Cabeq 2010-01 verzija 3 · 2018. 6. 19. · color ASTM D1500 L0.5 kinematic viscosity at 40 °C...

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Transcript of Cabeq 2010-01 verzija 3 · 2018. 6. 19. · color ASTM D1500 L0.5 kinematic viscosity at 40 °C...

Destabilization and Recuperability of Oil Used in the Formulationof Concentrated Emulsions and Cutting Fluids

A. P. Guimarães, D. A. S. Maia, R. S. Araújo,C. L. Cavalcante Jr, and H. B. de Sant’Ana*

Laboratório de Combustíveis e Lubrificantes,Departamento de Engenharia Química, Universidade Federal do Ceará,Campus do Pici, Bloco 709, CEP: 60455-760, Fortaleza � CE, Brasil

Lubricants known as cutting fluids are used in the metal-mechanic industry with thefunction of cooling and lubricating the cutting zone. These lubricants normally have awater phase, an oil phase, emulsifying agents and additives. Once the operational capac-ity of these fluids has ceased, either due to biological deterioration or to overabundanceof contaminants, the emulsions being used must be treated in order to adequate theireffluents for discharge. This study aims to evaluate the destabilization process andrecuperability of the oil used in the formulation of concentrated emulsions and cuttingfluids. For this purpose, the following destabilizing factors were tested: temperature,centrifugation speed, and concentration of inorganic salts. The optimization of the pro-cess with concentrated emulsion allowed for the following most adequate condition ofdemulsification: temperature of � � 70 °C, centrifugation of 2000 rpm, and salt concen-tration of � � 2000 g L�1. As for the cutting fluids, the conditions were less severe, withsalt concentration around � � 50 g L�1, and temperature of � � 50 °C. FTIR techniquewas used to determine the concentration of emulsifying agents used in the preparation ofconcentrated emulsions. This procedure was not carried out for the cutting fluid due to thediversity of substances present in its composition derived from the additives that eithermake it difficult or prevent the identification of the peaks shown in the FTIR spectra.

Key words:

O/W emulsion, cutting fluids, demulsification, recuperability, turbidity


Cutting fluids, also known as cutting oils (ormetalworking fluids), are a class of lubricants usedin metal cutting operations, such as: turning, drill-ing, tapping, reaming, milling, sawing.1 Besides theprimary functions of cooling and lubricating theparts-tools system, cutting fluids are important toimprove the finish of the milled surface, reduce theefforts in cutting, and remove the scrap throughwashing. Being of an emulsive type, these fluidsare composed of an oil phase, a water phase, anemulsifying agent and additives.2 Anticorrosive, an-tioxidant and bactericide additives are used moreoften.

The final discharge of cutting fluids raisesgreat environmental concerns,3,4 mainly because in-adequate discharge may cause serious problems dueto the richness of oxygenate products and poly-aromatics formed during heating to which the fluidsare submitted while being used. The most environ-mentally adequate solution consists of the recoveryof the basic oil that was used.5 For this purpose, the

cutting fluid (emulsion) needs to be treated for re-cycling its components through a process calleddemulsification.6,7

The classic demulsification operations causedestruction of the emulsifying film and the coales-cence of the oil drops. Chemical and physical meth-ods can be found in the literature and may be usedeither individually or in combination.8,9,10 Thechemical methods involve the addition of demulsi-fiers (salts and acids) that affect the interfacialproperties of the adsorbed surface and increase thecoalescence rate of the dispersed drops.11 The phys-ical methods, on the other hand, use temperature orelectric field and act to increase the frequency ofcontact between the dispersed drops, and then causethe separation of the phases.12

In this context, the main objective of this studywas to evaluate viable ways of demulsification ofconcentrated emulsions and of cutting fluids aimingat a later recovery of the oil used.

Turbidimetric technique has very often beenused to follow up the destabilization of emulsions,mainly because the turbidity of a solution can be re-lated to the concentration of particles dispersed init. Following the destabilization of the emulsion,

A. P. GUIMARÃES et al., Destabilization and Recuperability of Oil Used in the …, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q. 24 (1) 43–49 (2010) 43

