C O M M U N I C A T O Re026d7ae078930aa7777-a29526f60cc0f7896f0bfc0d10cf… ·  · 2016-06-23based...

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Transcript of C O M M U N I C A T O Re026d7ae078930aa7777-a29526f60cc0f7896f0bfc0d10cf… ·  · 2016-06-23based...

Vol. 19 No. 26

June 25, 2016


Prince of Peace is a …

• Hub of spiritual transformation using God’s Word, Sacrament, and Prayer,

• Equipping us to build networks of vibrant Christian communities,

• Extending to our homes, to our neighbors, and beyond, making disciples of Jesus.

The Prince of Peace C O M M U N I C A T O R

The PoP staff and congregation give heartfelt thanks and gratitude to Meghan Benson, Interim Director of Music Ministry; Gary Rueter, Interim Worship Planner; Lynn Short, Primary Choir Director and Preschool Teacher/Team Leader; Lori Stillman, Community Outreach Coordinator; and Ryan Radke, Audio/Visual Coordinator for their dedicated service to Prince of Peace Lutheran Church and School. These Servants of Christ will be ending service this week from their respective roles. We give thanks and praise to the Lord for their willingness to serve our congregation.

Photos from top row, left to right: Benson, Rueter, Short, Stillman and Radke

Congratulations, Pastor Zelleke!

Grace Ethiopian Church is honoring Pastor Zelleke Alemu this weekend for his 50 years in the ministry. We give praise and thank to the Lord for his service to the Church and this community. Congratulatory greetings can be dropped off in the church office or sent directly to Pastor Zelleke at zelleke_alemu@yahoo.com.

PoP Communicator Page 2 of 12 June 25, 2016

To Weed or Not to Weed? July 7, 9am-noon Do you notice flowers or bushes on almost every inch of our property? Prince of Peace is blessed to have a crew of volunteers that have made our grounds absolutely gorgeous. Please join them and our staff as they weed and mulch on July 7th from 9 a.m. to noon. Our National Youth Gathering participants will also be helping in a show of appreciation for the congregation's support! Please bring your own work gloves and your love of God's creation. Any questions can be directed to Tanya.tucker@poplc.org. Thanks so much!

Old Record Album

Donations Needed If you have any old record albums sitting around your house that you would like to donate, we are currently accepting them at Prince of Peace. The albums are needed to replace the large collection belonging to an individual with intellectual disabilities that was destroyed due to a house fire at his group home. He was previously a housemate of PoP member Tyler Stillman in Woodbridge. Any type of music is acceptable. You may drop the albums off in the church office, marked for Lori Stillman. Or, if you need them to be picked up at your home, please contact Lori at 703-451-5855 or lori.stillman@poplc.org. Thank you for brightening the life of someone with special needs in our community!

Sanctuary Sound System

Technical Difficulties

We apologize for the sound system technical difficulties that have occurred recently in the Sanctuary. Two weeks ago, a major sound component--the matrix processor, which routes the sound signals from the sound mixing board to the correct speakers--failed. To temporarily overcome this, two speakers have been set up on the sides of the choir loft. The failed processor has been sent in for repair and is planned to be operational again within two weeks.

We appreciate your patience during this time and if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to see Rob Lansing or email him at robmlan@verizon.net.

PoP Members Cast

Votes on Several

Important Decisions During the Voter’s Meeting held last Wednesday evening, the Voters reviewed the annual report from the 2016 Fiscal Year (FY) Ministry Plan; reviewed the projections of the 2017 FY Ministry Plan; approved the 2017 FY Budget; elected Erin Summers and Julie Eichhorst to second two-year terms on the Board of Servant Leaders (BoSL); and amended the Love in Action (LIA) charter to align the language of the charter with the intent of the donors. The BoSL members are the “keepers of the vision” under the policy based governance model followed by Prince of Peace. The BoSL approves the annual ministry plan and sets the policies the Senior Pastor will follow as he implements the vision of the church. The annual budget provides the resources for the implementation of the annual ministry plan. Erin Summers and Julie Eichhorst join Chris Martin, Kim Robinson, Dave McLean and Leon DeBolt as elected members (and Pastor Carl and Jennie Smith as ex-officio members) of the BoSL. The new language of the LIA charter clearly permits the Board, which includes the pastor as an advisory member, to provide missional funding for groups whose doctrinal practice aligns with the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. The 2017 FY Ministry plan is built on the goal of engaging members in ministry through better communication, discovery of passions and gifts, and learning to share stories of salvation.

