C HAPTER 18 O FFICE DESIGN Dr. Katie Cahill Science 295.

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Transcript of C HAPTER 18 O FFICE DESIGN Dr. Katie Cahill Science 295.


Science 295


Office landscape versus individual offices Cubicles with partitions can provide needed

privacy in the workplace Many office buildings house many different

designs; some individual offices and other open space offices

Office landscape “landscaping” a large office space to create the

appearance or an irregular terrain Use of plants for appearance and to prevent noise Disadvantages of open designs:

Lack of privacy Disruptive noise


Stepwise office design1. Evaluate the needs of the people using the

office2. Identify a range of different design options to

choose from3. Evaluate the designs4. Select the final design, implement it and put it

to use Employees should be involved in all phases

to ensure that all their needs are met


Evaluating different designs Construction cost Ability to expand Running costs Appeal to employees and clients Expected efficacy and effectiveness of use Time until new space is available

Flexibility via new technology Yesterday’s technology tied us to one office Now we can be flexible with location and work



Looks good, feels good, makes for good work Pleasing office aesthetics create a good image

for the organization, help attract and retain employees

Job amenities create a home like appearance Coffee bars Fitness rooms Laundry and dry cleaning facilities Child care On site salons

Increases emotional ties, and job satisfaction and enhances employee performance

OFFICE CLIMATE Affects the workers health, comfort and ability to

perform The goal of office design is to provide the best

possible conditions and minimize adverse factors Climate should not be too hot/cold, warm,/dry,

fresh air without a draft Working in warm or cold

Body maintains a constant temperature of 37 degrees The body generates heat and exchanges it with the

environment To prevent heat loss we increase our amount of

clothing; to prevent overheating we release heat from our skin


Feeling comfortable Temperature difference between exposed skin

and the environment is important Deviation of the core temp by 2 degrees from

the norm decreases ability to perform Large temperature differences across different

regions of the body Energy exchanges

Energy exchange with the environment occurs in 4 ways:

1. Convection2. Conduction3. Evaporation4. Radiation


Depends on:1. Difference in temperature between the skin’s surface and

the environment2. Magnitude of heat exchanges depends on the surface

area of skin exposed3. Humidity

Occurs when metabolic energy generated = heat exchanged with the environment

Acclimatization Mostly by dress Continuous exposure brings about a gradual

adjustment of body functions to better tolerate the climate

Achieved in about 2 weeks


Effects of heat on mental performance Mental performance decreases at room temps

above 25 degrees Brain functions are especially susceptible to heat

Good office climate First choice is AC; if not available, there are other

options: Move air swiftly through the room Stay away from warm surfaces that radiate heat Sprinkle water on the hot surfaces to cool them Rest at the hottest times of the day Dress lightly If cold, dress warmly and sit close to heat radiating


OFFICE LIGHTING Natural light provides a “homier” feel to the

office Disadvantages to natural lighting:

Changes over time Spots near the window can be glaring Workplaces in the rear become too dark

Artificial lighting overcomes these disadvantages Lighten the office ( figure 18-2)

3 main options:1. Direct lighting – rays fall directly on the work area2. Indirect lighting – rays reflect off the ceiling, even

illumination but less efficient3. Translucent bowl – scatters the light but can cause

shadows and glare


Glare-free lighting (figure 18.3) Glare – the experience of intense light that enters

the eye and overpowers the ability of the rods and cones to distinguish shades of gray and colors

Direct – light shining directly into your eyes Indirect – light rays are first reflected and then

enter your eye Avoiding glare (figures 18.4 &5)

Reposition the workplace so that the sources are at the worker’s side

Placing lamps on the left and right avoid glare Placing lamps directly in front, overhead and

behind may can glare (figure 18.6)

OFFICE LIGHTING We need light to see

With increasing light, more rays reach the rods and cones and we can see objects more clearly

Photometry Uses measurements of incoming light (illumination)

to describe to lighting conditions Luminance, the light reflected off surfaces, is more

relevant for vision Recommended office illumination

Depends on objects to be seen and health of the eyes accommodating

Generally 500-1000 lx Table 18-2 Steps to alleviate eye problems resulting

from computer use


Sitting at work – depends on culture Sitting still

Tiresome, but difficult to move about when our work is tied to the computer

Constantly shift positions Erect Standing and sitting

100 years ago, secretaries stood at their desks; the proper work posture eventually became erect sitting

