CAASPP Post-Test Survey template—LEA CAASPP Coordinator · 2015-05-16 · Please take a few...

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Transcript of CAASPP Post-Test Survey template—LEA CAASPP Coordinator · 2015-05-16 · Please take a few...

CDE Post–Field Test Survey

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Post-Test Survey – LEA CAASPP Coordinator Template California Smarter Balanced Field Test

The purpose of this year’s Smarter Balanced Field Test was to “test the test”: California has carried out a full-scale dress rehearsal to be as prepared as possible for operational online testing in 2015. Your feedback about your test administration experience will help the California Department of Education take full advantage of the learning opportunity that the Field Test affords us. Please take a few moments to answer some questions about your Field Test experience.


1) What activities/trainings did you use to prepare for the Field Test? (Select all that apply) Viewed CDE/ETS Webcasts Attended in-person CDE/ETS training workshop in February Viewed Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) training modules Reviewed manuals and other written resources Used LEA-created training materials and activities Used County Office of Education–created training materials and activities Other (please specify)

2) How did students use the Practice and Training Tests? (Select all that apply) Used Practice Tests in a simulated testing environment Used Training Tests in a simulated testing environment Used Practice Tests in various school settings Used Training Tests in various school settings Assigned students to use the Practice Tests outside of school Assigned students to use the Training Tests outside of school Limited use of Practice Tests Limited use of Training Tests Other (please specify)

3) How did staff use the Practice and Training Tests? (Select all that apply)

Used Practice Tests in a simulated testing environment Used Training Tests in a simulated testing environment Used Practice Tests in various school settings Used Training Tests in various school settings Provided staff time to interact with the Practice Tests Provided staff time to interact with the Training Tests Limited use of Practice Tests Limited use of Training Tests Other (please specify)

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4) Based on experience with the Smarter Balanced Practice Tests and/or Training Tests, how familiar were your students with the testing system before testing began? (Select one answer)

O Very familiar with the testing system O Somewhat familiar with the testing system O Some exposure and practice with the testing system O Limited exposure and practice with the testing system O No exposure or practice with the testing system O Other (please specify)

5) What degree of exposure and practice did your site staff receive before testing began? (Select one answer)

O High level exposure with the testing system O Some exposure and practice with the testing system O Minimal exposure and practice with the testing system O No exposure or practice with the testing system O Other (please specify)

6) What are areas of the test administration that require more training? (Select all that apply) Test Administrator (TA) Interface Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE) Online Reporting System (ORS) Test administration policies and procedures Universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations Other (please specify)

7) Do you have any additional feedback on the topic of training, including suggestions for improvements in training?


8) What processes did you use for troubleshooting (e.g., content or technical challenges that could deter test administration)? (Select all that apply) Provided troubleshooting training for sites Developed a troubleshooting communication plan for test sites Assigned support staff at sites for the start of testing Assigned support staff at sites for the duration of testing Hired outside help for troubleshooting Received in-person technical support from CalTAC Received phone/e-mail technical support from CalTAC Other (please specify)

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9) Which resources were most useful to help you find solutions and answers to Field Test administration

challenges? (Select all that apply) Web-based materials (FAQs, training modules, recorded Webcasts) Live Webcasts Manuals In-person trainings CDE Web site CDE staff California Technical Center (CalTAC) Other (please specify)

10) What would you find helpful to have for troubleshooting? (Select all that apply) More access to troubleshooting reference materials A Webcast or training dedicated to troubleshooting Other (please specify)

11) Did you contact CalTAC for support or to troubleshoot a particular problem? O Yes O No

12) Did you contact your technology coordinator for support or to troubleshoot a particular problem?

O Yes O No

13) Did your LEA hire additional staff to prepare (i.e., student registration in CALPADS or school site technology

installation) for the Field Test? O Yes O No O If yes, in what role?

14) Did your LEA hire additional staff (i.e., test scheduling or test administrators) to support the administration of

the Field Test? O Yes O No O If yes, in what role?

