CA2S SHARK BYTES July Newsletter.pdf · CA2S Shark Bytes 3 Chapter Wassup By Michael Melby, CA-2S...

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Transcript of CA2S SHARK BYTES July Newsletter.pdf · CA2S Shark Bytes 3 Chapter Wassup By Michael Melby, CA-2S...

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Upcoming dates to remember:

July 4th – Happy Birthday USA!

Week of July 4th – ride to Oregon

July 11th – Workshop

July 12th – PLP (possible)

July 25-26th Pass-to-Pass ride

Next Chapter Meeting Saturday, July 18

Hometown Buffet @ McCarthy Ranch, Milpitas

Breakfast @ 8 AM Meeting @ 8:45 AM

Gold Wing Road Riders Association Region F / California District

Chapter CA2S Silicon Valley Wings

What’s in this issue: CD Message: Page 2 ACD Wassup: Page 3 Chapter Pics: Pages 4-5 Chapter News: Page 6 Our Sponsors: Page 7 DD Message: Pages 8-9 Calendar: Pages 10-11 Chapter Contact Info: Page 14

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Well, as we write this article, the preparations are beginning for the trip to Oregon to join Ron and Lana Peck and others from Washington and Oregon on a week long 4th of July RV and bike trip. We will begin at Harris Beach State Park for a few nights, where we will participate in a ride to 3 lighthouses up and down the beautiful Oregon coast, fly kites and have a BBQ on the beach . Then we will leave on Wednesday July 1st for the small town of Shady Cove. Among the activities planned are a ride to the Rogue River Gorge and Crater Lake and then rafting down the Rogue. On July 4th , the town has a pancake breakfast in the basement of the Grange Hall (cooked by Aunt Bea). Our group has been invited to participate in the parade that afternoon. Then they will finish off the day with an old fashioned fireworks show ( sponsored by Andy, Barney and Opie). Sounds like a whole lotta good, down home fun. The best part is that Ron Peck has promised to do everyone’s laundry before we leave for home!! What a guy!! On another note, we realize that it is just the beginning of summer but we really need to start thinking about where we want to have our “end of riding season” BBQ. We were disappointed last year when the rangers closed the beach at sunset and we had to rush off. So, we are trying to find somewhere, preferably a beach, where we can stay past

sunset and possibly have a bonfire. Jim Carr is itching to hook up the chapter BBQ to his trike so we can cook up some delicious tri-tip etc. So, the sooner we all start exploring for that perfect spot, the sooner we can put the date on our calendar. We want to make this a big event this year. Thanks to all of you who have been wearing your chapter vests to the monthly meetings in May and June. We are trying to get as much participation in this as possible. So, for the next few months, we will continue to offer 3 free raffle tickets to all those who wear their vests to the chapter meeting. Also, be sure to wear them to any other chapter’s rally or meeting. This way we can be recognized as being part of CA2S. We are also currently working on getting some chapter t-shirts that will identify us as proud riders of the “Silicon Valley Wings”. Please remember that Mr. Mike Melby is the proud owner of the coveted WingNut this month (until the meeting on the 20th). So, call, e-mail or just stand out in front of his house at 2:00 in the morning yelling at his bedroom window and find out if he has it on his person. He won’t mind. But be sure and wait until he is back from vacation, or you will look very foolish as you try and explain it to the police. It’s all for a good cause. Each dollar raised goes to the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation. So, lets help the kids and bug Mike at the same time. As we close this article, we would like to give a big THANKS to John Raser who has graciously volunteered to be our newsletter editor this month while Danny Shewey is representing CA2S (along with Doug Loyd and Kathy Moudry ) at the Wing Ding. Danny will be back on the 17th to resume his fine job as editor-in-chief. GREAT JOB, JOHN…….thanks. Riding into the Sunset,

the grandpoohBOB and I.Wing

Chapter Director’s Message

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Chapter Wassup By Michael Melby, CA-2S ACD

