Caldera Greens - Whole Wellness get 90%...

Post on 09-Aug-2020

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Transcript of Caldera Greens - Whole Wellness get 90%...

Caldera Greens Whole Wellness Club ( WWC ) is the world’s leading provider of the highest quality whole food supplements. The new product known as Caldera Greens has just been evaluated for an ORAC score. According to Wikipedia, ORAC is Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. Nutritional research has proven that antioxidants provide an incredible health benefit to the human body. An independent lab has reported to WWC that the ORAC score is 389 per gram. The suggested serving size is 8 grams which is one Tablespoon per day. People notice the energy they get from using this organic whole food supplement. Our Caldera Greens come from organically grown plants. You can purchase the Greens by registering as a Whole Wellness Club member for free. There is no membership fee to join. Caldera Greens is a powerful organic greens product that has an incredible story. Do you know anyone that needs more energy? Do you know anyone that needs to get better nutrition? Caldera Greens gives you abundant energy and helps your body fight cancer. You can also lose weight on this product as your body is getting dense nutrients and you will feel satisfied and not hungry. Many people use Caldera Greens in a fruit smoothie with tropical fruits. You can do a juice fast with a fruit smoothie and Caldera Greens. There are testimonials coming in about the Caldera Greens everyday! Testimonials come in daily about how the product has impacted people. There are recorded calls from people all across North America sharing how the product has helped them with energy, stamina and many other benefits. The product is full of fulvic acid and essential enzymes, minerals and vitamins. The supplier has been in business for over 30 years and the way he juices the powders ensures you get living mineral rich whole food powders. Here is a list of the main ingredients of Caldera Greens Plain Powders: • 25 percent Alfalfa grass juice powder • 25 percent Barley grass juice powder • 25 percent Wheat grass juice powder • 10 percent Oat grass juice powder • 15 percent Proprietary blend of Spirulina and Sea Vegetation

The owner is a product purist and researches to find the best product formulation possible taking time to ensure that members will have the highest quality possible.

Caldera Greens

VELOCITEA Gentle Detox Tea

About VelociTea VelociTea is a unique herbal blend of the safe, all-natural ingredients (Persimmon leaves, Malva leaves, Milk Thistle, Marshmallow leaves, and Blessed Thistle) designed to gently cleanse the digestive tract and detoxify the body. This herbal tonic is so effective with immediate results making it the perfect fit for opening the door to the other products marketed through the Whole Wellness Club’s unique home-based business system. You may think that people won’t want to talk about their colon and the impacted fecal matter stuck inside... but they do!

Often used with great success by persons who suffered with: acid Reflux Disease (GERD) or Heartburn Indigestion / Stomach Ache Irregularity / Constipation / Hard Stools / Hemorrhoids Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) / Crohn’s Disease Abdominal Pain / Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBDs) Spastic Colon / Colitis / Ileitis Excess Gas / Flatulence Bad Breath / Bad Body Odor Belching / Bloating Enlarged Abdomen / Protruding Belly Excess Stored Fat / Excess Weight / Obesity Skin Conditions / Itchy, flakey skin or scalp Inflamed Skin / Dermatitis / Eczema / Psoriasis Allergies and Hay Fever / Food Allergies Fibromyalgia / Sciatica Joint Pain / Arthritis / Migraine Headaches Insomnia / Restless sleep Low Energy / Loss of Mental Clarity and Concentration / “Brain Fog” / Forgetfulness

The Importance of Cleansing Within Most people who are aware of the need for “colon cleansing” do not realize that this layer of toxic waste called mucoid plaque can build up throughout their digestive tract from stomach to rectum. Getting a colonic, colon hydrotherapy, colon irrigation, or high enema treatment using water under pressure only helps clean out the last 5 or 6 feet, yet does nothing for the 22 feet of the small intestine.

Based on a tried and tested 30 year old proven formula, the list of reported health benefits from VelociTea are endless!

Benefits [include but not limited to]: • Clearer, healthier, and younger-looking skin • Increased energy • Increased mental clarity and focus • A better memory • More resistance to diseases • Better overall health • More comfort with the body • A happier outlook on life


The Perfect Grape

The Perfect Grape is a powerful whole food supplement, made from the Seed, Skin and Pulp of Muscadine Grapes. With its high levels of Resveratrol and other antioxidants, The Perfect Grape has been shown to help promote superior health by fighting against the effects of Free Radicals. The Muscadine Grape is an excellent source of dietary fiber, low in fat and sodium, and is an excellent source of potassium and other essential minerals. Muscadines get 90% of their nutritional value from the skin and seeds. Their thick skins give them a natural resistance to disease, bacteria, mold and insects. Antioxidants are vital to us because they rid the body of free radicals that damage our cells. Free radicals can be caused by tobacco smoke, pollutants, solvents, pesticides, and exposure to radiation. The science and medical communities are very interested in free radicals because there is strong evidence relating them to aging and disease processes. These include cancer, atherosclerosis, a weakened immune system, brain dysfunction, cataracts, birth defects, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.

