By: Farheen Quest to find the Shadowhunters Codex.

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Transcript of By: Farheen Quest to find the Shadowhunters Codex.

By: Farheen

Quest to find the Shadowhunters


• I really need to find this book( “The Shadowhunters Codex”), it’s important to get all the knowledge I can. Why? Why, because I have to learn as much about Shadowhunters as I possibly can. The Shadowhunter's Codex has all of that precious information, but I can’t find it anywhere. This is not a task for one person, I need help, who should I choose?

Alice Tom


•  Alice of course, she’s read the book, she’ll know where to get it. I talked to Alice and she said she would be glad to help. I quickly thanked her and she said that we should definitely go to Barnes and Noble or this new bookstore down the street called The Book Nook. Where should I go?

Barnes and Noble   The Book Nook


• Barnes and Noble, of course it has every single book a person could imagine. We walked into the store and asked the sales clerk. Do you want to guess what she said? I’ll tell you THEY WERE SOLD OUT!!! After I got done with my rant, Alice got really hungry. We had to decide what to eat.

Pizza            Burgers and fries

Barnes and Noble

• Pizza, duh was that even a question. Well since that’s decided what pizza toppings should I get?

Keep it original, cheese      Pepperoni and vegetables


• Cheese, we ordered our cheese pizza. There was a sales lady that told us that we had to spin this wheel. We span the wheel and we landed on the word exclusive. She said ,that meant that we got a limited edition of the book. Plus, it was signed. It was just meant to be.


The End!!

• Pepperoni and vegetables, interesting combo. We ordered the pizza, which was next to the Barnes and Noble. While waiting the sales lady came up to us and said they had found 1 copy, she apologized for the inconvenience and gave it to me.

Pepperoni & Veg

The End!!

• Burgers and fries, perfect choice. As we sat and ate. I looked around and there I saw a guy in the corner reading, The

Shadowhunters Codex. What should I do?

Approach him Completely ignore the man

Burgers and fries

• Approach him, bold but obvious choice. I went up to him and started asking about the book. He actually seemed to appreciate the communication. And to my surprise said that he was actually done with it, and gave it to me!!!

Approach the man

• How awkward would it be if I actually went up to him? I saw the man leave. Soon, after he left we finished our food. While we were throwing out the trash I realized he left the book there. I quickly rushed out to give it to him, and he thanked me by allowing me to keep it.

Leave the Man Alone

• The Book Nook perfect, hopefully, I’ll find it there since people barely go there. Plus, we can grab a bite to eat. All this book stress makes me hungry.  We went and there was a copy. Yes, I thought but maybe I declared victory a little too early. It was already on hold, and the person was coming to get it today. Well, might as well get something to eat.

Sandwich and some juice      Coffee and a cheesecake  

Book Nook

• Sandwich and some juice, once I ordered it I completely regretted it. It was, so disgusting. That upset my stomach. Not going into, too many details, let’s just say I had to go home due to sickness. We had to plans to go to other places as well. What should I do?

Go Home Continue on

Sandwich & Juice

• I went home, it turns out that I had to go to the doctor's, it was food poisoning. I had to stay at the hospital for a while. While I was asleep someone came to visit me and left me the book. The question is who left me the book? There was no name on it. Plus, when I asked the nurse she said she didn’t notice anyone.

Go Home

• It wasn’t that big of a deal ,I guess I was just a little stressed out. I decided to stay. The cafe staff returned my money, they were closing. Luckily, It was the last day the person had it on hold. I got the book!!!!!


• Coffee and a cheesecake, nice choice once we had eaten our snack we were heading out. Wait!!! I just realized it was my birthday I had to get home immediately. I checked my phone, no miss calls, that’s odd.

Should I call my family? Should I leave it?

Coffee and cheesecake

• I decided to call my family. They acted normal nothing about my birthday. When I got home it turns out there was a surprise birthday party. One of my gifts was the book.


• I just left it, when I got home it turns out, both of my parents had gotten the book for me, for my birthday along with other Shadowhunter items such as Izzy’s whip, and a Seraph blade.

Leave it

• Tom, he had to get a book from school anyways, so I could go with him. There was also another place down the street called the book gallery where should I go?

Half price books Book gallery


• We went to Half Price Books, Tom got his book. On the other hand, the book I needed were all sold out/ on hold, but there were other books about shadowhunters. Which one sounds better?

The Bane Chronicles     The clockwork Princess


• The Book Gallery, well that’ll be the first for both of us. It was a pretty old store, and not many people went there. We went in and there was an old man at the counter. He said, that someone just bought the book, but he had some other shadow hunter valuables.

Tessa’s necklace Izzy's whip

Book Gallery

• The Bane Chronicles, nice choice it has many short stories that will keep me content until I find the shadow hunter’s codex.

 Should I go home?            Hang out a bit longer

Bane Chronicles

• The clockwork princess, it isn’t exactly what I was looking for, but there was some history of the shadow hunters. Once I got the book. Tom decide that he wanted to go to his house.

Go to Tom’s house  Go to my own home

The clockwork princess

• Of course, what am I going to do at his house? anyways When I went to  my house. My neighbor wanted me to baby-sit her child for 30 mines. Since, it had nothing better to do, I said yes. I went to her shelf and saw the book. When she came back I asked her about it and she said I could have it.  

Go to my house

• Since I stayed in the bookstore I started to read the book. A little later this frantic lady ran into Me., knocking me off my feet. She quickly apologized. Stuff had also fallen out of her purse. One of the things was the book. I asked her where she got it and she said she was going to return it so I could buy it afterwards.


• I went to Tom's house, one of our classmates was over and she needed help with her Algebra how. I helped her since there was nothing better to do. Plus she told me she had a late birthday gift it was the book.

Tom’s House

• I went to my own house. When I arrived there was a package at my door it was the book. Along with a letter from my brother at college.

My home

• Tessa's necklace. It was really precious. What should I do now?

Go to Alice's birthday party Keep on shopping

Tessa’s Necklace

• Izzy's whip. I had always adored Izzy. I got the whip and the old man was very kind. He told me to come back when I left. He said that he wanted to give me the oldest version of the shadow hunter’s codex from when he was little.

Should I take it from the stranger Leave it and say no thanks

Izzy’s Whip

Of course I'll take I quickly thanked him.

Take It

• I barely knew him. As bad as I wanted it, not from this guy. When I left. Tom had found a copy from somewhere and gave it to me.

Say No

• I went to Alice’s birthday since I had nothing better to do. When I went, I gave her the gift( Tessa’s necklace (duplicate))and congratulated her. There was a scavenger hunt. In the end my team won, the prize was the “Shadowhunters Codex”.

Alice’s Birthday

• I kept on shopping since there was nothing else to do. I went to Walmart, since I had to get groceries. When I arrived there was a new shipment of books that came in. I looked through them hoping to find books to give to my friend. I did find books for her, but I also found 1 for me. “The Shadowhunters Codex”

Keep on shopping