patrol as regular members.Mr. DURHAM. Are there any further questions? Thank you for

your statement, Mr. Witney.Congressman Barden of North Carolina is here. We will be glad

to hear you, Mr. Barden.



Mr. BARDEN. Mr. Chairman, I am here as the representative of-the Third North Carolina District, in which district is located thetown of Beaufort, and I want to express the gratitude and apprecia-tion of the people of that section who were served and aided andassisted by the Civil Air Patrol at a time when there was great distressand need and danger on that coast.

I doubt if I know any of the members of the Civil Air Patrol. Ispent some time at Beaufort and had the pleasure of meeting some ofthem, although I have forgotten their names.

I was not requested to come here, and I doubt if any one of theinterested gentlemen knew my mission here when I came in, butI did feel that I should come and express my feeling in this matter.

I visited Beaufort when ships were being blown up at the rate ofone to three a night. The Air Patrol went there on a field that washardly a good cow pasture. I think it cost the fabulous sum of about$26 to make it an airfield, with a tractor and some drags. How theyever lifted their planes off of it is beyond my comprehension, but Ihave been out there early in the morning when it was so dark youcould hardly see anything, but those boys were up and off in theirplanes. They did a grand job. I think three of their men lost theirlives out there. I believe I have the names of the three men thatI checked in my file, Lt. Guy T. Cherry, Capt. H. L. Lundequist,Sgt. B. S. Williams. They saved, I think, some 40 or 50 peoplethat they rescued. They sighted submarines; they were a real rayof hope in about the darkest time we have seen on that coast. Fewpeople in this country realize the fact that the eastern coast of NorthCarolina was the hottest spot on the entire American coastline, andI doubt if there are any two places which added together wouldshow as high a number of ships on the bottom per mile of coastlineas that area down in the vicinity of Cape Lookout, Cape Hatteras,Morehead City, Beaufort, where this field was located.

I have been aware for some time that these men were there in thearmed forces of the United States. They served as gallantly as anygroup of men I have ever observed. They did a good job with thesorriest equipment you could imagine. They did not have the half-million-dollar planes that the Navy had. Many of them that I sawflying around over me and over the water were what we sometimescalled puddle jumpers. Now, if you come down to analyzing thesituation I don't know of anything that would require more realcoui age to do than to take off and fly out over the Atlantic in oneofthose puddle jumpers looking for a submarine. They did a good joband I for one am extremely anxious that the service not only berecognized but that the men be recognized for the service theyrendered. I think they have been extremely modest about this thing,and frankly, I have a feeling, and a very keen feeling, that they shouldnot be called upon to come in and ask for consideration. I think ourduty is, and I think the American people would heartily approve ofthe Congress taking the forward move and giving proper recognitionby enacting the propel legislation.

I could talk on at lenght about this, but I believe from the briefremarks I have made you can see how I feel about it. The records


will support my position. I have been down there and seen theships, two at a time, big 10,000- or 12,000-ton ships out there burningas .the result of submarine attacks. And at one time there was notone single craft down there, either Navy, Army or anything else, toeithe look over the situation or report on it or protect us. Theseboys moved in. They did a good job with a minimum amount ofequipment, and I feel very strongly that some favorable action on thisbill should be taken. Again I want to repeat I doubt if there is asingle one of these boys that votes in my district. I doubt if anyone of them would recognize me either by sight or sound, but I amhere simply because I am one American that really appreciates thevery fine patriotic service rendered by a fine group of men in a time ofgreat need of this country. I thank you, gentlemen.