~Pastor Carl

PoP Members Cast Votes on Several

Important Decisions During the June 15th Voters’ Assembly congregational members reviewed the annual report from the 2016 Fiscal Year (FY) Ministry Plan; reviewed the projections of the 2017 FY Ministry Plan; approved the 2017 FY Budget; elected Erin Summers and Julie Eichhorst to second two-year terms on the Board of Servant Leaders (BoSL); and amended the Love in Action (LIA) charter to align the language of the charter with the intent of the donors. The BoSL members are the “keepers of the vision” under the policy based governance model followed by Prince of Peace. The BoSL approves the annual ministry plan and sets the policies the Senior Pastor will follow as he implements the vision of the church. The annual budget provides the resources for the implementation of the annual ministry plan. Erin Summers and Julie Eichhorst join Chris Martin, Kim Robinson, Dave McLean and Leon DeBolt as elected members (and Pastor Carl and Jennie Smith as ex-officio members) of the BoSL. The new language of the LIA charter clearly permits the Board, which includes the pastor as an advisory member, to provide missional funding for groups whose doctrinal practice aligns with the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. The 2017 FY Ministry plan is built on the goal of engaging members in ministry through better communication, discovery of passions and gifts, and learning to share stories of salvation.

~Pastor Carl

PoP Communicator Page 3 of 12 June 25, 2016

Nancy, Rob and Allyson would like to say thanks for prayers

and acts of caring received following Nancy's recent surgery. We especially give thanks to all the folks who provided meals and assistance with Allyson. Your acts of love remind us of the love of God we all share.

With heartfelt thanks, Nancy, Rob and Allyson Lansing


PoP Communicator Page 4 of 12 June 25, 2016

Join us for

Sunday Morning ALIVE

Adult Education Classes

9:45-10:45 a.m.

Lord Teach Us to Pray (now – June 26) Fellowship Hall, Leaders: Pastor Tim and laity. Explore and practice different kinds of prayer. SENT – BEGINS JUNE 5 Room 26, Leaders: Stacey Crosson and David Mahen. Our God is a sending God. How would our lives change if we started viewing them through the lens of being sent? Each week we will

A Place to Heal

Join us for RESTORE!

RESTORE meets every second Monday evening of the month this summer. RESTORE focuses on the healing power of Christ through connection, encouragement, and prayer.

Come for all or part of the evening!

Monday, July 11th

“God Restores JOY”

6pm: Join us for an evening meal

6:45pm: Healing Prayer Service

7:15pm: Connect Time

Our special guest will be Erin Swenson-Reinhold, DMin, LCSW who will talk about depression across the life span and how God can work through His Word and relationships to restore healing and joy. ~DCE Stacey Crosson Minister of Care and Outreach

Over 30 PoP men met at Lake Accotink June 9 for a morning of fellowship, Bible study, and fun.

A great time was had by all! Special thanks to Dave Carpenter and Aivars Baumanis for leading the opening devotion and Bible study time. And a very special shout out to the women’s ministry of PoP – thank you ladies for volunteering to cook breakfast and lunch, serving and cleaning up!


Mark your calendars for the October 21-23 overnight retreat at Meadowkirk (one hour from PoP)

in Middleberg, VA.

Cost is $110 (includes lodging and meals)

Registration opens August 1 (36 spaces are available)

PoP Communicator Page 5 of 12 June 25, 2016

en•courage NOVA

Joy of Words Not Said By Mark Boriak Prince of Peace Member and Specific Ministry Pastor (SMP) in Training For other inspirational messages visit http://www.poplc.org/encourage-nova/ It was after midnight at the end of a long travel day. The fully-packed airplane actually pulled to the gate a few minutes ahead of schedule, but there was a long delay waiting for someone to open the aircraft door, and our early arrival slowly evaporated. The passengers who had jumped to their feet to pull down their bags were now shifting irritably in the overcrowded aisle. I remained in my seat, and someone behind me kept banging a bag into my head. I started to work up a good case of righteous indignation.

Fortunately, I sneaked a quick glance over my shoulder before opening my mouth to complain to the thoughtless individual who had been bashing me repeatedly. My next thought was to thank God that He had kept me from once again embarrassing myself with unkind words spoken in haste. The “perpetrator” was a young mother who had walked up and down the aisle with her little boy hanging on to her two fingers at least a dozen times during the flight. As our turn came to deplane, I helped her by carrying the huge diaper bag that had been the source of my discomfort and her carry-on bag for good measure. She was able to concentrate on her little boy. I am thankful that her impression of me was as a kindly grandfather rather than a surly whiner. She did not have to know the blackness of my heart.

