Can women save the economy?

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Can Women save the Economy?

Isabella LenarduzziJUMP is the leading social enterprise working with organisations and individuals to close the gap between women and men at work, achieve sustainable corporate performance and create a more equal society.

2The gender Diversity Ecosystem by McKinsey and the correspondent JUMP initiatives

3Global Gender GAP (World Economic Forum)4 fields: education, health, economy and politicsWomens energy and talent are the most untapped renewable sources of energy in the world!

Europe : 59% of university degrees are earned by womenF (UE)59% des diplms universitaires 61% des doctoratsEn Belgique, il y a moins de 5% de filles dans les auditoires dinformatique et 8% en polytechniqueLe nombre de femmes dans les fonctions dirigeantes des entreprises prives a augment de 3,7% en 2001 4,8% en 200880% des dcisions dachat sont faites par les femmesLes USA, France et les pays scandinaves : corrlation positive entre le taux dactivit des femmes et le taux de natalit lev

6European figuresStill a long way to go!

How can we turn the current 82% of male quota into an equal representation of Women and Men in boardrooms across Europe? And hopefully sooner than in the 50 years time it would take with the current rate of progress.

7Indicators per Member State

Eurostat and European Commissions data base on women and men in decision-makingIndicators per Member StateEurostat and European Commissions data base on women and men in decision-making

Gender pay gap

80% des F seront la principale source de revenus au moins une fois dans leur vie!Mais Les femmes en Belgique gagnent 10% de moins que les hommes par heure travail gal. Sur base annuelle on arrive 23%. Il ny a pas de relle volution dans le temps.La plus grande cause est le travail temps partiel qui ne cesse daugmenter.

La diffrence de salaire augmente avec lexprience et la qualification. Entre 45-54 ans : 15%+ de 55 ans: 22%Et dans le senior management: 34%!

Lcart se creuse avec les avantages extra lgaux 9% des femmes contre 12% des hommes bnficient dune assurance pension de groupe et la valeur de lassurance des femmes ne reprsente que 41% de celles des hommes.Ceux-ci dpensent 29% de plus dans leurs notes de fraisLes indemnits pour le trajet travail/maison sont de 28% infrieures pour les femmes.

Et les stocks options ont une valeur 44% supplmentaire chez les hommes que chez les femmes. Et presque 3 fois plus dhommes que de femmes en bnficient.

La pension des femmes employes en moyenne est de 926 par mois soit 60% de celle des hommes!Ipsos Joabt 2013 Belgique : A mme niveau de diplme, 600 bruts de duffrence par moi les F ont systmatiqiement moins davantages extra lgaux (chque repas, assurance, GSM, lapto, internet la maison, ) sauf pour les abonnements aux transports publics!


Part-time working

45% women // 9,5% menPlus de F mais plus dH aussi danne en anne

45% des femmes travaillent temps partiel et gagnent moins de 2.000 bruts/mois (Belgique)

F: 45%>< H: 9,5% travaillent temps partiel F: 42,6%>< H: 24,7% gagnent moins de 2.000 bruts/mois

La dure des heures travailles dans ce cadre l sont moindres chez les femmes. Le rsultat, vous le savez, cest un taux de pauvret beaucoup plus important chez les femmes, une grande fragilit conomique si le couple ne tient plus la route, et des femmes pensionnes qui ne touchent que 57% en moyenne du montant touch par les hommes!

Libre choix = arbitrage sous contrainte familiale = norme socialeIngalit= le temps partiel et le cong parental se concentrent sur les femmes

En Europe, 1/3 des femmes ayant un enfant de moins de 6 ans, travaillent temps partiel 5% pour les hommes). La moiti de ces femmes sont temps partiel quand cet enfant fait partie dune fratrie de 3 enfants (7% pour les hommes). Chiffres par pays:Pays Bas: 81% et 92%Autriche: 60% et 69%Allemagne: 56% et 77%UK: 48% et 67%Belgique: 35% et 56%Espagne: 25% et 40%France: 24% et 52%Italie: 33 % et 45%Sude: 31% et 50%

Les systmes de temps flexibles sont autant utiliss par les femmes que par les hommes.

