Camera shots – robbery scenerio

Post on 19-May-2015

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Transcript of Camera shots – robbery scenerio

Camera Shots – Robbery Scenerio

• This is an establishing shot. • We used this so the audience could see where the action was taking place. It was meant to look deserted, so that it

was a scarier, unfamiliar setting.

• This is an extreme long shot.• Here you can see the two characters about to intervene.

• This is a long shot. • This is to clearly show what she is doing and to show she is minding her own business, so to the audience she is

innocent. • Also it highlights what she is wearing, which links to mise en scene and representing that she is an innocent


• This is a low angled shot. • This makes the person that is about to rob her, seem more powerful as he appears taller.

• This is a high angled shot.• This is used to make the victim seem smaller compared to robber, creating sympathy for her.

• This is a wide shot.• This shows the action taking place in the shot.

• This is a close up.• This shot was meant to show the panic and discomfort of the victim, also helping to create sympathy.

• This is a close up.• This want meant to show the emotion of the robber which is anger.

• This is a medium shot.• This is a shot meant to portray the action taking place, we would have coupled this shot with a shaky camera, as this

would have created verisimilitude for the audience.

• This is a match on action.• This shot plays close attention to what is happening in the scene. It also shows that the robber is the bad one in this

case because he is taking her bag.

• This is a medium shot• This shot is meant to show the action taking place as well as showing the emotion of fright in the victims face and

the smugness of the robber.

• This is a long shot.• This shows that the robber has been successful and the victim has been left, helping to create sympathy.

• This is a extreme long shot.• This shot was meant to show the panic of the innocent victim as she does not know what to do and highlighting that

the bag has gone.