The Perfect Grape is…

• Packed with Antioxidants • Improves Memory • Helps Prevent Disease • High in Fiber • Improves Heart Health • Reduces Inflammation

Free Radicals The U.S. National Institute of Health has determined that one of the primary causes of deteriorating health as we age is the relentless attack from free-radicals. It has then estimated that each cell in our body is attacked by free-radicals 10,000 times a day. Your body makes special enzymes to seek out and neutralize free-radicals. Unfortunately, the older you get the fewer of these enzymes your body produces. Another way to battle free-radicals is to eat plants high in antioxidants. Antioxidants are used by the body to neutralize free-radicals and thus reduce the amount of damage our body suffers as we age.

Perfect Grape

Cinnamon 6

Seven Miracle Elements 1. Cinnamon - The use of cinnamon dates back as long ago as 4,000 years. It has a broad range of historical uses in different cultures, including the treatment of diarrhea, rheumatism, as an antibacterial, digestive aid relieving gas and bloating as well as certain menstrual disorders. But the most significant use is for regulating glucose. As you know, sugars and starches in food are broken down into glucose, which then circulates in the blood. 2. Bitter Melon - Its use dates back over 5,000 years in China. In the Amazon it is being used for expelling worms, intestinal gas, stimulating and promoting menstruation, as an antiviral for measles and hepatitis, but it is especially used for diabetes or “sweet urine.” In Brazilian and Mexican herbal medicine, bitter melon is used for tumors, wounds, malaria, vaginal discharge, inflammation, menstrual problems, colic, fevers and worms, but again, it is specifically used for diabetes. 3. Gymnema Sylvestre - The leaves are used in herbal medicine preparations. The plant, when chewed, actually blocks the sugar receptor sites, which explains the Hindi name gurmar or “sugar destroyer.” Gymnema has been used in India for the treatment of diabetes for over 2,000 years. The leaves were also used for stomach ailments, constipation, water retention and liver disease. 4. Nopal Cactus - has been used in Mexico to treat diabetes, stomach problems, fatigue, shortness of breath, easy bruising, prostate enlargement and liver disease for over 1,000 years. It has been thoroughly documented for over 500 years. Legend has it, the Aztecs consumed the “prickly pear” to control or actually cure “sweet urine” (diabetes) disease in adults. 5. American Ginseng - Ginseng is useful in the treatment of diabetes, fatigue, for alleviating stress and during convalescence. It increases stamina and well-being, therefore athletes take ginseng to increase both endurance and strength. It helps to focus your thoughts, enhance memory, learning and behavior in patients with Alzheimer’s and other dementias. It is anti-viral and antibacterial. 6. Fenugreek is used as a spice and medicinal herb throughout the world. Traditional Chinese herbalists use it for a multitude of conditions including kidney problems, male reproductive infections, constipation, atherosclerosis, high triglycerides and high cholesterol. However, the number one reason fenugreek is used universally, is for diabetes and sugar-intolerance problems. 7. Chromium Polynicotinate - In the 1950s it was found that chromium was necessary for the maintenance of normal glucose tolerance. It used to be found in many foods - whole grains, cereals, spices, mushrooms, raw sugar and meat.

Cinnamon 6

Coral Complex 3

What are coral minerals? A small sea animal creates coral by ingesting the ionic ocean minerals and secreting them into a coral formation. The natural balance of 72 minerals is important because each mineral requires other minerals to do it’s job and in turn, those minerals require different supporting minerals. All minerals must be present for any one mineral to work properly. Calcium is the most plentiful of minerals in Coral Complex 3.

The organic nature (previously digested by an animal) of the coral minerals is also important. Its very difficult to assimilate minerals, especially inorganic minerals. Organic coral minerals are highly assimilable.

What makes the coral minerals so assimilable is their propensity to become ionic upon contact with moisture. This natural ability to go ionic, combined with the full spectrum, organic formation, makes coral one of the most beneficial form of minerals.

Why you need coral minerals Some doctors say that 157 diseases are caused by mineral deficiency. Minerals make up the basic foundation of health. Our soils have become depleted of minerals, thus, our foods and our bodies have become mineral deficient. Coral naturally contains every mineral found in the body and unlike most mineral supplements, coral minerals are easily absorbed and really work.

How do coral minerals work? Minerals are the basic foundation for health. From our bones to the multitude of enzymatic activities within and without our cells, minerals are the key that opens the door to optimum health. This is accomplished by supplying the body with missing minerals that have crucial roles to play and by bringing overall mineral levels up, thereby raising the pH of body fluids and tissues back to their natural healthy levels. A high pH (alkaline) is important because most disease thrives in a low pH (acidic) environment.

