Buying Process

Post on 09-Sep-2015

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process of buying

Transcript of Buying Process

In level A; marketer have to create Attention of the existence of a product or services, in level I; marketer have to make Interest in paying attention to the products benefits, in level D; marketer have to create Desire for the product or service through promotional message and in level A; marketer need to go into Action, that is buying of the product or service. AIDA model describes about level of purchase awareness of a customer for a product or service. The salesman has to lead the customer from one level to next level of the model, that is to say to conduct the purchase following the four AIDA stages: Make customers aware of a product existence, Interest them in order to get their attention to the products, features & their benefits, Produce the desire to benefit from the products offering, Finally get the act of purchase. A successful advertisement can makes it possible to lead a customer from one step (Attention) to next step (Action) of purchase.