Ride Reports

Ride Report Tomales Bay – Tony’s Oyster Bar Saturday, June 13

Interesting bits – three trikes and only two 2-wheelers, only the leader rode solo. Doug (leader), followed by Mike and Mary Anne, Gary and Laurie, Joe and Sydney, with Jim and Sherry rumbling along behind. It was good to see Joe riding again after his knee surgery. We wondered if the ride would happen as a light drizzle fell as we loaded the bike. However, Lawrence Expressway was mostly dry, as was the meeting place. We headed out onto I-280 with overcast skies and temperature in the low 60s. We encountered some mist and saw that the low clouds shrouded the Santa Cruz Mountains as we drove up the Peninsula.

Shortly before entering San Francisco Doug took us over to Skyline and the Pacifica coastline. We passed the entrance to the San Francisco Zoo, Cliff House, and the California Palace of the Legion of Honor before passing through the Presidio and crossing the Golden Gate Bridge. We stopped at the viewpoint for a potty break, then continued up US-101. Although the overcast continued, we encountered no more rain.

Heading north from the viewpoint, we continued on US-101 until Lucas Valley Road,

which we followed until it intersected Nicasio Valley Road. This took us by the Nicasio Reservoir where we joined Point Reyes-Petaluma Road. We followed this into Point Reyes Station where we found CA-1. This drive across Marin County was fantastic. There was little other traffic, but plenty of twisties. Doug, in the lead, had a tendency to get to enjoying the curves and leaving the rest of us behind.

The drive to Tony’s was at a slower pace because of the traffic on CA-1. Even so, we had a wait of nearly half an hour for the restaurant to open. But it’s good to arrive early because there’s always a line. The food was good. As I recall, Laurie took the quarters with her huge seafood salad.

During lunch the overcast mostly burned off. Leaving Tony’s we drove north on CA-1 to the intersection with Valley Ford Road where we turned right to return to US-101 in Petaluma. The trip back to the South Bay was all highway with a detour in Navato to refuel. We turned east at I-580 to cross the bay on the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge and continued onto I-880.

Just a side note; if you look north while crossing the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge, toward San Pablo Bay, you can see the lighthouse on East Brother Island. Although the island is accessible only by boat, there are rooms available in the lighthouse. The caretakers provide a tour, dinner, and breakfast, in addition to the boat trip. Check out

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Pictures from the CA2S Archives

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More Pictures from the CA2S Archives

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Birthdays Buddy Chang 9 Jim Jeffers 24 Sue Midkiff 28 Claudia Birthelmer 28 Susan Raser 29 Ron Green 31

CA2S News

Chapter 2S Meeting Saturday, June 20

Our June meeting was convened by Grand PooBob at our new regular meeting place. There were roughly 15 members and a couple of guests present. Paul Androwsky, riding a Valkyrie, was looking to get back into group riding. Collin Lim represented the American Diabetes Association StepOut walk to fight diabetes. Leonard Millage, from chapter 2K, accompanies Kathy to our meetings so often that we consider him “one of us.”

Major events since the last chapter meeting included the dinner ride to Wool Growers Restaurant in Los Banos, the ride to Tony’s Seafood Restaurant in Marshall at Tomales Bay, and the ride to Sonoma to eat at what was formerly Issa’s, (geez, looks like we only ride to eat!). There was also a non-bike event over Memorial Day weekend at Lake Comanche, and a poker night.

There are a bunch of major events in the near future. Several chapter members will be in Eagle Point, Oregon, over the Fourth of July weekend to participate in their holiday activities and to spend some time on the always lovely Oregon coast. We will also be meeting past 2S members Ron and Lana Peck. Over that same weekend, other 2S members will be in Tulsa, Oklahoma, at the GWRRA Wing Ding. Later in the month, 25th and 26th, will be our Pass-to-Pass overnighter, planned for 120 and 108. Lots of curvy mountain roads on that one. Regularly scheduled events are the planning meeting on the 7th, which will be missed by those in Eagle Point and Tulsa, the chapter meeting on the 18th, and the next workshop, planned for the 11th at the Carr’s garage. There is talk of a possible parking lot practice session at an undisclosed location on Sunday, July 12.

