CANNABIS: Marijuana Growing Guide - Grow Lights

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Transcript of CANNABIS: Marijuana Growing Guide - Grow Lights

Cannabis GrowLights

A Guide to LED GrowLights and Other

Cannabis GardeningTips!


Table of Contents>>WantToWorkInOrStartABusinessInTheBillionDollar








Chapter 5 – Cannabis SeedsforNewbies



Want To Work In Or Start ABusiness In The Billion Dollar

Cannabis Industry?









With the recent legalization ofcannabis in certain states it ishardly unusual that an interest incannabis production has grown byleaps and bounds. Growingcannabis, especially indoors hasbecome everyone’s latest hobby,both because of how cost effective itcan be and because it is a massivemarket to cater to.

Having said that, cannabis is not

just some seedling you stick in theground that will sprout oncommand, like a magic bean. In factof the many things you need to lookout for when it comes to cannabisproduction, Grow Lights shouldtop the list.

With a collection of proven stepsand strategies on how to simulateproper cannabis grow lights withinthe comfort of your own home; thisbook is about to help you get to thenext step when it comes to cannabis


In fact this book does not confineitself to cannabis grow lights, it alsodelves into basic fertilizationsystems, closed modular cultivationsystems, soil-free indoor gardensand how various other pods andseedlings react to various growlights. Think of this as yourgardening bible for beginners.

The next few chapters will tell youall you need to know about growlights and indoor gardening secrets,

starting from how you are going tohave to create it, what you are goingto need, what you are going to haveto keep an eye out for of, as well asthe basics.

Thanks again for downloading thisbook, I hope you enjoy it!



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Chapter 1

Gardening with GrowLights

While ‘gardening’ has always

seemed to inherently be all aboutnature and the outdoors, moderntechnology and changes in the waywe see things has turned all of thisaround a bit.


Well, for one, gardening is nolonger restricted to the outdoors –indoor gardening has quite literallybecome the next big thing. Now,while indoor gardening isn’t alwaysas easy as gardening outdoors, sincewe have to replicate many of the

natural factors such as lights,temperature and practicallyeverything else – it still has manybenefits, including naturallycleansing your indoor air as well asthe obvious wealth of naturalproducts that are all yours.

For cannabis growers, this meansnot having to deal with low qualityproducts, shady dealers, andcomplex legal issue, also it doesn’thurt that the plant also serves assomething you have the ability to

mass produce and as such profitfrom. I’ll bet you are very interestedjust about now, but before you gorun off to by your own babycannabis seedlings – let’s do a quickrun down of logistics, where I cantalk to you about what you aregoing to need and how you aregoing to pick the right product foryour particular situation – soundgood?

Great! Let’s get this started!

Now, I’m sure you’ve already

considered quite a few things, butbefore we get into he issue of lights,let’s do a quick run down on whatyou are going to need to decide onfor your indoor cannabis garden –

Soil or No Soil? - Marijuana can be grown both in a soil-basedsystem or under a hydroponicsystem – taste wise most prefer thesoil based system, howeverhydroponic systems are known toyield more, in less time.

Air and Temperature Control –Any grow room has to have a veryspecific air temperature andcirculation system in order for theplants to even survive! So ensureyou have looked into this beforegoing any further!

Pest Control and Nutrients –When it comes to picking the rightnutrients and pest control, a lot ofthis is going to have to be a trial

process – something’s work greatfor some and not so great for others– so choose carefully and just makesure you have a PH tester so youcan check PH levels for yourself.

Lights and Mylar – Lighting isquite possibly the most importantpart of cannabis farming, especiallysince it’s indoors. Like any otherherb, cannabis requires certainamounts of light to thrive. What noteveryone understands is that by

certain we mean very specific lightranges in very specific cycles for avery specific time. This is wheregrow lights step in – grow lights arequite simply lights that are used tocreate an indoor climate that isconductive to plant, or in this case,herb growth.

Furthermore, while we will bediscussing the proper lightingrequired for indoor gardens indepth in the following chaptersanother issue to keep your eye on is

mylar, which is basically the use ofreflections to maximize your growlight utility, while minimizing ourbills.

While talk about marijuana lightsmay sound like a specific issue, thetruth is that it is more of a generalterm used to refer to the combinedvegetative and flowering stage ofcannabis growth. Both these stagesnot only require different lighting,but also different light cycles.

Generally, cannabis prefers light inthe 420-750 nanometer spectrum.Now while this does vary with eachstrain of the herb, and with whichstage the herb is in, this is definitelya safe range for both.