Le taux dactivit des pres ne descend jamais sous les 90%Celui des mres chute 60% avec 2 enfants 37% avec 3 enfants

11Glass ceiling

Glass ceiling

13Organizational pyramid

Le plafond, les parois de verre et le plancher collant dans la pyramide organisationnelle

Le plafond de verreConsacr en 1986 dans un article de Wall Street Journal du 24 mars, le plafond de verre ou glassceiling est la terminologie image pour dsigner le phnomne qui entrave la carrire des femmes et donc la consquence est la raret de leur prsence au sommet des entreprises, des organisations et des institutions publiques. Il constitue un ensemble de barrires invisibles, cres la fois par des prjugs et strotypes et par le mode de fonctionnement des organisations

Le plancher collantIde venant du Canada, le plancher collant ou sticky floor est une force antagoniste la progression des femmes dans les organisations qui les contraint rester aux niveaux les moins levs de la pyramide organisationnelle.

Les parois de verreQuand les femmes parviennent atteindre des postes de haut niveau, elles se retrouvent souvent dans des filires ou des services considrs comme moins centraux, moins stratgiques pour lorganisation (RH, administration, etc.). Il leur devient trs difficile de se dplacer latralement pour accder aux secteurs stratgiques (dveloppement produits, finances) puis de slever par lalle centrale jusquaux postes de direction.

(Elisabeth Ferro-Vall, Egalit professionnelle entre les femmes et les hommes)

14At this rate of change it will take

15Companies increase performanceGDP increaseFill in skills shortages on the labour marketPreserve the european social security systemCompanies with a higher proportion of women in their executive committees have better financial performance McKinsey & Company

Companies in the top quartile for the women representation in executive committee vs. sector1Companies with 0 women in executive committeein that specific sectorVerifiedNon available-Not verified17Most executives recognize the impact of gender diversity on financial performance, but more women than men and more C-levels than middle managers McKinsey & CompanyConvincedNot convincedDon't knowC-level (CEO, COO, CFO, etc.)

100Women(n=233)90Men(n=212)10062+27n=445Middle management


Much research has shown that companies with diverse leadership teams that include significant numbers of women generate higher financial returns. Do you believe this to be true?18A total equality within the European Union could bring a 27% increase of the GDP

Changing world of work1. Rise in nontraditional families2. Changing expectations of men and women5. Flattened hierarchies 4. Shortage of skilled talent3. Evolving generational needs 7. Multicultural workforce 6. Virtual, connected workplace 2020The enduring model for how companies have managed their work and their people since the beginning of the industrial revolution, the ladder represented an efficient though inflexible paradigm in which prestige, rewards, access to information, influence, power and so on, tied directly to the rung you occupied. The problem is that we no longer live in an industrial age--nor is the workforce the uniform group it once was.

Organizational structures are flatter. Technological advances and economic trends mean that work is increasingly virtual, globally dispersed and team-based. As a result, productivity and performance increasingly depend on a workforce that is more diverse than ever before, from gender and generation to culture, background and experience.

The ladder arose in a world that presumed work must be done in an office. Organizations adopting a lattice mindset realize that providing more options for when, where and even how work gets done is smart and encourages greater productivity and engagement.

How do we use the biggest talents pool?

