By Jubran Akram (240542) Instructor...Jubran Akram (240542) CRP-514 Instructor Dr. Baqer Al-Ramadan...

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Transcript of By Jubran Akram (240542) Instructor...Jubran Akram (240542) CRP-514 Instructor Dr. Baqer Al-Ramadan...

The Role of GIS in Earth



Jubran Akram




Dr. Baqer Al-Ramadan



Objectives of the study

Applications of GIS Geological Mapping

Ground water

Mining and Mineral Exploration

Seismic Designs and Acquisition

Petroleum Exploration and Development

Earthquake Studies

Landslide Hazard Zonation





GIS is a computer-based system to aid in the collection,

maintenance, storage, analysis, output, and distribution

of spatial data and information.

In the 1980s many geological organizations (including

petroleum companies began to realize the advantages of

GIS (both 2D and 3D systems).

During 1990s GIS technology established a significant

presence in many branches of geosciences.


To discuss the GIS applications in Earth Sciences

How GIS is useful as a data storage, mapping and

spatial tools etc.?

How GIS has improved project management,

quality control, and efficiency?

Geological Mapping

With the help of GIS, map of any scale can be scanned,

georeferenced and reproduced in any desired scale.

We can bring old maps to one scale, at which more

information can be collected either by field investigation or

by remote sensing techniques to prepare a final updated

geological map.

Topographic image of the northern Arabian Platform (Brew, 2000).

Composite image of selected coverages available at Cornell from within the GIS

including a 3-D perspective view of Syria showing data locations (Brew et. al, 2000).

GIS based tectonic Map of Mexico (Aiken et. al, 1997)

Seismic Data Acquisition and Design

With the help of GIS, we can incorporate real world

information such as terrain, existing access, production

facilities etc. into 3D seismic survey design.

The integration of GIS data to a 3D seismic design and

acquisition process, can help the geophysicist to optimize

the balance of data quality, economics and environmental

impact, of a 3D survey.

Groundwater Studies

The GIS technology is used

To map long-term changes in groundwater

With Groundwater modeling programs

For targeting groundwater potential zones

For identification of sites for artificial recharge

Changes in Groundwater elevation from spring 1954 to spring 2002

(Napoli and Latin, 2003).

Changes in Groundwater elevation from fall 1954 to fall 2002

(Napoli and Latin, 2003).

(Strassberg and Maidment, 1999)

Petroleum Exploration & Development

Data and information are very crucial to the success of

any petroleum exploration and development effort.

Deciding to enter a new basin

Selecting focus area

Licensing geophysical / geological data, prospect


Acreage acquisition, parternering

Exploration, drilling and facilities planning

Reservoir management

Established and newly discovered reserves on part of the Louisiana shelf

Last 12 months of production by field and deepest well by block for Grand Isle and West

Delta region.

Relative percentage of production (in million barrels of oil equivalent) from different

stratigraphic units (Upper Miocene through Upper Pleistocene) for producing fields in

Grand Isle and West Delta.

Earthquake Studies

GIS technology is used

To visualize earthquake hypocenters and epicenters,

faults .

For earthquake monitoring

For earthquake prediction

Display of earthquake hypocenters, their epicenters along with the regional topography

Landslide Hazard Zonation

Landslide Hazard Zonation

the division of the land in classes with equal landslide

hazard (Varnes, 1984).

provides information on the susceptibility of the terrain to

slope failures and can be used for the estimation of the

loss of fertile soil due to slope failures (in agriculture

areas), the selection of new construction sites and road

alignments (in urban or rural areas) and the preparation

of landslide prevention, evacuation and mitigation plans.

( Jasmi Ab Talib ,1997)

Mining and Mineral Exploration

GIS technology is used

To map different geophysical result

For detailed analysis of the above maps

For displaying different mineral deposits

For safety issues during mining


Seismic stability zonation maps of slopes around Lanzhou city.


Why we need GIS?

Enormous amount of data

Easy access


GIS gives faster, more accurate analysis, and better-

quality, highly accessible, end products.

A comprehensive GIS database that incorporates cultural,

geologic, geophysical, engineering, infrastructure, and

business-related data can allow a company to analyze the

different data types more effectively and gain insights that

are not otherwise apparent.


I am very thankful to

Dr. Baqer Al-Ramadan

Saad Siddiqui

All my class fellows