Where do coral minerals come from? All coral supplied to the Whole Wellness Club LLC is harvested from above the sea on islands in the Caribbean Sea. Thousands of years ago this coral was a thriving coral reef. Geologically, this coral was pushed up above sea level, free from the ocean pollution of the industrial era.

Coral Complex 3

PEAK Enzymes

If you are eating cooked, processed, commercial foods today, you can be assured that your bank account of enzymes was robbed today. To prevent this, it is necessary that you supplement with PEAK Enzymes “With” (taken “with” food), our digestive enzymes. In addition, due to our cooked food diet, our pancreas has to produce too many digestive enzymes and does not have the resources to produce adequate systemic enzymes. Systemic enzymes, sometimes called metabolic or proteolytic enzymes, are produced by the pancreas to repair the body ... to build and restore tissues. In fact, they are a necessary component of all other functions in the body besides digestion, and your body is unable to produce enough of them because we eat cooked foods. If you supplement with PEAK Enzymes “With”, you body will produce a much higher percentage of systemic enzymes as compared to digestive enzymes than it did without supplementation. In addition, the considerable resources of your immune system will be freed up to keep you safe from real threats. The most powerful enzymes in the body are systemic. The Whole Wellness Club has supplied its members with PEAK Enzymes “Without” (taken “without” food). These are far and away the most powerful and effective systemic enzymes on the market today! SERRAPEPTASE: Among the ingredients in our formulation of systemic enzymes, you will find 80,000 U of Serrapeptase. This is nothing short of a miracle enzyme. It is produced by the serratia bacteria that lives on the silk worm. This enzyme is what enables the silk worm to get out of its cocoon. It literally digests the non-living tissues of the cocoon. In our blood stream, serrapeptase will digest everything that does not belong there from uric acid crystals to the placque that clogs our arteries. During the Vietnam war, autopsies that were done on young men who died showed shocking evidence that the process of atherosclerosis, both hardening and clogging the arteries, had already begun.

PEAK Enzymes


An all natural, high quality Immune System Support Supplement, combining the amazing health properties of the Camu Camu fruit Garlic.


Camu Camu is a tropical fruit that is similar to a cherry. It grows deep in the Amazon rainforests. It is a powerhouse of nutrients, including 30-50 times the vitamin C (than any other botanical source in the world), 10 times the iron, three times the niacin, twice the riboflavin and 50 percent more phosphorus than oranges and other citrus fruits. It also has beta-carotene, potassium, calcium, bioflavonoids, antioxidants and amino acids and B vitamins. The vitamin C in camu camu is more bio-available (absorbable by the body) due to it being plant based as opposed to synthetic vitamin C tablets.

Allicin (the active ingredient in Garlic)

Modern research shows that allicin is the nutrient of garlic that gives it such health benefits, especially for your heart! Allicin encourages healthy lipid metabolism by acting on fatty acids and increasing fibrinolytic activity. With its power to maximize healthy circulation and blood flow, allicin also acts as a natural antioxidant, for blood vessel membranes, helping protect them from free radicals and remain flexible for good arterial health.

Camu-cin has been proven to help: • Lower blood pressure • Promote cardiovascular health • Fight free radicals • Maintain healthy cholesterol levels • Promote healthy platelet levels and balanced lipid levels • Reduce atherosclerosis • Kill bacteria • Fight cold and flu viruses • Promote brain health • Reduce Inflammation


Comfrey Salve Comfrey is from a Latin word meaning “to grow together” and has traditionally been used as a herbal remedy to knit bones and heal wounds. Comfrey Salve when applied topically to the skin is a valuable healing tool. Comfrey is a treasured herb that has been found to work in the following ways: • Contact Healer (relieves pain & starts healing on contact) • Cell Proliferant (accelerates the healing process) • Reduces Inflammation • Increases Circulation • Acts as an Anti-fungal and Anti-bacterial compound • High in Calcium, Vitamin C, Carotene, B12 and chlorophyll Comfrey has been found to cause cells to divide at an increased rate, thus healing bones and wounds more quickly. Comfrey salve can be applied to the skin for wounds, skin ulcers, joint inflammation, bruises, arthritis, swollen veins, gout, fractures and much more. Our manufacturer has over 20 years formulating comfrey products and has created a very powerful Patent pending Proprietary formula.

Montana Herbal Comfrey Salve is the best on the market! USES: Comfrey Salve can be used topically to treat the following conditions: wounds, sores, acne, athlete’s foot, bunions, bedsores, blisters, boils, skin ulcers, insect bites/stings, rashes, psoriasis, seborrhea, ringworm, sunburn, arthritis, fractures, sprains, inflammation, muscle injuries, varicose veins, blood circulation and much more. PROPERTIES: Comfrey has natural anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties. It provides pain relief, softens skin and stimulates cell and tissue regeneration, helping to speed the healing process. It also helps to stimulate blood circulation and reduce swelling. In the case of wounds and skin ulcers, it can pull infection from the underlying tissue.

