Canadian Philanthropists

Post on 28-Nov-2015

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Transcript of Canadian Philanthropists

Canadian Philanthropists: Who are they are where do they give?

As the Canadian Roundtable takes its first steps, it seems only fitting to ask the question “Who are Canadian philanthropists and what types of things are they interested in?” The following links are for the benefit of our members with the hope that it might spark further thought and discussion between us at events or (eventually) online.

1. “How many Canadians give, and other trends in Canadian Philanthropy” is an interactive article published by The Globe And Mail, May 31, 2012. “Philanthropy is being transformed. The Globe explores the perils and promise of the new charitable landscape.” Less article, more charts, well done.

Click HERE for the article

2. “Charitable giving: How emotion, peer pressure influence donations” by Andre Mayer, CBC News, December 16, 2013. A wide range of factors affect how Canadians distribute $10.6B to charities every year and this article goes beyond demographics to explore what motivates Canadians to give. “We’re seeing more people start to think more about their giving proactively, rather than just sort of responding to solicitations that come in.”

Click HERE for the article

3. “Millionaires’ surprising charitable habits revealed”, by Misty Harris, for, November 14, 2013. “According to tax data, households with incomes topping $80,000 made up just 27 per cent of donors in 2011 but accounted for 55 per cent of donations. By contrast, households with incomes under $39,999 accounted for 32 per cent of donors, and 15 per cent of reported donations.” This is Canadian giving by the numbers.

Click HERE for the article