*Corresponding author. E-mail address: �55 85 3366-9611

Original scientific paperReceived: August 9, 2008

Accepted: September 15, 2009

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the number of oil drops tends to decrease. Conse-quently, the value of turbidity will also decreasewith time.13 Deluhery and Rajagopalan14 have re-cently published a study about the applicability of aturbidimetric method, using a spectrophotometer, toevaluate the stability of a metalworking fluid emul-sion. In that study, the reading of turbidity in thesamples was carried out after the addition of cal-cium chloride solution (29 to 200 · 10�6), in wave-length ranging between � � 400 and 500 nm for aperiod of t � 10 min. Based on the variation of theexponent of the wavelength with time, the resultsshowed that below � � 72.5 mg L�1 of calciumchloride the emulsion is stable. In the same context,Coca et al.15 proposed the study of destabilization ofthree types of cutting fluids using as demulsifyingagent calcium chloride and aluminum chloride saltsin concentrations between � � 5�40 g L�1, andtemperatures of � � 40, 50 and 60 °C. The varia-tion of turbidity with time indicates that there is nodifference in the behavior observed with CaCl2 andAlCl3. Measurement of turbidity has also been usedto evaluate the stability of the W/O type of emul-sions (water in oil) through a method known as theturbidity ratio method, based on the turbidity ratio(R) in two wavelengths (� � 850 and 450 nm) fort � 50 min. The inclination of the R curve withtime is used as an indication of emulsion stability.16


Materials and equipments

Naphthenic mineral oil, kindly supplied byLubrificantes e Derivados de Petróleo do Nordeste(LUBNOR/PETROBRAS), was used as the oilphase for the preparation of concentrated emulsionsand cutting fluids. The main properties of the sam-ple we used are listed in Table 1. The non-ionic sur-factants sorbitan monolaurate (Span 20), sorbitanmonooleate (Span 80), polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitanmonolaurate (Tween 20), and polyoxyethylene (20)sorbitan monooleate (Tween 80) from SigmaAldrich were used to prepare the blends studied. Allmaterials were used as received. The combinationsof surfactants in each of the selected emulsionswere as follows: A. Tween 20/Span 20 (T20/S20,HLB � 12 blend) emulsifying blend; B. Tween 40/Span 80 (T40/S80, HLB � 10 blend) emulsifyingblend. The concentrated emulsions, as previouslyformulated by De Lima,17 were composed ofw � 56.3 % water, w � 38.6 % oil, and w � 5.1 %emulsifying blend. The emulsions were prepared byincorporating the emulsifying agent into the oilphase, followed by the addition of the resultingmixture to the water phase in the following prepara-tion conditions: temperature of � � 70 °C, mixing

44 A. P. GUIMARÃES et al., Destabilization and Recuperability of Oil Used in the …, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q. 24 (1) 43–49 (2010)

T a b l e 1 – Physicochemical characterization of the naphtenic mineral oil

Characteristic Method Result Unit

aspect VISOOO Clear and bright

color ASTM D1500 L0.5

kinematic viscosity at 40 °C ASTM D445 21.14 mm2 s�1

kinematic viscosity at 100 °C ASTM D445 3.61 mm2 s�1

total acidity ASTM D974 0.01 mg g�1 KOH

ash fraction ASTM D482 < 0.001 w/%

Ramsbotton carbon ASTM D524 0.05 w/%

copper corrosion 3H 100°C ASTM D130 1b

relative density ASTM D4052 0.9023

sulfur fraction ASTM D4294 0.0580 w/%

aniline temperature point ASTM D611 71.0 �/°C

water fraction ASTM D1744 71 w/%

refractive index at 20 °C ASTM D1218 1.4974

aromatic carbon ASTM D3238 14.1 w/%

naphtenic carbon ASTM D3238 40.1 w/%

paraffinic carbon ASTM D3238 45.9 w/%

cloud point ASTM D97 �45 �/°C

pour point ASTM D92 164 �/°C

rate of 800 rpm for a period of t � 5 min. The cut-ting fluid was formulated with commercial productssupplied by Clariant® Brasil � Funtional Chemi-cals Division, being one of them of the emulsifyingagent type (ethoxyl fatty acid with 7 moles of ethyl-ene oxide), another composed of the mixture ofemulsifying agent and corrosion inhibitor (combi-nation of sodium sulfonate and an alkanolamine ofa fatty acid), and finally a bactericide product (mix-ture of benzothiazolinone and hexahydrotriazine).In its concentrated form (oil and additives), thisfluid was composed of 17 % mixture of emulsify-ing agent and corrosion inhibitor, w � 2 % biocide,and w � 81 % oil. The ratio of preparation of thisfluid was of Y � 25 : 1 (water/additive oil). Com-mercial sodium chloride supplied by Marlin wasused as demulsifying agent.

The measurements of turbidity of the waterphase were carried out using a micro processedturbidimeter model DLM-2000B required for tur-bidity measurement up to 1000 NTU.