Fewer than 3% of CEOs of the largest companies in the EU are womenFrance: 10 companies of CAC 40 have a fixed rate of objectives in relation to gender balance

21Actions promoted by governmentsThe quota law has opened boardrooms to an extent that weve never seen before, Mari Teigen, research director, Norwegian Institute for Social Research

22Overview of measures in place

2008 (8%) 2014 (18%)

Dec 2012 n February 2011, the former banker, Lord Davies, published a government report pushing for 25% of boardroom seats to be held by women by 2015. Since then the percentage of women in FTSE 100 boardrooms has increased from 12.5 per cent to 20% per cent (2014)

Dec 2013: lAllemagne va rejoinder les autres pays ayant les quotas grce laccord avec le SPD. Est- ce fait? 23The European CommissionThe European Commission's proposal (November 2012):40% target combined with binding rules on a transparent selection process;Selection based on qualifications and merit and a preference rule in case of equal qualification; Companies listed on stock exchanges, privately or publicly owned;Except: small and medium-sized companies (SMEs);High degree of flexibility for Member States, subsidiarity-friendly;The EP's first reading report largely endorsing the Commissions approach (November 2013);

Avant le projet de directive europenne il y a eu 2 recommandations : en 1984 et 1996 sans avoir deffet.

Valable uniquement pour les administrateurs non excutifs pour les excutifs, les socits doivent se fixer un objectif accompagn de sanctions ( prvoir au niveau national)+ obligation de rendre des comptes sur les politiques dgalit au niveau du CALentreprise doit rvler les critres de slection et tout candidat rejet doit recevoir une note explicative.Le quota sera revu en 2027.

24Women on boards end 2014Source: European Commission 2015

2013 : UE=18%France : 30%Belgique : 17%

En 2011 en Europe, 1/3 des managers sont des femmes. Autour de 40% en Lettonie, France et Hongrie contre moins de 25% Malte, Grce et Chypre.Et 2% des PDG en moyenne en Europe (4% aux US).

Dans lenseignement % de femmes en Europe dansLe primaire: 85% - 96% en Italie contre 69% au DKSecondaire suprieur : 59% Enst sup: 40%

Belgique 2012:45% de femmes dans toutes les entreprises 30% de managersCA: 61% des entreprises cotes nont aucune F dans leur CA27% en ont 111% en ont 2 ou plus

BEL 20 et leur CA:28% = 0 F39% = 133% = 2 ou += le quota des hommes est pass de 93% 89% !

F dans cA des socites quotes en Bel : chiffres entre 13 et 16%

25Women on boards Source: European Commission, Database on women and men in decision-making

26Women on boards Source: European Commission, Database on women and men in decision-making

27Indicators in different countries

28The disparity of female business leaders has not narrowed significantly

Fewer than 3% of CEOs of the largest companies in the EU are womenFrance: 10 companies of CAC 40 have a fixed rate of objectives in relation to gender balance

29Gender diversity in top management varies by industry2010 McKinsey & Company

Real estate and infrastructureTransportation, logistics and tourismEnergy, basic materials and environmentDiversified IndustriesHealthcareScience and technology Finance, insurance and professional servicesTelecom, media and entertainmentConsumer goods and retailWomenin executive committeesPercentWomen in boardsPercent

Number of companiesNotes: Proprietary database; 441 companies within the local reference index: Norway (OBX 25), Sweden (OMXS 29), France (CAC 40), Germany (DAX 29),Spain (IBX 35), Russia (RTSI 50), Brazil (Bovespa 52), China (SSE50), India (Sensex 30). For the UK, data from the Cranfield University The Female FTSE Board Report 2009 (FTSE 100). For executive committees: selection of the 362 companies which disclose their executive committee members413068149819618144128661387592181330Change in companies cultureCompanies should change their cultures so that they have more gender diversity

Women have already adapted very much to the business world. Therefore its now the time for companies that should change their cultures so that they are more gender bilingual.

Most employers in Europe lack a strategy for developing women leaders.Despite efforts among organisations in Europe to achieve a diverse workforce, the majority 67% do not have a clearly defined strategy or philosophy for the development of women into leadership roles, according to the Womens Leadership Development Survey, conducted by Mercer.

- 41% of the employers surveyed indicated that their organisations do not offer any activities or programme targeted to the development needs of women leaders- 21% of European organisations said they offer some activities or programmesanother 11% said they are planning to add programmes and activities in the future

When asked how well the organisational climate supports the development of women, 48% of respondents said their organisations support development to a moderate extent and 14% said to a great extent.

