California a history part 1

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Transcript of California a history part 1

California- A History Part 1Nikki Buck

History 141

Laws of the Indies: The Spanish Colonial Era -chapter 2A desire to seek out new land started with Columbus and the

discovery of the pacific ocean Spanish believed the ocean would

lead to China and Japan (thought there they would find great treasures)

Spanish empire was under the laws of the Indies church and state were to cooperate to establish

colonies that promote the well being of colonists

Chapter 2…

The Jesuits members of a male Catholic

religious missionary order known as “Gods Marines”

military background willing to go anywhere and live

in extreme conditions also greatly know for their work in education

by founding schools

Chapter 2…Native Americans did not take kindly to the missionaries were forced from homelands and brought into mission

system treated like children and beaten many tried to run away and died of shock from the

displacement some transitioned into farmers

etc, but was not common constant state of war existed between

Native Americans and Spanish settlers

A Troubled Territory: Mexican California-chapter 3Mexican Independence 1821 achieved independence from Spain sought to be a federal republic under United States struggled because of a hostile republic and military

dictatorship tensions between residents and military officers was unsuccessful in promoting settlement in


Chapter 3…

The land grant rancho more than 600 land grants made extended across the hills of costal California

and dominated the economy of Mexican California

large extended families lived on ranchos in great wealth

cruel side consisted of harsh treatment of Native American labor

Chapter 3…Conquest of California stared with idea of Manifest Destiny

idea that America was destined to expand across the North American continent

from sea to shining sea John Charles Fremont

army commissioner who seized California

U.S. had already declared war on Mexico

Fremont became governor of California

established California flag with a star and grizzly bear

Striking it Rich: The Establishment of an American State -chapter 4Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

peace treaty that ended the Mexican-American war

Mexico ceded upper California and New Mexico

America paid $15 million for the land

also took over $3.25 million in debt Mexico owed America

treaty ensured safety of the existing property rights of Mexican citizens living in territories

Chapter 4…

The Gold Rush gold was first found by James

W. Marshall at Sutters Mill gold rush brought 200,000

people to California only 10% of them were women rough life that was not all fun

and exciting 1 out of 12 miners lost their

lives (diseases- Cholera #1) murder rates also very high

Chapter 4…

Effects on Immigrants laws and confiscatory taxes

imposed to drive out foreigners

segregation towards Peruvians, Chileans, Sonorans, Mexicans

immigrant miners were rounded up, fined, beaten, and ran out of mines

many were hung and murdered on a daily biases

men, women, and children