Mr. DURHAM. Thank you very much, Mr. Barden.Mr. WITNEY. I have just a few more remarks, Mr. Chairman. I

merely want to cite the differences between this service and some ofthe other services which the War Department has indicated they thinkmight be brought in. I submit this record for that particular purpose,because I feel that with this record you can see that we feel we wereengaged in active combat duty in a way that no other group ever was.We were the front line, helping the Army, the Navy, and the CoastGuard. We have letters here from every one of those units telling ushow much we helped them and what they think of the work we did.These other units in one form or another did not have the status thatwe had. They were either civil service or they were in direct civilianstatus with full pay for what they did, and compensated with extrapay for the hazards that they took. They did not have the status asfar as the uniform is concerned, or in any other instance that we knowof. We feel that they in no instance, with the possible exception ofthe merchant marine, were ever equipped for combat duty, but as be-tween us and the merchant marine we engaged in offensive work, seek-ing out the enemy and trying to destroy him, destroy his purpose.The others were all engaged in defensive work. We were to find theenemy and take such action as our equipment permitted. Every baseacted as an integral unit for that one sole object. We were in the'armed forces on the outskirts, beyond " the territorial waters of thiscountry, and in active combat contact with the enemy. We feel thatthere are at least 4,612 of those men who should receive special recog-nition. We do not think there is any problem connected with theother members of the Civil Air Patrol organization, of which I am one.I am not in this group for which we are asking recognition. I didnot go on active duty. I served with these boys to help them, but Iam typical of the other type, and I think that the esprit de corpswhich these men have developed has prevented them, as the Congress-man very well pointed out, from coming in and actively trying to forcethis on the Congress. They are stating their demands modestly, tusttrying to place the facts before you, and we hope your action will be

favorable.We wish to give any other information you want and cooperate in

any way that the committee feels will be helpful.Mr. MARTIN. One question before you conclude. Some of these

men in the group that would come under this bill served as ground

crewmen, did they. not?Mr. WITNEY. Yes.


Mr. MARTIN. But they were all along the coast line?Mr. WITNEY. They were all on the coast line where they might

have been struck by the enemy.Mr. MARTIN. This would not reach to any member of the Civil Air

Patrol who served in the interior?Mr. WITNEY. It covers three units, the Coastal Patrol, the Border

Patrol, the Liaison Patrol, and the Tow Target and Tracking. Thosewere not all attacking forces, but they were just as hazardous and dan-gerous, and the boys had to do whatever work they were assigned to,do. They were on active duty when they did it.

Mr. MARTIN. The purpose of my question was to get at the matterof the oath. Many of your members in the interior took this sameoath?

Mr. WITNEY. No; they only took the oath when they were on activeduty, giving all their time, and they were assigned then either to CoastPatrol, Border Patrol, or to Tow Target.

Mr. M\IARTIN. That is a good line of demarcation?Mr. WITNEY. Yes; if you make a distinction there you will be well

protected-active-duty assignment. If I am a member of the CivilAir Patrol and I attend some meetings, that is not active duty. If Iwas on active duty, before I could begin a single action, a single mis-sion, I had to sign that oath, which is entirely different.

Mr. MARTIN. The only ones that took that oath were those assignedto the three, particular types of service, and then only when they wenton-active duty?

Mr. WITNEY. That is right. When they reported they got anassignment. If they did not report they did not become active. Yousee, there are several things. They have an order that assigns themto active duty. They have an order relieving them from active duty,and they have an oath-three things. And they got Governmentchecks in payment for their work, their expense money. And, asColonel DaWson pointed out, they had to be qualified for the workbefore they got any assignment. I could not qualify for the work.

Mr. DURHAM. Thank you very much, Mr. Witney.Colonel DAWSON. Mr. Chairman, I think the gentleman over here

in uidform wishes to say a word.Mr. DURHAM. Very well. 'This will be off the record.Colonel DAwsoN. I want to state, Mr. Chairman, that our base,

our commander at Beaufort, N. C., started out at dawn each morn-ing, and when we ended up we had flown there in 18 months a littleover a million miles, and we had sent approximately 40 men, pilotsand observers, out during the day from dawn until dark, and thesemen flew on the average from 3 to 5 hours at a time. Sometimes Ihave known cases when some of our pilots were sick and not on dutythe other pilots would fill in, and I have flown myself personally asmuch as 10 hours, and so has Lieutenant Ritchie and LieutenantGroves, who is here with me now, in one single day. I think Lieuten-ant Ritchie and Lieutenant Groves have flown in the neighborhoodof 1,000 hours.

