Called to Serve with a Joyous Heart Called to Serve with a ...Nov 04, 2018  · Called to Serve with...

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Transcript of Called to Serve with a Joyous Heart Called to Serve with a ...Nov 04, 2018  · Called to Serve with...

Called to Serve with a Joyous Heart Called to Serve with a Joyous Heart S T E W A R D S H I P S U N D A Y 2 0 1 8 S T E W A R D S H I P S U N D A Y 2 0 1 8

Our Faithfully Departed

Please remember in your prayers:

Angeline Southward

May her soul and those of all the faithfully departed, through

the mercy of God, rest in peace, amen.

Cover Images

Top left: Fr. Patrick’s 40th Anniversary Trivia Night

Top right: Men’s Club Tree Lot Booya & NCCW Bake Sale

Bottom left: Nativity County Fair

Bottom right: Turkey Bingo, sponsored by NCCW

By Therese Steinhoff |

Photos Wanted!

Have any great photos that you took at Nativity? From

weddings to Turkey Bingo, we’d love to highlight the

vibrancy, faith, and beauty of our parish in the bulletin and

other print publications, on the website, and through our

various social media outlets. Please send photos to and let us know who should get the

credit. Thank you!

Marriage Banns

Please pray for all our engaged couples as they prepare to

receive the sacrament of Holy Matrimony, especially...

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Nicole Frederickson & Michael Deasey

Wedding Planning

To be married at Nativity at Our

Lord, the bride, groom, or one of

their parents must be an active,

registered parishioner for at least

six months prior to scheduling a

wedding. Contact the parish office

for more information at or (651) 696-

5401. Photo by Ben Colvin,

courtesy of Christine McCool.


Please join us in welcoming our newly baptized members of

the Catholic faith!

Cornelia Jeanne Behrens Parents: Zachary and Emily Behrens

Joseph George Nichols Parents: James and Anne Nichols

Joleigh Drew Larson Parents: Andrew and Kathyrn Larson

Clara Katherine Kovar Parents: John and Katherine Kovar

Baptism Preparation

Baptisms are typically held on first and

third Sundays at 9:30am in the church.

For first-time parents, required

baptismal classes are typically held on

the fourth Sunday of each month at

1:30pm in the church (excluding

December). Call the parish office at or (651) 696-5401

to register. Photo courtesy of Brenna Gerten.

Tours for Prospective Families

This is an exciting time as we begin the process of

welcoming prospective families to Nativity School. Choosing

a school for your child is one of the most important decisions

for parents!

We will be offering

individual tours this

fall and early winter

for those interested

in learning more

about Nativity

School. We are

always pleased to

meet prospective

families as they seek to find a school in which their children

will thrive during their formative years.

Touring during a typical school day provides an opportunity

for parents to see the learning process which is grounded in

our Catholic faith. We would love to partner with you as your

child embarks on this educational journey. If you would like

schedule a tour, please call the School office and speak to

Mary Jo at (651) 699-1311. We look forward to meeting


Book Fair - November 6, 8, and 11

The Nativity Book Fair is coming this

week! Beginning with our Student Preview

this Tuesday, Scholastic Books will be

available for purchase in the School

auditorium. We ask that students K-2

simply browse the fair during the

preview. Students in 3rd grade and older

will be allowed to purchase books at this time.

The sale continues after school (and through conferences)

on Tuesday, November 6 and Thursday, November 8, as well

as after Masses on Sunday, November 11. A large variety of

new and used books for children and adults will be available,

and the proceeds will directly benefit our classrooms and

School library. See you at the Book Fair!

Information Pastor Father Patrick Hipwell (pictured)

Mass & Prayer Times See back page calendar for weekly schedule. Lord’s Day Mass Saturday 5pm; Sunday 7am, 8:15am, 9:30am (Steiner Hall), 11am, 5pm Daily Mass Mon-Sat 8:15am, Mon-Fri 5pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 3:30-4:30pm, Monday-Friday 7:45-8:10am and 4:30-4:55pm Hearing aid devices are available in the sacristy. Prayer Line 9am-7pm Bette Hoffman (651) 699-8249 Mary Kay O'Rourke (651) 698-5638 Emergency Anointing of the Sick (24 hours) (651) 696-5401 (press 1) Staff Contacts Pastor Father Patrick Hipwell (651) 696-5401 Parochial Vicar Father Nick Hagen (651) 696-5440 Deacon Rev. Mr. Russ Kocemba (651) 696-5401 Deacon Rev. Mr. Don Tienter (651) 696-5401 Business Administrator Laura Barr (651) 696-5423 Secretary & Asst. to Pastor Tim Huberty (651) 696-5401 Secretary & Asst. to Pastor Marian Layman (651) 696-5401 School Principal Kate Wollan (651) 699-1311 Early Learning Center Director Nicole McGie (651) 696-5437 Faith Formation Director Randy Mueller (651) 696-5454 Director of Music & Liturgy Patrick Henning (651) 696-5430 Director of Nativity Choir Rob Pontious (651) 653-3655 Pastoral Care Coord. Nancy Shatek-Suek (651) 696-5444 Development & Comm. Director B.J. Kranz (651) 696-5441 Facilities Director Steve Boatman (651) 696-5434 Custodian Peter Mulligan (651) 696-5401 Communications Manager Isaac Huss (651) 696-5425 Pastoral Council Chair Scott Hennis Lannan Parish Center Mon-Thurs 8am-4pm, Fri 8am-Noon 1900 Wellesley Ave. St. Paul, MN 55105 Fax: (651) 696-5458 Phone: (651) 696-5401 School Office 1900 Stanford Avenue (651) 699-1311



