BVGS Head Newsletter Summer 2012 half term

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Summer 2012 Half Term Head's Newsletter from BVGS Sutton Coldfield

Transcript of BVGS Head Newsletter Summer 2012 half term

What an eventful and exciting

past few weeks! On 1 April after

due consideration by the Gov-

erning Body and following careful

execution through a very intri-

cate process by School Business

Manager Graham Swindells,

BVGS converted to Academy

Status, thereby giving us new

freedoms to take the school

forward in the modern era. On

14 May Chair of Governors

Clive Richards OBE DL an-

nounced the Governors’ plans

for leadership succession in the

light of my impending retirement

in August 2013. Dominic

Robson and I very much look

forward to serving the school

community in our new rôles and to bringing yet further improve-

ments to all aspects of BVGS and

the Vesey Community.

We offer this new ‘enhanced’

eight page newsletter with more

features, more news, more pho-

tos, reflecting the increasing

number of activities and continu-

ing success of the school.

With sincere thanks to all those

involved in supporting the school

and helping to maintain the mo-

mentum of our rapid and dra-

matic developments.

Message from the Head

David Iddon


Bishop Vesey’s Grammar School Newsletter Half-Term Summer 2012

The official Bishop Vesey’s Twitter account is @BVGS1527

New Triumvirate for Stability, Continuity and Progression

Following the news that Headteacher,

David Iddon is to retire in August 2013,

Clive Richards has announced that the

Governors have chosen, under new

academy status, to re-model the leader-

ship team with David Iddon moving to

Executive Head i/c the strategic direc-

tion and business operations of the

school for his final year and with Dep-

uty Head Dominic Robson promoted

to Headteacher i/c the day to day op-

erations of the school, teaching and

learning and achievement outcomes.

This new model for senior executive

leadership protects the tremendous

platform of rapid growth and develop-

ment we have witnessed in recent

years and sets the scene for yet further

improvements in all aspects of school


Upper Sixth Leavers Day 2012

The last day at school is an emotion-laden experience in which joy and sadness intermingle with excitement and apprehension. The bonhomie and

hilarity of fancy dress gave way to recollection and reflection in the final uniformed assembly. The swift changes between fancy dress and uniform and

back again illustrated the juxtaposition of fun and seriousness and typified the relaxed rigour which pervades our school. The Upper Sixth leave with

every good wish for the exam period and for their future careers in higher education and beyond. We say ‘au revoir’ and not ‘adieu’ for we know

our leavers will be back in touch to tell us of their adventures and success in life, beyond the memorable ‘Vesey Experience’.

Old Veseyan Association

OVA Chairman Roger Crees, supported by Com-

mittee Members Peter Randon and Paul Wallis,

along with OVA School Rep Dave Phillips held

talks on 23 March with the next generation of

school leavers to examine how best to make use of

modern-day social networking media to gather

together all those who wish to remain connected to

the school.

Follow us on

Academy Partnership

We are delighted to announce that we now have

formal Academy links with Whitehouse Common

Primary School to help develop the teaching and

learning in Science. See Page 4

A charity set up by BVGS Students Mohammed

and Ali Mirza. More details on page 5.

Twice a year Pam Maskell and members of the 6th Form help out at a local fund raising

event on behalf of the Norman Laud Association. On Sunday 25 March they all remembered

to put their clocks forward and be in position in Sutton Park ready to marshal the 7 Pools

Run. Without the support of the students, this event could not take place and The Norman

Laud Association is indebted to us for our support.

Page 2 May 2012


St Margaret’s Acad(Sipora) 1541.00 Various collections

Kids United Vision 890.04 Non-uniform 27.04.12

Marie Curie Cancer Care 342.91 11W

Cancer Research UK 35.13 7Blackroot

Parents Association News Year 7&8 Disco in Big School

The Spring Ball at Moor Hall on 20 April

was a splendid social event and raised

£6,410 for school funds. Special thanks

to David Jupp and his team for this

event but also for a total of £23K raised

through such Balls over the past few

years. Helen Green, John Beggan

and their team of helpers are congratu-

lated on and thanked for yet another

successful Yr7&8 Disco which raised

£482 on 27 April. Special thanks to

Fiona and Stephen Tomlinson for

running the discos over the past few

years and for handing over so carefully

to the new team of parents.