Mr. DURHAM. Thank you very much, gentlemen. That completesour list of witnesses and the committee is now adjourned.

(Whereupon, at 3:30 p. in., the subcommittee adjourned.)(The following was submitted for the record:)







NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, AFRCP,Washington, D. C., June 2, 1943.


(This Operations Directive No. 13-D supersedes Operations Directive No.13-C of August 26, 1942, which is hereby rescinded as of midnight., April 30, 1943,and which will be removed from files. )This Directive is hereby classified as"Restricted." Its distribution will be limited to Civil Air Patrol Command andStaff officers for use in the performance of official duties. It will not be quoted,published, posted, or otherwise made available to anyone unauthorized to receiveit or to the public.)1. General

a. Reimbursement Schedules setting forth the Per Diem Allowances for per-sonnel on duty with Civil Air Patrol Coastal Patrols and the Hourly Rates andStand-by Allowances paid for the use of aircraft assigned to the Coast Patrols,together with the Insurance Requirements for Coastal Patrol operations arepresented in this directive. These schedules apply to all operations of CAPCoastal Patrols but do not apply to Border Patrol, Forest Patrol, Pipe LinePatrol, Courier Service, or Miscellaneous Services.

b. Said Per Diem allowances for personnel and said Hourly Rates and Stand-byAllowances for the use of aircraft are the only allowances made by the Govern-ment to cover living expenses and personal services of personnel and expenses,both tangible and intangible, incident to the operation, inspection, maintenance,overhaul, repair, depreciation, replacement, and insurance of aircraft on duty withCAP Coastal Patrols.

c. All Per Diem and Airplane Vouchers will be submitted to National Head-quarters as of the fifteenth and last day of each month. Stand-by AllowanceInvoices will be submitted to National Headquarters as of the last day of eachmonth. No vouchers calling for payments in excess of the rates scheduled hereinwill be approved, nor will payments be approved for personnel or airplanesexceeding the authorized strength.

d. All missions of whatsoever nature performed by Coastal Patrols will becovered by official Operations Orders in accordance with the provisions of Oper-ations Directive No. 15-A, Administrative Procedure for CAP Coastal Patrols.

e. Daily operations reports on forms which will be furnished by NationalHeadquarters will be submitted to National Headquarters in duplicate. Suchreports will be signed by the Coastal Patrol Commanders and will set forth therequired information for each day of operation. Following the NC number,place an (A) to indicate that the plane is equipped with bomb racks, if such is thecase. In the column headed "Pilot", there will be included not only the nameof the Pilot but also the name of the Observer taking part in the flight.

2. Per Diem for Personnela. The following Per Diem Schedule will apply to all personnel on duty at

Coastal Patrol Bases until further notice:

(1) Commanding Officer ------------------------- --- $10.00

(2) Operations Offi cer ......... .- 8.00(3) Engineering Officer --------- ------------------ 8.00

(4 ) I n te llig e n c e O ffi ce r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . 0 0(5) Assistant Operations Officer --------------.-.--------- 8.-00

(6) Pilots (Including pilot-observers) ---- ....... .... 8.-00( 7 ) O b s e r v e r s . ( n o n -p i l o t ) . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .- 7 . 0 0

(8) A ssista n t E n g in eerin g O ffi cer . . . . . . -.. . . . . . . . .. . . . 7. 00(9) Assistant Intelligence Offi cer -------------------------- 7. 00

(10) Airdrome Officer ------------------------ 8. 00(11) Flight Surgeon .........- -- 7.00

(12) Radio Operators ...................... -.-- ------. .