The oil phase (initial and recuperated) wascharacterized with the infrared spectroscopy tech-nique with Fourier technique using a BIO-RADFAX�3000 FTIR (fourier transform infrared spec-troscopy) spectrophotometer, equipped with aDTGS detector. The sweeping band used was� � 400 and 4000 cm�1 with spectral resolution of� � 4.0 cm�1.

The tests of physical-chemical characterizationof the oils were carried out following the AmericanSociety for Test Materials � ASTM standard proce-dures.

The characterization of the size and dispersionof the emulsion drops was carried out in an Olym-pus optical microscope model CH30 with automaticexposition system for micrography modelPM-10AK3 (400x). The photomicrography analy-ses were carried out both at 1 h and at 24 h after theformulation.

Experimental procedure

In this work, evaluated were the emulsiondestabilization processes and divided into two dif-ferent parts. In the first one, the parameters that cancause phase separation of emulsionable systemscontaining naphtenic mineral oil were investigatedin concentrated emulsions. In the second part, thesame thing was done but using cutting fluids in-stead of the emulsions.

It should be noticed that the composition is animportant difference between the emulsions con-centrated and cutting fluids studied. In general,emulsions contain a water phase, an oil phase andemulsifying agents. On the other hand, cutting fluidalso contains surfactants and a diversity of sub-

stances like anticorrosive and biocide compoundsthat make its composition more complex. Thismeans, the processes of destabilization of concen-trated emulsion were the scientific basis for studiesof recuperability of the oil used on the formulationof cutting fluids.

Demulsification process of emulsions and cut-ting fluids was carried out in the presence ofdestabilizing factors of temperature, centrifugation,and the presence of electrolyte (salt solution). Thetypical procedure involves the addition of salt solu-tion to the emulsion phase in which the separationis to occur, followed by heating for five minutes atinvestigated temperature. Following centrifugationthe water phase was analyzed by turbidometry.

Results and discussions

Destabilization methodologyof concentrate emulsions

The influence of temperature on destabilizingthe emulsions was tested by heating at � � 40, 50and 60 °C for a period of t � 30 min. No modifica-tion in the system was observed. Likewise, it waspossible to verify the effect of centrifugation on thestudied emulsions, submitted to three rotationspeeds (1000, 2000 and 3000 rpm). Once more, nophase separation was observed. A third test ofdestabilization was performed by the addition ofsalt solution at room temperature, as follows. Theexperiments were carried out for a fixed volumetricproportion of emulsion/salt solution of Y � 1 : 1,and the influence of adding different concentrationsof salt could then be noticed. The option was for us-ing commercial sodium chloride because it couldeasily be found and was more economically viable.The initial tests, at low concentrations (� � 0.05 to0.8 g L�1), showed to be very inefficient. Higherconcentrations of NaCl (� � 50, 100, 150 and200 g L�1) were then tested. The obtained resultsshow that only in the case when the emulsion incontact with 200 g L�1 NaCl solution present in theoil phase separate in 24 h after mixing. The amountof oil separated from the emulsion was much lowerthan the initial volume of oil added to the formula-tion (< 5 %).

In view of these results, the destabilizing pa-rameters of salt concentration, temperature andcentrifugation were studied simultaneously, aimingto obtain the most adequate demulsifying condition.

The evaluation of the influence of operationalparameters of demulsification was initially carriedout by fixing a concentration of NaCl at � � 200 g L�1

and by varying the levels of temperature (� � 50and 70 °C), and centrifugation (500, 1000, 2000and 3000 rpm). Figs. 1 and 2 show the variation of

A. P. GUIMARÃES et al., Destabilization and Recuperability of Oil Used in the …, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q. 24 (1) 43–49 (2010) 45

turbidity of the bottom water phase with thecentrifugation of the emulsions A and B, respec-tively, in the different selected temperatures.

As observed in the previous figures, the increasein the mixing rate causes a decrease in the turbidityof the analyzed systems. For emulsion A it is clearthat at the temperature of 70 °C the values of turbid-ity are lower than those observed at 50 °C under thesame centrifugation conditions. As for the process ofdestabilization of emulsion B at 50 °C, it was notpossible to identify a variation of turbidity of thebottom water phase, mainly due to the emulsive as-pect of the system, which characterized the absenceof complete separation of the mixed phases.

Using the optimized conditions of rotation andtemperature (2000 rpm and � � 70 °C), concentra-tions lower than � � 200 g L�1 still capable of pro-ducing good results for destabilization of the emul-

sion were investigated. This is important due toeconomic aspects and mainly because of the envi-ronmental impact related to the demulsifying pro-cess. Fig. 3 shows the variation of turbidity withconcentration of NaCl for emulsions A and Bdestabilized according to the operational conditionsat � � 70 °C and 2000 rpm. According to the re-sults presented on Fig. 3 that the most adequateconcentration of salt solution for the destabilizationand recovery of the used oil needed to reach thelowest turbidity is � � 200 g L�1.