Communications Email Newsletter Have you signed up for Nativity News yet? Nativity of Our Lord’s weekly email newsletter highlights events of the upcoming weekend and connects parishioners to helpful resources on the web. Visit to sign up. Website Email Social Media Follow us on Instagram:

Follow us on Twitter:

Like our Facebook page:

Submissions Publishing Guidelines Bulletin content is typically required by Monday at noon for the following Sunday’s bulletin, while digital content requires at least two business days prior to desired publication. Please note the following early bulletin deadline: Submissions for the 11/25 bulletin are due by noon on

Thursday, 11/15. Visit for more information or to submit copy for the parish bulletin, online calendar, social media, and email newsletter. Images must still be sent via email to Publishing is not guaranteed, and is generally granted on a first-come, first-served basis, giving priority to official Nativity of Our Lord events and communications. Bulletin submissions can also be sent to

–Isaac Huss, Communications Manager and Bulletin Editor

Men’s Club Board Meeting - Thursday, November 8, 7pm All men of the parish are invited to attend the Men's Club's monthly meeting this Thursday in Steiner Hall. With wreath sales wrapping up and the Christmas Tree Lot's opening on the horizon, we are entering the prime time for our volunteer and fundraising activities. Stop by the meeting to have some tasty refreshments and to learn how you can lend an obliging hand. Social time will begin at 7pm, and the meeting at 7:30. Contact Michael Ross for more information at or (651) 353-9498. Donut Sunday - Sunday, November 11, 7:30am-12:30pm Join your fellow parishioners for coffee and donuts following each Mass next Sunday, November 11. Wreath Sale The Nativity School students have concluded their Christmas wreath sales efforts. If you would still like to place an order for wreaths, garland, spruce tops, and swags from the Nativity Men’s Club, you can mail your order form to the parish office, place your order in the collection basket, or place your order online at Wreaths will be delivered to homes in the neighborhood on Saturday morning, November 17. Wreath Delivery - November 17 Calling all parishioners who own a vehicle with four wheels and a motor! We need all hands on deck to deliver, in under 5 hours, the more than 5,000 wreaths and other greenery sold by Nativity students on Saturday morning, November 17. If you’d like to help, visit and click on the station wagon to complete the form. You may also contact Tim McGlinch at (651) 373-5563, Tom Stephens at (651) 428-7524, or Mike Oxley at (612)418-8831. Thank you to those who have already signed up to volunteer for route delivery. Pro Liberis!

Seven Sisters Apostolate

Help pray for our priests with the Seven Sisters Apostolate

here at Nativity of Our Lord! This new apostolate is a group

of seven women from the parish who commit to praying one

Holy Hour on a specific day of the week for their pastor. This

Holy Hour can be made anywhere and at any hour on the

committed day. While only women may be one of the

anchoring sisters, men are welcome as substitutes. If you

would like to join the Seven Sisters or be a substitute, please

contact Caitlin Heaney Stollenwerk at (651) 271-0113 or For more information about the

apostolate, visit

FORMED Pick of the Week - Sunday, November 4

Few people know nor remember a

man named Cornelius in the Bible,

though he plays an important role in

the life of our first pope, Peter, and

the history of the whole Church. In

this week’s FORMED Pick of the

Week, Dr. Tim Gray shows us how the

life of Cornelius intersects with Peter’s

and redirects the course of history in a remarkable way. This

week, visit, watch Lectio:

Peter, Episode 9: Peter Bar Jonah, and be FORMED!

Election Day Social Hour - Tuesday, November 6, 8pm

Tuesday is Election Day! Go do your civic

duty, then join fellow young adults for

some patriotic socializing at Augustine’s

on Selby Ave. Wear your “I Voted” sticker

and receive a free beverage on Urban

Catholic. Not sure who or what to vote for? See below.

