By Emma Tisdale A Rose. A1: Sequencing The cycle of the four seasons is an important part of this...

Post on 19-Jan-2018

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A2: Cause and Effect Personification gives an object or animal human-like qualities. In line 8, the poet writes, “The rose feels very hurt.” What is the cause of the rose’s pain? Is this pain physical or emotional? How do you know? Support your responses with lines from the poem.

Transcript of By Emma Tisdale A Rose. A1: Sequencing The cycle of the four seasons is an important part of this...

By Emma Tisdale A Rose A1: Sequencing The cycle of the four seasons is an important part of this poem. Think about what season begins the poem and which season would be at the end. Create and illustrate either a timeline or a Thinking Map to sequence the events. Make sure they are in the correct order. A2: Cause and Effect Personification gives an object or animal human-like qualities. In line 8, the poet writes, The rose feels very hurt. What is the cause of the roses pain? Is this pain physical or emotional? How do you know? Support your responses with lines from the poem. A3: Implications and Consequences At the end of the poem, a new rose has come to take the place of the old one. In your opinion, what effect does the growth of this new rose have? Create a Thinking Map to illustrate your thoughts. A3: Consequences and Implications Team Talk: What if the seasons never changed? What would be the consequences for the rose if it was always summer? What if it was always winter? Now independently think and record your thoughts: What would be the consequences for people if it was always summer? What if it was always winter? A3: Consequences and Implications Team Talk: What does the poem imply about the natural cycle of living things? Support your answer. Journal Entry Poets use personification to add interest to and help readers connect to their poetry. Lets practice some! Write a quick example of personification based on one or more of the following: What would your pencil say or do if you dropped it? Tell what your bike, skateboard, or roller blades would say when you use it/them.