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15) Do you have any additional feedback on the topic of troubleshooting/support?

Information, Tools, and Resources

16) Please rate how sufficient the resources provided by the following entities assisted you to perform the duties of your primary role (e.g., Test Administrator, Technology Coordinator, etc.).

Sufficient Sufficient but could be improved Insufficient Sufficient but

available too late CDE CalTAC Smarter Balanced Other

Please describe the resources indicated for “other” above:

17) How were you made aware of the information, tools, and resources that were available for the Field Test?

(Select all that apply) E-mail from CDE E-mail from CalTAC E-mail from Smarter Balanced Site visit from CalTAC/CDE Phone conversation with CalTAC/CDE Communicated by LEA or site testing coordinator Communicated by your County Office of Education Found it myself on Web sites Other (please specify)

18) How timely were the information, tools, and resources you had at your disposal to inform and train staff? (Select one answer) Received with ample time Received in moderately sufficient time Received in minimally sufficient time Not received in time Other (please specify)

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19) How helpful were each of the following tools/resources? Tool/Resource Least

helpful 1 2 3 4 5 Most

helpful Did not use

CDE/ETS in-person workshops CDE Field Test introductory videos CDE/ETS Webcasts Smarter Balanced training modules Secure Browser “how to install” videos Smarter Balanced TA Practice and Training Web site CalTAC CDE Web site (

CDE “Flash” updates CalTAC Web site ( Site visit(s) to your LEA County Office of Education materials Other (please specify)

If you marked “Other” in the previous question, please specify.

20) What other tools/resources did you find helpful in performing your duties?

21) Do you have any additional feedback on the topic of information, tools, and resources?


22) What is the student-to-computer ratio within your LEA, only counting devices used for testing? (Select one answer)

O 1 student per testing device O 2–3 students per testing device O 4–5 students per testing device O 6–7 students per testing device O 8–9 students per testing device O 10 or more students per testing device

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23) What percentage of computing devices did your school/LEA acquire specifically for the Field Test? (Select one answer)

O All (100%) O 75–99% O 50–74% O 25–49% O 1–24% O None (0%)

24) Did you use any of the Common Core block grant dollars to purchase these computing devices?

O Yes O No

25) By percentage, what types of computing devices did your students use for field testing? (Select all that apply)

Testing Device

Did not use

Percentage (Please ensure your percents add up to


10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Windows-based desktop Windows-based laptop Mac OS-based desktop Mac OS-based laptop Linux-based desktop Linux-based laptop Chromebook iPad tablet Android tablet Windows tablet

26) How was Internet access provided to your LEA or site? (Select one answer)

O Through the K–12 High Speed Network ONLY O Through an outside Internet service provider ONLY (e.g., Verizon, AT&T, Comcast, etc.) O Through BOTH the K–12 High Speed Network AND an outside Internet provider O Not sure O Other (please specify)

27) What is the maximum number of students you were able to test simultaneously?

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28) Was your LEA’s technology infrastructure (e.g., computing devices, networks, Internet, etc.) sufficient for the Field Test? (Select one answer)

O Yes, it was more than adequate. O Yes, it was adequate. O No, it was strained by the Field Test. O No, it was not adequate for the Field Test. If not adequate, which component(s) are/were most problematic?

29) Was your school site’s technology infrastructure (e.g., computing devices, networks, Internet, etc.) sufficient

for the Field Test? (Select one answer) O Yes, it was more than adequate. O Yes, it was adequate. O No, it was strained by the Field Test. O No, it was not adequate for the Field Test. O If not adequate, which component(s) are/were most problematic?

