
Post on 30-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Cameroon

By Shiloh Fish

Baka Pygmys dancing to greet visitors in the East Province of Cameroon, June 2006.

Dancing and music are main activities at many celebrations and holidays in Cameroonian life, with traditional forms not allowing the mixing of genders.

Cuisine: Food is generally eaten with the hands, and typically quite spicy

Although Bushmeat (wild animal meat) used to be a common dinner food, it is now considered a delicacy and it’s consumption the worst threat to native wildlife

A woman, hand weaving a basket

Traditional arts and crafts are often practiced for both personal and commercial use and locally found materials are often used for their work

Cameroon facing off with Germany in 2003

A wide variety of sports are encouraged and played in Cameroon, although the most popular is football, a sport which they excel at to the extent of even winning the Gold medal in the 2000 Olympics

Wikipedia: Cameroon

Wikipedia: Cameroon Economy and Infrastructure

Wikipedia: Cameroon Demographics

Wikipedia: Cameroon Religion

Wikipedia: Cameroon Culture