(13) Mechanics ----------------------------------------- $7.00(14) Radio Mechanics ------------------------------------ 7.00(15) Administrative Section Head_ 6. 00(16) Plotting Board Operators ---------------------------- 5.00(17) Clerk Typists -------------------------------------- 5.00(18) Apprentice Mechanics ------------------------------- 5.00(19) Servicemen ---------------------------------------- 5.00(20) Guards -------------------------------------------- 5.00

b. The Per Diem Allowances set forth in the foregoing schedule will apply foreach day personnel are on duty at Coastal Patrol Bases. In cases of personnelon duty for periods of thirty or more consecutive days, said Per Diem Allowanceswill also apply for one rest day per week during such period. Rest days will notbe cumulative.

3. Hourly Rates for Aircrafta. Until further notice, the following Hourly Rates will be paid for the use at

Coastal Patrol Bases of aircraft which are assigned to Coastal Patrol Duty andwhich are not equipped with bomb racks:

Crash, Acei-H. P. Range Operation & Depreciation dent & Lia- Total

Maintenance iblity Insur-ance

90-120 ........................... -.------------ $4.71 $3. 50 $2.44 $10. 65125-165 ----------------------------------------- 6 16 5.00 2.89 14.65175-220 - 7.81 5.00 3.34 16.15225-245 ----------------------------------------- 9 88 5. 00 4. 02 18. 90250-295 ---------------------------- 11.18 6. 25 4. 92 22. 35300-345 --------------------------------------- 13. 33 7. 50 7 17 28. 00350-395 ---------------------------------------- 16. 28 5. 75 8 52 33. 55400-445 ------------ . ..------------------------ 21.13 10. 00 9. 87 41. 00

b. Until further notice, the following Hourly Rates will be paid for the use atCoastal Patrol Bases of aircraft which are assigned to Coastal Patrol Duty andwhich are equipped with bomb racks. (These rates apply regardless of whetherbombs are actually carried on a particular trip since the insurance charges weredetermined with the understanding that planes equipped with bomb racks wouldnot in every instance carry bombs):

Operation Crash, Acci-H. P. Range & Mainte- Depreciation dent & Lia- Total

nance ability Insn.-ance

90-120 ---------------.------------------------ $5. 35 $3. 50 $7. 25 $16. 10125-165 --------------------------------------- 7.45 5.00 8. 15 20.60175-220 -----------------------------------. 55 5. 00 9 05 22. 60225-245 ---------------------------------------- 1 0.70 5.00 10.40 26.10250-295 ---------------------------------------- 12. 10 6. 25 12. 20 30. 55300-345 ---------------------------------------- 1 4 50 7.50 16.70 38.70350-395 -------------------------------------- 17 60 8.75 19 40 45.75400-445 ---------------------------------------- 22. 60 10. 00 22. 10 54. 70

c. Until further notice, the following Hourly Rates will be paid for the use atCoastal Patrol Bases of air craft which are assigned to Auxiliary Service Duty:

Operation Crash, Acci-If. P. Range & Mainte- Depreciation dent & Lia-

nane bility Insur- Totalance*

50-60 ----------------.------------------------ $2. 61 $2. 00 $0. 49 $5. 1065-75 ------------------------------------------ 2.825 2. 50 0. 60 5.92580-85 ------------------------------------------ 4.59 3.50 1.16 9.25

*In case the pilot carries with him any passengers, excepting members of the armed services of the UnitedStates on active duty, add $0.09 to the hourlyinsurance premium charge for each such passenger and makea corresponding increso m the total hourly rate.

CIVIL AIR PATROLS 37d. Except for the routine services rendered by mechanics and other service

personnel assigned to duty at CAP Coastal Patrol Bases, all expenses, bothtangible and intangible, incident to the operation, inspection, maintenance, over-haul, repair, depreciation, replacement, and insurance of aircraft on duty at saidCoastal Patrol Bases will be paid out of the payments made by th6 United StatesGovernment on the basis of the Hourly Rates herein set forth in paragraphs 3 a.3 b, or 3 c or on the basis of the Stand-by Allowances herein set forth in 'paragraph4, as no other payments will be made by the Government for the use of said air-craft.

e. The amounts herein above specified for operation and maintenance will beset aside and placed in a general pool to be used for the purpose of operating andmaintaining the aircraft on duty at each Coastal Patrol Base as well as the Baseitself. The amounts herein specified ior insurance will be used for that purpose.The amounts herein specified for delleciation will be paid to the owners of theaircraft. There will be no departure from this procedure.