Fig. 4 shows the general profile of recovery ofthe mineral oil from the initially formulated emul-sions, clearly indicating a bigger recovery for thedemulsified oils from the blend composed by theTween 40 and Span 80 (T40/S80) surfactants. Thisis mainly due to the greater stability determined bythe Tween 20 and Span 20 emulsifying blend, inwhich it is more difficult to break the emulsifyingfilm that is formed around the drops. The resultsobtained are considered very promising for thistype of application.

46 A. P. GUIMARÃES et al., Destabilization and Recuperability of Oil Used in the …, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q. 24 (1) 43–49 (2010)

F i g . 1 – Demulsification of concentrate emulsion preparedwith blend T20/S20 (emulsion A). Sodium chlorideconcentration of � � 200 g L�1.

F i g . 2 – Demulsification of concentrate emulsion preparedwith blend T40/S80 (emulsion B). Sodium chlorideconcentration of � � 200 g L�1.

F i g . 3 – Demulsification of concentrated emulsions A andB at � � 70 °C and mixing rate of 2000 rpm

F i g . 4 – Percentage variation of recovery oil with sodiumchloride concentration

Physico-chemical characterizationof initial and recovery oil samples

The results of the physical-chemical character-ization of the recovered oil were compared to theproperties of the starting oil (Table 2).

The results show that the oil recovered with theoptimized operational conditions (70 ° C, 2000 rpmand 200 g L�1 of NaCl) presents characteristicsvery similar to those of the initial oil. This isvery interesting from the viewpoint of the industrialapplications of these emulsive systems. Infraredspectra of the recovered samples of naphthenicoil were also checked (Fig. 5). In each spec-trum the highlighted values refer to integratedarea of the carbonyl band (functional groupwith the chemical structure of the surfactantsused).

FTIR spectra indicate the presence of sur-factants in the recovered oil. Tables 3 and 4show the values of the carbonyl band area andof the percentage of blend quantified from thesamples of recovered oil with concentrations oftested NaCl (� � 50, 100, 150 and 200 g L�1). Theresults of blend percentage were obtained throughcurves of calibration for each emulsifying blendused.

The percentage of blend present in the originalemulsion sample in relation to the quantity of oilwas w � 13.2 %. However, as the re-utilization ofoil was one of the main objectives of the study onrecoverability, the presence of surfactants did notpresent problems regarding the formulation ofemulsion with recovered oil.

A. P. GUIMARÃES et al., Destabilization and Recuperability of Oil Used in the …, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q. 24 (1) 43–49 (2010) 47

T a b l e 2 – Physicochemical characterization of recoveryand initial oil

CharacteristicRecovery oil(emulsion A– T20/S20)

Recovery oil(emulsion B– T40/S80)

Initialmineral oil

kinematicviscosity40 °C/mm2 s�1

22.404 22.467 20.736

kinematicviscosity100 °C/mm2 s�1

4.490 4.507 4.300

relative density20 °C

0.907 0.906 0.901


1.491 1.490 1.493

F i g . 5 – FTIR spectrum of samples of recovery oil ofconcentrate emulsions A and B. Destabilization conditions:� � 70 °C, 2000 rpm, and � � 200 g L�1 of sodium chloride.

T a b l e 3 – Integrated area of carbonyl band of the samplesof recovery oil and of the emulsions A and B indifferent concentrations of sodium chloride

Sodium chlorideconcentration

�/g L�1

Integrated area of carbonyl band (C � O)

recovery oil(emulsion A� T20/S20)

recovery oil(emulsion B� T40/S80)

50 244.606 217.893

100 392.187 535.160

150 375.319 409.501

200 508.274 490.618

T a b l e 4 – Percentage of blend surfactants present in therecovery oil

Sodium chlorideconcentration

�/g L�1

Percentage of blend surfactants, %

recovery oil(emulsion A� T20/S20)

recovery oil(emulsion B� T40/S80)

50 2.54 0.74

100 4.04 2.78

150 3.86 1.98

200 5.22 2.50

O/W emulsion formulation with used mineral oil

According to the optimal conditions describedpreviously (70 °C, 2000 rpm and 200 g L�1), therecovered oil was used to re-formulate the emul-sion. The stability of the emulsions was evaluatedthrough optical microscopy. These tests were car-ried out after 1 h and 24 h, beginning at the momentof formulation of the emulsions. Fig. 6 shows thephotomicrography of the emulsions prepared withrecovered oil. It should be noted that the emulsionprepared with T20/S20 blend presents uniform as-pect regarding the distribution of the drops, whilethe emulsion with T40/S80 presents an increase inthe size of the drops after 24 h, causing physi-cal-chemical changes in the system. Phase separa-tion in the form of oil on the surface of the emul-sions was macroscopically observed in a period of48 hours after the formulation.

