Camera Angles

Post on 16-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Camera Angles

Camera AnglesBy Rob Nicholas

Low-Angle Shot

This is a shot that is filmed low on the vertical axis. It is filmed from below the subject’s eye line and is used to make them look strong or powerful.


A close-up is filmed close to the face or item that is in the frame.

Establishing Shot

Establishing shots indicate where the action will take place. It is usually the first shot of a new scene and is normally a wide or extreme wide shot.

More Shots

Panning shot - when the camera operator stays still but the camera moves to follow the action or moving object, e.g. a vehicle

Point-of-View shot - This is when the camera shot is viewed as if through the eyes of a character, often/normally the protagonist

Two shot – when there are two people in the shot

Framing shot – using a piece of set or scenery to frame a shot