Grow lights however are not justabout providing light for yourindoor garden, in fact, grow lightsare more commonly associated withthe light spectrum. Think of it likethis – when the sun shines, do youthink all the rays of light are on the

same spectrum? The obviousanswer is no.

So when you are setting up yourindoor garden, you install growlights with the intention of eithermimicking this spectrum or withthe intention of mimicking aslightly more specific spectrum oflight, which is perhaps moreconductive to the plants growth.

Now that you are armed, with aclear idea of what your IndoorGarden requires and a better

understanding of the concept ofgrow lights, we are going to moveon to the science of grow lights andthen use that to help bolster yourunderstanding of the various GrowLights, LED lights, and other formsof technology that are used forindoor lighting.

Chapter 2

The Science BehindGrow Lights

Now that you have a better idea ofwhat grow lights are actually allabout, let’s get to the magic behindthem – or in other words, thescience behind them. As we havealready established grow lights

work in certain ways, and havecertain factors which add up to theproper utilization of their lightsource – the most critical aspects tocannabis growth are anunderstanding of distance,reflectors and the light spectrum.Issues regarding placement andreflectors are usually dispensedwith through bulb choices, a factorelaborated more in Chapter Four.

The Light Spectrum

For now, let us talk about the LightSpectrum. The light that we see isbasically made up of the seven

spectral colors, and limited to the400-700 nanometer range, anythingbelow that is ultra violet, andanything above is infra red.

To provide a more basic breakdown, a chart of light ranges on thespectral band are provided asfollows.

(380-430) nanometers – Violet

(430-500) nanometers - Blue

(500-520) nanometers - Cyan

(520-560) nanometers - Green

(560-590) nanometers - Yellow

(590-625) nanometers - Orange

(625-780) nanometers – Red

While almost all plants can use allof these spectral ranges forphotosynthesis, when it comes togrowth, certain ranges are moresuited to certain plants and even tocertain growth stages.

Which side of the LightSpectrum do you need during

the Vegetative Stage?

The sprouting or vegetative stagesfor example, require more coollights and temperatures. Violet andBlue ranges, or in other wordslights in the 350-500 ranges arebetter suited. Certain plants allowthe cool spectrum to be utilized allthe way up to Cyan or the 520 range– in terms of cannabis thisparticular period lasts anywherefrom two to approximately eightweeks.

Metal Halide (MH) lights, areusually used exclusively to producelight in the blue spectrum. Thisbasically allows the lights to mimicthe natural light during spring andautumn, and consequently helpencourage a type of leafy growth inthe plants.

Which side of the LightSpectrum do you need duringthe Flowering Stage?

In contrast with the Vegetative

Stage, the Pre-flowering andFlowering stages for cannabis arestrongly influenced by theorange/red spectrum. Since thisparticular side of the spectrummimics Summer – plants showimpressive growth, and tend toquickly shoot into the budding orflowering phase if used correctly.Also, having now reached the 750nm landmark allows the plants tocover the production of both‘Chlorophyll A” and “Chlorophyll B’.

Also, the Flowering Period tends tobe better served by High PressureSodium Lights (HPS). Whiletechnically the sodium in theseparticular lights cross a little overthe red spectrum, they are still agreat choice both for economicaland production based reasons.

Other light related issues

Another very important thing tokeep in mind is that light is subjectto the ‘inverse square law’ – in lay

mans terms – if your light is twotimes as far away, the actualamount of light they will receivefrom your source will be a quarternot half. For this reason manypeople prefer placing plants a littlecloser to the source, although forbigger gardens this isn’t alwaysfeasible, mostly because this tendsto take away from the plants growthspace. Instead a good alternative isto use higher intensity lights, andsimply place the plant in a moreamply spaced growth area.

Post the initial germination, thefirst growth phase is commonlyknown as the vegetative growthphase or the photoperiod. Duringthis particular phase, lighting needsto be provided almost constantly,for 18-24 hours a day. In contrastwhen the plants hit the floweringstage, the light cycle needs to bedialed down to 12 hours a day, with12 hours of darkness being put in toinduce the summer contrast In factit is imperative, for maximumgrowth, that the 12 hour long

darkness is pure darknessunmarred by low lights of any kind.

Basically, this also couples withwhy cannabis farmers prefer to leantowards HPS lights, during theflowering cycle and separate MHlights during the vegetative period.This understanding of light cyclesand a little basic math, in the foot-candle conundrum helps newindoor gardeners easily calculatewhat periods require what amountsof light, as well as exactly how

much light is being produced andexactly how much of thatproduction is actually reaching theplants in question.