Visit for more

information about Urban Catholic, a young adult movement

at Nativity of Our Lord. And/or, invite a friend and


Hours Needed

The following hours have no adorers scheduled and

represent our greatest need for new commitments:

Monday at 1pm and 4pm;

Tuesday at 11am;

Wednesday at 1pm and 3pm;

Thursday at 3pm;

Friday at 2am and 3pm; and

Saturday at 6pm.

Visit for more

information, or head directly to

nativity to sign up online. If you would like to speak to

someone about becoming a regular adorer or dedicated

substitute, please contact Jim at or

(763) 746-8244. Thank you for your prayerful


Online Resources

Tuesday is Election Day. Are you ready? As

Catholics, we are called to form our

consciences to inform our votes—instead of

simply conforming to political ideologies or

partisan politics—and together we can begin

to transform our state. The Minnesota

Catholic Conference is a Church-sponsored

organization built to help you do just that.


election/ for resources to help you prepare your heart and

mind for Election Day.

Turkey Bingo - Friday, November 9, 5:30pm

Join us for a night of fun (and pizza!) for the

whole family at Turkey Bingo this Friday

evening in the School cafeteria. To make

this event a success, we need donations of

turkeys, soda, and cash, and volunteers are

needed as well. Contact Julie Dettinger at

(651) 208-7335 or

or Nancy Hays at (651) 336-5595 or for more information.

Called and Gifted™ Workshop - Saturday, Nov. 10, 9am-5pm

Looking for fruitful ways to cultivate joy, share it, and serve

others? Then you’ll want to join us for the Called and Gifted

Workshop at Nativity of Our Lord next Saturday in Steiner


Catholics worldwide have participated

in Called and Gifted Workshops,

learning to recognize the charisms

given at Baptism equipping us to live

out our call in the world. Nativity’s

workshop is led by Patrick Conley

(pictured), an engaging leader and

facilitator trained by the Catherine of

Siena Institute in Colorado Springs—and the only Minnesota

facilitator endorsed by our Archdiocese.

This one-day seminar is $80 per person, which includes

materials, refreshments, lunch, and a follow-up individual

discernment interview. All young adults (age 35 and

younger) receive a $30 discount, and no one—of any age—

will be turned away for financial reasons! For more

information, contact Randy at (651) 696-5454 or, or visit


Community Dementia Friends - Monday, November 5, 5-6:30pm This information session at Rakhma Joy Home in St. Paul is an in-person experience run by a Dementia Friends Champion. The session has activities and discussions that cover the five key messages everyone should know about dementia. Space is limited for this session, so please RSVP to Carol Kuhlmann at or (651) 699-3583. Visit for more information. Made for More - November 30 Made for More is an event that blends formation, live music, and art to explore the Gospel and the deepest longings of our human hearts through the lens of St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body. Invite family and friends to hear international speaker Christopher West and musician Mike Mangione on Friday, November 30 at 7pm at St. Michael in Stillwater. Tickets are on sale now at

Respect Life 40 Days for Life - Ends Sunday, November 4 Thank you to all who participated in this Fall campaign and to all who continue to pray for those who are vulnerable to abortion. Here's a story from Boulder, CO from this campaign: A woman angrily called out to volunteers praying in front the abortion center in Boulder, which performs them into the third trimester. A larger-than-usual group had assembled to pray with Denver Archbishop Samuel Aquila, and some of the prayer warriors stepped aside to dialogue with the woman. “Over the next 30 minutes, participants were able to share what happens behind the clinic door—just 10 feet away," Susan said. "She accepted our concerns about a culture that allows the taking the life up to the time of birth, and we gave her a copy of Peter Kreeft's book, Three Approaches to Abortion." But that's not the end of the story. The woman returned later that day. "With tears in her eyes, she told us she changed her mind and was grateful for our time," Susan said. "She gave the group a gift: confirmation that our quiet, peaceful prayers do result in changed minds." We are looking for enthusiastic helpers for upcoming Respect Life events, so please prayerfully consider joining us. Contact Karen McCann at (612) 964-4522 or to find out more, or visit or to learn out more about the campaign. Prayer for Those with profound Disabilities Lord Jesus Christ, Hear our prayers for our brothers and sisters whose bodies fail them and those minds are crippled by the ravages of disease. May we find you in their weakness, and console you in our care for them. Amen!

— From

Pastoral Care Grief Support - Thursday, November 8, 9-10am Nativity of Our Lord has joined forces with Lumen Christi parish for our monthly Grief Support group, which will meet again this Thursday morning in the bride’s room (moved from last Thursday due to the holy day). The group, guided by trained grief facilitators, typically meets the first Thursday of each month September through June. We welcome all who have suffered a loss of someone or something of value, recognizing that grief is personal—yet it is often eased when shared with others. For more information, or to request accessibility accommodations, please contact Nancy Shatek-Suek, Pastoral Care Coordinator at Nativity, at or (651) 696-5444.