4. Stand-by Allowances for Aircraft'a. Until further notice, the following stand-by allowances will be paid each

day for the use of aircraft on duty at Coastal Patrol Bases or dispatched there-from on missions elsewhere:

- Allowances for airplanes Allowances for airplanesH. P. Range H. P. RangePWithout With bomb Without With bomb

bomb racks racks bomb racks racks

50-60 ----------------- $0.3 -------------- 225-245 --------------- $0.72 $1.0865-75 ---------... 8-.-18 250-295 ............... .90 1.3580-120 *. 405 *$0. 608 300-345 1. 35 2. 025125-165 --------------- . 495 .743 350-395 --------------- 1.62 2.43175-220 .585 .878 400-445 1.89 2. 835

*All airplanes assigned to Coastal Patrol Duty are required to be of the three-place type or larger and ofnot less than ninety horsepower (90 H. P.).

b. The stand-by allowance for the use of each airplane will be paid each day(including the day the plane takes off from its home station under orders to reportfor duty at a Coastal Patrol Base until the plane returns to its home station atconclusion of service) regardless of whether the aircraft is engaged in flight andwill compensate the owner for the premium for Ground Insurance required underparagraph 6 b hereof.

5. Horsepower Ratings of AirplanesTo determine the Hourly Rates and the Stand-by Allowances to be paid for

the use of airplanes assigned to Coastal Patrols, the horsepower rating (maximum,except take-off) recorded by the Civil Aeronautics Administration for each suchairplane will be used. The use of higher octane fuels, changes in propelle pitchand such other methods of "souping up" an engine, will not be considered in anyway as affecting the horsepower rating or as effecting a change in the HourlyRates or Stand-by Allowances.

6. Required InsuranceThe following insurance is required on all operations covered by these schedules

and no aircraft will be put in service on said operations until such insurance hasbeen secured by the completion of an appropriate application form. Even thoughno application form has been completed, all types of insurance are in effect fromthe time a plane leaves its home station under orders to report to a Coastal PatrolBase but in each instance the appropriate application form should be executedby each aircraft owner or his agent and by all flying personnel immediately uponarrival at the Coastal Patrol Bast. The details of the various types of insuranceand the procedures to be followed in connection therewith are set forth in GeneralMemorandum 61.

a. Crash, Accident and Laibility Insurance: The premium for all three types ofinsurance will be paid from the aircraft allowances herein set forth in the schedulespresented in paragraphs 3 a, 3 b, or 3 c. The hourly premium charge for thesethree types of insurance issued in connection with the operation of aircraft ofthe various horsepower ranges will be as listed in said schedules.


b. Ground Insurance: The premium for Ground Insurance on each aircraft onduty at Coastal Patrol Bases or dispatched therefrom on missions elsewhere(including the day the plane takes off from its home station under orders to reportfor duty at a Coastal Patrol Base until the plane returns to its home station atconclusion of service) will be paid from the Stand-by Allowances herein set forthin the schedule presented in paragraph 4 a which is exactly sufficient to cover suchpremium.

7. Ouestions Regarding SchedulesAny questions regarding schedules or other requirement set forth herein will

referred to National Headquarters for a decision before any commitments aremade by Coastal Patrol Commanders.

By direction of National Commander JOHNSON:HARRY H. BLE,

Colonel, Air Corps,Operations Officer, Civil Air Patrol.








The Reimbursement Schedules presented herein cover the Per Diem Allowancesfor personnel on active duty assignment with CAP Tow Target Units and theHourly Rates and Stand-by Allowances paid for the use of aircraft assigned tosaid Units.