Chapter 3

Types of Grow Lights

Choosing the Right Fit for

Choosing the Right Fit forYour GardenWhile we have talked quite a bitabout Grow Lights, and how theywork there are actually quite a fewvarious types of ‘grow lights’ whichyou are going to have to be able topick through. In fact one area westill haven’t covered in terms ofgrow lights is - costs. Financiallyspeaking, lighting is often the mostexpensive part of indoor gardening,and with good reason. Top of theline grow lights can cost you

anywhere from $200 to over$500’s! That is hardly chumpchange, and exactly why it is soimportant for novices to have aclear idea of lighting costs and howthey can be minimized.

Now before we go into a lengthydiscussion about spectrum-basedlights, it is important to note thatcurrently Full spectrum LED lightsdo exist and are being improvedquite a bit. The issue with fullspectrum LED’s and any LED light,

has always been the requisitewattage, not only is it hard to reachthe necessary intensity but it is alsoan increasingly expensive endeavor.With time, LED spectrum lights willundoubtedly be adapted to perfectlyfit in with what growers need, butas they stand now, cannabisgrowers in almost any mediumhave a tendency to HPS lights,while some still prefer thecombination MH/HPS lightingprocess.

Also another, area of concern is heat. While light is a necessary component of the gardening process an equally important area is the reduction of hot spots so that your plants don’t burn out. The optimal spacing for plants is going to depend both on the density and size of your plants, as well as the number. The general formula you need to apply is -

intensity = light output/distance


The concept is understood muchmore easily if you can think interms of lumens. Simply put if yourplant is twice the distance from thelight the intensity will be ¼ thelumens. So if a 400 watt bulb provides 145,000 lumens at fourinches, at eight inches it providesonly 36,000 lumens.

Now keeping these issues in mindlets move on the issue of lights


Starting with Metal Halide lights,which cover the cool spectrum andare generally used only for thevegetative stage, the average costranges anywhere from $100 to$400, but that is just the upfrontcost. Metal Halide lights do havehigher maintenance and electricitycosts, since almost all wattages pullin about 40 watts over what theyare marked down as.

This coupled with the cost of

maintenance is a large part to f thereason why despite the theoreticalfeasibility growers prefer not to useMetal Halide, lights throughout theentire growth process, usuallyswitching to High Pressure SodiumLights for the Flowering process.

In fact if we turn to High PressureSodium Lights, we find, thatalthough these particular lights area bit higher in the cost bracket theycan actually be adapted for use inboth stages of cannabis growth.

Now, while it is true that the lack ofblue spectrum lights keeps theselights from being the ideal choicefor the vegetative stage, they willstill do a reasonable job, the onlyside effects being that the plantswill tend to be more reedy and growtoo quickly a factor that may affectit’s overall quality.

Another issue worth mentioning is,that whatever costs would bereduced by cutting down to onelight source by investing solely in

HPS lights, would likely be workedback up by the high energy bills itwould require, due in part to it’sinherent tendency to pull highelectricity and in part to it’stendency to overheat, which in turnrequires air-conditioning or similarforms of temperature control.

More sophisticated growers usethese reasons to use combinationsof MH and HPS lights, generally byusing a switchable light fixturewhich would allow the grower to

change out the light bulbs asrequired for the two stages.Reflectors that help maximize thelights already in use are also asmart way to cut costs when itcomes to picking out grow lights.

Chapter 4

UnderstandingCannabis Garden Types

Up until now we have basicallyglossed over the medium in whichyour cannabis will be growing. Formost novices, this may seem to bean unusual statement, mostlybecause even today, most cannabisgrowers tend to prefer simple soilbased gardens. However, cannabiscan actually be grown indoors justas easily in any number ofhydroponic methods, with just asmany mediums! Usually the

selection of these methods are inline with the schedule of thegrower, someone who doesn’t haveas much time would probably leantowards something simple like thewick system where as some onewho is really getting into it and hasthe time to devote to it wouldprobably want to test out somethinglike aeroponics or the Dutch sea ofgreen.

The Wick System –

Let’s start off with the WickSystem, since it’s one of the easiestand quite frankly one the most usedby newbies. The wick system isbasically a way to ensure that youcan step out on your plants for awhile, or a way to ensure you don’thave to be constantly worried aboutwatering times. This is done byusing several nylon wicks, aboutthree or four, cut about an inchwide with suitable lengths and a

simple makeshift reservoir slightlylarger than your plant container.

The reservoir goes on the bottom,while multiple wicks are passedform the plant container suspendedabove into the reservoir belowthrough capillary action. While thismay not be the best cannabisproduction method in terms ofgrowth rates, the simplicity of thesystem does endear it to a very largecrowd.

