Buying a home avoid these mortgage mistakes

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Buying a Home Avoid These Mortgage


By Homestead Road

Consulting a non-local mortgage company

It is a common mistake made by most of the homeowners that they approach a

non-local company.

You need to understand that real estate is local and a mortgage lender from

another state would not be able to ensure quality services in your state.

You are always advised to consult a local mortgage company to buy your


Not getting a mortgage pre-approval

There is a big difference between the mortgage pre-qualification and pre-approval,

but most of the homeowners do not know that difference.

Pre-approval for the mortgage secures the finances, which is not done through


It is because the pre-qualification is issued on the basis of the information that the

borrower provides to his lender but the pre-approval is only issued after reviewing

the credit score, tax returns, pay stubs and other financial information.

Not shopping around

Usually, the homeowners assume all the mortgage companies to be same and

they buy a loan from the lender they consult first.

Well, that is a big mistake you would be making. The interest rates and the

lender’s fee are not same in all the mortgage companies; also, the type of service

they provide varies from one lender to another.

So, you need to shop around, look out a few mortgage lenders, compare their

services and then choose a right one.

Putting nothing or a little down

There are some mortgage companies that allow you to purchase a home without

or with just a small amount of down payment.

Though it is a good idea if you are unable to put a large amount of money down, in

the case, there are other buyers who are offering the seller a big down payment,

most probably the seller is going to accept the offer with big down payment.

Adding too much debt

Another mistake you need to avoid is adding much debt after getting pre-approval

for the mortgage.

You are recommended not to make any other big purchase until you are done with

purchasing your

home; otherwise, it will mess up your debt-to-income ratio and would result in the

denial of your mortgage.

Homestead Road

So, avoid these mistakes if you want to get the

mortgage and buy a home. If you are unsure whether

you would be able to make a right move or not, it

would be better to seek professionals’ help. Contact

Homestead Road to any kind of help regarding

buying and selling a home.