Calamansi Juice Cleanse Guide

Post on 03-Apr-2016

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We've put together a simple CALAMANSI Juice Cleanse Guide to take you through your recommended PRE-CLEANSE, CLEANSE and POST-CLEANSE routine.

Transcript of Calamansi Juice Cleanse Guide


If you're reading this, that means you've already decided to take the first step to a healthier state of being and we think that in itself is something to be proud of! The CALAMANSI Juice Cleanse is designed to help rid your body of built up toxins and promote natural healing.

Juicing up with our carefully crafted programme of cold pressed juices will flood your system with vitamins, minerals and also phytonutrients. We've also made sure that the juice blends contain enough energy to power you through the day, even without solid food.

However, should you at any time feel unwell, please take this as your body letting you know that it's not comfortable. Stop, and have something to eat. Never ignore what your body is trying to tell you - be good to it, and it will be good to you.

Now, let's get on with the show!


We recommend eating lighter and healthier for a few days leading up to your CALAMANSI Juice Cleanse to prepare your body for its detox! Drink lots of water and get set for some juicing!



Drinking Coffee, Tea and all caffeinated drinks

Artif icially sweetened or carbonated beverages

Drinking alcohol or going on a party binge. Alcohol causes dehydration and lethargy, not something you want to be feeling when abstaining from food

Smoking Cigarettes. They are full of toxins and will void all the good work the juices are doing for your body. Remember the Juice Cleanse program is a detox, and a time for your body to press pause on its bad habits

Eating junky, salty or processed foods

Eat clean. If you’re dreading not being able to eat any sugary, oily foods during your juice cleanse, it's best to wean yourself off a few days before. Instead, drink soup and eat fresh veggies, tofu, fruits, & proteins

Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and begin flushing toxins

Try to relax. Do some yoga, take a bubble bath or spend some quiet t ime reading

Buy some herbal tea if you need a warm drink to wake you up in the morning. Our cleanse programmes include 2 hot teas a day, but it doesn't hurt to have more just in case!



We suggest drinking the juices in the order they are listed at 2-hour intervals, with the last one 2 hours before bedtime. Drink as much water as you wish and keep well hydrated throughout the day.

“CHEW YOUR JUICE”. Each bottle contains approximately 500ml. of fruit and vegetables. Sip the juice slowly, allowing it to remain in your mouth for a moment before swallowing. Digestion begins in the mouth!

Do your best to avoid sweetened and caffeinated beverages to get the best out of your CALAMANSI Juice Cleanse. As mentioned, a cup of hot herbal tea is a good substitute if your body craves some warmth.

The idea here is to refrain from eating. However, if you experience discomfort or stomach pains and must have something, choose raw fruit and vegetables.

Remember that your body is going through a detox. Only take gentle exercise such as yoga, stretching or walking. This could also be a good time to indulge in a hobby or catch up on that book you've been putting off reading.

Don't forget to also think happy thoughts! Remaining positive and staying focused is half the battle won, so keep your eye on the prize and don't forget to smile. You're radiating happiness and health from within, what's not to be happy about?

See how others are doing with their cleanse journey & share photos from

YOUR own experience by using the #calamansijuicecleanse hashtag

on Instagram!


It is our recommendation that you drink the juices in the order we have listed them. However if you feel like getting creative and changing the order around, you’re more than welcome to mix things up!

Just be sure to drink your juices at 2 hour intervals, and drink the last one 2 hours before bed time.

The 2 bags of non-caffeinated tea can be consumed at any point of time during the day, when you feel like having something warm.

Sunrise Salvation

Emerald Nectar

Liquid Gold

Lush Greenery

Crimson Fire

Tranquil Green

1 Day Cleanse

Sunrise Salvation

Emerald Nectar

Liquid Gold

Lush Greenery

Crimson Fire

Tranquil Green

2 Day Cleanse

DAY 1:


Emerald Nectar

Burgundy Indulgence

Tranquil Green

Scarlet Beauty

Lush Greenery

DAY 2:

Sunrise Salvation

Emerald Nectar

Almond Milk

Lush Greenery

Crimson Fire

Tranquil Green

DAY 3:


Emerald Nectar

Cashew Milk

Tranquil Green

Scarlet Beauty

Lush Greenery

DAY 4:

Sunrise Salvation

Emerald Nectar

Liquid Gold

Lush Greenery

Crimson Fire

Tranquil Green

4 Day Cleanse

DAY 1:


Emerald Nectar

Burgundy Indulgence

Tranquil Green

Scarlet Beauty

Lush Greenery

DAY 2:


You did it! Your CALAMANSI Juice Cleanse is now complete. The days following your cleanse are an important time as both your mind and body will be transitioning from the cleanse back into everyday life.

Try and keep up the good work and continue eating light and healthy food, especially for the first 2 days. Fruit, salads, juices, soups, rice and cooked vegetables can all be in the mix. Just avoid processed food and foods that are high in sugar wherever possible.

Drink plenty of water

Breaking your cleanse is similar to preparing for the cleanse. Ease your body back into eating

Eat a lot of fresh fruits & vegetables



Take the CALAMANSI Juice Cleanse once a month, or as often as every week! The most important thing to do is to listen to your body and treat it with love.

Remember - It’s the only one we’ve got!

THANK YOU!We hope you enjoyed your CALAMANSI Juice Cleanse down to the very last drop! Whatever your reasons might have been for embarking on this cleanse, hopefully balance has now been restored to your body.

Any feedback you might have for us would be greatly appreciated as we're constantly striving to improve our services and make our clients (that means you!) happy. Do drop us a note at and share your journey with us.

Do also follow us on our social media accounts and stay up to date with all the latest CALAMANSI offerings and promotions: @CalamansiSG

The truth is in the juice! Team Calamansi