Byronic heroes assignment

Post on 18-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Byronic heroes assignment

Byronic HeroesFRIDAY, APRIL 10TH 2015

Lord Byron

He was the “rebel” of this


He indulged in excesses

and had huge debts and

many love affairs

His most famous creations

are his dark heroes, called

Byronic heroes, who, in

fact, were not heroes at all,

but stood out from ordinary

humans as larger than life

Characteristics of the Byronic Hero

Please Read

Byronic Heroes

• Hypersensitive rebels that are isolated from

society as wanderers or in exile of some kind.

• This social separation can be imposed by an

external force or self-imposed.

• The Byronic Hero has emotional and

intellectual capacities that are superior to

the average man, which causes him to be

arrogant, abnormally sensitive, and very

conscious of himself.

Byronic Heroes

“The Byronic hero, incapable of

love, or capable only of an

impossible love, suffers endlessly.

He is solitary, languid, his

condition exhausts him. If he

wants to feel alive, it must be in

terrible exaltation of a brief and

destructive action”

Albert Camus, The Stranger

Byronic Heroes link to a Prezi on Byronic Heroes

• Dark, Handsome appearance

• Brilliant but cynical and self-destructive

• A restless tortured soul

Tony Stark

Jim Stark

James Dean from

Rebel without a

Cause (1955)

Edward Cullen


Choose a character from a novel, play, TV

show, or film, that has Byronic qualities. Write

a minimum 5-paragraph essay convincing

your reader that he/she has what it takes to

be classified as a Byronic hero.

For a maximum score, you must have plenty of

examples to support your claim.

Due at the end of the period

100 point quiz grade