But there have been way too many occasions when I have not controlled my tongue. I expect that you can say the same thing. The book of James tells us, “no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who are made in the likeness of God.” Sometimes I envy the prophet Ezekiel, whom God prevented from speaking for years unless he was delivering a direct message from God.

We do actually have a wonderful message of blessing from God for other people. We have the good news of God’s grace in the person of Jesus Christ. If we could deliver more of God’s message and less of our own, how might that improve everything for those around us? These words from Psalm 141:3 have been one of my daily prayers for many years: Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips! I’m grateful that God answered this prayer one night on a crowded plane, and I continue to pray that He will inspire me to speak only blessings to those around me.

About the Author Mark is a “Lutheran from birth” blessed either with a curious mind and a broad range of interests or cursed with a short attention span. He has been blessed with an amazing wife, Nancy, two “above average” children and four awesome grandchildren (acknowledging that there are no other kind). He has a Ph.D. in theoretical solid state physics and works as a software engineer. Highlights of his service at Prince of Peace include leading a small group, involvement with education including teaching high school Sunday school (which his children have since acknowledged was not primarily aimed at embarrassing them) and serving on the Board of Servant Leaders. Over the past few years, the Holy Spirit has lead Mark to healing prayer ministry were he has experienced God’s power in healing and deliverance both personally and in the lives of others. His hobbies include home brewing, growing orchids, horticulture, travel and running. Mark recently received word from the St. Louis Seminary that he has been accepted into the Specific Ministry Pastor (SMP) program and he will begin his studies this Fall.

PoP Communicator Page 6 of 12 June 25, 2016

Youth Ministry

Sunday School Grades K-6 begin in the Sanctuary 9:45-10:45am Living Water Teen Praise Band Rehearsal 6-7pm Wednesdays No rehearsal July 20 FUEL Wednesday Night Bible Study Senior High Youth Weekly 7-9pm (None July 20) For More Information: joen.schultz@poplc.org


Properties Corner

We Need Your Help!

The Renew? Renew! Capital Campaign is underway and as pledges come in to financially support the renewal process, the properties team is gathering volunteers to help facilitate other projects around the church and school that are in need of completion before renovations begin.

Please consider supporting Prince of Peace by joining the Properties Team to:

Paint areas inside the church/school

Paint the trim outside the buildings

Assist in changing sanctuary lighting

Lay carpet

Clean outdoor signage

Install posts for communication banners

Maintain portions of the gardens Thank you for prayerfully considering the above needs and understanding that our properties team is in need of energetic persons willing to serve the Lord through their generous acts of service to Prince of Peace Church and School. As this process continues, you will receive periodic news and updates about the renovations, including notices or warnings during construction. Aivars Baumanis (703) 451-5513

Check out the calendar on our website:


Prayer & Praise for High School & Middle School Students

Wednesday, July 27, 7 pm, Sanctuary

Rising 7th Graders & 8th Graders are welcome to join all Summer WAVES Nights

Tuesdays, 7-9pm June 28, July 12 and July 26

All Fifth and Sixth Graders are invited

to join Club 56 activities July 7, 1-4pm, Cameron Run Water Park

Meet at Park Entrance. Cost: $10

Summer BBQ and Kickball Tournament July 24, 3-5:30pm

Joint activity with Messiah Methodist Youth Group Meet at Messiah Methodist, 6215 Rolling Road

Beginning Monday, July 11


Room 11 (by the Youth Room)

This group for incoming 9th thru 12th grade girls will be led by Christian mental health professionals and address topics like body image, self-confidence, and healthy thinking patterns.

Cost is $50 for five weeks. There is still room for five more girls.

Text or call DCE Stacey Crosson to register at 571-326-5580.

PoP Communicator Page 7 of 12 June 25, 2016

Prince of Peace Junior Choir Music Camp performers and HIMnals Student Directors are pleased to present

What’s Up, Zak? a fun, 25-minute musical by Kim Ingram and Joe Milton

Thursday, June 30

1:30 p.m. matinee & 7 p.m. evening performance

Admission to What’s Up, Zak? is free,

but a freewill offering is collected to help offset the production and other costs of Music Camp.