Comfrey Salve

Molecule ‘X’® Advanced Naturopathic Medicine All Natural Health Elixir’s Formulated by Dr. James Chappell Evidence Based & Clinically Proven Dietary Supplement A Plant Based Micelle Nano Particle Molecule Infused with Specific Zeta Enhanced Aqueous Solutions to Effectuate Human Life Forms for the Purpose of Achieving Optimum Health and Longevity. Taking specific pH rated, ionically charged, mineralized, distilled water and adding Molecule ‘X’ proportionate to the degree of total dissolved solids (TDS), along with non-toxic natural flavors, I have created the first intelligent, imprinted, bio-available water concentrate elixir. - © 2015 by Dr. James Chappell

Optimum Health & Longevity Formula (MX500)

This formula was created specifically to address, help support and normalize general systems of the body to increase optimum health and longevity. Flavored from organic, dried cinnamon extract. (list of ingredients on page 5)

Liver & Pancreas Formula (MX600)

This formula was created specifically to help open and cleanse the liver. Flush and clear the gall bladder and help stimulate slow and sluggish livers. It is restorative , cleansing and fast acting. This formula contains all the ingredients in the Original (MX500) plus the following organic herbal additions: Milk thistle, dandelion root, Oregon grape root, artichoke leaf, ginger, beet leaf and fennel seed.

Anti-Parasitic Formula (MX700)

This formula was created specifically to help eliminate all types of parasites. Helps restore energy and fight fatigue. Helps with depression caused by parasitic infections. Helps relieve gas, bloating, cramping and itching. This formula contains all the ingredients in the Original (MX500) plus the following organic herbal additions: Woodworm seeds, black walnut bark, garlic, sage, cloves, cayenne, mullein flower, gentian flower and cramp bark.

Molecule ‘X’

Cellular Infusion

Cellular Infusion

Humic/Fulvic Acids with Zeolite Tincture Infused with Molecule ‘X’®

Advanced Naturopathic Medicine Evidence Based & Clinically Proven Dietary Supplement Provides a humus, plant-based, nano sized, micelle particle molecules, infused with zeta enhanced alkaline water, blended with zeolite to effectuate cellular reception, transmission and absorption of Phase I subtle energies and nutrients. - © 2015 by Dr. James Chappell

Supplement Facts: Serving Size : Adults One Dropper Full (1ml) Servings per bottle: 60 (30 day supply)

Dose: Adults take one eyedropper mixed in 8 ounces of distilled water or juice, 2 times per day.

Shake Bottle Before Using. Do not use with Tap water, use only with high quality filtered water, that is free of chlorine and other contaminates. Keep out of reach of children.

Cellular Infusion (CI850)

Cellular Infusion the ONLY Humic/Fulvic Acids & Zeolite Tincture infused with Molecule 'X' in the World! Humic/fulvic acids and zeolite are derived from humus or decomposed organic plant material. They contain vitamins, trace and major minerals, amino acids, beneficial microbes and more. They are a powerful electrolyte maintaining cellular, electrical, zeta potential. They also are superb free radical scavengers and antioxidants along with natural chelators and detoxifying agents. Best of all they help to increase other nutrient's bio-availability. Cellular Infusion is equal to 500 mgs of humic & fulvic acids and 500 mgs of zeolite per dose. One bottle will last over one month.

Tiagacin FP

Tiagacin FP®

Advanced Naturopathic Medicine Evidence Based & Clinically Proven Dietary Supplement •Mushroom Derived Immune Modulator •Supports Macrophage Activating Factor Production •Concentrated Polysaccharide Beta 1-3-D glucan •Formulated by Dr. James Chappell

Supplement Facts: Serving Size : Adults One Dropper Full (1ml) Servings per bottle: 80 (5 week supply) Dose: Adults take one eyedropper, three times per day for 5 days, then stop for 2 days and repeat. Shake Bottle Before Using. Keep out of reach of children.

Tiagacin FP(TFP900) Provides polysaccharide beta 1-3-D glucans from wild harvested Tiaga mushrooms. This product is an antioxidant, antitumoral, antimutagen, oxygen catalyst detoxifier. It stimulates macrophage activating factor thus enhancing the immune system.

Ingredients: Kosher certified vegetable glycerin, wild harvested Formitopsi Penicola (Tiaga) mushrooms, sixty-six ionic trace minerals, thirteen selected amino acids, and DMSO.

This is a labor intensive nutracutical formulated by Dr. James Chappell to modulate the immune system by enhancing macrophage activity.