These results show a strong level of disconnect between efforts and effectiveness .

31Implementation of gender-diversity measures remains low, and even lower for small-size companies McKinsey & CompanyPercent, 2010, n=1,5341, mid-level and up respondents only

No specific measures1-3 measures4-5 measures6 measures or moreMore than 20,000 employees(n=429)9Less than 500 employees(n=583)177Total(n=1,534)17132024Between 500 and 20,000 employees(n=522) numberof measures implemented

Number of measures undertaken in the past five years to recruit, retain, promote and develop women1 Does not include the respondents who did not know which measures were implemented in their companies32Corporate most efficient measures

33Building a whole gender-diversity ecosystem McKinsey & Company

Developing women as leadersMentoringTraining and coachingNetworks and role modelsCEO and executive team's visible monitoring of progress in gender-diversity programsCEO commitmentHR processesand policiesGender-diversityindicatorsInfrastructure supported by collective enablersGENDER DIVERSITY ON TOP OF THE STRATEGIC AGENDAWhat companies can do to make flex work models more effective (inspired by a study from Bain)Three elements are fundamental: 1. Creating a tailored set of options (Gathering input from employees to understand the needs of different segments for flexible models- Creating a thoughtful set of flex options to address the need of each employee segment in the most cost-effective way)2. Demonstrable leadership support combined with visible evidence that the models are working (Highlighting success stories that encourage the use of flex options - Assigning a vocal and visible flex champion from senior leadership)3. Commitment from the highest level of the organisation.

We know that women are three times more likely than men to leave a company or their position when the pressure of responsibility starts to accumulate. This includes: long working hours, business trips, constant availability, profit and loss responsibility, unforeseen workloads, number of people to manage These losses for a company arrive at a time when managers start to take on more managerial functions (around 40 years old). A waste of talent at this stage is devastating for the company.

It is only for the women who have taken on these roles throughout their careers that at the age of 56 their professional ambitions become on an equal footing with men.

With efficient flexible working programme the results are very effective in retaining the best employees, ensuring that they remain satisfied and loyal: 25% increase in retaining men but 40% in retaining women. We know that satisfaction is becoming more and more important for younger generations. Therefore its becoming imperative that we address flexible working time.

For example, Deloitte has launched the Mass Career Customisation in France and the Netherlands. The principle is that from now on all careers change and are no longer linear from corporate ladder to corporate lattice. All Deloitte employees can speak about their careers every year with their line managers, covering four areas: the path, the role, the workload as well as the hours and place of work. The pilot projects were highly successful and users were satisfied with this new tool giving them the power to constantly reassess their careers, in function with their family lives. It is even more important now in the US where 87% of couples both work!

34Sharing care responsibilitiesWork and family responsibilities should be completely shared

UE: les femmes consacrent 17h de plus que leur conjoint aux tches familiales

If the non paid work would be evaluated for the well being of the citizens, it would be valued to one third (1/3) of the GDP up to 53% in Portugal.Women spend in average 2h30 (two hours and a half) on domestic care more than men by day.Concerning the chidrens care, men spend half the time compared to women and the tasks are pretty well different: women take care of body care and men take care of recreative time.

The more men have positions of responsibilities, the more they have children. This is exactly the opposite for womenThe more the salaries for women are increased and the more their husbands help out in household chores and with the family (the power and the confidence to negotiate at home is successful, recognition and salary earned at work.)In most of the OCDE countries, unemployed fathers do spend less time with children than full time working mothers.Fathers should invest earlier and spend more time taking care of their children ex: Swedish and Icelandic models : M take up to 35% of parental leave.35Womens skills and work styles

95%: As leaders, women bring different but complementary skills

71%: Companies do not place a high enough value on women skills

60%: Corporate training/development do not take into account womens learning preferences and styles36Corporate attitude towards women

