Ca07 GPforSDEs Talk

Post on 06-Jul-2018

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Transcript of Ca07 GPforSDEs Talk

8/16/2019 Ca07 GPforSDEs Talk 1/18

Gaussian Process Approximations

of Stochastic Differential Equations

Cédric Archambeau

Centre for Computational Statistics and Machine Learning

University College London 

CSML 2007 Reading Group on SDEsJoint work with Manfred Opper (TU Berlin), John Shawe-Taylor (UCL) and Dan Cornford (Aston).

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C. Archambeau (CSML)

C. Archambeau GP Approximations of SDEs

Context: numerical weather prediction (data assimilation)

• Model equations for the atmosphere are ordinary differential equations


• Stochasticity arises from:• Dynamics simplifications

• Discretisation of continuous process

• Physics (unknown parameters)

• Observations are satellite radiances (indirect, possibly non-linear)

• Measurement error

• Decision making must take the uncertainty into account!

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C. Archambeau (CSML)

C. Archambeau GP Approximations of SDEs

Issues with the current methods

Double-well potential Ensemble Kalman smoother

(Eyink, et al., 2002)

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C. Archambeau (CSML)

C. Archambeau GP Approximations of SDEs


Data Assimilation:

• Improve current prediction tools• Current methods cannot exploit large data sets

• Current methods fail on (highly) non-linear data

• Parameters are unknown (model, noise, observation operator)

Machine Learning:

• Deal with uncertainty in a principled way

• Discover optimal data representation:• find sparse solution

• learn the kernel

• …

• Deal with non-linear data

• Deal with huge amount of data

• Deal with high dimensional data

• Deal with large noise

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C. Archambeau (CSML)

C. Archambeau GP Approximations of SDEs


• Diffusion processes• Gaussian approximation of the prior process

• Approximate posterior process after observing the data

• Smoothing algorithm (E-step)

• Parameter estimation (M-step)

• Conclusion

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C. Archambeau (CSML)

C. Archambeau GP Approximations of SDEs

Continuous-time continuous-state stochastic processes

• Stochastic differential equation for a diffusion process:

• To be interpreted as an (Ito) stochastic integral:

Wiener Process:

• Almost surely continuous

• Almost surely non-differentiable

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C. Archambeau (CSML)

C. Archambeau GP Approximations of SDEs

Describing diffusion processes

Fokker-Planck equation:

• Time evolution of the transition density• Drift: instantaneous rate of change of the mean

• Diffusion: instantaneous rate of change of squared fluctuations

Stochastic differential equation:• Depends on same drift and diffusion terms

Alternative representation of the transition density• (Non-)linear SDE leads to (non-)Gaussian transition density

Kernel representation:• Captures correlations between data

• Particular SDE induces a specific (two-time) kernel

Time varying approximation of an SDE is equivalent to learning the kernel(hot topic!)

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C. Archambeau (CSML)C. Archambeau GP Approximations of SDEs

Gaussian approximation of the non-Gaussian process

• Time varying linear approximation of the drift:

• Gaussian marginal density:

• Time evolution of the means and the covariances (consistency):

(see for example second CSML reading group on SDEs) 

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C. Archambeau (CSML)C. Archambeau GP Approximations of SDEs

Optimal (Gaussian) approximation of the prior process

• Euler-Maruyama discrete approximation:

• Probability density of a discrete-time sample path:

• Optimal prior process:

… path integral Kullback-Leibler divergence!

Same stochastic noise!

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C. Archambeau (CSML)C. Archambeau GP Approximations of SDEs

Comment on the Kullback-Leibler divergence

Is this measure a good criterion?


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C. Archambeau (CSML)C. Archambeau GP Approximations of SDEs

Including the observations

• Posterior process:

• Gaussian likelihood with linear observation operator (for simplicity):

• EM-type training algorithm:

where the lower bound is defined as

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C. Archambeau (CSML)C. Archambeau GP Approximations of SDEs

E-step: estimating the optimal (latent) state path

• Find optimal variational functions

• Constrained optimization problem:• ODE for the marginal means

• ODE for the marginal covariances

• Integrating the Lagrangian by parts and differentiating leads to:• ODEs for the Lagrange multipliers

• Gradient for the variational functions

SDE   Likelihood

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C. Archambeau (CSML)C. Archambeau GP Approximations of SDEs

Smoothing algorithm:

Fix initial conditions.Repeat until convergence:

• Forward sweep:

Propagate means and covariances forward in time:

• Backward sweep:

Propagate Lagrange multipliers backward in time (adjoint operation):

Use jump conditions when observations:

• Update variational functions:

(scaled gradient step)


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C. Archambeau (CSML)C. Archambeau GP Approximations of SDEs

Double-well example

Gaussian process regression Variational Gaussian approximation

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C. Archambeau (CSML)C. Archambeau GP Approximations of SDEs

Comparison to MCMC simulation

Hybrid Monte Carlo approach:

• Reference solution

• Generate sample paths from posterior

• Modify scheme in order to increase acceptance rate (molecular dynamics)

• Still requires to generate 100,000 for good results

• Hard to check convergence

(Y. Shen, Aston) 

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C. Archambeau (CSML)C. Archambeau GP Approximations of SDEs

M-step: learning the parameters by maximum likelihood

• Linear transformation

• Observations noise

• Stochastic noise?

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C. Archambeau (CSML)C. Archambeau GP Approximations of SDEs

When things go wrong…

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C. Archambeau (CSML)C. Archambeau GP Approximations of SDEs


• Machine Learning for Data Assimilation

• Modeling the uncertainty is essential• Learning the kernel is a challenging new concern

• Bunch of suboptimal/intermediate good solutions?

• Promising results: quality of the solution & potential extensions

Future work includes:• High(er) dimensional data• Check gradient approach (cf. stochastic noise)

• Simplifications when the force (drift) derives from a potential

• Investigate a full variational Bayesian treatment

• Combine the variational approach with MCMC?

Paper available from:

Research project: VISDEM (multi-site, EPSRC funded)