Can you hear me? Great! We will get started soon. Do you have headphones? No Yes No.

Post on 17-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Can you hear me? Great! We will get started soon. Do you have headphones? No Yes No.

Can you hear me?

Great! We will get started soon.

Do you have headphones?





Killer Tips For Holiday Campaigns


Meet The Team

Santa’s wish list: Health, Well and a

Mountain bike

Naomi Hauser

Director of products

Santa’s wish list: Grandma’s Pasta, NBA All Star Tickets, World


Dror Aharon

SEM Account Manager

Santa’s Wish List: A kitchen aid, dinner at the best restaurant in the world (Alinea in Chicago) and a dog

Ethel Berdah

Saas Account Manager

5The key dates for the Holidays

• Black Friday – Friday after thanksgiving

• Cyber Monday – Monday after Thanksgiving

• Christmas Eve – December 24th

• Christmas Day – December 25th

• Boxing Day – Day following Christmas day

• New Year’s eve – December 31st

• Russian Christmas – January 7th

Tip #1: Look at your statistics

5Analyze performances from the previous years

Historical data • Review performances from last 2 years on same period

• Pull performance reports for the Holiday period – October,

November, and December.

Understand your performances• Pull key metrics: impressions, clicks, average CPC, spend, orders,

ROAS etc.

• Based on most performant time period, hours, channels, devices …

Quality • Keywords, ads, landing pages, and offers that ran last holiday season

5If you don’t have valuable datas

Google trends • Weekly analyze of big hits on Google Trend

• Keyword Research

• Geo-targeting

• Content creation

• Channels

Trend Integration• Landing page

• Banners

• Special promotions

• Creating great titles.

• Using the right tags.

• Optimizing descriptions.

Tip #2:Use Your Brand

5Get your brand out there

Increase Brand awareness

Launch Pre-seasonal sale (early birds special)

Gather data for remarketing

Pre-Seasonal Branding (November)

Remarketing (December)

Use data from pre-seasonal branding for

retargeting campaigns

Tip #3: Get your Position Right.

5Get your position right

Increase ad position in the pre-holiday season to

keep the position high during the holidays and

CPC costs low

Improve CTR of ads to further improve ad

position resulting a higher position in the

holiday season

Specific SearchCampaigns

Tip #4:Timing is everything

5Be Prepared

Start early

Be prepared

Make sure you chose your strategy




Tip #5: Make it special

5Make it special

Content of your ad • Holiday Messaging and language

• Relevant Keywords

Seasonal Promotions and Targeting • Seasonal sitelinks

• Seasonal Promotion (free shipping, sales for holidays, guaranteed

delivery for Christmas …)

• Call extensions

• Destination URLs to holidays’ products

Optimize website• Add holiday tag on your selected products

• Mention on the product description

• Add a Holiday category

5Make it special

Holidays Best Seller

Perfect kit for make up retouches during your NYE party

Free Delivery for the holidays

Christmas gift

Tip #6:Cross Marketing

5Cross channels

Cross Channel Visibility • Beneficiate from better visibility

• Use Social Media to your advantage

Establish a common mapping • Be easily recognizable by your customers

• Homogenous message, promotion and branding

Strategy• Adjust budget and bidding depending on platform

• Analyze previous statistics

• Set up reports on key products or product categories to track its


5Cross devices

of shoppers starts on one device and continue shopping on another

67%Of smartphone owners plan

to use their device for holiday shopping

73% 56%

Of mobile shoppers said that mobile search has

introduced them to new brands


Of total online sales came from Cyber Monday and

Black Friday

Keep messaging consistent to be recognizable across different ad


Use mobile friendly design

Optimize for mobile

Tip #7:Post Holidays

5Post Holidays

Post Holiday vacations

Advertise for Valentine’s dayPost Holidays’ clearance sales


NY good resolutions

Diet, Quit smoking, being spiritual, being healthy,


Analyze datas from Holiday’s season

Already review the big hits of the season and follow up with


Target customers for winter vacations

Special discount post season Winter is a good time for

cuddle and love!