Calcium 101 The Fundamentals of Calcium

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Calcium 101 The Fundamentals of Calcium

From the makers of Instant CalMag-C

A Mini Course and Guide to The Basics About Calciumand How to Use Instant CalMag-C to Help Create Health

Calcium 101: The Basics

Factors that activate calcium for optimum useMagnesium, calcium’s

mineral counterpartThe parathyroid glandThe proper form of calciumThe exact ratio of calcium to

other minerals How Instant CalMag-C Is

formulated parallel to these basic processes

The purposes of calcium as used by the human body for function of various systems regulation of body

processesprevention of disease

The vital importance of calcium as a mineralCalcium is so important it

has its own regulating gland It is the basic component of

nearly every basic function

On this mini course you will find out:

Though you may have heard that calcium is of the utmost importance, it may have escaped your attention that your body has a gland just to regulate calcium in the blood and control vital bodily functions. Called the “parathyroid” (meaning “beside the thyroid”), this gland governs the use of what calcium supply your body has, to ensure function of nervous, muscular and skeletal systems to name but a few.

The Parathyroid Gland: Calcium’s Regulator

The 3 Main Body Systems Calcium Serves

3 Main Functions of Calcium

The Nervous system could be called the electrical communication system of the body. Thousand of electrical impulses are required to send messages between organs to make them function.Calcium provides the means for electrical impulses to travel along nerves. This is conduction of electricity in fact and behaves just as electricity does outside the body.

The Nervous System

The muscular system of the body supports structure and enables motion by alternately contracting and relaxing certain muscle groups in set patterns.Calcium use is two-fold in this system. Primarily, muscles require proper nerve conduction to operate. The nerves must carry messages from the brain to the muscles to tell them what to do.No less important is use in the contraction/relaxation process.

The Muscular System

Perhaps the body’s most important system for obvious reasons, the Skeletal System supports the structure of the entire body. Made of bones, these basic structural units require calcium for strength.While it is widely known that calcium “helps build strong bones and teeth”, bones additionally serve as a sort of “vault” to store surplus. Excess calcium can be stored in the bones much like a bank vault, and can be withdrawn later for use in times of need.

The Skeletal System

Fighting and Prevention of Various Diseases

Assisting Other Minerals In Their Various Functions

Sleep Mood

Blood Vessel Expansion/Contraction

Glandular Secretion of Hormones/Enzymes

Biochemical Reactions Tolerance of Stress

Additional Functions Dependent Upon Calcium

To Be Active in Body Processes, Calcium Has Several Other Requirements to Work in Tandem to Activate It

Calcium Alone Is Not Enough

Major body functions require calcium and magnesium in tandem

Calcium produces contraction of muscles and nerve channels Magnesium produces relaxation of muscles and nerves Nerve impulses depend upon the contraction-relaxation

process Calcium and magnesium must be in precise 2:1 ratio Combination requires an acid to activate their reaction

Necessary Reaction: Calcium and Magnesium

Magnesium is also required for hundreds of biochemical reactions within the body. Such reactions account for things such as:

Heart Rhythm Immune System OptimizationRegulation of Blood SugarGovernment of Blood Pressure

Magnesium’s Many Roles

Unfortunately calcium, to say nothing of magnesium, has been relegated from an essential mineral to “something you become deficient in with age” or a “supplement” that prevents osteoporosis or kidney stones. Evidenced by the existence of the parathyroid, calcium supersedes such repute.Calcium is one of the basic building blocks of the body and, though it may need supplement when deficient, calling it a supplement is like calling fresh air a luxury.

The Decline of Calcium’s Reputation

There is one more technicality, however, for calcium to be of use: it must be the correct form of calcium. Calcium gluconate, the actual form needed, can often be confused with other forms of calcium. Most often, calcium carbonate is used in supplemental minerals, a form which is not useable by the body. Therefore persons taking calcium carbonate who believe they are “taking enough calcium” can actually end up in deficiency, or worse, with calcium deposits in joints, kidneys, etc. In point of fact, using one or the other form of calcium can account for, in a child for instance, the difference between susceptibility and resistance to fever-producing diseases, colds and even polio. No amount of calcium carbonate will stave off any of these maladies. Calcium gluconate, however, may be of service.

Chemistry: The Correct Form of Calcium Is Vital!

Symptoms of calcium deficiency abound. Choosing the wrong form (calcium carbonate over calcium gluconate) will still produce deficiency and symptoms include:

Numbness and tingling in the fingersDepression, stress, insomniaTension, hyperactivity, inability to “switch off” Muscle cramps, convulsionsLethargy, poor appetite Abnormal heart rhythm

Price to Pay For the Wrong Form of Calcium

As magnesium is needed to balance calcium, its deficiency likewise can cause symptoms such as:

Loss of appetite, nausea or vomitingFatigue, weakness, numbness or tinglingMuscle contractions and crampsMany others

Magnesium Deficiency

Knowing About the Importance of Calcium and Its Role In Body Function Opens the Door to Health

Formula for Health

Obviously, it is more than just a gland or single mineral that builds health and prevents disease or deficiency.A properly working parathyroid, coupled with a proper supply of calcium gluconate, in a precise, 2:1 ratio to its “partner mineral” magnesium, all balanced by an acid, is the formula for proper function. All elements present can make for the optimum body and condition.

Calcium In Balance and Overall Health

Today’s presentation brought to you bySunshine Vitamin Productsan exclusive distributor of

Instant CalMag-CInstant CalMag-C mineral supplement is scientifically formulated with a precise 2:1 ratio of calcium to magnesium, plus vitamin C to fulfill the necessity of a pH-balancing acid. It is designed according to the pattern of the parathyroid action in regulating calcium levels. Its instant-absorbing formula has accounted for some feeling effects within minutes and it is both useful and palatable for the entire family.Try Instant CalMag-C, a fast-absorbing easy-to-mix drink to help avoid or alleviate any conditions caused by low or imbalanced calcium/magnesium levels.