Caleb Laieski - Advocate for the LGBT Community

Post on 18-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Caleb Laieski - Advocate for the LGBT Community

Caleb LaieskiAdvocate for the LGBT Community

Caleb Michael Laieski is an environment and civil rights activist, as well as a champion to the LGBT rights movement. He was bullied, dropped out of high school and quickly obtained his GED. After being bullied at the age of 16, he became a national advocate for anti-bullying, LGBT rights, and suicide prevention.

National Advocate

Meeting with Barack Obama

This later resulted in Mr. Laieski meeting and being thanked for his work by president Barack obama and vice president Biden. He was included in several speeches to the nation by the united states department of health & human services, secretary Kathleen Sibelius. He was also the grand marshal for both phoenix pride and palm spring’s pride.

Appointed to serve as the point of contact for all issues affecting youth and communities of diversity

• Drafted dozens of constituent letters related to education, youth, LGBT and diversity

• Coordinated logistics for Mrs. Stanton’s anti-bullying summit and anti-bullying initiative

• Mr. Laieski lived in Arizona at the time and at the age of 16, he took his fight to Washington, D.C., where he met with over 200 staffers and members of Congress. 

Advisor on Youth and Diversity Issues

When he turned 17, he was appointed to phoenix mayor Greg Stanton's staff as his youth and diversity liaison.

At the age of 18, he then went onto become a 9-1-1 dispatcher for Arlington county, Virginia. During this time, he filed a lawsuit against the united states food and drug administration (FDA) for their lifetime ban on gays from donating blood.

Lawsuit Against Food and Drug

• Recently, Laieski joined the effort to challenge tennessee’s recently passed law that allows counselors and therapists religious beliefs to be an excuse for terminating care or referring clients because of moral objections to how the client identifies. In summary, this allows mental health professionals to put their own beliefs above and before the needs of their clients.

• Laieski continues to be a major advocate for public safety, the environment, and LGBT Rights

Major Advocate for Public Safety

Caleb Laieski