Vesey diners at Moor Hall. Thanks to all involved in

raising funds for the school. We are equally grateful

to the PAC hospitality team headed up by Amanda

Latham and Sue Lummus who have handed over

to Helen Green and Julie Betty for their kind

assistance in providing refreshments at events.

Annual Art Exhibition

Keeping in touch: Class of 2005……..Where are they now? Seven Years up!

School Captain now Lt Tom Wallis RN, was awarded a 1st Class

in MEng at Warwick, after 4 brilliant years of study and rowing. He

then joined the Royal Navy as an Air Engineering officer and follow-

ing his Certificate of Competency, joined 814 Naval Air Squadron,

based at RNAS Culdrose, working on Merlin helicopters. His career

has taken him to Norway, well into the Arctic Circle, to America on

HMS Ark Royal and to Oman in support of tasking in the Middle East.

He has also spent much time off the cold, wet NW coast of Scotland!

He lives in Bath with fiancée Emily and is to marry on 30 June.

The first Deputy School Captain, Dan Maskell is a PhD Research Student at the BRE Centre for Innovative Con-

struction Materials, at the University of Bath, having graduated with 1st Class Honours and having gained the 2010

Institute of Civil Engineering Award for top Undergraduate Student. He has had several articles published in prestig-

ious journals as well as most recently being invited to present a paper at the world conference TERA 2012 in Peru.

His research into low carbon building materials has the potential to greatly impact the domestic building sector.

Sam Weatherley, (above left) Gold House Captain, gradu-

ated with a 1st Class in Earth Sciences at Oxford, after an

enlightening and enjoyable experience. Beyond his studies, he

enjoyed rowing and singing, spending the long summers in the

Arctic Circle, Greenland and Mongolia as a geologist on heli-

copter supported research expeditions. He is now working on

his PhD using supercomputers, chemical analyses of rocks and

field observations to understand why partially molten rock from

deep inside the earth moves to volcanoes at the surface.

Twins Ken & Henry Zhang went their separate

ways after Vesey. Ken (left) White House Captain

had a fantastic time at Fitzwilliam College Cam-

bridge studying Engineering, learning about jet en-

gines and building robots, rowing, rehearsing for

plays or simply in one of the many College bars!

After 4 years he travelled to Thailand, Cambodia,

Malaysia and Japan, teaching in China before return-

ing to London using his skills to build financial struc-

tures with the Structured Capital Markets team of

Barclays Capital! Henry, Red House Officer studied

Medicine at Nottingham, acted in musicals, went on

football tour and experienced medicine in Canada

and Tanzania. A Foundation Doctor in the London

Deanery, he is now working at St Thomas’ Hospital

with training to become a surgeon due to start in

October. He sees his job as a challenging mix of

academia, practical skills and human interaction.

Sixth Form Help

Please join us at this

year’s Art Exhibition

of GCSE and A Level

work displayed in the

Randon Centre be-

tween 7.00pm and

8.30pm on Wednes-

day 20 June. An excel-

lent event with re-

freshments provided.

Page 3

BVGS Newsletter

Moseley Violins have kindly offered to

be sponsors and patrons of Vesey Mu-

sic, with a financial commitment, as well

as offering a number of services, includ-

ing presentations to younger students

on how to look after instruments of the

violin family. They have also offered to

showcase electric violins, violas and

cellos and will advise older students,

ready to upgrade their instruments, on

how to make their next choice. We are

delighted to have the potential for re-

newed focus on String Instruments and

encourage all those interested to see

Maryann Dye, Director of Music

and/or visit the Moseley Violins website

for further information and advice.

Nathaniel Coxon 11B gains place

at The Purcell School from September 2012

Highly distinguished pianist and burgeoning composer, Nathaniel is excited about

the prospect of being amongst the best students of Music in the country with

nationally acclaimed tuition to help him fulfil his dreams. Our loss and their gain!

Nathaniel leaves at the end of Yr 11 with every good wish for the future.

New performance platform! Busking Week 2012

An initiative to take music out and about around the school at recreation time saw our young musicians playing in the dining room to audiences lis-

tening whilst munching baguettes and the like. The appreciative applause from diners encourages us to repeat this new opportunity for the showcas-

ing of Vesey Music next year. Students participating enjoyed performing in this relaxed impromptu style.