Physiologists studying posture in the late 1800s determined that upright posture was more “balanced” than curved positions

Seats have been designed to support the upright body position


Comfortable sitting End of the 20th century it was accepted that

people should sit whatever way was comfortable Sitting is more suitable than standing within a

small workspace in which we use our hands Sitting:

Keeps our body stable Helps us execute fine motor movements Requires less muscular effort

Office furniture must accommodate for all shapes and sizes, postures and activities


The human body is made for change Sitting erect for long periods can become fatiguing Figure 18.8 activation of muscles during upright and

relaxed sitting Slumping is instinctive to take tension off of back muscles

Sitting for long periods of time can:1. Compress tissue2. Decrease blood circulation3. Lead to edema in the lower body

Comfort and discomfort Subjective judgment based on physiology and

emotions(table 18.3) Use the term annoyance rather than discomfort to

avoid confusion


Annoying seats Typical descriptors include stiff, strained, cramped,

tingling, numbness, not supported, fatiguing. Etc. Circulatory, metabolic, mechanical or emotional

events Improper design features include wrong size, too

high/low, hard/sharp surfaces, no support Comfortable seats

Typical descriptors include soft, plush, spacious, supported, relaxed, etc.

Depends on the individual, their habits, environment

Aesthetics plays a role


Dynamic design (figure 18.9) Design should encourage free flowing

movements Links between person and task

1. Visual interface – computer screen, keyboard2. Manipulation – mouse, keys, pen, paper, phone3. Body support – seat, backrest, armrest

Design for vision Visual targets affect body position Object should be directly in front at about an

arm’s length Tilting the head and neck can lead to eye strain

and pain in the neck, back and shoulders


Design for manipulation Our hands are usually engaged in many different

movements Motion is desirable, but within our reach envelops Figure 18.2 convenient and extended reach

envelops Design for body motion and support

Primary ergonomic goal for laying out a workstation is to facilitate body movement

Active sitting Chairs should be comfortable for relaxed and

upright seating, leaning backward or forward and for getting in and out


Design for variety Recognition that people are diverse has finished

off the one size fits all model Major vertical anthropometrics are used for

baseline Best to have adjustable furniture for the office

Lumbar spine in relation to the pelvis Sitting and moving about the ischial tuberosities Ligaments, tendons and muscles connect the

pelvic girdle to the spine as well as the legs to the spine

Therefore the angle of the hip and knee affect the location of the pelvis and curvature of the lumbar spine

OFFICE FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT Seat pan variations (figure 18.4)

No single layout has found universal acceptance Pan should be short enough to not press against the

back of the knees Should be well rounded Height should be adjustable

Backrest necessary? Some orthopedists state that a backrest is not

necessary because back muscles must act to stabilize the trunk without it

Most believe it is desirable for many reasons: Carries weight of the upper body and reduces spinal

compression Helps maintain lumbar lordosis Relaxation


Backrest shapes Preferred backrest shapes follow the curve of the

backside (figure 18.15) Concave at the bottom for the buttocks, convex

for the lumbar spine straightening for the upper back

Work surface and keyboard support Height depends on the activities Main reference points are elbow and eye height Work surface of a sit down workplace should be

adjustable Keyboard trays can be useful for high



Pick a chair that will provide comfort and support over long periods of time

Incorporate standing throughout the day ( on the phone)

Select a quality computer and keyboard Select a room with good lighting,

temperature control and which is quiet Well being is worth the money and effort you

spend setting up the home office Table 18.4 Ergonomic recommendations for

workstation arrangement


Office designs can be open (lack of privacy and noisy) or closed; most offices incorporate a mix

Proper illumination depends on tasks, objects to be seen and health of individual’s eyes General illumination should be around 500lx

No single seated position is considered “proper” Changing postures is important Furniture should allow for changes in body posture Adjustments in seat/monitor height and

backrest/seat pan angle should be permitted Home office design allows for individual freedom

for workplace arrangements