Aeroponics –

In contrast to the wick system,Aeroponics is a much more complexsystem of growing plants.Aeroponics, is basically asuspension method, where theplant is grown with its root exposedin a closed environment, while it’stop half grows above. Nutrient richwater systems are used to ‘mist’instead of water the roots, whichare the highlight of this system.

If you are thinking this all sounds abit complex, the truth is it is. Withissues like a massive structuralbase, which is required for theentire procedure alone being asdifficult as it is to properly set up aswell as the, issues such as the rootsrequiring limited exposure, and theplants also require strictly timed‘feedings’ as well as clearly balancedCO2 levels, Aeroponics is far fromeasy. In fact, because of themechanical nature of the systemand the precarious nature of the

suspended environment, even apower outage could be enough toruin a batch of crops, and yet whenproperly implemented the highyield is the reason most advancedgrowers still tend to lean towards it.

Deep Water Culture akaBubbleponics –

If you found the first two methodsinteresting, you will love this thirdmethod, which is basically acombination of these two methods

with it’s own personal kick. Now inbubbleponics, you have asuspended root system not unlikein aeroponics, only here there is notimes mist that provides nutrients.Instead, there is a reservoir at thebottom, which is filled with waterand nutrients, which the rootsbasically trickle down into.

Since cannabis roots also requireoxygen exposure to survive, thereservoir also has an airstone, which is used to further oxygenate

the water through an exterior pipe. Deep Water Culture is however an advanced form of cannabis gardening and requires weekly upkeep, as well as an well constructed system and a powerful air pump, factors which tend to rackup costs if you are on a budget.

While these three hydroponicsystems are far from the onlysystems available they do embodythe basic structure of most of thesystems. Alternative systems such

as ebb and flow or the Dutchmethods are also worth looking intoif you want to go for a more indepth study.

Chapter 5

Cannabis Seeds forNewbies

Now that we have ensured that youhave a clear conception of cannabis

grow lights as well as their requisiteenvironments – let us get down tothe unavoidable yet strangelycomplex issue of cannabis seeds.Something most new growers willsoon learn is that, cannabis seedsare available in both feminized andtraditional forms. The questionthen arises, why on earth wouldanyone want ‘feminized’ seeds,especially since the plant wouldrequire fertilization.

It does sound more than ridiculous

doesn’t it? But let’s answer onequestion at a time.

Why do Growers preferFeminized Seeds?

Feminized seeds are a specially bredstrain of cannabis seeds whichcontain an above 90% quota offemale chromosomes. Because ofthis, most plants that grown fromthese seeds will flower as females

and as such produce the resinousbuds that are sought by mostcannabis farmers.

Furthermore feminized seeds areknown to grow more quickly andmore easily, since these strands donot require the grower to identifyand remove male plants in the earlyflowering stage. This is a particularplus for growers catering to themedicinal use of the herb.

If you have Feminized Seedshow do the plants flower?

The first thing you need tounderstand in order to grasp theanswer to this particular question isthat no cannabis plat is truly maleor female – I say this because theyeach have an inherent ability togrow reproductive organs of theopposite sex and fertilizethemselves for survival. It’s kind oflike an asexual birth only it’s not

exactly asexual since the plant isfertilizing itself.

When feminized seeds are thereforeutilized to force female plants tofertilize other female plants theresulting seeds tend to be absent ofmale chromosomes, which meansthe plants resulting from it will befemale and therefore of the idealheight, growth and with perfectlyresinous buds as preferred formedicinal purposes.

Other than these two types, there is

another type of cannabis seedknown as the auto-floweringvariety, which is capable offlowering without the reduction ofdaylight hours during the growthphases.

Use Based Strains

Furthermore, cannabis seeds can bedifferentiated yet again on the basisof the general strain and purpose.For example, Indica seeds are usedto cover strains which are used

almost exclusively for medicinalpurposes, with their low THCcontent and their contrasting highCBD content these seeds are perfectfor treating depression and anxiety.Visually, Indica seeds result inplants that are more of the shortand stocky variety with very intenseodors.

In contrast Sativa seeds aregenerally pumped up with highlevels of THC and low levels ofCBD, which is great for treating

pain, and appear to be much biggerthan Indica’s and also have budsthat aren’t as dense or potent.

Cannabis Seed Strains

Moving on to actual seeds, thecurrent reigning champion ofcannabis stains is the Super SilverHaze. Known commonly as Skunkor Haze, the Super silver haze is ahybrid made up of 25% Skunk, 25%Northern Lights and 50% Haze. Thestrain is perfectly suited for social

settings, providing an energetichigh, with a slight edge for cravings.Not only is the strain particularlystrong, but it also produceswonderfully well in small indoorgardens.

