BY ORDER OF THE COMMANDER HILL AIR FORCE BASE … · by order of the commander hill air force base...

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Transcript of BY ORDER OF THE COMMANDER HILL AIR FORCE BASE … · by order of the commander hill air force base...





19 JUNE 2019




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Supersedes: HILLAFBI91-201,

12 April 2018

Certified by: 75 ABW/SE

(Mr. Gregory Hoffman)

Pages: 22

This instruction formally establishes and implements the Hill Air Force Base (AFB) Instruction

weapons safety program in accordance with (IAW) Air Force Manual (AFMAN) 91-201,

Explosives Safety Standards, and Air Force Instruction (AFI) 91-202, The US Air Force Mishap

Prevention Program. This instruction applies to units assigned to 75 ABW at Hill AFB

including tenant (stationed or on temporary duty) units at, Utah Test and Training Range

(UTTR) and Little Mountain Test Complex, Utah. Refer recommended changes and questions

about this publication to the Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) using the Air Force (AF)

Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication; route AF Forms 847 from the field

through the appropriate functional chain of command. Ensure that records created as a result of

processes prescribed in this publication are maintained IAW AFMAN 33-363, Management of

Records, and disposed of IAW Air Force Records Disposition Schedule (RDS) located in the Air

Force Records Information Management System (AFRIMS).


This document has been significantly changed and should be read in its entirety. Some major

changes are: Updated program management information, Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)

were updated, chapter 9 had a major change along with some responsibilities better defined, new

major changes to chapter 10, Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance (HERO) section

addressing new requirements, chapter 11 was completely re-written, chapter 12 was added to

provide guidance for hunting on base and Dull Sword procedures were updated. Additionally,

other minor changes have been made throughout the document.

2 HILLAFBI91-201 19 JUNE 2019

1. Explosives Safety Program Management. ............................................................. 3

2. Fire Symbol Procedures. ......................................................................................... 4

3. Munitions Transportation........................................................................................ 6

4. Risk Assessments. ................................................................................................... 6

5. Training. .................................................................................................................. 7

6. Weapons Safety Interchange Meeting. ................................................................... 8

7. Unit Continuity Information. .................................................................................. 8

8. Mutual Support Guidelines between the 75 ABW/SEW and OO-ALC/SEW,

388/419 FW/SEW, AFLCMC/SEW, AFNWC, AFTC. ......................................... 8

9. Nuclear Surety Program Management. ................................................................. 9

10. Units Hosting Incoming Organizations Requiring Munitions Support Will: ......... 13

11. Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance. .............................................. 14

12. Hunting within the ECZ .......................................................................................... 14



HILLAFBI91-201 19 JUNE 2019 3

1. Explosives Safety Program Management.

1.1. Ventilators on Earth Covered Magazines (ECM) remain in the closed position

regardless of serviceability; ECMs without closable ventilators are exempt from this

requirement. Ventilators need not be maintained in a serviceable condition due to the

extremely diverse weather conditions at Hill AFB. Additionally; AFMAN 91-201, para

5.58.2 is not applicable per this instruction. (AFMAN 91-201 para 5.58, AFSEC/SEWC

message dated 18 Sep 18.).

1.2. Prior to conducting any new munitions process, base organizations and tenants must

notify 75 ABW/SEW, Weapons Safety Office. This includes development, test, or

manufacture of any equipment or fixtures directly interfacing with a munitions or explosive

devices. 75 ABW Systems Safety Project Officer determines if a safety analysis is required

and what military standards are appropriate. Submit completed safety analysis to 75

ABW/SE for review and coordination. (AFMAN 91-201, Chapter 4.).

1.3. Functioned or fired ordnance retain the original hazard classification until certified

empty IAW Technical Order (T.O.) 11A-1-60, General instructions for Inspection of

Reusable Munitions Containers and Scrap Material Generated from Items Exposed to, or

Containing Explosives.

1.4. Each group, tenant, or staff agency offering munitions and explosives scrap residue to

the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Services (DRMS), Hill AFB, is responsible for the

inspection and certification required by T.O. 11A-1-60. Qualified personnel are appointed in

writing by immediate commander or flight chief (qualification requirements are contained in

T.O. 11A-1-60). Organizations send a copy of the commander’s appointment letter for

inspection and certification personnel to DRMS. This letter is updated as changes occur.

Organizations not having assigned personnel meeting the qualification requirements may

request support from any organization having a qualified inspector. Inspection procedures

and equipment required to perform this task must comply with T.O. 11A-1-60.

1.5. Fire drill documentation will be maintained at the Consolidate Munitions Control Center

(CMCC) for Munitions Storage Area (MSA) 1 and MSA 2, Oasis fire department for Utah

Test and Training range (UTTR) MSA and Little Mountain fire department for the Little

Mountain Test Facility. Documentation must be maintained IAW AFMAN 91-201, AFMC

sup, para 10.14.1.