Parents, Here Are Some Sunday School Notes:

*Sunday, June 26, 9:45-10:45 a.m. Sunday School Teacher Appreciation and Reception in the Fellowship Hall All children, youth and their teachers are welcome! Some people will be chosen to play: “Are you smarter than a Sunday School 5th Grader?” Hosted by John Durkin *Sunday, July 3 No Sunday School Classes Meet *Summer Sunday School from July 10-September 11 for Preschool 3 – 6th grade

We’ll be using a fun and user-friendly curriculum for our Summer Sunday School from the creator of Veggie Tales. It’s called, “What’s in the Bible?”

Summer Sunday School Schedule: 9:45 a.m. We begin with sign-in and drop off in the Sanctuary - a welcome, review, and 25-minute

video--an engaging scripture lesson for children of all ages. Next, we divide the group in half and go down to Rooms 1 and 2 to reinforce the lesson with a group game, craft or discussion.

10:45 a.m. Parents can sign out their children in the hallway by Rooms 1 and 2. Jr. and Sr. High students will continue to meet in the Youth Room this summer. They will have a couple of small group topics to choose from. VOLUNTEER: We would love some new helpers for our Summer Sunday School program. Please

consider serving a couple of Sundays to give our regular volunteers a break. Check out the Signup Genius to see available slots and sign up.

http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0849a4ad2aabfb6-prince Questions? Contact John Durkin – john.durkin@poplc.org or Kate Bitely – Kate.bitely@gmail.com

Have you read our En•Courage NOVA Blog?

We have a team of nine writers who post on a variety of topics with the intent to inspire and encourage those living in Northern Virginia with the hope of Jesus Christ! It’s a great way to share the love of Christ when you pass on the blog to a friend or post it on your own Facebook news feed. Find the En•Courage NOVA blog at http://www.poplc.org/encourage-nova/ Check out the latest blog written by DCE Stacey Crosson:

“Why am I not seeing the En•Courage NOVA blog on my

Facebook news feed?” a member asked me this week after I shared with her that the

En•Courage NOVA Blog team has been posting on our website and Facebook for over a month now. This member had no idea because for some reason she was not receiving, or seeing, the posts from Prince of Peace’s Facebook page on her news feed page.

Facebook News Feed Help I am no expert to Facebook. I am learning as I go. To research an answer to this question, I found https://www.facebook.com/help/327131014036297 which offers an answer.

What is Facebook News Feed? “News Feed is the constantly updating list of stories in the middle of your Facebook home page. News Feed includes status updates, photos, videos, links, app activity and likes from people, Pages and groups that you follow on Facebook. The stories that show in your News Feed are influenced by your connections and activity on Facebook. This helps you to see more stories that interest you from friends you interact with the most. The number of comments and likes a post receives and what kind of story it is (ex: photo, video, status update) can also make it more likely to appear in your News Feed.” (quote directly from the Facebook Help link providced above)

If you feel you're missing stories you'd like to see, or seeing stories in your News Feed that you don't want to see, visit www.facebook.com/help/335291769884272 on how to adjust your Facebook settings. ~ DCE Stacey Crosson

PoP Communicator Page 8 of 12 June 25, 2016

Greater Than Me by DCE Stacey Crosson


PoP Communicator Page 9 of 12 June 25, 2016

Sahara Challen Cresent Project Update June 2016 by Yvette Moy More than 100 people from around the United States and around the world gathered in Minneapolis for Crescent Project’s Sahara Challenge training. Participants heard testimonies from a panel of believers of Muslim background from Iraq, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Somali, Tunisia. They also went to visit a mosque in nearby Bloomington to share an iftar dinner during Ramadan. Everyone was connected with a regional small group. Meanwhile, People of the Book Lutheran Outreach missionaries Nadir, Georgette and Nora also met Christians from Egypt and Palestine that were attending the conference at Bethel University. They had just relocated from Omaha, Nebraska, after establishing an Arabic fellowship.

The shelter, the first of its kind on the East Coast, serves women by providing for their emotional support through mature Christian friendships. While it addresses practical needs – housing, food and transportation, it also equips each woman according to her calling and gifts, preparing her to live independently. For many, this is the first time they have been without the protection and guidance of a male relative. They will learn how to hear and respond to God’s voice.

SAVE THE DATE: Christian author Kate McCord will be the featured speaker at our banquet on October 29, 2016, 6:30 – 9:30 p.m., at PoP. The director of His Choice Stones met with the Isa Salaam Mission Society in May. If you are interested in being part of this creative partnership to establish a shelter in Metro D.C., contact me at ymoy@crescentproject.org.