Join the Patrons of Vesey Music Over the past few weeks we have raised just over £5K from benefactors to the school who have joined an ever increasing number of Friends of the

School who have offered significant financial support for the future development of the musical life of the school. This has enabled us to maintain our

curriculum provision, to become a hub for A Level Music, to provide more performance platforms, to appoint a peripatetic vocal specialist who will

develop new choirs and choral ensembles and to offer starter brass tuition across the whole of Year 7. We are indebted to all those who have help

to make this happen. To become a Patron of Vesey Music, please contact Headteacher David Iddon on Tel: 0121-250-5403 for further details.

Moseley Violins

New sponsors of Vesey Music

Soloists Concert is huge success

On 24 April top performing musicians performed a wide variety

of instrumental and vocal items to a capacity audience in Big

School who were equally entertained by our Sixth Form hospi-

tality team. Performers included violin players pictured below:

Victoria Hill U6 who plays at Grade 8+ standard and has per-

formed at Glastonbury and Barcelona Cathedral, such diverse

venues! Philip Reader Yr 7 is already at Grade 5 standard and

plays in B’ham Schools Concert Orchestra. He enjoys piano and

guitar and is a 1st Dan Black Belt in Karate. Please join us at our

next soloist event

Junior Soloists Concert on Tuesday 9 October 2012.

Page 3

Page 4 May 2012

Year 4 pupils engaged in a fun activity organised by Sarah

Sangster, Head of Biology, studying different food types

and the digestive system. The young pupils enjoyed the

opportunity to carry out some test tube reactions. The

visit finished with refreshments before the walk back to

school. The Science Department will continue the part-

nership links with the school over the coming months and

plans are in place to train some Sixth Form Science Lead-

ers to teach primary school lessons.

Whitehouse Common School

Year 4 Science Partnership Visit

Bake me a cake,

as fast as you can!

Want an extra large sponge

cake for that Diamond Jubilee

Street Party in half-term? Then

order from Bridie Curtis Chart-

wells Catering c/o BVGS Dining

Room. Only £8.50 each.

Tel: 0121 355 7458

Local MP Andrew Mitchell with

Sixth Form Envision Team mem-

bers 2012 and pictured above

with members of the BVGS

School Council on 25 May on his

most recent visit to school during

which he spoke about interna-

tional development and his rôle as


Library News Students are currently shadowing books on the

shortlist for the Carnegie Medal. The Medal is

awarded annually for an outstanding book for

young people. BVGS Shadowing Group’s page at

Trip to the Rhineland: Rüdi Götschel, Mark

Keeble, Laura King & Natalie Adcock accompanied a

group of 35 Yr 8 & 9 pupils to the Rhineland. Highlights of

the visit included Cologne cathedral, the Lindt chocolate

museum, the Sports & Olympic museum, a Rhine cruise,

the fabulous Marksburg and an all day visit to the fantastic

Phantasialand theme park. Much fun was had by all, much

German spoken and culture, history and lifestyle sampled.

Planning for next year's visit is already well under way!

25-31 March, the History & Geography Depts joint

trip to New York: Sam Harper, Hannah

Lockyer, Ruth Hearn and Dave Goodwin took

40 students in Yrs 10 & 11 to see the sights of the Big

Apple. A fantastic time was had by all, visiting Central

Park, Empire State Building, Ellis and Liberty Island,

Ground Zero, New York Public Library and Time

Square. Another highlight: New York Knicks beating

the Milwaukee Bucks in a thrilling basketball game.

New York Trip 2012

French Exchange 2012 sincere thanks to Jane Broughton for organising the ‘home leg’ of the French Exchange programme and special

thanks to all host families. The French party had trips to Stratford, Warwick Castle and Trinity College Oxford and a joint trip with English partners

to Drayton Manor Park. Everyone was delighted with the experience and the return visit to Dreux is awaited ‘avec impatience’!

Our thoughts remain with the family and friends of Tom Healy who left BVGS in 2010 to

study Geography at Loughborough University and who lost his life at Easter in a tragic acci-

dent. Over 300 relatives and friends, many from the Vesey Community, gathered with his

family, for the funeral at Christ The King Church in Kingstanding to celebrate his life,

through which he had brought so much to so many others. Our deepest sympathy is ex-

tended once again to his family and friends as they come to terms with this sad loss.