1.6. Hill AFB Fire Department (75 ABW/CEF) has prohibited the use of gas or charcoal

barbecue grills within the confines of the fenced in MSA’s as well as within 50 feet of any

explosives operating location at Hill AFB, that is outside the MSA.

1.7. Vegetation control in the MSA is maintained to the semi-improved requirements. Semi-

improved grounds are defined as vegetation maintained between 7”-10” per Air Force

Grounds Maintenance Performance Work Statement (PWS) Template. Additional guidance

or information may be requested from Base Civil Engineering, Grounds Maintenance


1.8. Firebreaks around the MSA must be kept free of dead vegetation and other combustible


4 HILLAFBI91-201 19 JUNE 2019

1.9. The Fire Symbol Tracking System (FSTS) is the avenue used for conveying approved

AF Form 2047, Explosives Facility License information for all agencies.

1.10. Explosives facility licenses are reviewed/documented annually as part of the annual

weapons safety inspection. Units possessing their own weapons safety office will conduct

annual reviews of their explosives facility licenses.

1.11. The 75 ABW/SEW is the OPR for all explosives site planning on Hill AFB.

Organizations requesting site planning actions must route the requests through 75

ABW/SEW and the Explosives Clear Zone (ECZ) committee. Additionally, all Deviation,

Exemption, and Waiver requests must also be routed through 75 ABW/SEW and the ECZ

committee. The requesting organization provides 75 ABW/SEW with all necessary

information to include; justification statement (must include compelling reasons), period of

time the waiver, exemption, and deviation is required, and proposed corrective actions.

1.12. Mixed compatibility group authorization letters are signed by the unit commander (or

equivalent) having responsibility for the assets. A risk assessment must be accomplished and

a course of action to alleviate the situation must be accomplished prior to storing mixed

compatibility groups IAW AFMAN 91-201, chapter 4.

1.13. A pre-task safety briefing will be conducted prior to commencing any explosives

operation. The pre-task safety briefing (Attachment 2) may be used when conducting this

briefing. The pre-task safety briefing must be documented and present at the explosives

operation site. (NOTE: Within the same building is not acceptable; pre-task safety briefings

must be accomplished at the actual location of the explosives operation). Other forms of a

pre-task briefing may be used but must meet the requirements of AFMAN 91-201, Chapter 7,

paragraphs 7.2. and 7.3. The pre-task safety briefing must be approved by the unit’s

Weapons Safety Manager (WSM).

1.14. Unit Additional Duty Weapons Safety Representatives (ADWSRs) perform a

minimum of one spot inspection per month in their respective areas. Spot inspections

conducted over a 12 month period must cover the full spectrum of their assigned operations.

75 ABW ADWSRs will use the 75 ABW Weapons Safety SharePoint page to document

monthly spot inspections (OO-ALC will use the MX1 system).

1.15. The battery in the E-cigarette poses a direct fire/electrical threat to personnel and

munitions. Due to the hazard, E-cigarettes are prohibited in all munitions storage areas. For

licensed explosives locations, E-cigarettes will not be taken into the area where munitions are

stored or where maintenance on munitions is accomplished.

2. Fire Symbol Procedures.

2.1. Areas reporting fire symbol status for their explosives location or structures will use Hill


2.2. Supervisors must ensure there are enough trained personnel with the capability to

change fire and chemical symbols or Net Explosive Weight (NEW) information in FSTS.

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2.3. Fire symbol reporting includes the highest fire and chemical symbol(s), the current

amount of NEW in the affected building, compatibility group or groups, critical item

identification code, risk category, type of building, owning organization and building

number. FSTS is updated each time the fire/chemical symbol(s) or NEW changes.

2.4. Procedures for Hot Pad fire symbol posting during live loads, Weapons System

Evaluation Program (WSEP), exercises or real world requirements involving live munitions.

2.4.1. The 388th Munitions control will ensure all FSTS updates are completed in a

timely manner for any munitions movements within the 388th owned Munitions Storage


2.4.2. The 388th Munitions Control will accomplish FSTS updates for all movement of

munition to and from the MSA. IE: Any munitions being taken to the flight line and any

munitions being picked up from any area headed back to the MSA.

2.4.3. The 388th Maintenance Operations and Control (MOC) will ensure FSTS is

updated for all uploads and downloads from either aircraft or trailer. Effectively 388th

MOC will update FSTS for all other situations besides those covered by 388th Munitions


2.4.4. Weapons Expediters will update 388th MOC with all changes that pertain to

Aircraft Hot Pads, explosive condition of aircraft or Net Explosive Weight (NEW)

changes for all downloads or uploads. This includes all movements from aircraft to

trailer and when aircraft depart or return from flight.

2.4.5. The 388 MXS/Egress Section has trained/authorized FSTS monitors and will

update their own FSTS for any NEW changes. This responsibility will fall to 388th MOC

only when all Egress personnel who are authorized are unavailable.

