Can Sex Cause Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Can Sex Cause Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

The answer is Yes! In the journal Medical Hypotheses (2010) Dr. John Zenian says there is a dramatic increase in cases of carpal tunnel syndrome and repetitive strain injury that corresponds with increased sexual activity and the use of Erectile Dysfunction drugs like Viagra.

Dr. Zenian said, "Sexual intercourse can explain the increase in the incidence of carpal tunnel seen in recent years; it’s the most widely practiced activity that uses both hands at the same time." Physiotherapist S. Margo said, "Research shows we’re having more sex than we used to; people are trying different positions. The missionary position puts a lot of pressure on the wrists of the individual on top. It results in straining, stretching and tearing of tissue which could contribute to carpal tunnel."

"Sexual intercourse can explain the increase in the overall incidence of carpal tunnel syndrome seen in recent years since it is the most widely practiced activity that uses both hands at the same time." Dr. Zenian said.

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