Caedmon pwp

Post on 08-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Caedmon pwp

Why are stars different colours?

by master caedmon

Opening Statement

• When you look at the stars they may appear to be all white, but if you look at them from dark skies, you will see they are a variety of colors: red, yellow, white, and blue.

• A star is a huge ball of gas and dust. A star is so hot that it glows. Our sun is a star.


Why are stars hot?• Stars are made when gases and dust in

space get squeezed together by gravity. This ball of gas gets hotter and hotter.

• Each star gets so hot that it gives off light and heat.

• Stars are not the same temperature. The hottest stars are blue stars. The next hottest are blue white stars, then white stars, then yellow-white stars, orange stars and finally the least hottest are red stars.


• Stars are different colours because they are all different temperatures. The hottest stars will glow with a blue light. The least hottest stars glow with a red light.

thank you for watching caedmons


thank you for watching caedmons