2.4.6. The 75 ABW & 388 FW Weapons Safety Managers will perform spot inspections

in all areas affected by live munitions to ensure compliance with explosive safety

placarding and safety standards.

2.5. Organizations within the MSA must contact the CMCC to make changes in FSTS.

Organizations without a representative in the CMCC may change FSTS without contacting

CMCC (i.e. licensed locations, Air Force Test Center, and UTTR.). However, contact with

the CMCC is highly encouraged.

2.6. FSTS is updated as soon as practical to comply with AFMAN 91-201.

2.7. The fire symbol for Bldg 30260 remains a Hazard/Division (HD) 1.1 at all times as

directed by the UTTR Fire Chief. (See attached letter.)

2.8. Per AFMAN 91-201, paragraph 10.5, the backing for fire symbols must be of non-

combustible material. The Hill AFB Fire Chief has determined that magnetic, Dura-lite and

E-panel material may be used as a suitable non-combustible backing for fire and chemical

symbol decals.

2.9. The 75 ABW Fire Chief determined that posting of fire symbols on the exterior of

Explosives Licensed Facilities is not required at Hill AFB. Exception; rooms with exterior

doors leading directly into Explosives Storage rooms require fire symbols on the outside of

the door.

6 HILLAFBI91-201 19 JUNE 2019

2.10. Half-size fire or chemical symbols may be used for individual bays on structures where

full size symbols prohibit the proper functioning of the doors. Post full-size symbols

reflecting the highest explosives hazard and applicable chemical hazard sets to ensure

visibility from all approach roads.

3. Munitions Transportation.

3.1. Munitions movements at Oasis Range are considered on the range therefore no

explosives routes are, or will be, established within the Oasis compound. However, all

explosives movements must avoid the built up/ populated areas as much as possible. For

munitions movements, EOD will use the East MSA gate if solely conducting Thermal

Treatment Unit operations. When conducting other operations requiring turn-in of keys,

EOD will temporarily stop in a location that presents the least exposure to the built

up/populated area, and only for the required time it takes to sign in or out keys.

3.2. Munitions movements on Hill AFB will utilize established explosives routes. These

routes can be located using GeoBase ( The routes can

also be obtained by contacting the CMCC or the installation Weapons Safety office. All

hazard divisions of explosives are prohibited from using Gate 112, adjacent to the CMCC,

including the pick-up and delivery of explosives to licensed explosives locations.

3.3. Vehicles and equipment transporting Hazard/Division (HD) 1.4 on base do not require

placards. Publication of this instruction constitutes commander approval to omit the placards

when transporting HD 1.4 munitions on Hill AFB. (AFMAN 91-201, para 8.26.3.)

4. Risk Assessments.

4.1. Explosives risk assessments effecting criteria of AFMAN 91-201, Explosives Safety

Standards, other than Quantity-Distance waivers and exemptions, must be coordinated

through the 75 ABW/SEW. Written and documented risk assessments are conducted when

the risk cannot be mitigated and regulatory compliance cannot be met. Explosives risk

assessments must be approved/signed by the appropriate commander.

4.2. A risk assessment will be accomplished for any identified unique situation. This risk

assessment includes the specifics of the training required and a detailed list of the explosives

items to be used. The responsible unit commander approves/accepts the risk request. 75

ABW/SEW sends the packages to AFSC/SEW for final approval.

4.3. A hot work permit, when filled out, fulfills the requirement of a risk assessment. The

Hot Work permit must be signed by the fire department, the weapons safety office, and the

risk must be classified as low. Routine facility maintenance not involving a Hot Work permit

does not require a written risk assessment. Hot work permits are obtained by contacting the

fire department and installation weapons safety office.

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4.4. The authority having jurisdiction or the commander with responsibility for accepting

risks is determined by the risk category. Once mitigated, if the risk is LOW, the squadron

commander or equivalent can be the approving authority. If the risk is mitigated to a

MEDIUM, the group commander or equivalent is the approving authority. If the risk is

mitigated to HIGH, the 75 ABW commander is the lowest level of approval for accepting the

risk. If the risk is considered EXTREMELY HIGH the 75 ABW commander or higher is the

lowest approval authority. A sample of a risk management letter can be found on our

SharePoint using the URL;





5. Training.

5.1. The 75 ABW/SEW and OO-ALC/SEW provides Initial Explosives Safety Awareness

(course MHPSAF9801105BR), for all AF employees or contractors not permanently

assigned to the MSA/Airfield but whose duties require them temporary unescorted access the

MSA/Air field. This course is conducted every Monday at 1430 in building 180, room 226.

Exception: Personnel permanently assigned to these areas who complete their unit’s

explosives safety training are not required to attend this class prior to obtaining a line


5.2. WSMs, ADWSRs, or qualified unit representatives are authorized to provide annual

explosives safety refresher training for their organizations.