72%: Mens opinions are respected more than womens for key decisions

69%: Women are still not recognised and promoted on an equal basis skills

Some companies recognise the value of having women in senior positions, but not all of them take active measures to change the status quo.37Et les femmes, que doivent-elles faire? 3 career advices to women by Sheryl Sandberg COO Facebook

Seat at the tableMake your partner a real partnerDont leave before you leave

Conseils aux F qui veulent dlper leurs talents dans le monde prof

Seat at the table: self esteem: syndrome de la meilleure lve qui oublie de faire du self mkt et de al formation; rpondre aux offres demploi avec min 80% des qualits requises contre 40% des H; ngociation salariale (57% des jeunes H univ ngocient leur salaire de premier emploi contre 7% des F); femmes entrepreneuses qui ne se considrent pas managers et vont chercher un salari; absence de visibilit; les H attribuent leur succs leurs comptence, les F lattribuent la chance ou leur mentor; Les F attribuent leurs checs un manque de comptence, les H lattribuent un manque de volont, de travail ou de chance. Importance du I WORTH ITex de Sheryl lors dun speech FB. Une femme a voulu lui parler aprs et lui a dit jai appris aujourdhui que je devais garder mon doigt lev. En effet quand Sheryl lors du Q&A time a dit je ne prendrai plus que deux questions, toutes les filles ont baiss leur doigt et les deux questions prises taient donc celles dhommes. Si Sheryl elle-mme ne prend pas en compte la diffrence dattitude entre F et G alors quelle en est une spcialiste, il est trs difficile de convaincre le monde de lentreprise de faire attention pour plus dgalit.Rpter Do seat at the tableMake your partner a real partner: on est probablement arrives plus dgalit dans lemonade du travail quau sein du couple. Dans un couple mari o les deux partenaires travaillent, les F soccupent deux fois plus des enf et trois fois plus de la gestion de la maison que leurs poux = 3 jobs au lieu dun seul.

Les H qui font un choix diffrent ont plus de difficult le faire respecter et valoriser que les F. Les stat dmontrent que dans un couple avec le mme niveau de salaire pour chacun et des resp. partages dans la gestion familiale rduit le divorce de 50% et leur vie sexuelle est plus panouie (le dsir reste vivant quand on se sent respecte et quon admire lautre).rpter Maker your partner your real partnerDont leave before you leave: au moment o les F commencent se poser la question des enf, elles comment dj vouloir leur faire de la place alors quelles ne sont pas encore enceintes. Elles ne cherchent plus les resp accrues, les voyages, .. au cas o Dj quand une femme tombe enceinte, avec les 9 mois de grossesse, les 4 mois de cong de maternit et les min 6 mois pour reprendre son souffle a fait prs de 2 ans o lon est bien oblige de faire de la place pour lenf dans sa carrire. Lors de mes conf jai toujours des jeunes femmes qui ne sont mme pas en couple et souvent aux tudes qui me posent la question comment vous faites et comment je peux faire? Est-ce possible? Rien quen se posant la question, on sauto limite.Si force de s eposer la question, on laisse passer des occasions de super jobs avec responsabilits et dfis. Quand lenfant arrivera, ce sera encore plus dur de retourner au boulot alors quon ny fait pas la diffrence.Trop souvent nous les F faisons des choix trs tt dans notre vie sans mme nous en rendre compte mais juste parceque cela nous emble plus normal pour nous alors quils sont juste le reflet dune histoire millnaire et de pressions sociales subtiles ou non.rpter Dont leave before you leave

Former top manager of P&G Mel Healey: You can have all of what YOU want, she is saying. You just cant have everything that anyone wantsor you can try, but you wont be happy.

38Towards a new identity

The war of sexes is over.

Even if it is commonly said that men and women are coming from different planets, we never were so closed!

39Whats good for women is also good for men.

In terms of workforce, Women will be able to save the economy.

ITS TIME TO CHANGE!40Isabella LenarduzziFounder and Managing Director of

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