While you’re planning your participation in those July events, this is also the time to be thinking about events of other chapters. Chapter 2K will cool things down with their annual Synchronized Soaking on August 1 in Herald. There is camping

available. Speaking of camping, several of us are planning to camp at chapter 2N’s Party at the Barn on Saturday, September 19, near Sonora. Then a week later, Saturday, September 26, is chapter 2A’s Poker Run and Spaghetti Feed in Tulare. Moving into the fall is chapter C’s Harvest Run, scheduled for October 3 in Mather. The big event upcoming is the California District Rally in Bakersfield, held over the Labor Day weekend.

Verdi introduced Collin Lim, the representative from the StepOut walk to fight diabetes. We discussed having members of chapter 2S provide motorcycle escort for the walk. Verdi agreed to serve as coordinator for the 2S side of the September 27 event.

Mary Anne, the apparently unheralded half of the ACD duo, read the birthdays and anniversaries. After the 50/50 sales break, Ron “The Educator” Green reminded us that the ride isn’t over until the bike is firmly planted and upright. Forgetting to put the kickstand down or not leaving the bike in gear when pointed downhill will end the ride badly.

Mike, attention hog of the ACD team, was awarded the Wing Nut for not sharing with Mary Anne. And then Doug walked off with the 50/50 pot.

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And now a kind word for our sponsors:

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May I introduce to all of you Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Richardson! (picture below) Yes, Ralph, our Assistant District Educator got married on June 13, 2009 to our Assistant District Director, Crystal Rush!!!! We couldn’t be more pleased and excited for both of them. When Crystal called and told me he had asked her, the two of us got busy to plan a wedding. Once a date was agreed upon, we had 6 weeks to put it all together. They got married on the Bahia Belle Sternwheeler Boat in Mission Bay and it was a picture book wedding. They both look fabulous, the weather was perfect and the friends and family enjoyed each other and a cruise around the bay. Truly 2 sole mates united to share their lives together and we were privileged to stand beside them! Saturday morning (6/27) we’re off to Wing Ding. We are taking 2 weeks so we can spend a bit of time taking in the sights of our fantastic country. We’re looking forward to seeing all of our CA friends in Tulsa along we all of our other GW friends. I want to thank the volunteers who stepped up to man the door prize booth, it was a great feeling

District Director Message

when I realized that I didn’t have to start voluntolding people, so I am grateful and appreciative! For those of you not going, plan a nice ride and enjoy the 4th of July, God Bless America! When we get home we will be full steam ahead to put the finishing touches on the CA District Rally. Our theme, Roarin’ 20’s will be filled with fun games, great costumes and a fantastic dancing party at the poolside Speakeasy, where they specialize in ice cream. We hope to see lots of flapper dresses and zoot suits and tommy guns and I’d love to see some spats! On the District web site we have posted the flyer to sign up for the Rider Education events. If you want to take and ARC or TRC class, or a full First Aid/CPR class or recert class, then you’ll need to register as there are fees associated with these offerings. Our vendors are starting to sign up and we’re thrilled to have them. We are pleased this year to have our major vendor, Wing Stuff coming with chrome and clothes and other special things. Don’t forget with them that you can order from their web site and they will bring it with them to the rally so long as you ask for them to do so in the comments field. We will of course have stuff for the ladies and we have asked our vendors to supply us with their website addresses so we can post them to our website so you can plan your budget.