5.3. Each unit with an explosives mission, will develop an explosives safety course for their

unit. Course numbers will be determined by the unit training office, and cannot be the same

course number as another unit’s on Hill AFB. The course must address specific explosives

hazards associated with the unit’s mission. All personnel (supervisory and non-supervisory)

who operate, handle, transport, maintain, load or dispose of missiles, explosives, or nuclear

weapons must receive initial weapons safety training before performing any of these tasks.

Conduct recurring training every 15-months thereafter. The training shall be documented in

PAC, Training Scheduling System or an equivalent training database. All lesson plans shall

be coordinated through the appropriate wing WSM for approval. NOTE: IAW AFI 91-202,

AFMC Sup, Para 9.11.6. (units using explosives safety Computer Based Training are

required to develop site specific explosives safety training and provide this training at the

AFI 91-202 mandated intervals (initial and every 15-months thereafter).

5.4. WSM, ADWSRs, or designated representatives well versed in explosives safety training

can provide the annual refresher training for their group or organization.

5.5. Unit SEWs will conduct annual weapons safety refresher training for ADWSRs.

8 HILLAFBI91-201 19 JUNE 2019

6. Weapons Safety Interchange Meeting.

6.1. The 75 ABW/SEW chairs and conducts the Hill AFB Weapons Safety Interchange

meeting in conjunction with the monthly Explosives Clear Zone meeting.

6.2. Appointed WSM’s are permanent members of the Weapons Safety Interchange Group

and must attend these meetings. Non-attendance is considered non-support of the weapons

safety program and is documented in the unit annual weapons safety report; unless the

absence has been previously reported and approved by 75 ABW/SEW.

7. Unit Continuity Information.

7.1. Assigned units with an explosives mission will maintain continuity information using

the 75 ABW/SEW SharePoint database. Do not post classified or sensitive information in

the SharePoint folders. Use the following URL to access the SharePoint page:

7.2. Contact 75 ABW/SEW for training or questions concerning the upkeep of SharePoint


8. Mutual Support Guidelines between the 75 ABW/SEW and OO-ALC/SEW, 388/419


8.1. OO-ALC/SEW, 388/419 FW/SEW, AFLCMC/SEW, AFNWC/NIEV, will:

8.1.1. Conduct and document annual weapons safety inspections and assessments of

their assigned units and facilities. A formal report is prepared each year and a courtesy

copy is provided to 75 ABW/SEW. Placing the inspection/assessment report in the

SharePoint folder is the preferred method of information transfer.

8.1.2. Initially approve, and annually review, all explosives related lesson plans and local

written procedures (i.e., test plans and operating instructions) for their organization.

8.1.3. Develop Dull Sword reporting procedures for their respective organization. This

instruction may be used to fulfil Dull Sword reporting procedure (see paragraph 9)

requirements. See SharePoint for Dull Sword formatting information.

8.1.4. Conduct new commander’s briefings within 60 days of assignment to the position

for those commanders within their organization that have an explosives mission.

Commanders at squadron level and below may be briefed by the ADWSR.

8.1.5. Work closely with 75 ABW/SEW and the ECZ committee on explosives siting

issues impacting assigned explosives facilities.

8.1.6. Conduct training for appointed ADWSRs assigned to their organization within 30

days of appointment.

8.1.7. Conduct safety investigation on mishaps occurring within their organization.

Notify 75 ABW/SEW when assistance is required.

8.1.8. Communicate with respective Higher Headquarters agencies on matters

concerning their organization’s weapons safety program. Advise 75 ABW/SEW if such

matters effect installation safety.

HILLAFBI91-201 19 JUNE 2019 9

8.1.9. Approve, and advise, 75 ABW/SEW of new munitions operations conducted by

their organization prior to commencement.

8.1.10. Prepare explosives risk assessments for their respective organizations.

Coordinate risk assessments with 75 ABW/SEW.

8.1.11. Annually provide 75 ABW/SEW with their unit HERO ordnance and Modern

Mobile Emitter (MME) listings. The MME listing must include all devices used within

10 feet of ordnance. Additionally, any changes to either the ordnance or MME listing

must be provided to 75 ABW/SEW immediately upon discovery.

8.1.12. Assist 75 ABW/SEW with the yearly review of exceptions regarding, or

involving, their organization.

8.2. The 75 ABW/SEW will:

8.2.1. Act as a focal point for explosives site planning activities on Hill AFB and

maintain the siting database for the installation.

8.2.2. Work closely with units and the Explosives Clear Zone committee on siting issues

related to munitions structures/proposed construction assigned to their organization.

8.2.3. Review installation explosives maps yearly and advise organization WSMs of

changes as they occur.

8.2.4. Attend the Work Order Review Board (WORB), Facilities Working Group

(FWG), Facility Planning Committee (FPC), the Facilities Board (FB) meetings and will

invite specific organizational WSMs as required.

8.2.5. Advise tenant WSMs of any items concerning munitions structures addressed

during the WORB, FWG, FPC, or FB.