Upcoming Events

September 30 and October 1 Al Fadi, a former devout Saudi Muslim, to speak at Immanuel Bible Church, Springfield, VA.

October 15 Bridges One Day at King of Glory Lutheran Church, Williamsburg, VA.

October 15, 16 Crescent Project Founder Fouad Masri preaching at Cherrydale Baptist Church, Arlington, VA.

Just before giving my testimony on disciple making and serving on the prayer team at Sahara Challenge, I stayed at a shelter for new believers of Muslim background. His Choice Stones is a haven for women endangered because of their faith in Jesus Christ. There I met an Iraqi woman, who suffered a fractured skull, a broken nose and bruised eye – barely escaping from a family beating.

Meet and Get

to Know Your BoSL

BoSL Listening Forum 1st Sunday of the Month, Church Office

Come share your ideas, concerns, and desires with members of the Board of Servant Leaders at the monthly BoSL Listening Forum. These opportunities are held the first Sunday of each month during the Sunday School hour (9:45-10:45 a.m.) in the Minister of Care and Outreach office located in the main church office. Feel free to email your questions or thoughts to the BoSL anytime at bosl@poplc.org.

Join us for

Sunday Morning ALIVE



9:45-10:45 a.m.

Lord Teach Us to Pray (now – June 26)

Fellowship Hall Leaders: Pastor Tim and Laity Explore and practice different kinds of prayer.

SENT (now – August 28) Room 26 Leaders: Stacey Crosson and David Mahen How would our lives change if we started viewing them through the lens of being sent? Each week we’ll explore an aspect of missional living and how God has specifically sent us, each uniquely, to proclaim the kingdom of God where we are.

GALATIANS Room 30 Leader: T.K. Kearney

The MUG New Location (see below) Leader: Pastor Carl This come-n-go group offers flexibility for the busy person or parent. The group meets in the side hallway near the church office outside DCE John Durkin’s office. Look for the Coffee Station.

MEN’S FELLOWSHIP Facilitator: Mike Macrina 703-569-5719 or macrina74@verizon.net Meet’s at Milano’s Restaurant Meet and connect with other men over breakfast and great discussion!

PoP Communicator Page 10 of 12 June 25, 2016

Meet Us at the Alley… Sundays, 6pm-12:30am Bowl America Shirley, Edsall Road & I395 Do you like to bowl? Join us for Thrifty Sundays! Only $2 per person per game, $2 shoe rental, and even get a hot dog and small drink for $2 each. Come as you can. The more the merrier! Susan Caputo, (703) 451-486, sh1sc@verizon.net

Board of Servant Leaders Erin Summers, Chair

Kim Robinson, Vice Chair

Leon Debolt, Secretary

Julie Eichhorst

Chris Martin

David McLean


Ministry Staff Carl Gnewuch

Senior Pastor

Tim Christenson

Associate Pastor

Meghan Benson

Interim Director of Music Ministry

John Durkin

Minister to Families & Children

Stacey Crosson

Minister of Care & Outreach

Jennie Smith

Ministry Administrator

Lori Stillman

Community Outreach Coordinator

Nancy Sinclitico


Tiffany Sears

Administrative Assistant

Tanya Tucker


Cindy Holliday

Communications Assistant

Joen Schultz

Event Coordinator Families & Youth

Dieter Stach

Assistant Minister Families & Youth


POPLC School

Cindy Deatherage, Principal Marcel Page, School Registrar

Lisa Long, Administrative Assistant

To contact STAFF or BoSL use

their name in the format: first.last@poplc.org or bosl@poplc.org

To contact a PASTOR use:

pastor.carl@poplc.org or


CHURCH 703-451-5855

SCHOOL 703-451-6177

This newsletter is published weekly as a service to members & friends by

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church & School 8304 Old Keene Mill Road, Springfield, VA

22152-1695 • Church 703.451.5855 • School 703.451.6177 • Fax 703.569.0978

Worshiping on Saturdays 5:30pm, Sundays 8:15am & 11am

Sunday School & Adult Education 9:45am

Submitting Material to the PoP Communicator:

Submissions need to be sent via the web form page no later than 12pm on Tuesday

(early submission is encouraged). www.poplc.org/communicator

Please read through the “Newsletter Policies and Guidelines.”