End of Year 11 Presentation

Friday 4 May 2012

Page 5 BVGS Newsletter

International Chemistry Olympiad 2012

Well done to the seven A2 Chemistry students Mark Smyth, Tom Andrew, Jack Whiting, Joshua

Topley, Kim Monks, Jess Garner and Maria Odyniec who competed in the recent competition.

Congratulations to Mark Smyth, Tom Andrew, Jack Whiting and Joshua Topley who all achieved

a Silver Award in the prestigious award run by the Royal Society of Chemistry. The competition involved

them completing a gruelling two hour examination so well done to all those involved.

Year 9 Forensic Science Day

All of Year 9 (pictured above) were involved with a ‘Case of Conspiracy’ during which

they had to solve the murder using different science techniques. The activity gave the

students a great insight into the work of the police and scientists and they all enjoyed

seeing how science is applied in law enforcement. Thanks to the Science Department

and caretakers for making all the arrangements.

An excellent display of team spirit as each Form pre-

sented to the rest of their Year group their memories of

the last 5 years together. For some their Vesey journey

stops here in Year 11 as they venture into pastures new

for others we look forward to them joining the Sixth

Form in September. From all the Year 11 Team we wish

them success in their exams and good luck for the future.

Non-uniform Day on 27 April - £890 raised in aid of Kids United Vision

Congratulations to Matthew Bell, Jack Robinson, Liam

Bashford and Zara Handley L6 who recently attended Cran-

more Park in Solihull to present their work at the Engineering

Education Scheme celebration and assessment The lead engineer

commented that the students work was very impressive and had

helped GKN to improve their warranty returns system.

BVGS students Moham-

med & Ali Mirza in Yrs

10&9 founded Kids

United Vision in 2009 - a

charity set up by kids for

kids. They inspired us to

devote a non-uniform day

to their well worth-while

charity which seeks to

offer help, in particular, to

orphaned children in

developing countries.

Spelling Bee: Triumph for BVGS in

the Regional Finals held at Aston Univer-

sity Vesey boys did themselves and our

school proud. Accompanied by Mark

Keeble, Amarpal Johal, 7R came first

with Aran Sandhu, 7G second in the

German contest, and in a tough French

competition Thomas Edwards, 7R

achieved an excellent fourth place. All 3

students have progressed to the national

finals at Cambridge University on 6 July.

Drama: Sarah Slater reports excellent progress towards a performance of Ro-

meo & Juliet Act 3 Scene 1 at The Main School Presentation Evening on 17 July from a

group of Yr7&8 students who form the Junior Drama Club and meet on Tuesdays

after school.

After-school Cookery Club

A new group of cooks have taken up the course this year

learning healthy ways to cook breakfast, lunch and dinner

dishes as well as healthy snacks and puddings. They have

also learnt basic food hygiene. It was run by Sam Harper

and Hannah Lockyer, with support from Ruth Hearn.

Following exam week there will be an advanced course for

those who completed the basic course last year

Biology Big Quiz

At the University of Bir-

mingham on 19th March,

BVGS A & B Teams came

joint second with two

other teams from a total

of 55 teams from around

the Midlands. The B Team

won the tie-breaker to

achieve overall second

place. A great achieve-

ment to see both our

teams in the final few.

Well done to the B Team

on achieving 2nd place.

Page 6 May 2012

Rowing: Wins this summer at the two regattas attended - Birmingham and Worcester Regatta. At Bir-

mingham the following boys won: J15 double scull Dylan Thiarya & Tom Reershemius, J16 double scull

