Can Challenge Project

Post on 10-May-2015

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Transcript of Can Challenge Project

Can Challenge Project

By Francis Posega-Rappleye and Nathan Huang

Materials Used

• Styrofoam poster.– Exterior of the insulator.

• Bubble wrap.– Inside the insulator.

• Safety blanket.– Inside of insulator.

• Styrofoam packing peanuts.– In the corners of the insulator.

• Duct tape and hot glue.– Tape down the lid and seal the cracks.

The surface of bubble wrap.

Picture Link:

Design (pt. 1)

• Styrofoam poster as the outside core.

• Safety blanket on the inside.• Bubble wrap over the safety

blanket.• Packing peanuts in the

corners of the insulator.• Hot glue to seal the cracks

and hold the thing up.• Duct tape to attach a lid.

Design (pt. 2)

• The styrofoam poster board was the thickest layer, so we decided to put it on the outside as the main structure.

• We decided to use safety blanket to line the inside of the “walls,” because safety blankets can keep in heat well.

• Bubble wrap was put on top of the safety blanket to add more insulation.

• Styrofoam packing peanuts (shown in the bottom right corner) were used to surround the can.

Picture from:

Cutting the Styrofoam Rim

Francis is cutting out the walls of our project. We originally went with 9.5 inches x 9.5 inches x 18.5 inches..

Arranging the Styrofoam Pieces

Here we are hot-gluing the pieces together. I am using a ruler to make sure we glue straight.

Cutting Down the Box

Our design ended up being too big, so we cut it down with a box cutter.

Preparing Insulating Materials

While Nathan cut the box down, Francis arranged and measured out the insulating materials to put in the box.

Finishing the Box

Trimming down the box. Final dimensions were 9 cm x 9 cm x 19 cm.

Box’s shape before adding the insulators.

Final Project Outside

The design was essentially a box stuffed with insulating materials. Nathan decided to add extra designs.

Final Project Inside

A view of what was inside our final insulator.

Testing the Can

Here we are testing out insulator with other projects. We put in a can full of hot water, and then put out insulator in ice cold water.