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So watch the District website, for updates on the rally, the rally t-shirt, a list of vendors with links to their website where possible and the Rider Ed classes with descriptions. Our banquet room should be quite a site with all of you dresses up, the chapter movies playing, the fantastic table decorations and all the recognition. Then it will be money time with a $1000.00 grand prize, many grand prizes and then the 50/25/25. It should be quite the ending to a fantastic weekend. We are excited to bring you the District Rally and thank all of you in advance for coming and spending a fun filled weekend with us. As I was packing for Wing Ding and I started pulling out all of our patriotic shirts, I was reflecting on how great this country is. It’s hard right now with the economy in an interesting state of affairs, the unemployment rate higher than ever to see the good in this country of ours but sometimes we have to look wider and bigger, look back and look forward to see all the opportunities that we have because we live in a country where we are free to do as we will, say what we want, be who we want to be and share our lives with those we want to be with. Faith founded this country and it can heal this country as long as we will ask and then be patient as change always happens in its own time.

District Director Message, continued

So send good thoughts out to the universe, pray, get involved and let those who are running our country know how you feel, don’t be the silent majority. Even more importantly, when you see those proud men and women in uniform, thank them for what they are doing for you, for our country, they are protecting our freedom every day, every minute and they need to know that we are there for them. On this 4th of July, raise your voice with our National Anthem, or God Bless America or Lee Greenwood’s, I’m proud to be an American, and let American pride rush all over you and get pumped up about this great land of ours. Share your time with friends, be good to yourselves and we’ll be thinking of you are we are riding the great roads of this county. All aboard the American Spirit Train!

Crystal and Ralph Richardson

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July 2009

Sunday Mon day

Tues day



Friday Saturday







7 Planning Meeting Meet at Holders Country Inn 6:45pm start Dinner 6:00




11 Workshop @ Carr’s. 9AM

12 PLP 6325 San Ignacio Ave. 10:00 Start Time






18 Chapter Meeting Meet at Hometown Buffet, 212 Ranch Dr. “McCarthy Ranch Shopping Center”, Milpitas. Starts promptly at 8:45 AM, Breakfast 8:00 AM.







25 2 Pass Ride 120/108 Meet at Omega Restaurant Calivaras/Park Victoria Leave at 8:00am

26 2 Pass Ride 120/108 Continuation






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August 2009

Sun Monday

Tuesday Wednesday


Friday Sat

1 CA2K Synchronized Soaking



4 Planning Meeting Meet at Holders Country Inn 6:45pm start Dinner 6:00










14 Blue Butt Ride

15 Blue Butt Ride Chapter Meeting Meet at Hometown Buffet, 212 Ranch Dr. “McCarthy Ranch Shopping Center”, Milpitas. Starts promptly at 8:45 AM, Breakfast 8:00 AM.

16 Blue Butt Ride






22 Pismo Beach Ride to Brad's Meet at Holiday Inn. Leave 8:00am










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Gold Wing Road Riders Association

Region and District Staff

Region F Director Neil Zack 505-994-4150 Region F Director (Pro Tem)

Melissa Eason (Executive Director)


District Directors Anita & JR Alkire 858-922-2251 District Educators John & Joan Garrett 951-679-4987

Chapter CA2S Staff Members

Chapter Directors Bob & Irene Neitro 408-934-0408 Ass’t. Chapter Directors Mike & MaryAnne Melby 408-963-8392 Chapter Educator Ron Green 408-262-8180 Chapter Couple (COY) John & Debbie Watt 408-287-4147 Chapter Individual (IOY) John Raser 408-268-0367 Tour Director Ron Green 408-262-8180 Newsletter Editor Danny Shewey 408-729-0548 Treasurer Douglas Loyd 408-259-8334 Photographers Mike Melby 408-963-8392 Web Master John Raser 408-268-0367 Chapter Store Verdi Jercha 408-247-1701 Membership Coordinator Jim & Sherry Carr 408-506-2553 Ride for Kids Collection Manager