Steven Mapp & Oliver Higgins, J15 coxed quad Adam Stewart, Matthew McElroy, James Nesbitt

and Ben Woodford. At Worcester Regatta: J18 single scull Tom Breithaupt. Coupled with the race

victories, we have also had lots of students racing for the first time and progressing well. Their own race

wins will not be to far away. Join us bankside at our next event - Stratford Regatta on 16 June. Tom Jones 11B, off a handi-

cap of 4, won the 2012 War-

wickshire Schools Boys Indi-

vidual Championship at Stone-

bridge GC on Tuesday 10

April with 72 gross, 68 nett

Cricket: 1st XI has had a very good start winning 4 out of 4. A convincing 9 wicket win over Wolver-

hampton Grammar School got the season under way after 4 weeks of rain. Hussain Siddiqui was the pick

of the bowlers picking up 3-10 in 8 overs. Monty Foley Wiiliamson led the run chase with 72 no and he

was well supported by captain George Findlay who ended up 44 no. Callum Sandford held his nerve in a

tight run chase in the U19 County Cup against South Birmingham College winning off the last ball. The defeat

of Princethorpe College came after 292 in 30 overs with George Findlay 95no. Matt Heller took 4 for 1

to help dismiss Princethorpe for 124. The U14 team remains unbeaten in 4 matches this season. The U13s

defeated Solihull School in the U13 County Cup and later Princethorpe with Callum Bick 76no. The U12s

recorded their first win against Queen Mary’s Grammar School and then beat Princethorpe comfortably.

Sam Irvine BVGS 1st XV Capt 2002-3

and Veseyans RFC Capt 2011-12

Veseyans RFC, home to many former students over the years, have finished a wonderful season as league winners of North Midlands 3 West (North)

beating Cleobury Mortimer 48-3 to clinch the title and runners-up in the North Midlands Shield with a spirited performance 16-27 running in two

late tries against Droitwich. Zak Feaunati Head Coach at both BVGS & Veseyans RFC is delighted with the progress at both school and club over

the past 4 years. Club Captain and BVGS 1st XV Captain in 2002-3 Sam Irvine is to be applauded for galvanising his squad into a winning team.

Peter Atkins (pictured left) son of retired BVGS Assistant Headteacher Bob Atkins rises high for the ball. Squad photo: Former students and staff

including Elliot Godwin BVGS Geography Teacher and Prop Forward (3 from right on front row). Contact for further details.

League Champions 2011-12


Championship Golf

Photo Stu Small

Photo Stu Small

BVGS Newsletter

Sports Day proved once again to be a fantastic date in the school calendar with the weather holding out for the third year in a row after torrential

downpours all week. With the leader board changing hands throughout the afternoon, the relays at the end, with double points on offer, were the

deciding factor in the race for this year's winners. The competition was fierce across all age groups and for the first time Bishop Vesey's had female

competitors in a variety of different events including the 4x100 relay to finish. Individual performance to note: David James Yr10 who beat the

school record in the 800m in a time of 2.11secs. Many thanks to all the staff and competitors that helped and participated on what was another great

day of athletics. The final standings saw RED and BLUE share first place with GOLD in second two points behind and WHITE house 15 adrift in 3rd.

Sports Day 2012

Birmingham Cup Final

Against a very strong BMET College side, the

B’ham Cup Final was a tougher task than ex-

pected, especially after a string of injuries and

absences stripped to the bare minimum, what had

been a very fit and talented Vesey 1st XI . Vesey

started well and, in blistering heat, found them-

selves still in the game at half-time. In the second

half the team continued to battle hard and se-

cured two consolation goals from Alex Com-

fort (whose celebration matched the finish!) and

from Connor Hunt who helped to make the

score line respectable. A great cup run and a

creditable performance in the final.

World Champion Dan Venables in action

on his way to a win at Graftham Sailing Club

Dan Venables meets Joe Glan-

field Olympic sailing coach and

former silver medallist who gave a

presentation to Year 7 this April

on how to compete at the top.

Finally out in the cup…...

Page 7

Page 8 May 2012

Together we can maintain the momentum

We thank you most sincerely for your kind and generous donations to the Annual Fund which have been gratefully received and which have continued to make significant differences to activities at


Major donors and sponsors have once again offered us help through grants, special awards and prizes, team sponsorship and subsidies which have all helped to develop an even wider variety of

educational experiences for our students.

Balances are currently being accumulated to support Science Block developments with the crea-

tion of further Science teaching rooms.

We are delighted to report that £20k will be claimed through Gift Aid, £9k more than last year. This is indicative of the tremendous increase in donations and the excellent progress being made

through the Vesey Foundation.

The Vesey Foundation

BVGS Annual Fund Review 2012

Parents, Students, Staff, Governors

Old Veseyans and Friends of the School

A sincere thank you to everyone who has contributed