8.2.6. Maintain the accuracy of GeoBase, Explosives Safety Siting (ESS), HERO and

FSTS programs.

8.2.7. Assign Explosives Facility license numbers, signs as the approving official on

Explosives Facility licenses, and updates FSTS.

8.2.8. Review explosives safety waivers and coordinates with the respective WSM.

9. Nuclear Surety Program Management.

9.1. 75 ABW/SEW will:

9.1.1. Act as the focal point for the installation nuclear surety program. Utilize the 75

ABW/SEW SharePoint as the preferred mode for accessing reference information and

nuclear surety communications.


9.1.2. Maintain installation surveillance over all matters relating to the Nuclear Surety

Program and implements the required elements of AFI 91-101, Air Force Nuclear

Weapons Surety Program.

9.1.3. Initially approves, annually reviews, and tracks Nuclear Surety training

curriculum; reviews annually to ensure currency (as applicable).

10 HILLAFBI91-201 19 JUNE 2019

9.1.4. Conduct annual program, and random spot, inspections on units with either

Nuclear Surety missions.

9.1.5. Initially approve, annually review and track locally developed publications,

checklists, plans, and other documents impacting the Nuclear Surety mission.

9.1.6. Advise the Wing Commander, senior staff, and supervisors on Nuclear Surety

related issues and program changes.

9.1.7. Manage the Installation Dull Sword reporting process IAW AFI 91-204, Safety

Investigations and Reports and AFMAN 91-221, Weapons Safety Investigations and


9.1.8. Ensure Host-Tenant Support Agreements and Memorandum of Understanding

Agreements, for units with Nuclear Surety program requirements, include the required

elements for mission support and delineate program responsibilities.

9.1.9. Ensure adequacy and completeness of corrective actions for Nuclear Surety

findings and deficiencies found during the WSM inspections, Nuclear Surety Inspections,

and Staff Assistance Visits.

9.1.10. Review and disseminate information from Nuclear Deficiency reports.

9.1.11. Work with commanders, staff, supervisors, and support personnel to ensure

Personnel Reliability Program (PRP) is properly administered.

9.1.12. Participate in the preparation of Safe Haven and Primary Nuclear Air Force

(PNAF) mission support plans.

9.1.13. Emphasizes a Nuclear Surety culture.

9.2. The 75 ABW/CC will:

9.2.1. Chair the Team Hill Nuclear Review forum to address pertinent nuclear surety


9.3. The 75 FSS/CL will:

9.3.1. Enforce Nuclear Surety program requirements.

9.3.2. Utilize the 75 ABW/SEW SharePoint for accessing unit nuclear surety program



9.3.3. Ensure the Military Personnel Section directs and administers the wing PRP IAW

DoD 5210.42-R, AFMAN 13-501, Nuclear Weapons Personnel reliability Program.

This includes civilian PRP in the Civilian Personnel Flight.

9.3.4. Appoint primary and alternate ADWSRs for Nuclear Surety.

9.3.5. Provide appointment letters to 75 ABW/SEW.

9.3.6. Ensure ADWSRs for Nuclear Surety are trained by 75 ABW/SEW within 60 days

of appointment.

HILLAFBI91-201 19 JUNE 2019 11

9.3.7. Determine the number and frequency of Nuclear Surety related spot inspections

the ADWSR for Nuclear Surety will perform.

9.3.8. Attend the Team Hill AFB Nuclear Review.

9.4. The 75 MDG/CC will:

9.4.1. Enforce Nuclear Surety program requirements.

9.4.2. Utilize the 75 ABW/SEW SharePoint for accessing unit nuclear surety program



9.4.3. Establish procedures to ensure assigned clinic and PRP personnel are trained on

the objectives of PRP and the necessity for keeping PRP documentation accurate and


9.4.4. Ensure medical and dental requirements of the PRP are met.

9.4.5. Appoint primary and alternate ADWSRs for the Nuclear Surety Program.

9.4.6. Provide ADWSR for Nuclear Surety appointment letter to 75 ABW/SEW

(maintained in SharePoint).

9.4.7. Ensure ADWSRs for Nuclear Surety are trained by 75 ABW/SEW within 60 days

of appointment.

9.4.8. Determine the number and frequency of Nuclear Surety related spot inspections

the ADWSR for Nuclear Surety perform.

9.4.9. Attend the Team Hill AFB Nuclear Review.

9.5. The 75 LRS/CC will:

9.5.1. Enforce Nuclear Surety program requirements.

9.5.2. Utilize the 75 ABW/SEW SharePoint for accessing unit nuclear surety program



9.5.3. Ensure the Nuclear Certified Equipment (NCE) program is managed IAW AFI 63-

125, Nuclear Certification Program.

9.5.4. Appoint primary and alternate ADWSRs for Nuclear Surety.

9.5.5. Provide ADWSR for Nuclear Surety appointment letter to 75 ABW/SEW.

9.5.6. Ensure ADWSRs for Nuclear Surety are trained by 75 ABW/SEW within 60 days

of appointment.