PoP Communicator Page 11 of 12 June 25, 2016

Faith Stories Sharing your faith story is an integral component in living out your faith. Your individual story makes up the greater story—the story of God’s redeeming His people for Himself. Our stories encourage other believers while God also uses them to reach those not yet connected to Him. You can share your stories by writing them in the “Friendship Folder” at any worship service, or post your story as a comment on the popfaithstories.wordpress.com, or by sending an e-mail to tiffany.sears@poplc.org.

Would you like to be a part of bringing some joy to the students, teachers and staff of VOH? Each year "Papa Noel" and his team of elves give out gifts to the 640 + students and the 75 staff members at Village of Hope School and Health Center. Each grade receives about 8 small age appropriate gifts in a colorful handmade drawstring bag. The students like their gifts but even more than that, they feel the love of Jesus through all the wonderful sponsors and supporters of VOH! The gifts have been donated by many of you in the past and I want to give you the opportunity to be a part of this again. Please contact: Marni Maree at Vohloweb@gmail.com.

Thank you! God bless you! Merry Christmas! Marni Maree, Christmas Project Coordinator

It’s Time to Start Christmas

Shopping For:

The master calendar can be found on our website at poplc.org/calendar. Not receiving the Communicator via email? Please let the office know and we will be happy to

add you to our subscriber list, tiffany.sears@poplc.org.

Special Events Music Camp Performance, June 30

If you’re not familiar with any of the events listed here, please don’t hesitate to contact us! 703-451-5855 info@poplc.org

If you’re not familiar with any of the events listed here, please don’t

hesitate to contact us! 703-451-5855 info@poplc.org

PoP Communicator Page 12 of 12 June 25, 2016

Saturday, June 25 7:30a Men’s Bible Study 9:30a Women’s Bible Study 10:00a GEC 12:00p GEC 2:00p Thrivent Financial Workshop 3:30p Worship Music Rehearsal 5:30p Worship w/Communion 6:45p Bible Study 7:00p GEC

Sunday, June 26 8:15a Worship (Communion) 9:00a Nueva Vida 9:45a PoP Adult Bible Studies 9:45a PoP Children Sunday School 11:00a Worship (Non-Communion) 11:00a Ethiopian Youth 11:00a Jesus First Korean 11:00a Grace Ethiopian 11:00a S. Asian Church Sunday School and Worship 12:30p Grace Ethiopian 12:30p Jesus First Korean 12:30p S. Asian Church Fellowship 4:00p Music Camp Starts 5:00p GEC 5:30p Nepalese Worship 6:30p Thrivent Financial Workshop 7:15p Bells of Peace Rehearsal

The master calendar can be

found on our website at


Monday, June 27 10:00a Moms Club of Springfield 12:30p Music Camp 6:30p TOPS 7:00p CHM I, II, III 7:00p Seekers 7:00p Stephen Ministry 8:30p Men’s AA

Tuesday, June 28 12:30p Music Camp 7:00p Bible Journaling 7:00p New Canticle Rehearsal 7:00p Small Group 7:00p Summer Waves Nights

Wednesday, June 29 11:00a Music Camp 6:00p High School Praise Band 6:30p Toastmasters 7:00p FUEL Teen Bible Study 7:30p Grace Ethiopian Prayer Time

Thursday, June 30 1:30p Music Camp Performance 5:30p Music Camp 6:30p Nueva Vida Praise and Prayer 7:00p GEC BoSL 7:00p Music Camp Performance 7:00p NAMI Family Support

Friday, July 1 10:30a Al-Anon 10:30a Bulletin Stuffers 1:00p The Bible Academy 7:00p GEC Prayer

Saturday, July 2 7:30a Men’s Bible Study 9:30a Women’s Bible Study 1:00p The Bible Academy 3:30p Worship Music Rehearsal 5:30p Worship w/Communion 6:45p Bible Study

Sunday, July 3 8:15a Worship (Non-Communion) 9:00a Nueva Vida 9:45a PoP Adult Bible Studies 9:45a PoP Children Sunday School 11:00a Worship (Communion) 11:00a Ethiopian Youth 11:00a Jesus First Korean 11:00a Grace Ethiopian 11:00a S. Asian Church Sunday School and Worship 12:30p Grace Ethiopian 12:30p Jesus First Korean 12:30p S. Asian Church Fellowship 5:00p GEC 5:30p Nepalese Worship

Please note when sending in your submissions for

this newsletter: The Communicator

will not be produced for the weekend of August 6-7, 2016.

Thank you! communicator@poplc.org