2. Per Die i for Personnela. The following Per Diem Schedule will apply to all personnel assigned to said

Units until further notice:

(1) Commanding Officer -- - $10. 00(2) Pilot8. - --- 8.00(3) Flight Surgeon ....-- - 8. 00(4) Master Mechanic-Engineering Officer &... 8.00(5) M echanic --------------- - ----------------------- 7. 00(6) Mechanic, Tow Reel - 7. 00(7) Radio Technician ................ . - 7. 00(8) Technical Section Head .. --- 6. 00(9) Clerk Technician ----- -- - - - -- - - 5.00

(10) Service Technician -------------------------------- 5. 00(11) Security T echnician -........................ -.----- 5. 00

NoTE.-The Per Diem Allowances set forth in the foregoing schedule will apply for each day personnelare on active duty assignment with CAP Tow Target Units. In cases of Personnel on duty for periods ofthirty or more consecutive days, said Per Diem Allowances will also apply for one rest day per week duringsuch period. Rest dayq wilt not be cumulative.

b. The foregoing Per Diem Allowances for personnel on active duty assignmentwith CAP Tow Rarget Units are the only allowances made by the Government tocover living expenses and personnel services of said personnel.

3. Hourly Rates for AircraftUntil further notice, the following Hourly Rates will be paid for the use of

aircraft assigned to CAP Tow Target Units in the performance of authorizedmissions:


H. P. Range*- Operation & Depreciation Insurance.. TotalMaintenance

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

50-60 ----------------------------------- ----- $2. 627 $2.00 $0. 592 $5. 21965-75 ------------------------------------------ 2.844 2.50 .732 6.07680-120"** ------------------------------------- - 4, 62 3. 50 1.437 9. 557

125-105 ---------------------------------------- 6. 647 5. 00 1.722 13.369

175-220 -------------------------------- ---- 7.68 5.00 2 002 14.682

225-245 -------------------------------------- 9, 729 5. 00 2.422 17. 151250-295 ---------------------------------------- 10. 994 6. 25 2. 982 20. 226300-345 ------------------------------------- 13046 7.50 4.392 24.938350-395 ---------------------------------------- 15.944 8.75 5.232 29. 926400-445 ------------------------------------- 20, 739 10. 00 6.072 36 811

*To determine the Hourly Rates to be paid for the use of airplanes assigned to Tow Target Units, the

horsepower rating (maximum, except take-off) recorded by the Civil Aeronautics Administration for eachsuch airplane will be used. The manufacturer's horsepower rating of an engine is not necessarily the sameas the "maximum, except take-of' rating recorded by the Civil Aeronautics Administration.

**The figures presented in the Insurance column of the foregoing schedule include the hourly premiumcharge for accident insurance fo Civil Air Patrol Pilots only. In case the pilot carried with him an observerand/or passengers. excepting members of the armed services of the United States (Army, Navy, Marines)on active duty, add $0.099 to the hourly insurance charge for each such additional occupant (this includesmembers of CAP) of the airplane and make a corresponding increase in the total hourly rate. The insurancerates shown in Col. (4) are ten per cent less than the normal insurance rates. This ten per cent deduction,

which has been added to the normal 0 & M allowances to make up the amounts presented in Col. (2), is

predicated upon the appointment for each Unit of a sole insurance agent who has agreed to such reductionin commissions.

***Except in cases of emergency, auxiliary service flights and miscellaneous services will be limited to

airplanes of not more than 90 horsepower, unless otherwise specifically authorized in writing by NationalHeadquarters.