Douglas Loyd 408-259-8334

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Monthly Meetings—The third Saturday of each month. The meeting starts promptly at 8:45 AM, and is usually over by 10:45 AM. Hometown Buffet, 212 Ranch Dr. (408) 935-0893 “McCarthy Ranch Shopping Center”, Milpitas. Business meeting, Safety Talk, 50/50 raffle, General camaraderie. Any rider of Honda Gold Wing and Valkyrie motorcycles, or anyone who just loves to ride. TGIF – Beginning Jan 2009, these rides have been suspended for awhile. Rides going NorthEast - Mervyn's parking lot on E. Calaveras Blvd. Milpitas (hwy 237 & 680) Rides North to SF - Mercado Theater Santa Clara on Frontage Rd. off Great America Parkway. This is the meeting place for rides that take us North along Hwys 101 or 85 (San Francisco, Marin, Eureka). Rides South - Holiday Inn at Bernal Rd and 101 South. Disclaimer: Please note all meetings are subject to change, both in location and times to meet. If you are interested in a ride or event and have questions, please call or email any staff member noted in the newsletter or on the web.

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Meeting Date & Time


Meeting Location

1st Saturday 9:14 AM Breakfast 8:30 AM


Greenhouse Cafe, 1169 Commerce Ctr Dr., Lancaster

3rd Sunday 8:30 AM Breakfast 8:00AM


Elks Lodge, 8108 E. Alondra Blvd., Paramount

2nd Saturday 8:30 AM Breakfast 8:00 AM


Broken Yolk Café, 1851 Garnet Ave., San Diego

1st Sunday 8:30 AM Breakfast 8:00 AM


Covina Bowl, 1060 W. San Bernardino Rd., Covina

Last Saturday, 9:00 AM Breakfast 8:30 AM


Lulu's Café, 16900 Roscoe Blvd., Van Nuys

2nd Saturday 8:30 AM Breakfast 8:00 AM


IHOP Restaurant, 212 Madonna Rd, San Luis Obispo

2nd Sunday 9:00 AM Breakfast 8:00 AM


Elks Club, 2055 Elks Drive, San Bernardino

3rd Saturday 8:30 AM Breakfast 7:30 AM


Grandma BB's, 539 Vista Bella, Oceanside

2nd Sunday 8:00 AM Breakfast 7:30AM


Hof's Hut, 7005 Knott Ave., Buena Park

1st Sunday 8:00 AM Breakfast 7:00 AM


Knowlwoods Restaurant, 14952 Sand Canyon, Irvine

3rd Saturday 8:30 AM Breakfast 8:00 AM


Carrow’s Restaurant, 2401 Harbor Blvd, Ventura

3rd Sunday 8:00 AM Breakfast 7:30 AM


Grumpy Golfer, 14144 Green Tree Blvd. Victorville

1st Sunday 8:30 AM


Bakers Square, 936 North H St, Lompoc

1st Saturday 9:00 AM Breakfast 8:00 AM

Ca1Z Home Town Buffet, 40390 Margarita Rd., Temecula

1st Saturday 9:00 AM Breakfast 8:00 AM


Neilson's Restaurant, 137 S. M St., Tulare

3rd Sunday 8:45 AM Breakfast 8:00 AM


Denny’s Restaurant, 7900 Collegetown Dr, Sacramento

2nd Saturday 9:00 AM Breakfast 8:30AM


Hometown Buffet, 2050 Diamond Blvd., Concord

4th Sunday 9:00 AM Breakfast 8:00 AM


Jack & Linda’s Country Café , 2390 N Texas St, Fairfield

2nd Saturday 9:00 AM Breakfast 8:00 AM


Pine Rest & Lounge, 19601 Hess Ave, Sonora

3rd Saturday 8:30 AM Breakfast 8:00 AM


Athen’s Burger Rest, 6999 Dublin Blvd, Dublin

1st Saturday 10:00 AM Breakfast 9:00 AM


Sang’s Café, 131 Main St, Salinas

3rd Saturday 8:45 AM Breakfast 8:00 AM


Hometown Buffet, 212 Ranch Dr. “McCarthy Ranch Shopping Center”, Milpitas

1st Saturday 9:30 AM Breakfast 8:30 AM


Brooks Ranch, 4131 S Chestnut Ave, Fresno

California Chapter Meetings and Locations