By Cameron. How many Wise Men brought gifts to baby Jesus.

Post on 14-Dec-2015

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Transcript of By Cameron. How many Wise Men brought gifts to baby Jesus.

By Cameron

Welcome to my QnA of Christmas Questions

First Day of Christmas:How many Wise Men brought gifts to baby Jesus.


Second day of ChristmasHow many of Rudolph`s eight companions names start with D?

Answer:ThreeDasher, Dancer and Donner.

Third Day of Christmas In what town was Jesus born in?


Fourth Day of ChristmasWhere did Jesus Sleep?

Answer:In a manger

Fifth Day of Christmas How many presents where given in the 12 days of Christmas?

Answer:Three hundred and sixty four

Sixth Day of Christmas What was Joseph’s job?


Seventh Day of Christmas When was the first Christmas card sent?

Answer:1843/By Sir Henry Cole

Eighth Day of Christmas What country did the family escape to?


Ninth Day of ChristmasWhat is the name of the period leading up to Christmas?


Tenth Day of ChristmasWhat country did Christmas trees come from?


Eleventh Day of ChristmasWho brings presents to children in Holland?


Twelfth Day of ChristmasHow does Good King Wenceslas like his pizzas?

Answer:Deep pan, Crisp and even!

Thanks For playingHave a very Happy Christmas.