4. Stand-by Allowances for AircraftUntil further notice, the following stand-by allowances will be paid each day

for the use of aircraft on duty with CAP Tow Target Units or dispatched therefrom on missions elsewhere:

Daily H. P. Range Daily H. P. Range DailyH. P. -Range Allowance ane Allowance Allowance

50-60 --------- $0. 168 175-220 --------- .730 300-345--------------- 1.68765-75----------------- .225 225-245 -------- . 90 350-395--------------- 2.02580-120 --------------- :.505 250-295--------------- 1. 125 400-445 ------- 2.362125-165--------------- .618

NOTE.-The stand-by allowance for the use of each airplane will be paid each day, including the day the

plane takes off from its home station under orders to report for duty with a Tow Target Unit, until the plane

returns to its home station at conclusion of service, regardless of whether the aircraft is engaged in flight, and

will compensate the ownel for the premium for Ground Insurance required under paragraph 24 c of Oper-

ations Directive No. 41.

5. Payment of Aircraft Expenses

Except for the routine services rendered by mechanics and other service per-

sonnel assigned to duty with Tow Target Units, all expenses, both tangible and

intangible, incident to the operation, inspection, maintenance, overhaul, repair,depreciation, replacement and insurance of aircraft on duty with said Units will

be paid out of the payments made by the United States Government on the basis

of the Hourly Rates for Aircraft herein set forth in paragraph 3 and on the basis of

the Stand-by Allowances herein set forth in paragraph 4, as no other payments will

be made by the Government for the use of said aircraft.

6. Operation and Maintenance Pool

The amounts herein above specified for operation and maintenance will be set

aside and placed in a general pool to be used for the purpose of operating and

maintaining the aircraft on duty with each Tow Target Unit as well as the Base

itself. The amounts herein specified for insurance will be used for that purpose.

The amounts herein slpecified for depreciation will be paid to the owners of the

aircraft. There will be no departure from this procedure.

7. Submission of Vouchers

a. All Per Diem and Airplane Vouchers will be submitted to National Head-

quarters as of the fifteenth and last day of each month. Stand-by Allowance

Vouchers will be submitted to National Headquarters as of the last day of each


month. No vouchers calling for payments in excess of the rates scheduled hereinlwill be approved, nor will payments be approved for personnel or airplanes exceed-ing the authorized strength.b. In the preparation of vouchers, the only functional titles used in referring

to personnel assigned to Tow Target Units will be the titles listed in paragraph2 hereof.

By direction of National Commander JOHNSON: HARRY H. BLEED,

Colonel, Air Corps,Operations Officer, Civil Air Patrol.







(This Operations Directive supersedes Operations Directive No. 16-D, 15April 1944.)

1. Generala. The Reimbursement Schedules presented herein cover the Per Diem Allow-

ances for personnel and the Hourly Rates paid for the use of aircraft on activeduty assignment in the performance of all authorized Civil Air Patrol operationsinvolving Search and Courier Missions and Miscellaneous Services. Such oper-ations may be performed only at the request of, and with funds furnished bythe Federal or any State government of the United States, or any subdivision,unit, department or agency thereof, by the American Red Cross, or by any warindustry. These schedules do not apply to operations involving Forest Patrol,Pipe Line Patrol, Tow -Target and Tracking Service, or demonstration and/orfamiliarization flights for Cadet Recruitment.b. All requests for CAP Search, Courier, or Miscellaneous Services made by

agencies of the Federal Government, and all arrangements incident thereto, willin each case be cleared with and approved by National Headquarters.

c. Except in cases of emergency, complete arrangements as to procedure to befollowed in making reimbursement for services performed under the schedules!ncluded herein will be worked out with the requesting agency before said missionsare undertaken.

d. All missions will in each case be covered by official Operations Orders inaccordance with the provisions of Operations Directive No. 5, this Headquarters,"Operations Orders for Flight Missions", 6 March 1942.

e. Operations reports, on forms which will be furnished by National Head-quarters, will be submitted to National Headquarters in single copy each day,in connection with all missions which are paid through National Headquarters.

f. Except as otherwise specifically indicated in Operations Directives, thisHeadquarters, a summary report will be forwarded in single copy to NationalHeadquarters, on Form No. 646, the 1st and 15th of each month covering allmissions performed during the preceding half-month period.2. Per Diem for Personnel

a. Until further notice, the following Per Diem Schedules will apply to suchpersonnel as may be authorized by National Headquarters for the particularoperation involved: 0