9.5.7. Determine the number and frequency of Nuclear Surety related spot inspections

the ADWSR for Nuclear Surety perform.

9.5.8. Ensure Host-Tenant Support Agreements and Memorandum of Understandings

and Agreements for units with Nuclear surety program requirements are current and

coordinated with 75 ABW/SEW.

12 HILLAFBI91-201 19 JUNE 2019

9.5.9. Attend the Team Hill AFB Nuclear Review.

9.6. ADWSR for Nuclear Surety will:

9.6.1. Perform Nuclear Surety spot inspections and emphasize Nuclear Surety culture.

Use the SharePoint as the preferred mode for accessing nuclear surety program



9.6.2. Coordinate with 75 ABW/SEW on matters concerning Nuclear Surety.

9.6.3. Evaluate corrective actions for Nuclear Surety findings and deficiencies found

during inspections, evaluations, and assistance visits.

9.6.4. Contact the 75 ABW/SEW for training after being appointed (ADWSR – 30 days,

PRP - 60 days, NCE – 180 Days).

9.6.5. Assist the 75 ABW/SEW in checking squadron’s PRP.

9.6.6. Use Nuclear Surety cross-feed reports for unit mishap prevention.

9.6.7. Ensure unit developed checklists, instructions, operating procedures, and plans

impacting Nuclear Surety are coordinated through 75 ABW/SEW.

9.6.8. Ensure initial and recurring training is documented for unit individuals.

9.7. Units supporting the Nuclear Surety Mission will:

9.7.1. Use the SharePoint as the preferred mode for accessing nuclear surety program



9.7.2. Coordinate locally redeveloped publications, checklists, plans, and other

documents. Impacting the Nuclear Surety mission with 75 ABW/SEW. Examples: Base Support Plan Master Aircraft Parking Plan Integrated Defense Plan Quick Reaction Checklists such as PNAF diverts, Safe Havens, and National

Defense Areas.

9.7.3. Ensure 75 ABW/SEW is a notification agency on locally developed publications,

checklists, plans, and other documents impacting the Nuclear Surety mission.

9.8. OO-ALC/SEW will:

9.8.1. Manage the OO-ALC Nuclear Surety program IAW AFI 91-101.

9.8.2. Will perform the annual nuclear surety inspection, and required spot inspections.

9.8.3. Coordinate with 75 ABW/SEW to ensure PRP is administered correctly.

9.8.4. Review all local procedures in support of Weapons System Safety Rules, if


HILLAFBI91-201 19 JUNE 2019 13

9.8.5. Attend the Team Hill AFB Nuclear Review.

9.9. The 309 MMXG/CC serves as the certifying official for 309 MMXG personnel required

to be on PRP.

9.10. AFNWC/NIE will:

9.10.1. Manage the AFNWC/NIE Nuclear Surety program IAW AFI 91-101.

9.10.2. Will perform the annual nuclear surety inspection and required spot inspections.

9.10.3. Coordinate with 75 ABW/SEW to ensure PRP is administered correctly.

9.10.4. Review all local procedures in support of Weapons System Safety Rules, if


9.10.5. Attend the Team Hill AFB Nuclear Review.

9.11. Dull Sword Reporting Procedures.

9.11.1. Hill AFB WSMs will have an Air Force Safety Automated System (AFSAS)

account. The account is established to submit Dull Sword reports through AFSAS.

9.11.2. When incoming Dull Sword e-mails are received via AFSAS, the organizational

WSM will coordinate with affected organizations.

9.11.3. To initiate a Dull Sword, units will contact organizational WSMs to assist in

determining if the discrepancy is Dull Sword reportable. Information for preparing Dull

Sword reports can be obtained from the 75 ABW/SEW SharePoint page using the Dull

Sword icon.

10. Units Hosting Incoming Organizations Requiring Munitions Support Will:

10.1. Coordinate munitions support with the base safety office, the ECZ, and the hosting

unit. Deploying units do not ship munitions to Hill AFB until storage and handling

capabilities are confirmed; 125-day prior notification is required for munitions support.

Munitions support requests are coordinated through sponsoring WSM and the 75 ABW/SEW

prior to approval.

10.2. Advise deploying munitions specialists of special issue and receipt handling

requirements; identify points of contact to resolve any problems.

10.3. Coordinate the Explosives Aircraft parking plans through the 75 ABW/SEW and 75

OSS/OSAM to ensure aircraft parking complies with quantity-distance requirements.

10.4. Ensure incoming units utilize Hill AFB hung ordnance procedures.

10.5. Ensure deploying units utilize installation and/or sponsoring unit operating instructions

for explosives operations.

10.6. Prepare a familiarization briefing covering safety requirements unique to Hill AFB.

10.7. Validate incoming personnel are current with Explosives Safety Training prior to

performing any munitions operations.

14 HILLAFBI91-201 19 JUNE 2019

11. Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance.