30) Please rate how the following computing devices performed during the Field Test? (Select one answer for

each applicable device) Testing Device Good Fair Poor Not

Applicable Windows-based desktop Windows-based laptop Mac OS-based desktop Mac OS-based laptop Linux-based desktop Linux-based laptop Chromebook iPad Tablet Android tablet Windows tablet

31) What were the specific challenges, if any, that you had with these computing devices? (Select all that apply)

No significant issues with our devices Problems installing/launching the secure browser Problems with some testing system functions not working Problems with freezing, timing out, or other interruptions during testing Other (please specify)

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32) What procedures or processes did you use to determine technology readiness for the Field Test at your LEA?

32a) What procedures or processes were most effective?


33) Which testing window(s) were schools in your LEA assigned? (Select all that apply) March 25 – April 25 April 7 – May 16 April 28 – June 6

34) How many days of testing did it take to test all students in your LEA? (Select one answer)

O 1 day O 2–5 days O 6–10 days O 11–20 days O 21–30 days O 31–40 days O More than 40 days

35) Did you use software to create schedules and/or coordinate scheduling to administer the Field Test?

O Yes O No

[If answer to #35 is “yes”]: 36) What software or systems did you use to create and/or coordinate scheduling?

37) Which approach(es) to scheduling did you use at your LEA/school? (Select all that apply) All testing in a single week Testing one grade per day Testing two grades per week Testing three (or more) grades per week Testing only in the morning Testing only in the afternoon Other (please specify)

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38) Which approach(es) to scheduling did you use at your LEA/school specifically for the classroom activity and accompanying performance task? (Select one answer)

O Scheduled both in the same day for all tested students O Scheduled one day apart for all tested students O Scheduled at least two days apart for all tested students O Used a variety of scheduling plans for tested students

If you selected “variety of plans,” please describe:

39) What were your LEA’s major issues and/or challenges related to scheduling students for testing? (Select all that apply) Students needed more time than anticipated Students needed less time than anticipated Difficult to predict how much time students would need Staff confusion about scheduling Technological issues Technology utilization (i.e., technology needed for other classroom activities) Other (please specify)

40) Please share any methods or tools you used that you believe contributed to a positive testing experience.

41) If you experienced problems with scheduling, please share any processes or procedures that you think would

remedy such problems in the future.

Universal Tools, Designated Supports, and Accommodations

As a reminder before answering the following questions, here are descriptions of the three types of embedded supports available for the Field Test:

Universal Tools: Are available for all pupils. Pupils may turn the support(s) on/off when embedded as part of the technology platform for the computer-administered CAASPP Consortium-administered tests.

Designated Supports: Are features that are available for use by any pupil for whom the need has been indicated prior to the assessment, by an educator or group of educators.

Accommodations: For the CAASPP Consortium-administered tests, eligible pupils shall be permitted to take the tests with accommodations if specified in the pupil’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or Section 504 plan.

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42) How useful were the three types of embedded resources for students?

Resources Not Useful Moderately

Useful Very Useful

Not Applicable

Universal tools Designated supports Accommodations

43) What procedures did you use to identify students who needed designated supports? (Select all that apply)

School sites developed their own procedures for identifying and assigning designated supports. The LEA office provided school sites with direction for identifying and assigning designated supports for

English learners (ELs) and other students who would benefit from them. The LEA/school is in the process of developing procedures for next year. School sites did not assign any designated supports. Other (please specify)

44) Who was responsible for loading student test settings in TIDE? (Select one answer)

O Was the responsibility of each site coordinator O Was the responsibility of the school site resource specialist teacher O Was centralized at the LEA level O Was a shared responsibility between the school and the LEA O Other (please specify)

45) How did you ascertain if assigned designated supports and accommodations were delivered to students? (Select all that apply) TAs/Proctors checked student computers as they started testing Relied on the system’s built-in checks Other (please specify)

46) What issues, if any, did you have with assigning and/or implementing designated supports and accommodations for students? (Select all that apply) Did not experience issues that prevented testing with designated supports and accommodations Had technical problems with particular designated supports and accommodations Had difficulty identifying the correct designated support or accommodation Did not have access to the list of designated supports or accommodations for particular students Other (please specify)

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47) Please list the specific technical problems, accessibility problems, or identification problems you encountered with particular designated supports and accommodations.