Reflections Killing the Pain, Not the Patient: Palliative Care vs. Assisted Suicide Assisted suicide is in the news and on lawmakers’ agendas. Supporters call it “aid in dying” and claim it’s just another option for end-of-life care. But it’s radically different from the practice of palliative care, the healing art of relieving pain and other distressing symptoms for patients who are seriously ill. Palliative care intends to comfort a patient, addressing physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual needs. Assisted suicide, by contrast, directly intends the patient’s death. It ignores any underlying problems, and instead abandons and eliminates the patient who has the problems. As a society and as individuals, we must dedicate ourselves to providing genuinely compassionate care that protects God’s gift of life. This is a summary of a USCCB Respect Life Program article by the same name and is reprinted with permission. © 2018, USCCB, Washington, D.C. All rights reserved. Read the full version at

Did You Know? Medical organizations like the American Medical Association

oppose assisted suicide.

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Monday, 11/5 Tuesday, 11/6 Wednesday, 11/7 Thursday, 11/8 Friday, 11/9 Saturday, 11/10 Sunday, 11/11

Mass: 8:15am, 5pm Confession: 7:45-8:10am, 4:30-4:55pm

Mass: 8:15am, 5pm Grandparents’ Rosary: 8:45am Confession: 7:45-8:10am, 4:30-4:55pm

Mass: 8:15am, 5pm Confession: 7:45-8:10am, 4:30-4:55pm

Mass: 8:15am, 5pm Confession: 7:45-8:10am, 4:30-4:55pm

Mass: 8:15am, 5pm Children’s Adoration: 9-10am Confession: 7:45-8:10am, 4:30-4:55pm

Mass: 8:15am, 5pm (vigil) Confession: 3:30-4:30pm

Mass: 7am, 8:15am, 9:30am (Steiner Hall) 11am, 5pm Confession: None

(31st week of Ordinary Time)

Boy Scouts Troop Meeting

Cafeteria 6:30pm

Election Day Voting

Steiner Hall 7am-8pm

P-T Conferences

& Book Fair School


RCIA Lannan Center

Conference Room 7-8:30pm

Urban Catholic

Social Hour Off Campus


Pastoral Council Meeting

Lannan Center Conference Room


Faith Formation School


Grief Group Bride’s Room


Bible Timeline DVD Study Group

Gather Room 9-10:45am

School Out at


P-T Conferences & Book Fair

School 1-8pm

Men’s Club

Board Meeting Steiner Hall


The Dedication of the

Lateran Basilica

No School Teacher In-Service

Turkey Bingo School Cafeteria


St. Leo the Great

Mass Study Group Lannan Center

Conference Room 9-10:30am

Called and Gifted Workshop

Steiner Hall 9am-5pm

32nd Sunday in Ordinary


Donut Sunday School

Cafeteria 7:30am-12:30pm

Book Fair School

Auditorium 7:30am-12:30pm

Parish Calendar · November 5-11, 2018

Mass Intentions & Readings 8:15am 5pm

Tues. 11/6 Forgotten Souls Mother Rose Zaleski Wed. 11/7 Marie Siglin + Erving Berg + Thurs. 11/8 Rev. Patrick Lannan + Erving Berg +

Fri. 11/9 Fr. Pat Lannan + Frank Murphy +, Mary T. Murphy, Tim and Barb Dolan

Sat. 11/10 Helene Domler + -

Mon. 11/5 Fr. Bernard Coughlin + Mrozinski Family Deceased + Readings

Phil 2:1-4; Ps 131:1-3; Lk 14:12-14 Phil 2:5-11; Ps 22:26-32; Lk 14:15-24

Phil 2:12-18; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Lk 14:25-33 Phil 3:3-8; Ps 105:2-7; Lk 15:1-10

Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; 1 Cor 3:9-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22

Phil 4:10-19; Ps 112:1-2, 5-6, 8-9; Lk 16:9-15 Sun. 11/11 - - 1 Kgs 17:10-16; Ps 146:7-10; Heb 9:24-28; Mk 12:38-44

Sacred Music Choir Anthems - November 4 - 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

1. If Ye Love Me, Thomas Tallis 2. Ecce Sacerdos, Edward Elgar

Children’s Choir - Saturday, November 10, 5pm The Nativity Children’s Choir, directed by Isabel Wilson, will be providing beautiful music for the 5pm Mass next Saturday, November 10. Please join us as these angelic voices lead us deeper into the sacred Liturgy.

Vocations National Vocations Awareness Week - November 4–10 Please pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood, diaconate, and consecrated life at each Mass this National Vocations Awareness Week. Visit for prayers and other information on how to promote vocations in your own family!