Recuperability of used oilin the formulation of cutting fluids

The study of the cutting fluids demulsificationwas carried out through the following destabilizingfactors: temperature and presence of electrolyte(salt solution). It should be noted that in this case,unlike concentrated emulsion, the use of mixingrate was not necessary, due to the rapid evolution ofthe demulsification process. Therefore, the concen-trations of electrolyte (sodium chloride) tested were� � 15, 25, 35 and 50 g L�1, at temperatures of� � 25 and 50 °C at a constant level of centrifuga-tion at 1500 rpm.

The variation of turbidity with relation to theconcentration of salt at the temperatures of 25 and50 °C is shown in Fig. 7. It can be seen that the tur-bidity at 50 °C presents values lower than those ob-tained at 25 °C, indicating a better profile of phase

separation. During the reading of turbidity, it wasnot possible to analyze the sample with addition of� � 15 g L�1 of NaCl at 25 °C, since the bottomphase presented an emulsion aspect with turbidityvalue above 1000 NTU, which is the limit of theequipment being used.

The percentages of oil recovery for differentsalt concentrations are shown in Fig. 8. The resultsindicate greater yield of recovery when the temper-ature of 50 °C and salt concentration of 50 g L�1

are used.

Additionally, the recovery of the used oil wasdeveloped by the determination of the kinetic pro-file of the demulsifying phenomenon. Curves ofturbidity vs. time were made, since the variation ofturbidity in the sample, when submitted todestabilizing agents, expresses the rate of coales-cence of the dispersed drops in the oil until itreaches the complete separation of phases. In this

48 A. P. GUIMARÃES et al., Destabilization and Recuperability of Oil Used in the …, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q. 24 (1) 43–49 (2010)

F i g . 6 – Photomicrography of emulsions A and B preparedwith recovery oil

F i g . 7 – Effect of salt concentration and temperature onthe demulsification process of cutting fluids

F i g . 8 – Percentage variation of recovery oil in two levelof temperature (� � 25 and 50 °C) and sodiumchloride concentration

context, Fig. 9 shows the kinetic follow-up at roomtemperature for the fluid being studied.

Fig. 9 shows kinetic curves for highest concen-trations. In the first 100 min, a fast demulsificationrate was observed for concentrations of � � 25, 35and 50 g L�1 of the demulsifying agent (NaCl). Forconcentration 15 g L�1, high values of turbidity atlong separation times were observed, different fromthe others. This way, unlike the behavior observed, alarge band of salt concentrations (NaCl) can beadopted to accomplish the crack and separation phe-nomenon, and besides that, the required values of saltpresent themselves in relatively low concentrations.


Based on the results shown, it may be con-cluded that:

1) The conditions obtained as the most ade-quate for destabilizing and recovering the oil beingused from concentrated emulsions are: temperatureof � � 70 °C, mixing rate of 2000 rpm and sodiumchloride concentration of � � 200 g L�1. The oil re-covered in these conditions presents physical-chem-ical characteristics very similar to those of the origi-nal oil. FTIR analyses indicated the presence ofsurfactant in the recovered oil.

2) For the destabilization and recovery of theoil used in the compositions of the studied cuttingfluid, 50 g L�1 of NaCl showed to be the most ade-quate concentration of salt solution, which enableslower turbidity in the water phase, and conse-quently greater yield of recovered oil.

3) The concentration of salt solution necessaryto cause the separation of the phases for the cuttingfluids is lower than the one necessary for the sameprocedure carried out with concentrated emulsions.


Financial support from the Financiadora deEstudos e Projetos � Projeto RECOL/Rede Lubri-ficantes (FINEP/RECOL 12/08) and Coordenaçãode Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior(CAPES) is gratefully acknowledged.

L i s t o f s y m b o l s

R � turbidity ratio, �

t � time, h, minw � mass fraction, %� � mass concentration, g L�1

� � temperature, °C� � wavelength, nm� � wavenumber, cm�1

� � volume ratio, �

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F i g . 9 – Demulsification of cutting fluid at four level ofconcentration of NaCl (� � 15, 25, 35 and 50 g L�1)at � � 25 °C