48) Do you have any additional feedback on the topic of universal tools, designated supports, and


California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS)/Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE)

49) What, if any, were your major problems related to using CALPADS data to populate TIDE (i.e., student registration system)? (Select all that apply) Getting data uploaded into CALPADS Getting data corrections entered into CALPADS Coordination of data information between the LEA and individual school sites Difficulties with CALPADS data not migrating to TIDE as expected Other (please specify)

50) What, if any, were your major problems related to TIDE? (Select all that apply) Difficulties with data not appearing in TIDE Difficulties with data not appearing correctly Password distribution issues Password reset issues Understanding the TIDE interface and functions Adding/uploading student test settings Other (please specify)

51) Do you ha

ve any additional feedback on the topic of CALPADS/TIDE?

TA Interface, Appeals, and ORS

52) Did Test Administrator training at your LEA/school include use of the TA Practice and Training Site? O Yes O No

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53) What was your school’s/LEA’s experience using the TA Interface to administer tests? (Select one answer) O Positive; it was easy to use and worked well O Fairly positive; it worked for us O Neither positive nor negative O Fairly negative; it was challenging to use and/or did not always work well O Negative; it was not easy to use and did not work well

54) Did you submit an Appeal system during the Field Test? (Select one answer)

O Yes O No

[If you answered “yes” to question 54]: 55) What process did you use to submit an Appeal during the Field Test? (Select one answer)

O Uploaded Appeals file O Filed appeals for individual students O Used both processes (i.e., uploaded file and filed appeal for an individual student)

[If you answered “yes” to question 54]: 56) How timely was the response to your Appeal requests? (Select one

answer) O Received approval of Appeal with ample time to complete testing O Received approval of Appeal in moderately sufficient time to complete testing O Received approval of Appeal in minimally sufficient time to complete testing O Did NOT receive approval of Appeal in time to complete testing

[If you answered “yes” to question 54]: 57) What was your experience using the Appeals system during the Field

Test? (Select one answer) O Positive; it was easy to use and worked well O Fairly positive; it worked for us O Neither positive nor negative O Fairly negative; it was challenging to use and/or did not always work well O Negative; it was not easy to use and did not work well

58) Did your LEA/school use the Online Reporting System (ORS)? O Yes O No

[If you answered “yes” to question 58]: 59) How useful was the ORS? (Select one answer)

O Very useful O Moderately useful O Not useful

[If you answered “yes” to question 58]: 60) How useful was the ORS for tracking completion rates at your

LEA/school? (Select one answer) O Very useful O Moderately useful

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O Not useful O Did not use ORS to track completion rates

[If you answered “yes” to question 58]: 61) How useful was the ORS for helping plan testing (monitoring which

students had completed each test component and who had not yet begun testing) at your LEA/school? (Select one answer)

O Very useful O Moderately useful O Not useful O Did not use ORS to plan/manage testing

[If you answered “yes” to question 58]: 62) How useful was the ORS for managing testing (monitoring students

who still needed to test versus those who had completed testing) at your LEA/school? (Select one answer) O Very useful O Moderately useful O Not useful O Did not use ORS to plan/manage testing

63) Do you have any additional feedback on the TA Interface?

64) Do you have any additional feedback on the Appeals process?

65) Do you have any additional feedback on the ORS?

Field Test Format

66) Please describe your students as they took the Field Test:

Your observation of student engagement Positively Indifferently Negatively Not

Observed How did students react overall to the new types of test questions?

How did students react overall to the classroom activity?

How did students react overall to the performance task?