11.1. The 75 ABW/SEW provides the HERO survey package to installation users, EOD,

Munitions Supervision, CMCC and the Fire Department by publishing the package on the 75

ABW/SEW SharePoint site. ADWSRs will ensure assigned personnel are aware of the

HERO survey package and its contents.


11.2. If Electrically Initiated Devices (EIDs) are stored at a licensed explosives storage

location, ensure HERO and personnel handling/grounding requirements are met, included in

the written local operating instruction and explosives safety lesson plans.

11.3. HERO warning signs shall be posted by units where an Electromagnetic Radiation

(EMR) emitter, i.e. radios, cellular devices, smart watches, etc., creates the potential for

inadvertent initiation or duding of EID’s. Information on procuring HERO warning signs

can be found in AFI 91-208, attachment 8.

11.4. When handling unpackaged EID’s you must:

11.4.1. Treat ordnance as HERO UNSAFE if EIDs are exposed.

11.4.2. Periodically ground yourself (prior to handling and at frequent intervals.

11.4.3. Post EMR warning signs at the entrance to work bays.

11.4.4. Do not allow exposed EID’s electrical contacts to touch metal surfaces.

11.4.5. See AFMAN 91-201 and AFI 91-208 for additional requirements.

12. Hunting within the ECZ

12.1. Hunting on base is only permitted outside the Public Transportation Route distances of

all MSA explosives locations.

12.2. Use this URL for additional information for PTR distances and authorized hunting

areas on Hill AFB (base


Vice Commander

HILLAFBI91-201 19 JUNE 2019 15

Attachment 1



AFMAN 33-363, Management of Records, 1 March 2008

AFMAN 91-201, Explosives Safety Standards, 21 March 2017

AFI 63-125, Nuclear Certification Program, 24 July 2017

AFI 91-101, Air Force Nuclear Weapons Surety Program, 15 August 2014

AFI 91-202, The US Air Force Mishap Prevention Program, 24 June 2015

AFI 91-208, Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance (HERO) Certification and

Management, 1 February 2017

Adopted Forms

AF Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication

AF Form 2047, Explosives Facility License

Abbreviations and Acronyms

ADWSR—Additional Duty Weapons Safety Representative

AF—Air Force

AFB—Air Force Base

AFI—Air Force Instruction

AFMAN—Air Force Manual

AFRIMS—Air Force Records Information Management System

AFSAS—Air Force Safety Automated System

CMCC—Consolidated Munitions Control Center

ECM—Earth Covered Magazines

ECZ—Explosive Clear Zone

EED—Electro-Explosive Devices

EOD—Explosive Ordnance Disposal

FB—Facilities Board

FPC—Facility Planning Committee

FSTS—Symbol Tracking System

FWG—Facilities Working Group

DRMO—Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office

HD—Hazard Division

16 HILLAFBI91-201 19 JUNE 2019

HERO—Hazards of ElectroMagnetic Radiation to Ordnance

HHQ—Higher Headquarters

IAW—In Accordance With

MASO—Munitions Accountable Systems Officer

MNCL—Master Nuclear Certified Equipment Listing

MME—Modern Mobile Emitter

MSA—Munitions Storage Area

NCE—Nuclear Certified Equipment

NEW—Net Explosive Weight

PNAF—Primary Nuclear Air Force

PRP—Personnel Reliability Program

SEW—Weapons Safety

SSPO—Systems Safety Project Officer

TTU—Thermal Treatment Unit

MSA—Munitions Storage Areas

RDS—Records Disposition Schedule

OPR—Office of Primary Responsibility

UTTR—Utah Test and Training Range

URL—Uniform Resource Locator

WORB—Work Order Review Board

WSM—Weapons Safety Manger

HILLAFBI91-201 19 JUNE 2019 17

Attachment 2


A2.1. Responsibility

A2.1.1. The crew chief(s) will assign emergency action responsibilities in accordance with

this instruction and provide a safety briefing to all crew members and casuals prior to the

start of each explosives operation.

A2.1.2. Crew chiefs will ensure crew members, casuals, and visitors understand their

assigned tasks within this crew briefing.

A2.1.3. Casuals are persons not normally part of an explosives operation but have duties that

requiring their presence, such as munitions supervision, quality assurance, safety or

inspection personnel.

A2.1.4. Visitors are non-essential personnel with limited access. Visitors will be briefed

upon arrival and operations will stop until they depart.

A2.1.4.1. NOTE: * Crew chiefs are required to brief casuals and visitors all items

that are identified with an asterisk (*) upon arrival.

A2.2. Pre-Task Briefing

Figure A2.1. Pre-Task Briefing.