(1) Operations Officer---------------------------------------$8.00(2) Assistant Operations Officer ------ --- ------ --- 8.00(3) Pilots (including pilot-observers) ------------------------- 8. 00(4) Observers (nonpilot) ------------------------------------ 7. 00(5) Mechanics -------------------------------------------- 7 00(6) Service Technicians ------------------------------------ 5.00(7) Clerk Technicians -------------------------------------- 5. 00


b. In case personnel are on duty for less than a full day, specify the time inquarterly fractions of a day and compute the amount due on per diem vouchersaccordingly. Example: Y day-Pilot-Amount due $6.00.

.. Hourly Rates for AircraftUntil further notice, the Hourly Reimbursement Rates paid for the sue of

aircraft in the performance of authorized missions will be as shown in Column 2of the following Schedule of Hourly R.ites.

4. Schedule of Hourly Rates

H. P.* Reimburse- Depreci- Liability H.P.* Reimburse- Depreci- Liability

meant ation Insurance meant ation Insurance

(1) (21 (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4)

50-60 --------- $5. 62 $2. 00 $0.13 225-245 ------- $18.77 $5. 00 $0. 13f5-75 -------- 6.57 2.50 0.13 250-295 ------- 22.22 6.25 0.130-120 ...... . 10. 52 3. 50 0. 13 300-345 ------- 27.87 7. 50 0. 13

125-165 ------- 14. 52 5. 00 0.13 350-395 ------- 33. 42 8. 75 0., 13175-220 ------- 16. 02 5. 00 0.13 400-445 ------- 40. 87 10. 00 0. 13

fThe proper Hourly Rate to be paid for the use of an airplane is determined by the horsepower rating(maximum, except take-off) recorded by the Civil Aeronautics Administration for the particular airplanein question. The manufacturer's horsepower rating of an engine is not necessarily the same as the "maxi-mun, except take-off" rating recorded by the Civil Aeronautics Administration.

.. Insurancea. Complete information relative required CAP insurance coverage and pro-

cedure is presented in General Memorandum No. 61-B, this Headquarters,"Insurance Information," July 1, 1944. The Hourly Rates for the requiredliability insurance for aircraft engaged in the performance of authorized Searchand Courier Missions and Miscellaneous Services are set forth in Column 4 ofthe foregoing Schedule of Hourly Rates.

b. No personal accident insurance is included under the Civil Air Patrol SpecialInsurance Policy. However, protection is available under the War CivilianSecurity Program (WCSP), which affords payments covering medical care andalso certain disability and death benefits. Such benefits are in the form ofmonthly cash payments with a-maximum of $85.00 per month. In addition,medical care and hospitalization are available at Army hospitals to CAP memberson official active duty assignment for the armed forces.

.6. Payment of Aircraft ExpensesAll expenses, both tangible and intangible, incident to the operation, inspec-

tion, maintenance, overhaul, repair, depreciation, replacement, and insurance ofaircraft engaged in the operations covered by these schedules will be paid out ofthe reimbursements received for the use of said aircraft, as set forth in Column 2of the Schedule of Hourly Rates presented in paragraph 4 hereof, as no otherpayments will be made for the use of said aircraft.

7. Submission of Vouchersa. All Per Diem and Aircraft Vouchers paid through National Headquarters

will be submitted to this Headquarters as of the fifteenth and last day of eachmonth. No vouchers calling for payments in excess of the rates scheduled hereinwill be approved, nor will payments be approved for personnel or airplanesexceeding the number authorized.

b. In the preparation of vouchers, the only functional titles used in referringto personnel will be the titles listed in paragraph 2 hereof.

c. All Per Diem and Aircraft Vouchers will, in each case, be verified and signedby the payee prior to presentation for payment. Under no circumstances willvoucher forms be signed in blank before preparation of vouchers.

By direction of National Comnander JOHNSON:HARRY H. BLEE,

Colonel, Air Corps,Operations Officer.