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67) Content subject for which you made your observations: English–language arts Mathematics

68) Grade level for which you made your observations: Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11

69) To what degree do you think your students tried their best to answer the questions on the Smarter Balanced

Field Test? (Select all that apply)

Assessment Little or no effort

1 2 3 4 5 High degree of effort

Students did not take this

test English–language arts questions English–language arts performance task Mathematics questions Mathematics performance task

70) How clear were the directions and procedures for administering the classroom activity? (Select one answer) O Very clear O Reasonably clear O Somewhat unclear O Very unclear O Don’t know

71) Please use the space below to explain your response to the previous question.

72) Did students complete the classroom activity before the performance task?

O Yes O No

[If you answered “yes” to question 72]: 73) Did students use the classroom activity to inform their response to

the performance task?

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O Yes O No

74) How would you describe the ease of coordinating the classroom activity and the performance task? Very

Difficult 1 2 3 4 5 Very

Easy N/A

Reschedule student make-up sessions for the classroom activity.

Reschedule student make-up sessions for the performance task.


Please describe what you indicated for “other” above:

75) Did your classroom activity administrations ever include students who were not participating in the performance task associated with that particular classroom activity?

O Yes O No

[If you answ

ered “yes” to question 75]: 76) What strategy did you use to engage any nonparticipating students while the classroom activity was conducted?

O Nonparticipating students also engaged in the classroom activity. O Nonparticipating students received an alternate assignment during the classroom activity. O Nonparticipating students were sent to an alternate location. O Other (please specify)

[If you answered “yes” to question 75]: 77) How did this strategy work for students participating in the assigned

performance task? O This strategy was very successful for students participating in the classroom activity. O This strategy was mostly successful for students participating in the classroom activity. O This strategy was unsuccessful for students participating in the classroom activity. O Other (please specify)

78) Please use the space below to provide any additional comments about the classroom activity and performance task.

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79) Based on your observations during testing, what aspects of the online test format were most challenging to students?

Format Least Challenging

1 2 3 4 5 Most Challenging

Not Observed

Using the hardware Navigating within the testing system Using the universal tools Understanding the testing content Logging In Other

Please describe the aspect of the online test format indicated for “other” above:

80) To what degree do the following statements agree with your observations? Statement Strongly

Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly

Agree Not Observed

Students naturally adapted to the new mode of testing. The instructions provided were effective. The testing interface was intuitive. Close proctoring helped students engage with the test. The test content was interesting. Other

Please describe the statement indicated for “other” above:

81) Is your

school/LEA planning to provide increased access to students to experience computer-based testing? O Yes O No O Unsure at this time

82) Please use this space below to explain your school’s/LEA’s response to the previous question, if needed.

83) Which of the following activities is part of your LEA’s plan for operational online testing in 2015? (Select all

that apply) Purchase or lease additional computing devices Increase Internet bandwidth Increase network/infrastructure capacity Add staffing

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Provide additional training Not yet determined

84) Do you have any additional feedback on the topic of the Field Test format?


85) Which of these best describes your LEA? (Select one answer) O Elementary district O Unified school district O High school district O Joint district O Independently testing charter school O Other (please specify)

86) How do you think the Field Test experience helped you prepare for the new online operational assessment?

(Select all that apply) Provided motivation to update/expand technology Provided an opportunity to train staff Increased comfort levels with the new online testing system Brought the issues and considerations that were previously unknown to the surface Other (please specify)

87) Before the Field Test, how technologically ready did you think your LEA/school was? (Select one answer)

O Minimally ready O Somewhat ready O Ready O Significant level of readiness O High level of readiness

88) After the Field Test, how technologically ready do you think your LEA/school is for the operational test?

(Note: For next year, each student will test in both ELA and mathematics, including a performance task for each of these two content areas.) (Select one answer)

O Minimally ready O Somewhat ready O Ready O Significant level of readiness O High level of readiness

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89) What are the top three lessons you think your LEA/school learned from the Field Test? 1. 2. 3.

90) What procedure/practice can you recommend to other LEAs/schools?

LEA name/CDS code

Your name (Optional)

Your title (Optional)