A2.2.1. Crew Chief of operation (Rank/Name): _____________________________________

A2.2.2. Operation location and nearest phone/radio:__________________/________________

A2.2.3. Explosive limits of operation location:

A2.2.4. Operation to be performed: ________________________________________________

A2.2.5. Munitions involved: ______________________________________________________

A2.2.6. Item Technical Order(s) (T.O.):


18 HILLAFBI91-201 19 JUNE 2019

A2.2.7. Hazard/Class/Division/Compatibility Group/Chemical Symbol(s)/N.E.W.:

A2.2.7.1. Involved in the operation:

A2.2.7.2. Highest present in the building/location:

A2.2.8. Principal explosive hazards associated with this operation: _______________________

A2.2.9. Special handling requirements: ____________________________________________

A2.2.10. Drop Criteria:

Figure A2.2. Drop Criteria.

A2.2.11. Maximum site personnel limits:

Figure A2.3. Maximum site personnel limits.

A2.2.12. Number of personnel involved in the explosives operation:

A2.2.12.1. Supervisors: Workers: Casuals:

A2.2.13. At this time remove all rings, watches, jewelry and ensure only safety-toed boots

are worn. Line badges in a neck lanyard may only be worn if they have a breakaway

connection (wear is also at the discretion of supervision and the crew chief).

A2.2.14. *Casuals/Visitors are present as observers only and will not handle munitions


A2.2.15. When handling unpackaged EIDs you must:

A2.2.15.1. Treat ordnance as HERO UNSAFE if EIDs are exposed.

HILLAFBI91-201 19 JUNE 2019 19

A2.2.15.2. Periodically ground yourself (prior to handling and at frequent intervals).

A2.2.15.3. Post EMR warning signs at the entrance to work bays.

A2.2.15.4. Do not allow exposed EID electrical contacts to touch metal surfaces.

A2.2.15.5. See AFMAN 91-201 and AFI 91-208 for additional requirements.

A2.2.16. Emergency Actions:

A2.2.16.1. In case of emergency, immediately notify Munitions Control by the most

expedient method available (radio, telephone or runner).

A2.2.16.2. * In the event munitions are dropped or involved in a fire, all operations in

the immediate vicinity will be stopped and personnel will evacuate to appropriate initial

withdrawal distances. Munitions Control will determine subsequent withdrawal distances

and locations as necessary. After evaluation of the situation, the on-scene commander

may adjust the withdrawal distance for non-essential personnel.

Figure A2.4. On-Scene Commander Withdrawal Distance for Non-Essential Personnel.

A2.2.16.3. In case of fire, the following actions will be taken by the individuals

identified below:

A2. will activate fire alarm, if available, and evacuate all non- essential

personnel and account for them at the evacuation assembly point.

A2. ____________will notify Munitions Control by any means possible and

give type of emergency, location, item fire symbol, etc.

A2. ___________ will proceed to the Entry Control Point with this book,

unless a greater evacuation distance is required due to type hazard/class of munitions

involved and direct responding agencies (fire dept., hospital, etc.) to the emergency


20 HILLAFBI91-201 19 JUNE 2019

A2. ___________ and__________ will immediately attempt to fight all fires

starting in the vicinity of ammunition or explosives with all available means to

prevent the spreading of fire and munitions involvement. If fire engulfs munitions,

supplies direct heat, or is too large to fight with equipment on hand, personnel

involved shall evacuate and seek safety based on the below guidance extracted from

AFMAN 91-201, table 10.1:

A2. Fire symbol 1. – Do not fight fire unless rescue attempt is


A2. Fire symbol 2. – Give alarm; attempt to extinguish fire if in early


A2. Fire symbol 3. – May be fought if explosives are not directly


A2. Fire symbol 4. – Fight these fires.

A2. * If an evacuation occurs, casuals and visitors will immediately

contact the ranking individual at the evacuation assembly point. Casuals and

visitors will not depart the assembly point until released by the ranking

personnel the on-scene commander.

A2.2.16.4. If an abnormal condition or situation arises during an explosives operation,

crew members are responsible for bringing it to the attention of the crew chief. The crew

chief will stop the explosives operation and seek guidance from the appropriate technical


A2.2.16.5. In the event of an emergency that causes physical injury, the munitions

technician/specialist who encounters the emergency will notify other agencies

immediately by radio or phone (911 for off base) giving the type of emergency and

location. Personnel at the scene of the emergency will:

A2. Cease all operations.

A2. Provide aid to injured personnel.

A2. Try to eliminate or minimize the hazards, if possible, until authorities

assume control.

A2. Direct/escort responding emergency personnel/vehicles to the incident


A2. In case of fire, attempt to extinguish consistent with firefighting criteria.

A2. In case of a vehicle accident, do not move vehicles unless safety is

being compromised or until told to do so by authorized personnel (i.e. Emergency

Services, VCNCO, and Flight Supervision).

A2.3. General Safety Guidelines: Crew chief must ensure the following:

A2.3.1. Prior to the start of the explosives operation:

HILLAFBI91-201 19 JUNE 2019 21

Figure A2.5. General Safety Guidelines Prior to start of Explosives Operation.

22 HILLAFBI91-201 19 JUNE 2019