Another close competitor is theequally if not more popular Satviastrain known as the AK-47. Withextremely strong odor and smoke,the strain earned it’s name from thesheer strength of one hit. Thestrand is also a very commercially

viable strain, a fact coupled with thefact that it has a relatively low growtime, helps make it the mostcommercially successful cannabisstrain. It is quite literally Bang foryour buck!

Rounding up the top three, wouldpossibly be the Royal Caramel,easily on of the sweetest and juicesstrains – the breed is the perfectcross between BlueBlack, MapleLeaf Indica, and White Rhino, andprovides a beautiful deep caramel

flavor when smoking up. Also sincethe plant is 50% Sativa and 50%Indica the crop is both very relaxingand yet still manages to pack apsychedelic kick.

These are some, of the many strainsof cannabis strains available tobeginning gardeners, other greatchoices include Big Buddha Cheese,Opium, Warlock, Blueberry,Medicanna or even the DurbanPoison and others. While certainstrains require a little more work,

the seed-strains mentioned in detailare capable of flourishing even inthe hands of a novice since they aremostly low maintenance hybrids.

Chapter 6

Finding the RightFertilizers and

Nutrients for yourCannabis!

Every plant requires just the right amount of fertilizers and nutrients to help keep it healthy and to maximize growth. Think of your

plants as mini-green athletes who need a proper diet and fitness regime to help maximize their performance. Your diet and fitness regime are your fertilizers and nutrients. Now just keep in mind that like any other plant, cannabisalso requires a certain amount ofnutrition – however once again likeany other plant, the cannabis cropalso has specific needs at thespecific phases in it’s life. We havealready discussed how cannabisgrowth has two phases, vegetative

and flowering, however, for thepurposes of fertilization we willbreak this down a little bit moreinto – Germination Flowering, andPre-Harvest.

The Germination phase of cannabisrelies heavily on the appropriatebalance of NPK fertilizers. NPK, isprimarily made up of Nitrogen,Phosphorus and Potassium – henceNPK, each of which play key rolesin the process of plant nutrition.Proper balances of Nitrogen and

Potassium allow vigorous rootgrowth while ensuring the stem isnot too stretched. Basic rationsused for these initial levels –present as 7-9-5 or 5-10-5. Fishemulsions are also used as agrower’s trick to supplement lownitrogen based formulas.

Since cannabis doesn’t generallyrequire full strength fertilization itis important to keep your fertilizingtendencies in check since accidentalover fertilization will adversely

affect your plants. In fact moregrowers prefer to dilute storebought fertilizers, so that thesolutions are weak enough to beused twice a week, or even daily – itvaries from grower to grower.

Now if we move on to the Floweringphase of cannabis, you will notice that NPK isn’t as important anymore, instead you should be turning our head to the phosphorus levels – phosphorous at this stage will not only help growth but will

ensure a good yield, however the calcium, sulfur and magnesium levels also have great levels of impact here. Epsom salts can be used to fill in for magnesium if yourfertilizer does not contain it, as isoften he case with store boughtfertilizer – you should also keep inmind that mixing fertilizersolutions with other fertilizersolutions is risky since they mayreact with each other – so ensureyou have read through the chemicalcomponents of each before you try

mixing them – or better yet do whatmost growers do and stick to oneparticular fertilizer and add in therequired ingredients individually.

Having gone through thegermination and flowering phase itseems all we have left to do isharvest our personal stash ofcannabis. However, before we do so,it is important to stop fertilizing atleast two weeks prior to yourharvest – this is to ensure that atthe time of harvest your crops no

longer carry chemicals inthemselves. Residue can easily beremoved on the outside, by usingfresh water, a technique that willalso help cleanse your cannabis potif done regularly over the space oftwo weeks.

While cannabis fertilizers andnutrients are a key part of thegrowing cycle, don’t forget toensure the proper lights and climateas you grow your crops. Indoorcannabis gardening is all about

balance and with your newlyacquired knowledge abut all thefactors relating to it, all you need todo now is ensure that you can keepthe balance going! Do it right andsoon enough you’ll have your veryown cannabis garden, not justyielding recreational stashes, butalso easily providing you with aquick and easy way to supplementyour income.


Thank you again for downloading this book!

I hope this book was able to helpgive you a glimpse into thewonderful world of indoor cannabisgardening, and help you realizeyour dream of gardening cannabiswith proper grow lights and otherrelevant features.

Finally, if you enjoyed this book,

please take the time to share your thoughts and post a review on Amazon. It’d be greatly appreciated!

Thank you and good luck!

Check Out My OtherBook!



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